levi 💀🦋 (comms open!) Profile picture
Mar 21, 2023 89 tweets 15 min read Read on X
bkdk cheating sequel (i’ll think of a title later)

tw: mentions of cheating, swearing, past bkdk, uhhh i think that’s it?? i’ll add more tags later if i need to

qrts only pls

#bkdk #MyHeroAcademia #bakugoukatsuki #KatsukiBakugo #deku #IzukuMidoriya #midoriyaizuku #cheatingfic
One year, seven months, two weeks, and four days.

It had been one year, seven months, two weeks, and four days since Izuku left his and Katsuki’s home.
And it had been exactly seven minutes and twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen seconds since Katsuki’s name flashed on Izuku’s phone screen.
Izuku sat at the kitchen table, his bite of katsudon (yes, Izuku can see the irony) halfway to his mouth, staring at the screen that once showed his ex-husband’s name and was now black. Izuku slowly lowered his chopsticks and picked up his phone, tapping on the screen.
A notification stating “missed call from Kacchan❤️” was glaring back at him. He swore to himself that he would delete the contact while Katsuki called and texted him over and over, begging him to change his mind.
But a year had passed, the calls had stopped, and Katsuki’s phone number remained in Izuku’s phone. It’s not like he wouldn’t have recognized it anyway. He’s had the number memorized from the moment Katsuki got his first phone.
Izuku’s thumb hovered over Katsuki’s name (he’s not sure when he clicked on the contact) when the front door lock clicked and the door opened. He quickly locked his phone and put it face down on the counter, picking up his chopsticks again as his boyfriend walked into the kitchen
“Hi, sweetheart!” Rody greeted.

Izuku smiled softly at him, lowering his chopsticks. “Rochan.”

Rody set his bag down as Pino chirped happily, flittering towards Izuku. “Pino missed you.” Rody said with a smile.

“Oh?” Izuku said. “Just Pino?”
Rody blushed and Pino chirped again. “Well, I might’ve missed you, too.”

“Then where’s my hello kiss?” Izuku asked, sticking out his lower lip in a pout.

“Right here!” Rody said, leaning down and pecking Izuku on the lips. “Did my beautiful boyfriend have a good day?”
Izuku squeaked as his entire face flushed pink. “Yeah, it was alright.” His hand twitched next to his phone and Rody’s eyes flickered towards the movement.

“Did he call?” Rody asked, looking at Izuku again. Izuku was silent.
“Izu, did he call you again?” Izuku nodded slowly, frowning. “Bastard.” Rody mumbled angrily. Pino chirped unhappily.

“I didn’t answer!” Izuku said. “And he only called once!”

“He shouldn’t be calling you at all, Izu!” Rody said, exasperated.
“Bakugo needs to get it through his fucking head that you’ve moved on.”

“I haven’t told him.” Izuku said.


“I said he doesn’t know we’re dating. I haven’t spoken to him in a year and I asked his friends not to tell him.”
Rody sat on the chair next to Izuku, turning towards him. “Why?”

Izuku shrugged, looking down at his katsudon. “I don’t want to cause problems for you. You know how Kach- Katsuki feels about you.”
“Yeah, I ain’t too fond of him myself.” Rody said. Pino chirped in agreement. “But if he does anything, you know I can handle it.” Rody paused. “You’re not embarrassed of me, are you?”

“No!” Izuku said, looking up at Rody with wide eyes, shaking his hands in defense.
“I love you! That’s why I’m trying to keep you from having any problems with Katsuki.”

Rody smiled softly at Izuku, cupping his cheek gently. “It’s okay, Izu. I can handle myself. Please don’t keep us a secret. Especially from him. I don’t want him bothering you anymore.”
“I-” Izuku started, interrupted by his phone ringing again.

“Speak of the Devil.” Rody said.

“Maybe it’s Shoto?” Izuku said, carefully picking up his phone and seeing “Kacchan❤️” again. Izuku sighed. “I’m gonna answer it.”
Rody nodded and stood up, kissing Izuku’s forehead. “I’ll be in the bedroom if you need me.”

Izuku nodded and took a deep breath as Rody walked away and shut the bedroom door, then he clicked “accept” and held the phone to his ear.
“Hello? Izuku?”
i would like to set a $5 goal for the next update!

any amount will help me pay bills while i’m on medical leave! ko-fi.com/deadxbutterfli…
Izuku remained silent, his heart rate picking up.

“I can hear you breathing, Freckles.”

“Don’t call me that.” Izuku mumbled.

“There he is!”

Izuku frowned. “What do you want, Katsuki?”

There was a soft intake of breath on the other end of the line. “Katsuki, huh?”
“That’s your name, isn’t it?”

“So, no more Kacchan?” Katsuki asked.

“No. You lost that right when you cheated on me with Kirishima.”


“Don’t fucking start, Katsuki Bakugo.” Izuku snapped.

“Izuku, please just meet me so I can explain.” Katsuki begged.
“Explain what?” Izuku scoffed. “Explain why you cheated on me? I didn’t want to hear it a year ago and I don’t want to hear it now.”

“Izuku, please!” Katsuki said desperately.
The door to the bedroom opened as Izuku opened his mouth to respond again. He looked over at Rody, who mouthed “are you okay?” as he approached the kitchen.

“Zuzu? You there?” Katsuki asked.

“Hmm?” Izuku said, looking at Rody. “Yeah, I’m here.”
“So, what do you say? Will you meet me?”

Izuku could practically hear the pout in Katsuki’s voice. If he listened closely enough, he could picture in his memory the way Katsuki’s lower lip jutted out slightly and his eyelashes fluttered when he was trying to get his way.
Izuku ran a hand down his face, looking up at Rody briefly before sighing. “Okay, fine. I’ll meet you at the park in an hour. You have twenty minutes to explain, then I’m leaving. Got it?”

“Yes! Thank you, Zuzu!” Katsuki practically squealed.
“I told you not to call me that.”

“Right. Sorry, Izuku. I’ll see you in an hour.”

“Fine. Goodbye.” Izuku hung up before Katsuki could say anything else and groaned.

“You’re going to meet him?” Rody asked.
“Yeah.” Izuku said, looking up at Rody, whose mouth was downturned with worry. “Just for twenty minutes.”

“Do you want me to come with you?” Rody asked.

Izuku shook his head. “No, I want to hear what he has to say. If you come with me, he’s just going to be mad.”
“Well, call me if you need me.” Rody said, running a hand through Izuku’s curls. Pino chittered and Izuku smiled up at Rody, puckering his lips for a kiss. Rody chuckled and pecked his lips as Pino twittered happily and flew around in circles around their heads.
Izuku giggled, looking up at Pino. “I think someone likes me.” He teased.

“Whatever gave you that idea?” Rody asked with a smile as Pino continued to chirp and fly around.
Izuku smiled, looking at the love of his life and trying not to think about the conversation that was happening in less than an hour.

if we could get another $5 for the update, that would be fantastic!

Izuku stood at the edge of the park, his hands shoved deep into his pockets as he stared out at the trees in front of him. It had been over a year since he had seen Katsuki and he wasn't sure how he was feeling about the prospect of facing him again.
He shifted from one foot to the other, trying to decide if he should just turn around and leave.

But then he saw him. Katsuki was walking towards him with his usual scowl, his hands shoved deep into his pockets.
He was still as attractive as ever, and Izuku couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia as he remembered the times they had spent together.

"Hi, Zuzu," Katsuki said as he reached him, his voice soft and hesitant and his face softening.
"How many times-“ Izuku cut himself off with a sigh. "What did you want to say to me?"

Katsuki took a deep breath, his eyes flickering over to Izuku before looking away. "I know I messed up." He said finally.
"I shouldn't have cheated on you with Kirishima. I was an idiot, and I regret it every day."

Izuku couldn't help but snort at that. "You regret it every day? That's rich. You do know I knew you were cheating on me the whole time, right?” Katsuki’s eyes snapped to Izuku, widening
“Yeah, I knew you were cheating. But I still gave you several chances. Several chances, Katsuki.”


"No, Katsuki," Izuku said, finally looking up at him.
"You have no idea how much you hurt me. I loved you more than anything, and you just threw it all away for a meaningless fling. And now, you expect me to just forgive you because you say you're sorry? It doesn't work like that.”
“Kirishima isn’t even in the country anymore! He broke it off when-”

“Oh, HE broke it off, did he?!” Izuku said loudly. “So you didn’t even have the fucking decency to break it off yourself?” Izuku clenched his fists.
“What were you going to do if you hadn’t gotten caught, huh? If those pictures and videos hadn’t gotten leaked? If I hadn’t said anything to you about it? Were you just going to keep fucking Kirishima behind my back?”
Izuku stopped talking, watching Katsuki with wild eyes as his chest heaved with rapid breaths. “Well?!”

Katsuki hung his head. “I don’t know.”

Izuku let out a bitter laugh. “You’re lucky, Katsuki,” he said. “You’re so fucking lucky.”
Katsuki lifted his head to look at Izuku. “How? I lost the love of my life, my job, AND my best friend. How the FUCK am I lucky?”

Izuku shook his head, not answering Katsuki. “Your twenty minutes is up.”

“Izuku, please! Five more minutes!”
“Five minutes for what, exactly?” Izuku asked, crossing his arms.

“An explanation.” Katsuki said. “You didn’t let me explain.”

“I don’t want to hear you fucking explain, Katsuki! You were my whole goddamn world and you shattered my fucking heart!” Izuku shook his head.
“Honestly, it might’ve hurt less if it was a stranger, but Kirishima? Really? I’m done talking. Rody is waiting for me.” Izuku turned to leave.

“Rody?” Katsuki asked. Izuku paused, nearly flinching at the hurt in Katsuki’s voice. “You’re with Rody now?”
Izuku cleared his throat and straightened up, still facing away from Katsuki. “Yes.”

There was silence for a long time. Izuku almost turned around until he heard Katsuki let out a small sigh. “I hope you’re happy.”

Izuku stiffened before finally walking away from Katsuki.
TBC once we hit the next goal!! please QRT with your thoughts (and prayers for katsuki) ko-fi.com/deadxbutterfli…
Izuku fixed his cufflinks, looking at himself in the mirror. He fiddled with the cuff of his sleeve and smoothed down the non-existent wrinkles on his jacket. He met the sparkling gray eyes of his boyfriend in the mirror as Rody wrapped his arms around Izuku's middle.
"You look incredible, sweetheart." Rody said, kissing Izuku on the neck. Izuku hummed, closing his eyes. "Are you nervous?"

Izuku nodded, meeting Rody's gaze in the mirror again. "Yeah."

"You'll do great, my love." Rody said, kissing Izuku's curls. Pino chirped in agreement.
"What if I trip?" Izuku asked, turning around in Rody's embrace. "What if I choke on my spit?"

Rody chuckled softly, running a hand through Izuku's hair and placing his hand softly on Izuku's cheek. "You're going to be just fine, love."
"Didn't everything go alright when you accepted the Medal of Honor last year?" Rody frowned when Izuku looked away. "Izuku? Did something happen at the last awards ceremony?" Izuku mumbled something under his breath as he walked towards the bed, sitting down. "What was that?"
"I said I didn't go." Izuku said, looking down at his scarred hands.

"What? Why not?"

Izuku frowned, curling his hand into a fist. "Kacch-" Izuku cut himself off with a sigh. "Katsuki couldn't make it, so I didn't go." Izuku shrugged. "It wasn't a big deal."
"What do you mean it wasn't a big deal?" Rody asked, furrowing his eyebrows and moving to stand in front of Izuku. "It was the Toshinori Yagi Medal of Honor! That's the biggest fucking deal for a pro hero like you!" Izuku shrugged, avoiding eye contact. "Zuku... what happened?"
"Nothing." Izuku mumbled.

Rody was quiet for a moment before his face twisted into anger. "Bakugo forgot about it, didn't he?" Izuku was silent. "Didn't he?!" Izuku nodded slowly. "Fucking asshole." Rody muttered.

"It's not a big deal!" Izuku said, looking up at Rody.
"Why are you still trying to protect him?" Rody said. Izuku gasped quietly. "Why are you still making excuses for him?"

"I'm not making excuses!" Izuku argued.

"You are, Zuku!" Rody said, kneeling in front of Izuku.
"Someone who is supposed to be your partner should not miss the most important awards ceremony of your career! It's okay for you to be angry!"

"I am angry!" Izuku said loudly. "I've been angry for over a year and a half! I thought that I would stop being angry if I saw him -
if - if I listened to him explain why Kirishima was more important to him! If I heard his reasoning behind tearing out my fucking heart!" Izuku's eyes welled up with tears. "But it didn't! It didn't help! I'm still angry!" Izuku shoved his fists against his eyes, rubbing them.
Rody gently lowered Izuku's hands from his face and wiped away a stray tear with his thumb. "You have every right to be angry, Zuku. You have every right to be furious with him. But you know what's the best thing for dealing with that anger?"

"What?" Izuku asked, sniffling.
Rody wiped away another tear from Izuku's face and smiled. "Revenge."
please consider donating to my ko-fi. all proceeds go to izuku’s revenge plot. (just kidding it’s for bills) ko-fi.com/deadxbutterfli…
Izuku scrunched his eyebrows in confusion so Rody continued. “You have the power to take control of your own happiness and be the best version of yourself, regardless of what happened with Bakugo. Don't let him hold you back from living your best life."
Izuku considered Rody's words for a moment, feeling a sense of optimism growing within him. Perhaps Rody was right. Maybe it was time for him to focus on himself and not let Katsuki's actions dictate his happiness.
"Thank you, Rochan." Izuku said, leaning in to give Rody a soft kiss on the lips. "You always know just what to say."

Rody grinned. "That's what boyfriends are for, Zuku. Now, let's get you to that awards ceremony. I think they’re gonna want their number one hero there.”
Izuku chuckled and Pino chirped happily, nestling herself in Izuku’s curls. Rody helped him stand up from the bed and fixed his jacket. They took one final look in the mirror before leaving hand in hand.
Izuku couldn’t stop smiling as he walked into the after party, his friends and other pro heroes clapping him on the back and congratulating him. Rody watched him in admiration as Pino flew around happily in circles.
Hawks offered to buy Izuku a drink and Izuku looked at Rody, who nodded in response, before following Hawks to the bar.

“So, how does it feel, number one?” Hawks, no, Keigo - they were friends now - asked as he gestured to the bartender.
Izuku chuckled in disbelief. “I’m still not sure it’s real. I keep expecting to wake up and be back in my dorm room at UA.”

“So, it’s not just the number one hero thing that feels like a dream?” Keigo asked, taking a sip of his drink and sliding the other one towards Izuku.
Izuku looked around the room, seeing Rody talking to Tsu and Ochaco, then turned his head to look back at Keigo. “None of it feels real. I mean, it’s been my dream since I was a child to become the number one pro hero. I never thought I would make it to this point.”
Keigo smiled fondly at Izuku. “And you and Rody? Are there wedding bells in the future?”

Izuku chuckled and looked over at Rody again, who noticed him looking and waved. Izuku smiled and waved back, turning towards Keigo again.
He took a breath, getting ready to speak again, when he did a double take over Keigo’s right shoulder and frowned.

“What is it?” Keigo asked, turning around to see what Izuku was looking at. “Oh.” He turned back towards Izuku. “I didn’t know he would be here. Did you?”
zuku shook his head, still looking at Katsuki, who had just walked into the room wearing a fine pressed suit. “I didn’t know he was back at an agency.”

Keigo shook his head. “He’s not. He must’ve been invited by someone.”
“Who-“ Izuku started, cutting himself off when he saw a familiar head of red hair duck through the door. “Kirishima.”

Keigo whipped around again to look behind himself. “What?! You’re kidding!” Izuku let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head.
Keigo turned back towards him, frowning with concern. “Are you alright, Izuku?”

zuku let out another disbelieving chuckle, shaking his head before looking back at Keigo. “I’m fine. I’m just surprised they both had the balls to show up here.”
“I didn’t know Red Riot had come back to Japan.” Keigo said with a frown.

“You know what?” Izuku said, downing the rest of his drink and placing his empty glass on the bar. “I actually don’t care. I’m the number one fucking hero -
something Katsuki worked his entire life for and lost because he fucked up. And I have Rody. Who, if you will excuse me, I’m going to go back to.”

“Of course.” Keigo said, gesturing for Izuku to go ahead. “Enjoy the party, Izuku.”
“I plan to.” Izuku said before making his way back to Rody.
TBC after i eat breakfast
jk i need a nap so tbc after my nap
adding more tags to this just in case!

nsfw-ish, angst, happy ending (kinda)

i think that’s it??
Before Izuku could reach his boyfriend, he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He froze, reminding himself that he was a pro hero in the middle of a party and he absolutely cannot deck his ex-husband’s best friend in the face (even if his quirk would keep it from hurting).
“Izuku.” Eijiro said softly.

“Kirishima.” Izuku responded coldly, not moving.

“Can we talk for a moment?”

“I’d rather not.”

“Please?” Eijiro said, tightening his grip on Izuku’s shoulder slightly. “Just five minutes. I want to ex-“
“No.” Izuku said, keeping his voice level so as not to draw attention. He turned to Eijiro. “I’m done with explanations. You and Katsuki have caused enough damage in my life. I am no longer interested in hearing anything you have to say.”

“Izuku, please-“
“No.” Izuku said firmly. “I told you I was done. I’m done with explanations, I’m done with excuses, I’m done with feeling angry and sorry for myself, I’m done with you, and I’m done with Katsuki. Goodbye.”
Izuku made his way back to Rody, not sparing a single glance towards Eijiro or Katsuki, who were both looking in his direction. He politely interrupted Rody’s conversation, stating that he had an early morning and it was best that they start heading out.
Rody smiled at Izuku and kissed his temple before saying goodbye to the people he was talking to. He looped his arm with Izuku’s and the two of them walked out of the party together.
As the sounds of celebration faded into nighttime city noises, Izuku looked at his boyfriend, chuckling softly as he caught his him already looking at him. He was happy. He had someone who treated him the way he deserved, and he finally, finally achieved his childhood dream.
It was an unusually warm winter evening when Izuku realized, for the first time, he was finally genuinely happy.

thank you all so much for reading!!! it truly means so much to me!! 💀🦋

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Jun 5, 2023
“wish you were sober”

jock!katsuki, regular!izuku

bkdkbk angst, no happy ending, song fic, no quirks au

tw: alcohol use and abuse, underage drinking, angst, internalized homophobia

loosely based on perks of being a wallflower and “wish you were sober” by conan gray
the music’s booming. bodies are grinding. there’s suspicious stains and puddles of liquid on the carpet. izuku lost his friends within five minutes of arriving, and he had no less than three beers spilled on his shirt.

he wasn’t even drinking.
he should go home. honestly, he should find his friends and drive them home before going back to his own house and crawling into bed with a good book.

but the moment red met green, all of izuku’s plans flew out the window.
Read 13 tweets
Apr 18, 2023
"Dynamight, sir. We're ready to start the briefing."
Katsuki jumped slightly, pulling the sleeve of his hero costume down and turning sharply to the sidekick that interrupted him. The sidekick flinched slightly at the sight of Katsuki's scowl.
He opened his mouth to tell the poor man off for doing his job when he felt a gentle, yet firm hand on his shoulder. He scowled once more at the sidekick before turning to the body next to him.
"When will you stop tormenting the poor boy?" Izuku asked, shaking his head.
Read 19 tweets
Apr 16, 2023
battle of the bands socmed au

🎸 bkdk, shinkami, momojiro (other ships tbd)
🎸 ignore timestamps
🎸 bakusquad vs dekusquad mostly but other characters will be included
🎸 some of class a don’t exist here bc reasons
🎸 slow updates probably bc posts take forever to make

DYNAMIGHT (1/2) ImageImageImageImage
(2/2) Image
Read 9 tweets

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