As soon as radiance comes immediately the darkness vanishes. It means that Knowledge is gained and the darkness of ignorance is destroyed. Arrival of Usha gives the message of awakening. All the activities take place as per their protocol.
Birds leave their nest and fly around . Usha devi spreads the message of awakening all around.
वि या सृ॒जति॒ सम॑नं॒ व्य१॒॑र्थिनः॑ प॒दं न वे॒त्योद॑ती ।
वयो॒ नकि॑ष्टे पप्ति॒वांस॑ आसते॒ व्यु॑ष्टौ वाजिनीवति ॥
या - Which.
समनम - To try.
वि सृजति - To work.
अर्थिंन - One's studying.
ओदती - To inspire.
पदम् - In one place.
न वेति - Does not stop.
वाजिनिवती - Usha devi along with food grains.
ते - Yours.
व्यूष्टि - Morning.
पप्तिवान्सः - Downfall.
वय: - Birds.
नकि: - No.
आसते - To stop.
Translation:Usha devi inspires everyone to do their work.She inspires those who desire wealth to make an effort. She is always on the move to provide life. As soon as she shines birds become active and become alert.
Deep meaning. As soon as radiance comes immediately the darkness vanishes. It means that Knowledge is gained and the darkness of ignorance is destroyed. Arrival of Usha gives the message of awakening. All the activities take place as per their protocol. Birds leave their nest.
and fly around . Usha devi spreads the message of awakening all around.
Just in case if you want to read about my book on Bhagwan Shiva then click on to any of these links. Garuda Prakashan👇🏻…
It is impossible for darkness and light to stay together. The light or the radiance will swallow darkness. Similarly even a small speck of darkness is unacceptable to radiance. This is the real form of Prakash. The arrival of radiance and
enlightenment means the departure of ignorance. Everyone is ready to perform at that time, be it a student, Sadhu, animal or bird. This is it's superimposed or practical aspect. Any sort of distortion or disorder have no place from then on.
We may have illusions of Radiance during our Swapna Kal (Dreams). But then we are really enlightened when Usha Devi wakes us. We have to come out of our slumber.
The stones are coming from Nepal's Gandaki river. Its not like India does not have auspicious stones to make Murti but as per Shiv Puran Yuddha khanda chapter 41, It is mentioned that
Bhagwan Shiva gave boon to Tulsi that she will become River Gandaki and same chapter mentions that Bhagwan Vishnu became a stone (Shaligram) at the same place.
same chapter also mentions that all chiselled stones also represent Sudarshan Chakra and Bhagwan Vishnu hence there is no other auspicious stone other than Gandaki river Shaligram for making Murti of Bhagwan Ram.
Believe it or not but this is Chandi Temple at Chattisgarh!
Hail Secularism!
Soon this will be resolved and action will be taken, Thanks to @Mahender_Chem Ji who has activated his Chattisgarh team to resolve this out. We need more Sanatanis like Mahender Ji 🙏🏻
1 More image received of Chandi Temple at Gunderdehi, Chattisgarh!
Whenever any sort of Puja is to be performed, the Kalash sthapna and the last aahuti of a yagya are also very important. Avoid all types of shortcuts otherwise the Puja becomes null and void.
On Puja day consumption of drinks and non vegetarian food is totally prohibited. Only filling water in a Kalash is not enough. Flowers and a little rice too has to be added. As per one's ability Kalash may be of Gold, Silver, Copper or Mud.The Kalash should have a smooth surface.
It should have a defined upper rind. Always draw a swastik on the kalash. Keep it next to the portrait or statue of the Deity to be worshipped. Immerse five or seven leaves in the kalash till one fourth mark.
REFUTATION ON "अधम जाति मैं बिद्या पाएँ। भयउँ जथा अहि दूध पिआएँ”॥
So, this uneducated Education minister of Bihar was quoting a Chaupai from Ramcharitmanas and said that this Chaupai targets Shudras for their educational rights denied to them.
First of all he has quoted half Chaupai purposely to delude you from the wisdom of Ramcharitmanas. Full Chaupai is :-
हर कहुँ हरि सेवक गुर कहेऊ। सुनि खगनाथ हृदय मम दहेऊ॥
अधम जाति मैं बिद्या पाएँ। भयउँ जथा अहि दूध पिआएँ॥3॥
भावार्थ:-गुरुजी ने शिवजी को हरि का सेवक कहा।
यह सुनकर हे पक्षीराज! मेरा हृदय जल उठा। नीच (Kakbhushundi himself saying for himself) जाति का मैं विद्या पाकर ऐसा हो गया जैसे दूध पिलाने से साँप॥3॥
First you need to understand the whole context here, this is a dialogue between Garud (Eagle) and Kakbhushundi (Crow).
As per Agni Purana Chapter 245, Once upon a time Brahma Ji performed a Yagya on the summit of Mount Sumeru. He saw a Iron demon named Lohasur present in that Yagya,
Brahma Ji got worried that this Demon should not become an obstacle in my divine Yagya. As soon as he contemplated about what action was to be taken, a mighty figure of a man appeared from the fire and bowed before Brahma Ji.
The Devtas were now pleased and greeted this man as he was their saviour. Because of these greetings, this man was named 'Nandak' who later became Khadg Swarup or a Sword form. On the request of the Devtas,Sri Hari accepted Nandak Khadga as his personal weapon to destroy Lohasur.