Good morning everyone πΈππΈ @BorisJohnson is a serial liar, sacked for lying from several jobs including as Prime Minister, Β£220,000 we have paid to defend the indefensible, he was fined for one party when he attended lots.
If he gets away with this then we have to accept MP'S
When Starmer challenged him by saying about this made up tax that Starmer is going to bring in Sunak had nothing to say.he didn't deny it though.
You've raised our taxes 26 times
Imagine trying to win by giving false amounts.( they're not happy by the way) to try and win.
As for saying it's about the future you're right Sunak it is about the future, our children and grandchildren future you've ruined it for so many (no wonder you don't want to talk about the past)
Bold seems to have been Sunak's word of the evening it must be nice to be BOLD with
Other people's money "You've always had our backs" liar even furlough wasn't given to everyone who needed it .
Didn't your wife have furlough money? Β£635,000 I believe, she pays no tax for years in the country but still takes Β£635,000.
Imagine what that could do for essential
Good morning everyone πΈππΈ
A frenzy is now happening because Angela is going to be interviewed under police caution I hate to burst their bubble she hasn't been charged.
If I can figure out how to do it I'm going to start a petition for the four Tories to publish whether they
Paid capital gains tax on the houses the poor in this country paid for.
I'm sick of the hypocrisy,they latch on to any morsel to deflect away from all the rotten things they have done and are doing.
#EnoughIsEnough #GeneralElectionNow
In the last 4 plus years we've been lied to again and again.
The pandemic handed Johnson an ace card on a plate.
he could party away saying things like "let the bodies pile high"
"they're old anyway"
We had the care home scandal
the PPE scandal
while children go hungry and the
Vulnerable are attacked again and again Sunak flies around the country on his helicopter.
There is too much to list, this thread would go on forever.
This country has sent a very clear message
You can't gaslight us anymore.
We don't believe your lies .
Do the right thing and
Call a #GeneralElection
We've had enough we are all suffering under this government although some will deny it ,they can afford to live in a fantasy world the majority of us can't,we live with the repercussions of the rot that has seeped through this government
I want to tell you a story if I may
A girl I know was brought up in a family where sexual,verbal and physical abuse was the norm.
She grew up and did her best to lead a good life but I can tell you it wasn't easy.
Damaging a child's safety and trust
Changes them.
It changes their brain,memories are erased because they are too painful.
Life goes on,she was diagnosed with EUBPD,that impacts every aspect of her life
It impacted her relationships, her children her marriage,even family and friends.
The point of this story!.
She now has depression and anxiety.
Hasn't she been punished enough? are you going to allow this government to punish her for the rest of her life.
Taking away her disability benefits could be the last nail in her coffin, it might be too much.
Depression isn't feeling a bit sad
Good morning everyone πΈ π πΈ
I've mulled this over the weekend
I'm so disturbed by Sunak disrespecting people with serious mental health problems.
I can't emphasise enough how much damage he is doing
"words hurt"
I've sat with people who are suicidal my brother and my sister
Took their own lives.
They lived with a system who couldn't or wouldn't support them.
In the end they made the choice.
If you destroy a system through lack of funds these are the results.
To now attack these vulnerable people even more is inhumane.
Shame on the Tories!.
Leave the vulnerable alone!.
Most have minimum comfort in their lives.
Your decisions have serious consequences.
"Caring Compassionate
government" you could not be further from the truth.