🧵Monthly economic review, with data through February. Biden continues setting one economic record after another, despite the Fed's best efforts to slow the #BidenBoom. 1/
On most key measures adjusted for inflation, we're in better economic shape now than 2019 pre-pandemic. The unemployment rate hit 3.4% in Jan, lowest since '69, then popped back up to the 15 month average 3.6%. Jobs level, real GDP per capita, real net worth...all better. 2/
Perhaps the most important economic measure is jobs from the Establishment Survey:
✅+3.0 million above the pre-pandemic peak.
✅+12.4 million since 1/21
✅+495k avg Biden job creation / month; president with most job creation total is Clinton, who averaged 239k / month. 3/
Wage for production & non-supervisory workers have outgrown inflation if the starting point is pre-pandemic.
Yes, you have higher real wages (more purchasing power) now than in the vaunted 2019 economy, despite inflation! 4/
In fact, President Biden has the highest average real wages (2022$) of any president LBJ to present.
Note also that Carter had real wages nearly $2/hour higher than Reagan, despite the criticism he faced about inflation. 5/
One of the reasons we have inflation is because consumers have so much money to spend. This is a combination of stimulus checks, child tax credit, big wage gains, and not spending on services 2020-2021. Middle 20% has about $10,000 more saved than pre-pandemic trend. 6/
While we're seeing news reports about the amount of debt consumers are taking on, delinquencies on auto, credit card, and mortgages remain historically low, although they have risen recently. 7/
NBER is the organization that calls economic peaks / recession starts. However, 5 of the 6 key measures they use are up since June '22, and all 6 are up six December '21. These indicate growth, not recession. 8/
CBO released the annual "Budget and Economic Outlook" -- always fascinating to econ nerds.
CBO forecasting a recession in 2023, with near-zero growth, higher unemployment, and slowing inflation.
I think '23 will look more like '22 than forecast. 9/
The long-term budget situation is simply that expenses (outlays) grow faster than revenue as % GDP. Outlays increase driven by aging, healthcare inflation > GDP growth, and higher interest on debt. 10/
However, it's easy to argue we have a revenue problem not a spending problem.
Tax expenditures (discounts vs. table rates) are forecast at a whopping 7.4% GDP in 2023; top 20% get half that.
Budget deficit in 2022 was 5.5% GDP, or 3.8% GDP ex student loan forgiveness. 11/
Yes, we have a big revenue problem here: IRS estimates tax cheats cost Treasury about 2% GDP per year or around $500 billion, mainly from the rich. The IRA invests in IRS to help collect this money from rich deadbeats; Republicans crying foul. 12/
The Social Security shortfall (revenue < outlays) for next 75 years is about 1.7% GDP on average.
For scale:
7.4% GDP tax expenditures
2.0% GDP tax collection opportunity
2.0% GDP Trump tax cut reversal
1.1% GDP Removing cap on payroll tax. 13/
This table helps translate the gigantic economic and budgetary by displaying per household, % GDP, etc.
$135T household net worth; $5T of that belongs to bottom 50%.
$30T national debt
Yes, plenty of money at the top to solve deficit "problem." 14/END
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🧵Where does the national debt come from? 1. Recessions, which cause revenue to fall and automatic stabilizer spending (like unemployment insurance) to rise w/o legislation. 2. Tax cuts 3. Wars 4. Recessions, via stimulus legislation 5. Interest 1/ cbo.gov/sites/default/…
Recessions and the responses (automatic and legislative) are the primary driver. 10 of the last 11 started under Republicans. Every Republican president since Benjamin Harrison, who served from 1889 to 1893, had a recession start on their watch. 2/
Budget deficits have increased under every Republican but Eisenhower, and fallen under every Democrat but Kennedy. Deficits increase/worsen 3.25% GDP on average under Republicans, and fall/improve by 3.0% GDP under Democrats. So who's the party of fiscal responsibility? 3/
🧵Monthly economic review, through the Jan '25 data, Biden's last month. First, we added a decent 143,000 jobs in January. We're up about 6.7 million jobs from the pre-pandemic peak, which was regained in June 2022, and 16.1 million vs. Biden start. 1/ fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PAYEMS
The monthly job creation rate had been fading, but surged in the past 3 months to a robust 237,000 average. This was after benchmark revisions, done routinely each year. 2/
No matter how you slice it, job creation under Biden was faster than Trump, even comparing Trump pre-pandemic (180k/mo) to Biden post-recovery (217k/mo). 3/
🧵The MSM created 4 fake crises (Inflation, Immigration, Housing, and Crime), which helped Trump get elected while hiding record prosperity. Here are slides explaining the counter-arguments to such misinformation, plus a few charts and links included for more details. 1/
Facts regarding the false narratives on housing and crime. 2/
Wages & Inflation should be reported in context. Purchasing power is what matters.
☑️Wages have outgrown inflation.
☑️Real (inflation-adjusted) wages have always been higher than 2019 during 2021-2024.
☑️Biden has the highest avg. real wages among the last 11 presidents. 3/
🧵President Biden's economic legacy, in charts. First, the unemployment rate at 4.1% on average is the lowest (best) among the last 14 presidents, for FRED data back to 1948. 1/
The real (infl-adj) hourly wages for production & non-supervisory workers (the bottom 80% of the private sector) averaged higher under Biden than the last 11 presidents. In other words, workers had more purchasing power under Biden than other presidents, despite inflation. 2/
Taking the first two charts together, Biden has the best combination of unemployment and real wages among the last 11 presidents. This is the best reading on the "Prosperity Matrix" of any modern president. 3/
🧵Monthly economic update, through November:
First, job creation was +227,000 jobs, or +283,000 after upward adjustments to Sept & Oct. We're now +16.4 million jobs from when Biden started and +7.0 million vs. pre-pandemic peak regained in June 2022. 1/
🏆Biden is the only president with positive job creation every month in office.
No matter how you slice and adjust it, job creation is much faster under Biden than Trump:
The unemployment rate increased by 0.1% in November, to 4.2%. The historical average back to 1948 is 5.7%. The 2022 & 2023 annual average of 3.6% was lower than Trump's best of 3.7% in 2019. The last 3.5% year was 1969. 3/
🧵How Democrats should talk about the economy, in plain language:
1. Biden has the lowest unemployment rate on average among the last 11 presidents.
2. Workers have the highest real hourly wages (purchasing power) on average under Biden, despite inflation. 1/
If you want job creation, elect a Democrat president. Amazingly, 98% of job creation since 1989 was under Democratic presidents, 50 million to 1 million.
If you pretend the pandemic didn't happen and charge Bush 43 for the 2009 jobs losses, you get 46 to 6. 2/
Biden delivered an incredibly low unemployment rate, best among the last 11 presidents as mentioned. The unemployment rate averaged 3.6% in both 2022 and 2023. Trump's best was 3.7% in 2019. You have to go back to 1969 for a 3.5% year. 3/