Roadmap to becoming Data Analyst in three months absolutely free. No need to pay a penny for this.
I have mentioned a roadmap with free resources.
A thread🧵👇
1. First Month Foundations of Data Analysis
A. Corey Schafer - Python Tutorials for Beginners:
B. StatQuest with Josh Starmer - Statistics Fundamentals:
C. Ken Jee - Data Analysis with Python
2. Second Month - Advanced Data Analysis Techniques
A. Sentdex - Machine Learning with Python
B. StatQuest with Josh Starmer - Machine Learning Fundamentals
C. Brandon Foltz - Business Analytics
3. Specialize in a Specific Area
A. @DataScienceDojo - Data Science in Industry: This YouTube channel provides insights into real-world applications.
B. MIT OpenCourseWare - Data Analytics for Managers
C. IBM Watson Analytics - Watson Analytics Tutorials:
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