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🧵Monthly economic review, with data through February. Biden continues setting one economic record after another, despite the Fed's best efforts to slow the #BidenBoom. 1/ Image
On most key measures adjusted for inflation, we're in better economic shape now than 2019 pre-pandemic. The unemployment rate hit 3.4% in Jan, lowest since '69, then popped back up to the 15 month average 3.6%. Jobs level, real GDP per capita, real net worth...all better. 2/ Image
Perhaps the most important economic measure is jobs from the Establishment Survey:
âś…+3.0 million above the pre-pandemic peak.
âś…+12.4 million since 1/21
âś…+495k avg Biden job creation / month; president with most job creation total is Clinton, who averaged 239k / month. 3/ Image
Read 14 tweets
I love Joe Biden. Watching SOTU a bit late. 👇💙…
That was an excellent SOTU speech with real, tangible ways to help the working and middle classes.

Haven't heard one like that in a while. Very encouraging. #BidenBoom
Paul Pelosi was there, after being beaten with a hammer by a Big Lie conspiracy theorist, and Nancy waved to him across the room and teared up. She looks at him like a schoolgirl with a crush. So sweet.
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Social Security’s Cost-of-Living Increase Will Be Largest in Four Decades

Retirees will learn the amount of the increase for 2023 on October 13th, and the current estimate is that it will be 8.7%

"Rising Medicare premiums often take a significant bite out of COLAs; the premium for Part B (which covers outpatient services, like doctors’ visits) typically is deducted from Social Security benefits. Large increases in Part B can sharply reduce, or even eliminate, a COLA."
"But next year, most experts expect the standard Part B premium to rise very modestly, or even stay flat at the current $170.10 per month.

Medicare officials have signaled that any premium increase would be modest because of the unusual circumstances surrounding Aduhelm,"
Read 12 tweets
Folks keep posting about the #Bidenboom over job numbers as though most people *aren't* living paycheck to paycheck and racking up record credit card debt to make ends meet on wages not keeping up with inflation.
Can you go to almost any retail store or restaurant and find a help wanted sign?


But those minimum wage & near minimum wage gigs aren't the foundation of a healthy economy. Especially not one where the median national rent is about 2k a month.
Celebrating gas being "only $4/gal" isn't helping someone who needs to commute to get to a job paying $8-12/hr and has seen their grocery bill & health insurance increase far more than inflation while they're lucky to see a 3% annual raise.
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Huge jobs report. W/revisions more than 550,000. It's a boom not a recession.

Here's our monthly economic thread:

16 yrs Clinton Obama = 33.8m jobs
18 months Biden = 9.6m jobs
16 yrs Bushes Trump = 1.9m jobs

5 times as many Biden jobs as last 3 GOPers COMBINED. 5x. 1/
Economy has grown 3 times faster under Biden than under Trump. 2/
Unemployment rate now lowest it has been in over 50 years, and is the lowest in a peacetime economy in the post WWII era. 3/

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🧵Biden's economic records indicating a massive boom underway, from those working full-time to corporate profits, with graphs and links to definitive sources. #BidenBoom

The number of people working full-time hit the all-time record in March 2022. 1/…
Real (inflation-adjusted) GDP hit record level in Q4 '21, after regaining the pre-pandemic peak in Q2 '21. This measures the size of the economy for both production and income. 2/
Americans are the richest ever measured by net worth, which reached $150 trillion for the first time in Q4 '21. This was due to stock and housing booms. 3/
Read 9 tweets
Will Biden get any lift for this? Economy added 431,000 jobs in March as COVID fades but inflation soars; Unemployment rate fell to 3.6%… via @USATODAY
Same story. Two wildly different takes. #BidenBoom Business Insider headline : US Hiring slows down. NY Times h
“Resilient economy”…
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Étant d'origine Russe, ayant de la famille sur place, j'en ai plus que marre du #RussianBashing des médias français, et des occidentaux moralisateurs en général. Que dirait les USA si la Russie allait installer des bases opérationnelle avancées au Mexique et à Cuba ? 1/2
De plus, n'oublions pas que les accords de Minsk ne concerne que les territoires de la Crimée et du Donbass. Les termes était l'arrêt de l'avancée des pro-russes au-delà de ces territoires. C'est ce qui a été fait. Poutine ne fait que reconnaître une république qui a déjà 8 ans.
Biden et les représentants de L'OTAN n'ont qu'à arrêter de prendre les gens pour des cons. N'avaient ils pas promis en 1989 de ne pas s'étendre en direction des frontières Russe ? Qui sème le vent, récolte la tempête.

#Ukraine #RussiaUkraineCrisis #Russia #UkraineCrisis #Donetsk
Read 90 tweets
Jobs & Wages are soaring #BidenBoom
About the same number of jobs have been gained under Biden's first 12 months as under Trump's peak (his first 37 months) before the economy crashed.
Democrats always have massive job growth because they always takeover after Republicans tank the economy, is not the killer talking point Republicans think it is
Read 3 tweets
Oops they’re doing it again. Republican members of Congress want to be seen as voting in lockstep with their party but they also want credit when the legislation crafted & passed by #Democrats pay huge dividends for their constituents. #WeSeeYou👀 1/20 #DemocratsDeliver
This article, from Jan. 20, 2022 By Steve Benen tells the story of the double-dealing, mealy-mouthed, two-faced, weaselly, yellow-bellied, two-timing, lying Republican swine. The article doesn’t use those words but draw your own conclusions. 2/20…
“Around this time 12 years ago, as investments from Barack Obama's Recovery Act started reaching communities nationwide, Republicans who opposed the economic package started showing up at ribbon-cutting ceremonies.”3/20 #RepublicanHypocrisy
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Democrats’ odds in 2022 are directly linked to Biden’s approval rating:

The higher it gets, the better our chances.

So how can we help?

By arming ourselves with facts and spreading the word - loudly and proudly - about what he’s gotten done. Image

Joe Biden successfully distributed 100Ms of vaccines to 100Ms of Americans in the most effective public health effort in American history, saving 100Ks of lives.

If your life is in any way back to normal from the depths of the pandemic, you have Joe Biden to thank.

As of today, Joe Biden has helped create nearly 5 million jobs, more than any other President in their first 10 months, with wages up nearly 5% year-over-year.

And the unemployment rate is down to 4.8% from 6.3% in January 2021 when he took office.
Read 92 tweets

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