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Mar 19, 2023 83 tweets 58 min read Read on X
What's driven me to the point where I am insulting fellow humans for their ignorance is utter desperation at the lack of integrity by those advocating for ideas which will have as consequence that more humans will die.

I ask forgiveness for how my behaviour reflects on me AND
I'm using the tactic to get people to their truth.

The use of ivermectin is a great way to show how all this works because like HCQ, despite thousands of studies the only clear and credible evidence we have is that it is does not work.…
There are more credible randomised studies but for now this one is the best we have. What is revealing is that you will not find a single person promoting Ivermectin will ever reference it. The kingpin off the Ivermectin propaganda is of course @PierreKory.

Find it in his data?
So to illustrate how this goes, I started with foot soldier @DrJackieStone. She and @drnathimdladla together with Gill, Aldous and Chetty lead the charge in support of their grift. The first piece of evidence from her was a PowerPoint deck.
She claimed her own study of 34 people who she administered Ivermectin to, worked. Turns out the 34 were part of 104 and at least one 34/37yo? person died.

Her last attempt was to share a meta-analysis from @PierreKory which contains a bunch of retracted studies. I got blocked.
At this point the journey got interesting because @DrAseemMalhotra picked @NickHudsonCT @alechogg from @pandata19 and @BizNewsCOM to help him spread his lies. They co-opted @Jay_Naidoo to who shamelessly used his proximity to Madiba to make up scurrilous lies.
The 'previously good" @ProfTimNoakes also joins the conversation but only later.

In any case, they used @Jay_Naidoo and some "lecture" by Aseem to spread their other claims below.

You will find the sordid stories around how Aseem went about it from @_johnbye @dr_barrett
In any case I get my moment of, uhm, fame because I get called out for fraudulently outing the whole fraud.

For a moment consider the reach of the guy if my subtweet has this kind of statistic. Note how they wildly use the claims.

"57 fold increase in miscarriages" would mean not a baby would be born.

The athletes story is where @ProfTimNoakes is now.

Anyways, I digress, to get back to Ivermectin. @drnathimdladla makes the claim that out of 600 people with covid that he treated not a singe person even went to hospital. Would be fantastic if true but he didn't bother to use "fake pcr" so we don't know if they even had covid and
It all comes apart a bit at the seams because imagine he just followed the science and used pcr to test. We could have known if it works.

He also didn't care about masks in his covid ward. Would risk the lives of anyone just to be right.

The irony is I get to prove to him his idea about mask by his own assessment probably means they work. He tells that hc workers did not get sick for months but then contracted covid during the holidays not thinking that it's clear evidence that masks work. He made 2 tweets since.
As part of our last conversation he shares some graphs that he presumably made that somehow proves delta was a vaccine disease and shares an article that still has me completely gobsmacked.

The fear from care and neglect at his hands caused the deaths?

The related conversation with antivaxer @Jay_Naidoo and his wife @lpage_afrique brings a whole new parallel universe in which the most fantastical ideas trump the truth.

"The chief orchestrator of Mandelas release" decided apartheid was nothing like Aseem's ridiculous claims.
That he would perpetuate the lie that Africa is an example that covid never happened and the vaccine kills more than the virus coming from him and @maggsnaidu is one of the saddest conversations of my life.

@maggsnaidu How this relates to Ivermectin is that Lucie storms into the conversation swinging to shut me up.

The study she references is an early opinion piece of the Peter guy. Absolute proof IVM works.🤦🏽

Despite my insults and a clear explanation, please do yourselves a favour and have a look at how many people liked and promoted her tweet.

Also this tweet from @Jay_Naidoo.

@elonmusk This is why unmitigated free speech does not work.
As we speak, this conversation is happening.
Different topic but the crux of the matter.

If we believe in absolute free speech we will remove the block and mute button. Lets see how that goes.

My own journey with free speech is perhaps best illustrated by my timeline. Follow @Arfness
You be the judge.
So back to Jay and Lucie. They had a last go at me before this happened..
I reserve a special last word for @maggsnaidu who has the arrogance to say this to one of our experts @SabirMahd Follow @MarikaSboros for a list of them. They are silenced on twitter when dummies like me should sit down and stfu.
Then comes professor @ProfTimNoakes I, mean what a better coup than to get him in your team hey @alechogg @NickHudsonCT?

The ultimate expert. With him and Aseem at your side, what can go wrong?
Add him to Yealand, @MLevitt_NP2013 and back them up with @ClareCraigPath

Man you have a winning team. The donate button is flashing red.

So the conversation with @ProfTimNoakes starts at a very interesting place. Elon just let him back onto twitter a few days ago?

He calls none other than Marik, @PierreKory and
@RobertKennedyJr. Some days ago now.

The Ivermectin reference I just add for the fun of it.
His expertise is athletes. Fair enough. But then he makes a completely unsubstantiated claim. Why?

You will remember what Aseem has been doing

What I want to show is how he plies his trade now.

So here is the thing, I borrowed a thread from @AlastairMcA30 and wrote it back to @ProfTimNoakes to see if it would make a difference. He called all the grifters to the conversation so I assume they all had time to read it.

Thank you @AlastairMcA30 for your incredible effort the last three years to help educate humanity not only on Covid but mostly how to treat humans of all kind and colour.

I wish we can swap people like @PierreKory, Malone, @ProfTimNoakes with people like you soon.
Let me ask the question this way. I've shared all of that with Tim and all those he called to the conversation to come and silence me with evidence that they make up or does not exist.

Do you see him change his behaviour?

What did he link?

Friday 17 March 2023. I asked them all this question.

There is a rush of insults back but Tim and others cannot claim he didn't see anything because he participates by responding, retweeting and liking a lot along the way all the way to today.

Being called a pig by @ProfTimNoakes when he refuses to engage on any of the topics I raised is kind of special. I'd feel sorry even but imagine how many people have died and how many more because of their antivaxx conspiracy?
It's nothing compared to what experts like @VikiLovesFACS have to go through. Pandata lines them up to take cheap shots at her over her study timeously debunking the latest conspiracy around pregnancy. Anyone want to imagine more babies and mothers die?

We can debate about Tim's intentions but he has somehow been convinced that books are better than peer reviewed studies, probably enforced by his history of doing his "outside the box" nutritional science but is completely misplaced in epidemiology or even medical science.
Making decisions about covid based on classroom anecdotes and books is simply stupid.

Valuable for determining what we want to study for sure, but as you can see even Aseem made his own study in a medical journal where he is on the board. Apparently @ClareCraigPath reviewed it?
Its another question for @elonmusk who seems to thinks all the nonsense noise is great. We are making more billions of tweets than ever he said today. Which finally, I guess brings us back to Ivermectin.
I highlight @VikiLovesFACS's work because I believe pregnancy and babies is where the easy evidence lies if vaccines work or doesn't because its worth studying.

"Nobody in their right mind" as Nick would say, will invest further in Ivermectin after 341123 deaths?
I asked her this question and shared it with @Jay_Naidoo et all. I willing to bet none of the grifters in this conversation will take notice.

(Not 1000s of studies. Just the ones needed to prove the point)

As anyone with privilege and a kid knows all eyes are on pregnancy and birth. Its the one place humans are less stupid. Well that's till you head over to @stkirsch
I pause here to have a cup of coffee and take a break to let it sink in what we are doing if we are not vaccinating.
Below screendump show the incredible irony in what Tim has been retweeting whilst I write this to his 159 000 followers.

Also, in beside my tweeps, two other tweets responded to this thread.

@elonmusk How many lives is this kind of free speech worth to us?
These tweets are really a great example to show why we have a serious problem. What do they contribute to the debate? Where is humanity at if we are are advising each other to get false certificates.

All we have on twitter is everyone 😲😱🤯 at the top of their 🫁
How does all relate to Ivermectin?

We pretty much know well that it doesn't work. I don't know myself because it's not my area of expertise. Building business solutions and the fight against ignorance and prejudice is. How is a dummy like me even doing here on the stage???!!!
The noise and disinformation that we all make is killing us.

The grifters and charlatans ride their wave of popularity and donate buttons.

The question and answers are right there in front of us but it's meaningless because we don't read or shut up.

For myself I'm going to take a bit of a twitter break so that other voices can be heard. I ask my human family who really know and are experts in these things to reply with a link or a thread to debunk these claims by Aseem et all.
Please refer any studies that you have verified with experts outside the @PanData19 circle to @GidMK
or @IanCopeland5 @rohangilkes and their team.

I thank you guys for showing why I should really sit down and shut up. That I should listen because I'm completely Dunning Kruger
What should we all do until twitter figure out how to build functionality to solve our communication problem? I dunno, but please don't let the people I reference in this communication spew a claim without holding them accountable. For now we win this #tweetbytweet.
If you see someone share credible evidence or an Ivermectin study, ask them to send it to @ProfTimNoakes so he can check with @PierreKory and @RobertKennedyJr before sharing it to this link.

Dont put your faith in Pandata or Hart. They have shown beyond any shadow of doubt that they are in it for one thing and one thing only. Can you spot what it is?
Every single one of them had an opportunity to engage me in search if the truth. Nick Hudson fastidious ran from every question including how on planet earth he equates his risk to die in a car accident when 12k a year die against the 150k who died from covid the last two years.
They've not been wrong about everything but thanks to their own greed will not have the hated other side figure put which of their conspiracy theories or propaganda anyone should consider.

If no concensus is possible, don't look at the credible scientists at all costs...
Grift requires them to release the next BREAKING tomorrow. Doesn't really matter what it is. Propaganda requires for there to be only some truth to it. It just needs a gullible Tim or Jay to retweet.
A vote is how we solve human differences. Not medical or science. But allow me a poll. I wrongly believed before people will change their views if they see how others see it but we know differently now. Will add a link in reply to this tweet when done that discuss this.
.@alechogg I don't know what happened to you. But you are the guy propping all this up. The lies on your pages are simply despicable. If I was you I'd get them retracted before I return because when I do I'm taking aim at you.

I see @TimModise is being courted too.
. @NickHudsonCT my last word is for you. My claim is that between you, Levitt and Kory, you killed more people than the vaccine.

Sue me so you can #provemewrong in court.

Imagine if people like me could spend our time fighting covid instead of you dummies that can't count.
I have not joined this group but they have documented a whole lot and the link tells the Pandata story pretty well.

Thank you for listening to anyone who did and thank you to all the people who helped me along in this journey so far. Much appreciated.

For everyone I called names. I'm sorry, but if I did, you thoroughly deserved it.

ps. @elonmusk
In all the time I had the Ivermectin question up I got 5000 views.

How many did Naomi and John get for their clearly fake claims retweeted by the Tim Noakes guy. No wonder you got scammed too?
pps. Please like or retweet here and there. This thread will only have value if it adds pressure through visibility to those mentioned.
One last point about Ivermectin.
Probably the most important one.

We now have medicines that work, including vaccines.

There is no reason on this planet for anyone to continue prescribing it.

At least not post this thread? If they do is death from their grift not murder?
Error correction. Apologies Prof. I will delete these links asap and repost. I noted i referenced your handle wrong sincere apologies @ShabirMadh

🙏 @LindaGailBekker, @ShabirMadh and every doctor and scientist that signed this letter.
Come dear antivaxxers. Let's rather talk how we work together to create a world that works. I'm here if you want to help figure out how.…
Nick it is over dude. You just don't see it yet.
What better example of what I've been speaking about.

What on the planet makes him think he can even begin to compare his knowledge with the people in this letter, nevermind Linda on her own being enough. #tweetthistohimplease
Extraordinary the extent Nick will go to.

Who does @NickHudsonCT expect to help us survive with HIV, Measles, Polio, Rabies.. H5N1 @ProfTimNoakes @DrAseemMalhotra & @Jay_Naidoo, @DrJackieStone, @drnathimdladla?
Measles. Do we really want to play with this stuff?

Shivers down my spine is not an uncommon feeling.

@Jay_Naidoo learnt nothing from this conversation.

Let me interrupt proceedings with "BREAKING."
Look out for it coming to you soon.

Perhaps @NickHudsonCT just cannot read that everyone from our hospitals to universities are represented here. Or he is in fact just not much smarter than the poor people he is grifting with his scams.
@MarikaSboros may I submit some names to your list please. 🥳🥳
.@alechogg & @BizNewsCOM should also account for what they spread. Have they taken their antivaxxer content down yet.

Who has the mandate to legally hold them to account? Now its your turn?

Dangerous - @NickHudsonCT
14 October 2020 "Herd Immunity is working everywhere"

In 2023 he is now very sophisticated "dying suddenly". Anyone see him reference @stkirsch.

Steve joined a chat and showed that he doesn't know what a p-value is.…
How it started:

Follow the link for the October version…
"Masks on kids kill granny"

By implication, let your kids get it.. You know one of the top killers of kids today.

Imagine. 04 January 2021
A time when we were still learning covid101.

Please read this guys' perspective from back then.

When it comes to protection of kids you will not find a bigger heart and hero than Greg Travis.

Thank you Greg for your shining light and fighting heart and soul as you still do.

Just reporting on how it's going with Tim.
I think I'm muted.

It just goes on and on and on.

Remember when doctors put more patients in ICU. (drnathimdladla perhaps) and those people on the ventilator?
I've been struggling with whether I should share this because it's the most incentive thing I've ever seen a human say to another.

Nick made no effort to say anything about this being said in his presence. Sorry Andre for this.

Who holds Jerm accountable?
And Breaking.. Lets play a drinking game. Take a shot (excuse the pun) for every "Breaking".

"The greatest crime in human history"

Cough cough

Who gonna tell them the data has been provided to the FDA and the 75 year thing... just propaganda/bulldust.
Reporting how it's going with Pierre..
Good night for now. Thanks for the help everyone!!!

• • •

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More from @MauritzPreller

May 28, 2024
Now that I'm going to be sued by Erin Elizabeth, I thought I'd do my homework. It's best to be prepared.

So I listened in on a space she hosted yesterday where that poor badly "vaccine injured" nurse Lyndsey joined in.

I want to share what Lyndsey told.
Just to point out that I'm from Africa and had no idea who Erin was until her short spat with @sjs856 last week.

I wrote about my expected coming libel case yesterday after I wandered into a conversation where she claimed vaccines cause cancer.
So Lyndsey joined the conversation and shared some of her story on request.

I transcribed what she claimed & said:

1) She started a Cytokine Storm 10 days after booster
2) Still in Cytokine storm two years and five months later.
3) She is still producing spike protein.
Read 39 tweets
Apr 28, 2024
#VaxStatRep on 28/04/2024

Now that most populations have a high level of population level immunity from vaccines and covid infections, what do we know about:

Infection Fatality Rate (IFR)
Case Fatality Rate (CFR)

RT=Appreciated Image
If you missed the previous VaxStatReports, please find them here👇
IFR. Here is what we know
Fatality in the young is rare but gets worse progressively as the below log scale graph shows.
Age 40 to 49 average ~0.1%
Age 50 to 59 = 0,4%
Age 60 to 69 = 1,5%
Age 70 to 79 = 5,5%
Age 80+ = 10%+ Image
Read 19 tweets
Apr 15, 2024
VaxStatReport 16/04/2024

Question: How big can an antivaxxer lie get?

Answer: Aseem Malhotra big.

Retweet = Appreciated Image
If you missed the previous VaxStatReports, you can find them linked here.👇
Aseem gave a speech in Helsinki.

Antivaxxers are mighty proud.

But for what?

Read 26 tweets
Apr 10, 2024
How can we compare death rates between two countries?

Let us take a look at Country A & Country B
The measures that we use are mainly:
- Absolute number of deaths
- Crude death rates (CDR)
- Age-Specific death rates
- Age-Standardised death rates
- Life Expectancy
Absolute number of deaths
I'm going to round numbers to make it easier.

Which country had higher mortality in 2019?

UK Population 67 000 000 Deaths 604,000
US Population 328,000,000 Deaths 3,400,000

The number of deaths does not tell us much about the mortality in a country because a larger number of deaths simply reflects a larger population.
Read 20 tweets
Feb 9, 2024
Homework @sco0psmcgoo

I think guys, @sco0psmcgoo is being disrespectful here. We have invested a lot of time to educate him but today he basically said it was all meaningless because his spreadsheet tells him what he needs to know.

He was again educated by others today and I think it would be fair to say that the homework for Scoops is now to figure out what a control group is and why it is important. Also how to account for age and time in his model because he just completely ignores it beyond stratifying by age.

I suggested that I will do anything to help him master these techniques. I think it is only fair that we agree not to help him any longer unless his endeavours are clearly showing he is engaging this topic without gish galloping and wasting everyone's time as he clearly has been doing.
.@sco0psmcgoo Unless you can make your data do this.. you are not there yet.

I admire you for wanting to outdo the experts but then do it with the requisite consideration and respect please? Is that a fair ask?

Read 13 tweets
Jan 30, 2024
Alright @Macj007C 🧵

Mortality risk comparison.

Evidence of deaths from vaccines in different countries:

1. New Zealand.
~4 people in a population of 5,1m with more than 12million vaccines administrated.

Risk of < 1 in a 1 000 000 people.…
2. Australia
~11 people in a population of 26 with more that 40m vaccines administrated.

Risk of way < 1 in 1 000 000 people.

705 deaths investigated. Even all those deaths were from the vaccine risk < 1 in 36 000…
3. UK
~59 people in a population of 67m

Risk of < 1 in 1 000 000 people.…
Read 60 tweets

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