A German chemical conglomerate with a fascinating and controversial past. Founded in 1925, the company played a significant role in the development of the German economy and had a dark side during WWII. #history#IGFarben
💼 I.G. Farben was formed as a merger of six leading German chemical companies: BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, Agfa, Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron, and Chemische Fabrik vorm. Weiler Ter Meer. The merger aimed to consolidate the German chemical industry and increase its… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
🚀 The company quickly became a global powerhouse in the chemical industry. They developed synthetic gasoline, rubber, and materials like Zyklon B, which was later misused in WWII. I.G. Farben also pioneered the production of synthetic dyes and pharmaceuticals.
🌐 I.G. Farben's influence extended beyond Germany, as they built relationships with international companies like Standard Oil and DuPont. These connections facilitated technological exchanges and allowed I.G. Farben to gain a foothold in the global market.
⚗️ One of I.G. Farben's most significant innovations was the development of the Haber-Bosch process. This method of synthesizing ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen was crucial in producing fertilizers that increased global agricultural production.
🌱 I.G. Farben was also instrumental in the invention of polymer materials like polyurethane and polystyrene, which revolutionized the plastics industry and provided.
🔬 During the 1930s, I.G. Farben became entwined with the Nazi regime. They benefited from government contracts and the seizure of foreign assets. The company's growth during this period was fueled by their involvement in the production of military supplies, chemicals, and… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
On a side note this diagram shows shows the connections IG Farben had to Wall Street and influential American institutions.
If you would like to explore these connections further I suggest reading “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler” by Anthony C. Surtton. It is an impeccably researched book that exposes the fact that without these American institutions, Hitler could have never archive.org/details/wallst…… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
🏭 Perhaps the darkest chapter in I.G. Farben's history is their involvement in the Holocaust. They built and operated a synthetic rubber and fuel plant at Auschwitz, known as Buna-Werke, using forced labor from concentration camp prisoners.
💀 I.G. Farben's production of Zyklon B, originally developed as a pesticide, took a horrific turn when it was used in gas chambers to murder millions of innocent people during the Holocaust.
One post-war investigation by the U.S, War Department concluded that:
“Without I. G.'s immense productive facilities, its intense research, and vast international affiliations, Germany's prosecution of the war would have been unthinkable and impossible; Farben not only directed… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
In a letter from IG Farben to the camp of Aushwitz show the cold evil practiced by the company:
“In contemplation of experiments with a new soporific drug, we would appreciate your procuring for us a number of women . . . . We received your answer but consider the price of 200… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Images from the forced labor facilities.
Images from the forced labor facilities.
🕵️♀️ After WWII, the Allies dissolved I.G. Farben due to its collaboration with the Nazi regime. The Nuremberg Trials saw 24 I.G. Farben executives charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity. Some were found guilty and received prison sentences.
💔 In 1952, I.G. Farben's assets were divided among its original founding companies: BASF, Bayer, and Hoechst (later becoming Sanofi). These companies still exist today and continue to play a significant role in the global chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
In modern times Bayer Schering AG became the largest producer of bith control pills and recently acquired Monsanto who is responsible for Round-Up the weed killer that has been accused of poisoning the entire earth via glyphosate which has been proven to be carcinogenic.
A paper from The BMJ discussing the potential carcinogenic effects of glyphosate.
Bayer also teamed up CureVac to produce their own mRNA vaccine but the trials flopped with only 47% effectiveness, whatever that means.
BASF built the chemical factory IG Auschwitz the largest chemical factory in the world at the time. It also produced Zyklon-B which was used to exterminate prisoners of Auschwitz. It assisted with with Bayers acquisition of Monsanto by purchasing its cnbc.com/amp/2018/05/29…… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
BASF is also a leading player in the production of Lipid nanotechnology.
In September 1955, Hoechst appointed Friedrich Jaehne, a convicted war criminal from the Nuremberg trials, as chairman of its supervisory board.
Also, a year later, Bayer appointed Fitz ter Meer, another convicted war criminal, as chairman of its board.
🕊️ The legacy of I.G. Farben serves as a reminder of the powerful impact corporations can have on society. While I.G. Farben contributed to scientific advancements and the growth of the German economy, their involvement in WWII atrocities left an indelible stain on their… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
🌎 Today, the successor companies of I.G. Farben—BASF, Bayer, and Sanofi—have tried to distance themselves from their controversial past. They focus on producing products in the fields of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture worldwide. Combined they own the largest market… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
🌟 The story of I.G. Farben is a complex one, illustrating how innovation and progress can be overshadowed by dark chapters in history. It's essential to remember the lessons of the past and strive for ethical business practice. Unfortunately it’s seems these lessons haven’t been… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
📖 Want to learn more about I.G. Farben and its impact on history? Here are some resources to check out:
•"The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben" by Joseph Borkin
🔁 If you found this thread on I.G. Farben informative and thought-provoking, please share it with others who might be interested and consider giving me a follow. #thread#IGFarben#historylesson
Here is a list to explore the other threads I have made. 👇🏻
Aspartame, the sweetener used as an ingredient in approximately 6,000 consumer foods and beverages sold worldwide has a dark history of controversy, political influence, and questionable science.
Let’s dive into the scandal that shaped one of the most consumed food additives in the world.
Discovered accidentally in 1965 by James Schlatter at G.D. Searle, aspartame was touted as a miracle low-calorie sweetener. But its approval process revealed troubling findings, including animal studies showing harmful effects.
In 1977, 98 of 196 infant mice exposed to aspartame died during an FDA investigation. The findings, later published as the Bressler Report, highlighted severe data manipulation and negligence by Searle. The report was kept under seal by the FDA for 3 decades.
This lady goes on CNN to do the “cOrReLatIon dOeS’nT iMpLy cAuSaTioN” routine and try to discredit RFK Jr. So I post a link with studies in the comments and she proceeds to reply 4 times calling me a joke, an antivaxxer and just generally being a condescending know it all.
This prompted me to have a look at her profile.
Her background/story?
A “former antivax mom” who has seen the light and now studies nursing while preaching the pro-vaccine gospel, repenting for her former antivax sins.
Her profile links to backtothevax.com. Catchy name. Let’s have look.
Such a noble calling, masking up and becoming an antivax apostate to ensure every last child gets their product injections.
So heartwarming. Ok no big deal thus far right, just a worried mom trying to right her past sins. However I just couldn’t shake the feeling that something was up. After all I have some experience with these types.
You know, they masquerade as independent, science promoters who are simply trying to do right by humanity but in reality they are invariably funded by big pharma or the government.
I decided to have a good look at the website and on the “about us” page it links to:
Looking for a place to dismantle your antivax beliefs? Go through them one by one and see if they hold water. vaxopedia.org
Deplatform Disease
Edward Nierenberg, BSc and aspiring medical student gets technical about things like MTHFR and why you shouldnt skip vitamin k at birth. deplatformdisease.com
Debunk the Funk
“Dr Wilson, molecular biologist debunks popular misinformation spread by the disinformation dozen.”
They even have their own podcast unimaginatively named the “Back to the Vax: A Journey Back to Evidence Based Medicine”
Annual Summary of Vital Statistics:
Trends in the Health of Americans During the 20th Century
Next time someone tells you 💉’s are the world’s savior, responsible for saving countless lives, show them this.
Straight from Pediatrics.
There are 3 instances where they specifically and pointedly state that childhood mortality declines aren’t because of 💉’s.
“For children older than 1 year of age, the overall decline in mortality experienced during the 20th century has been spectacular (Fig 8). In 1900 >3 in 100 children died between their first and 20th birthday; today, <2 in 1000 die.”
“Nearly 85% of this decline took place before World War II, a period when few antibiotics or modern vaccines and medications were available.”
“Vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis became available during the late 1920s but only widely used in routine pediatric practice after World War II. Thus vaccination does not account for the impressive declines in mortality seen in the first half of the century.”
A new whistleblower has come forward alleging the second assassination attempt on Trump may have been a Secret Service inside job.
For those who are saying that the letter doesn’t say the whistleblower is alleging it could be an inside job, please explain how you interpret:
“alleges there are "known vulnerabilities" in the fence line surrounding the course: places that offer a clear line of sight to the former president and others playing the course. As a result, the whistleblower alleges it has been Secret Service protocol to "post up" agents at these vulnerable spots when Trump visits the course. That apparently did not happen on September 15. Instead, the gunman was permitted to remain along or near the fence line for some 12 hours.”
What does that imply? Quit being deliberately dense. How was the guy allowed to roam around for 12 hours with an AK-47? Especially if they knew of the security vulnerabilities?
Sure, it’s all just incompetence, every single time.
Here is a full list of the 114 former national security and foreign policy officials who signed a letter in support of Kamala Harris for President.
They have served in the administrations of Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and/or Donald Trump, or as Republican Members of Congress.
If you ever wanted to know who is in the American Deep State on the GOP side, this is a good place to start.
•1. Admiral Steve Abbot - USN (Ret.), Former Deputy Homeland Security Advisor, George W. Bush Administration
•2. Kenneth Adelman - Former Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Reagan Administration
•3. Dr. Carol C. Adelman - Former Assistant Administrator, United States Agency for International Development, Reagan Administration
•4. Major General John Barry - USAF (Ret.), Former Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
•5. Richard C. Barth - Former Assistant Secretary, Department of Homeland Security, George W. Bush Administration
•6. Christopher Barton - Former Director, National Security Council Staff
•7. John Bellinger - Former Legal Adviser, National Security Council, George W. Bush Administration
•8. Admiral Kenneth Bernard - Former Special Assistant to the President, George W. Bush Administration
•9. Mark E. Bitterman - Former Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, George H.W. Bush Administration
•10. Robert D. Blackwill - Former Deputy National Security Advisor and Ambassador to India, George W. Bush Administration
•11. William Bodie - Former Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, George W. Bush Administration
•12. Christian M.L. Bonat - Former Deputy General Counsel, Dept. of Defense, George W. Bush Administration and Obama Administration
•13. Richard Boucher - Former Assistant Secretary of State, George W. Bush Administration
•14. Charles W. Boustany, Jr. - Former Member of Congress, Louisiana
•15. Charles R. Bowers - Former U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia, George H.W. Bush Administration
•16. Greg Brower - Former Assistant Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Obama and Trump Administrations
•17. Christopher Buckley - Former Chief Speechwriter, Office of Vice President George H.W. Bush
•18. James R. Bullington - Former U.S. Ambassador to Burundi, Reagan Administration
•19. Richard Burt - Former U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Reagan Administration
•20. Gahl Hodges Burt - Former Assistant to the Secretary of State, Reagan Administration
•21. Rear Admiral Fred Byus - U.S. Navy (Ret.)
•22. Kevin Carroll - Senior Counselor to the Secretary of Homeland Security, Donald Trump Administration
•23. Jack C. Chow - Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, George W. Bush Administration
•24. James W. Cicconi - Former Assistant to the President & Deputy to the Chief of Staff, The White House, George H.W. Bush Administration
•25. Peggy Cifrino - Former Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, George W. Bush Administration
•26. Eliot A. Cohen - Former Counselor of the Dept. of State, George W. Bush Administration
•27. Benedict S. Cohen - Former General Counsel, Dept. of the Army, George W. Bush Administration
•28. William Cohen - Former Secretary of Defense, Clinton Administration, and U.S. Senator, Maine
•29. Joseph J. Collins - Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, George W. Bush Administration
•30. Barbara Comstock - Former Member of Congress, Virginia
•31. Cindy Courville - Former Ambassador to the African Union and Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs for Africa, W. Bush Administration
•32. Chester A. Crocker - Former Assistant Secretary of State, Reagan Administration
•33. Patrick M. Cronin - Former Assistant Administrator, United States Agency for International Development, George W. Bush Administration
•34. Stephen W. DeVine - Former Deputy Legal Advisor, National Security Council, George W. Bush Administration
•35. Charles Djou - Former Member of Congress, Hawaii
•36. Michael Donley - Former Secretary of the Air Force, George W. Bush Administration and Obama Administration
•37. Raymond F. DuBois - Former Acting Under Secretary of the Army, George W. Bush Administration
•38. Martha E. Duncan - Former Senior Executive Service, Dept. of Defense, George W. Bush Administration and Obama Administration
•39. Lewis A. Dunn - Former Assistant Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Reagan Administration
•40. Eric S. Edelman - Former Under Secretary of Defense, George W. Bush Administration
•41. Mickey Edwards - Former Member of Congress, Oklahoma
•42. Richard A. Falkenrath - Former Deputy Assistant to the President, George W. Bush Administration
•43. Jendayi E. Frazer - Former Ambassador to South Africa and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, George W. Bush Administration
•44. Aaron L. Friedberg - Former Deputy Assistant to the Vice President, George W. Bush Administration
•45. William Gaches - Former Director of Counterterrorism, National Security Agency, George W. Bush Administration
•46. Janice Gardner - Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, George W. Bush Administration
•47. Stuart M. Gerson - Former Acting Attorney General of the United States, George W. Bush Administration
•48. James K. Glassman - Former Under Secretary of State, George W. Bush Administration
•49. Jon D. Glassman - Former Deputy National Security Advisor to the Vice President and Ambassador to Paraguay, George H.W. Bush Administration
•50. David Gordon - Former Director, State Dept Policy Planning, George W. Bush Administration
•51. Sen. Chuck Hagel - Former Secretary of Defense, Obama Administration, and former U.S. Senator, Nebraska
•52. Christopher Hankin - Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State; Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Clinton Administrations
•53. Mark Harvey - Former Special Assistant to the President, Trump Administration
•54. General Michael V. Hayden - Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency, George W. Bush Administration and Obama Administrations
•55. Carla Hills - Former U.S. Trade Representative, George H.W Bush Administration
•56. Seth Hurwitz - Former Counsel, President's Intelligence Oversight Board, George H.W. Bush Administration
•57. Peter Keisler - Former Acting Attorney General of the United States, George W. Bush Administration
•58. James A. Kelly - Former Assistant Secretary of State, George W. Bush Administration
•59. Adam Kinzinger - Former Member of Congress, Illinois
•60. Sofia Kinzinger - Former Deputy Assistant Secretary, Dept. of Homeland Security, Trump Administration
•61. Michael V. Kostiw - Senior Advisor to the Directional of National Intelligence, Trump Administration; Republican Staff Director, Senate Armed Services Committee; Senior Advisor to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, George W. Bush Administration
•62. Kenneth J. Krieg - Former Under Secretary of Defense, George W. Bush Administration
•63. James R. Kunder - Former Deputy Administrator, United States Agency for International Development, George W. Bush Administration
•64. Brigadier General George Landis, USA, Ret. - Former commander, United States Personnel Information Systems Command
•65. Frank Lavin - Former Ambassador to Singapore and Former Under Secretary of Commerce, George W. Bush Administration
•66. Peter Lichtenbaum - Former Assistant Secretary of Commerce, George W. Bush Administration
•67. Rear Admiral David M. Lichtman, MD, USN (Ret.) - Former Commander, National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, George H.W. Bush and Clinton Administrations
•68. Winston Lord - Former U.S. Ambassador to China, Reagan and George H.W. Bush Administration
•69. Steven R. Mann - Former Ambassador to Turkmenistan and Former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the State Dept., Clinton and George W. Bush Administrations
•70. Walter B. McCormick, Jr. - General Counsel, Department of Transportation; Chief Legal Officer and Judge Advocate General, U.S. Coast Guard, George H.W. Bush Administration
•71. Colonel John W. McDonald - Former Deputy Under Secretary of the Army
•72. P. Michael McKinley - Former Ambassador to Peru, George W. Bush Administration; former Ambassador to Colombia and Afghanistan, Barack Obama Administration; former Ambassador to Brazil, Donald Trump Administration
•73. Dan Miller - Former Member of Congress, Florida
•74. John M. Mitnick - Former General Counsel, Dept. of Homeland Security, Trump Administration
•75. Allen Moore - Former Under Secretary of Commerce, Reagan Administration
•76. Alberto Mora - Former General Counsel, U.S. Information Agency, George H.W. Bush Administration; Former General Counsel, Dept. of the Navy, George W. Bush Administration
•77. Kenneth Mortensen - Former Associate Deputy Attorney General, George W. Bush Administration
•78. Vice Admiral Charles L. Munns - U.S. Navy (Ret.), George W. Bush Administration
•79. John D. Negroponte - Former Director of National Intelligence and Former Deputy Secretary of State, George W. Bush Administration
•80. Elizabeth Neumann - Former Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security, Trump Administration
•81. Sean O'Keefe - Former Secretary of the Navy, George H.W. Bush Administration; Former NASA Administrator, George W. Bush Administration
•82. Bill Paxon - Former Member of Congress, New York
•83. William R. Piekney - Former CIA Chief of Station, Reagan Administration
•84. Daniel M. Price - Former Deputy National Security Advisor, George W. Bush Administration
•85. Alan Charles Raul - Former Vice Chairman, White House Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, George W. Bush Administration
•86. Victor Reis - Former Director, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, George H.W. Bush Administration
•87. Robert Annan Riley - Former Ambassador to Micronesia, Trump Administration
•88. Paul Rosenzweig - Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security, George W. Bush Administration
•89. Charles O. Rossotti - Former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense; Former Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, Clinton and George W. Bush Administrations
•90. Nicholas Rostow - Former National Security Council Legal Adviser, Reagan and George H.W. Bush Administrations
•91. Kori Schake - Former Deputy Director of Policy Planning, State Dept., George W. Bush Administration
•92. Dr. Wayne A. Schroeder - Former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, George W. Bush Administration
•93. Gregory L. Schulte - Former Senior Director, National Security Council Staff and Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, George W. Bush Administration
•94. Robert Shanks - Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Reagan Administration
•95. Rep. Christopher Shays - Former Member of Congress, Connecticut
•96. John Simon - Former Senior Director, National Security Council Staff and Ambassador to the African Union, George W. Bush Administration
•97. Stephen Slick - Former Senior Director, National Security Council Staff, George W. Bush Administration
•98. Mark C. Storella - Former U.S. Ambassador to Zambia, Obama Administration
•99. William H. Taft IV - Former Deputy Secretary of Defense and Ambassador to NATO, George W. Bush Administration
•100. Miles Taylor - Former Chief of Staff, Dept. of Homeland Security, Trump Administration