Hashing and encryption functions make good targets for #detection as they are reasonably unique to each malware family and often contain lengthy and specific byte sequences due to the mathematical operations involved.
These characteristics make for good Yara rules 😁
[3/20] The biggest challenge is locating the functions responsible for hashing and encryption. I'll leave that for another thread, but for now...
You can typically recognize hashing/encryption through the use of bitwise operators inside a loop. (xor ^ and shift >> etc).
2/ The script *should* work on the samples that I have provided in the readme, however you may need to change some register values to get it to work on different samples.
In particular, "dp.regs.ecx" and "dp.regs.esp+0x4" may need to be changed. As these ...
3/ cont'd... as these values point to the encrypted string table and key, which will differ between samples. You can re-use the same dump file if you wish, as the code will likely remain the same.