
I want to dedicate this thread to Margaret Thatcher

And I am going to talk about a number (240)

So I want to talk about four people

And I want you to use your imagination

Imagine you are

1. @GregHands
2. @Jacob_Rees_Mogg
3. @bbclaurak
4. @WestminsterWAG
So the reason we are starting with @GregHands is quite simple

Question from @SophyRidgeSky: 'Is Boris Johnson a man of integrity?'

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

It is a simple question

"Is Boris Johnson a man of integrity?"

It is a yes/no question

Greg cannot answer yes.


"I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"
Now that response is weird

You see

There is always a tweet
Question from @SophyRidgeSky: 'Is Boris Johnson a man of integrity?'

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

What does it say about Greg not only that his lie and escape response is so utterly pathetic? ImageImageImageImage
If you search Greg's twitter timeline

and if you search Hansard

So there is a second part to Greg's answer

"His great strength is his ability to campaign, his ability to galvanise voters as part of a broader Conservative family... I am confident that Boris Johnson can be a campaigning asset"

Now I actually detest this
Because it reduces your evaluation of him as a human being

To the transactional return it provides

Even I am not that cruel to Boris Johnson
Over the last 13 years lying racist charlatans have deliberately deflected from austerity by

1 - conflating "immigrants" into one lump

2 - reduced them purely to a cost benefit analysis of their economic return & LYING ABOUT THAT

Their value & worth lies beyond just a £ sign

I got a bit ranty there about racists

I do apologise

To ,make up for it

Here's a thread where I defend Boris Johnson from charges of racism

Now I am going to come back to Greg in a moment

But first I want to focus on @Jacob_Rees_Mogg

and again as with Greg a simple question , this time asked by @cathynewman

I transcribed it a while back for a thread I did specifically on a moral compass Image
the key line

again as with Greg , it's a yes/no question

CN: “Do you think that Boris Johnson has a moral compass?”

JRM: “I’m sure he has clear view of what he wants to do”
the old thread I wrote on Jacob Rees Mogg and a moral compass is here, I'm not going to unravel it here as I am going on a different journey in this thread


I have introduced Greg and Jacob

And how they fail to answer a basic question about Boris Johnson

I want to turn now to a simple question
What does the Conservative & Unionist Party stand for?

What are its values?

Show your working.
So here's my working

This took a bit of time

But I searched the Margaret Thatcher archive and for all 240 occasions where she uses the word integrity (in relation to an individual) and not territorial integrity I have listed them below
Oh and of the 240 the ones where she does talk of territorial integrity I will come to later as it also is quite relevant to the next individual we will be talking about @bbclaurak

Here's the full search results

So a reminder:

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

Mrs. Thatcher, replying to the toast listed the qualities a local government officer should have.

“You need something much more than a good brain, more than a good brain coupled with integrity”

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

Mrs. Thatcher:

“The Prime Minister (Macmillan) is a man of the highest integrity and honour and should not, therefore, suffer for someone whose standards were not as high as his own.”

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

Here is a man of the utmost integrity and of great ability.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

Sir Alec Douglas-Home brought to politics outstanding qualities, integrity, selflessness, courage & a capacity for getting people to work together. He knew nothing of cynicism nor of artifice.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

in Edward Heath we have a man of ACTION, INTEGRITY and PURPOSE—a fitting leader for a great nation.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

Britain, she claimed, would never have been so great without Conservative rule, which was carried out with integrity and justice.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

Our Conservative Manifesto is called “A Better Tomorrow” . This means more than a prosperous tomorrow. We want a nation with high standards of integrity, tolerance and personal responsibility.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

Personal liberty. Rule of law—a moral code.

It was these which led to that initiative, independence, integrity and duty which have become the hallmark of the British character the world over.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

we want them to live in a society,

— where our traditional rule of law is upheld—a just and impartial law; which has truly been the guardian of our liberties. [end p14]

A society—where relations between individuals are conducted on a basis of integrity and trust;

The Britain I want is a country which once again is known throughout the world for its integrity, its industry, the calibre of its people and its valiant championship of justice and truth.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

There is no one of greater integrity in this House (on Sir Keith Joseph)

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

Those of us who are here realize what this two o'clock in the morning courage means, what a lonely job it is...t you (Ronald Reagan) have total integrity

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

you have given us three most distinguished Scots Tory PMs, including.. Alec Home. He set so many of the standards of integrity in politics which my generation tries to emulate and follow.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

Well, it occurs through the Perez de Cuellar Secretary General of the United Nations who is being very very active indeed. A person of total integrity

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

I would like to say that I think that we are all lucky to have Mr. de Cuellar as Secretary General. He is a person himself of great integrity

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

the Committee have been anxious to select people who have the right experience, sagacity and integrity to conduct the review. I believe that that is how it will be seen outside.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

Your performance in first half year of Office first rate. Integrity and energy have brought organisation consideration credit. Future of UN could not be in better hands.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

the [end p6] British Council has a wonderful reputation the world over, as you know, for the excellent work it does and for its total integrity.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

Throughout history we in Britain have always been an outward looking people, seeking discovery and adventure.

A people with tolerance, integrity, steadfastness and courage.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

We are seen today as a people with integrity, resolve and the will to succeed.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

We are seen today as a people with integrity, resolve and the will to succeed.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

The City's success is built on trust. That trust comes from lasting integrity.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

Now, we still have—can I put it this way—and I hope it doesn't sound pompous—I still think we have a certain integrity in the world. I find it wherever I go.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

She paid tribute to Mr Reagan 's integrity saying: “I think he's a marvellous guy.”

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

It is that professional integrity which gives the College (Royal College of Nursing) and its Members their high standing in the community.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

Can I say this to the media: I have said goodbye to some marvellous Ministers who served Britain to the highest standards of public service with so much integrity and sense of duty.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

I suppose this kind of integrity. You first sort out what you believe in. You then apply it. You then must argue your case, but you do not say: “Well I am going to do it because someone else did it!” and always you do not compromise on things that matter.

Now, we were brought up that Britain was the best in the world because she had standards of honesty and integrity and law.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

Jimmy Young to MT

2 of your strongest attributes, your integrity & patriotism; even people who didn't like you, or didn't like your politics, never queried those things before.Can you re-convince the public those 2qualities are as sound as they were once perceived ?

Mr Fletcher to MT

Will she also accept that the Conservative Benches and the country have every confidence in her personal integrity?

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

You have led the United Nations with energy, integrity and good sense.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

Your (Keith Joseph) integrity, selflessness and thought for others are an example to us all. I am so happy that Her Majesty The Queen has graciously consented to make you a Companion of Honour.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

I believe implicitly in the President's total integrity on that subject.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

One day this country will know what it owes to him. A person of total integrity.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

If you look, the things for which Britain used to be known were a fundamental sense of fairness, integrity, honesty and courtesy for your neighbour and for people who came to visit us.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

So this bicentenary .... it is an opportunity to rededicate ourselves to those fundamental values and the integrity and the sense of fairness which goes with them.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

On Lord Hailsham
Qualities of intellect, integrity, vigour, scholarship and powerful advocacy.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

What made Britain great was the character of her people, the initiative, the integrity, the enterprise

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

And one has to ask why that there were certain accepted standards of dealing one with another, certain standards of courtesy, consideration and integrity.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

So yes it does irritate me because for years we had the reputation of supreme integrity, Britain was always a very honest country, and I think as a matter of fact we still have that reputation.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

He (George Bush) had a pretty good stature, you know, as Vice-President. A man of total integrity, enormous hard work, very very wide international experience.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

He (George Bush) has enormous integrity, enormous loyalty to certain principles and values, a marvellous family and he does really care about the future of the things he believes in.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

A birthday toast to Lord Forte

But it's the personal qualities—the charm, the courtesy, the kindness, above all the total integrity that we especially remember this evening

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

I think that there is far more goodness and decency and honourableness in people as a whole than there is evil and it is that goodness and decency and honourableness and integrity that we rely on working together to overcome the other things.

It is an extremely important role and we are proud of our people who are doing it and we know that it will be carried out with total integrity, total professionalism

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

Today, having won a reputation for steadfastness, integrity and success, we have an influence in the world which we have not enjoyed these past forty years.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

your (Paul Channon MP) utter integrity and decency were of great importance in maintaining public confidence.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

We remember his integrity and his dedication and we remember that among other things how he stood up to appalling national disasters, to which the whole world responded

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

We know you, Prime Minister, as a man of supreme integrity and utter dedication.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

The rule of law is the rock on which democracy stands. Not to uphold it is to risk the rule of anarchy. That's not a slur on anyone's integrity. It's a comment on where equivocation can lead you.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

I think everyone has been impressed with President de Klerk 's integrity and courage.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

The success of a financial centre depends on willingness to take risks & make markets, ...it depends on integrity.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

The marks of Lord Jakobovits' leadership have been unyielding commitment to principle, a refusal to seek easy popularity at the expense of integrity and a fearless statement of values .... of lasting relevance and general application to the modern world.

Chief Luthuli led the ANC with absolute integrity and great personal authority. So much so that he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1960.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

You, Boutros Boutros Ghali Secretary General have by your skill, persistance and integrity greatly enhanced the authority of your office.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

Integrity is an old fashioned word. There are even some who will tell you it is an old fashioned thing. But, for a politician, integrity is everything.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

there was Nicholas Ridley's integrity. The really honest, honourable man is not always popular. He makes people uneasy because he says what they half-thought –and would rather they hadn't.

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

I first met President Ford, who more than qualifies in both categories, when I was very much a novice opposition leader. He brought dignity and integrity to the highest office in his country

@GregHands "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"

Iain Duncan Smith holds a principled position and he has fought for it with energy and honour. When he is criticised for lacking ministerial experience, it should be remembered that he does so only because he put his integrity before his ambition.
Now I have reached the end of the 240 results that talked of integrity in relation to a person.

Which is your favourite ?
Its a crowded field - but this stands out

"Integrity is an old fashioned word. There are even some who will tell you it is an old fashioned thing. But, for a politician, integrity is everything."
Now to talk about territorial integrity.

Again because this relates to the working in the answer of what does the Conservative & Unionist Party stand for
SF “we’re in this situation because Boris Johnson lied.”

LK “that’s quite a charge”.

SF: “It’s true, though, because Boris Johnson said his deal was oven ready and he made it out as if there would be no issues and quite obviously there are extreme issues with the protocol.”
so I would actually correct @@StephenFlynnSNP

the issue is not the lie that the deal was oven ready

the issue is the lie that Vote Leave said they had many solutions to the NI border prior to 23/6/2016
the chief snake oil peddler who deployed that lie was @PennyMordaunt

I have pointed this out to her many times

She still in the 2000+ days since 23/6/2016 has not told anyone what those many solutions are
But my focus is not on the lies of Vote Leave with relation to Northern Ireland

I did a thread on that

My focus instead is on the reaction of @bbclaurak

"that's quite a charge"

I think @mrjamesob summed up my feelings there

I am going to quote from this from @bbclaurak

"The public knows this. We don't expect our politicians to be angels. But outright lying, in my experience, is relatively rare. It is too easily found out."

You see what she did there?
She goes for an extreme

I don't expect my politicians to be "angels" or "saints" or "the messiah" or "God"

I expect them to hold to some basic standards of ethics

That's all
To return to Northern Ireland

The question is

Having known they had no solutions to NI

Having "won" brexit

What was Boris Johnson and his MPs prepared to do to "get brexit done"

The answer .... well

So here's a Conservative election poster from 1959 Image
A handy resource for any one looking for historic election materials

Again a simple question

What does the Conservative & Unionist Party stand for

Here's Margaret's word's juxtaposed with Boris Johnson's ImageImage
Margaret Thatcher once said "The manner of winning is a matter of honour"

I disagree

As what you do with that "win" also reflects on your "honour" ImageImageImageImage
But anyway enough about that

I want to return at the last to @WestminsterWAG

and her coverage the day after the Privileges Committee questioned Boris Johnson on #Partygate Image
now you actually can in a weird way

take a positive from this

as Ian says

and here - a photo of the prayer itself

Now Margaret Thatcher once upon a time

Spoke to the Institute of Journalists

Here's the first part of her speech and then I will juxtapose the second with another image in a minute Image
I did do a long thread ages ago on @WestminsterWAG and @SarahVine and the "awesome responsibility" they had following 23/6/2016


there is

a key point

the people who KNOW BEST who and what Boris Johnson is

how he behaves

how he lies

how he deceives

how he says anything to get through the next 60 seconds

are the people who have worked beside him
at the last

after all the various deflections, diversions, ducking, dodging and denials they employ

they return to "we knew what he was"

or "well we know what he is but what about you"

or "he's no angel/saint etc..." Image
a reminder of the word cloud from the start of partygate

it hasn't really changed much from then to the current day

the only point is now as Jacob Rees Mogg seek to ask us to "move on" or peddle wilful shite

they are afraid

of owning up to what they have always known Image
a reminder of the word cloud from the start of partygate

it hasn't really changed much from then to the current day

the only point is now as Jacob Rees Mogg seek to ask us to "move on" or peddle wilful shite

they are afraid

of owning up to what they have always known
it does feel like the closing of a loop

so as it started with a party in 2001

where the band played a song that captured Boris perfectly & the audience laughed at the notion of him being Prime Minister

a media baron pledged his fealty and backing to the ascent of the King Image
Just try a simple exercise

Imagine you were Josephine or Elizabeth

And you knew exactly how the Prime Minister was behaving

How would you react?
How would you explain it to your children?

How do you explain the importance of values to a child?

I personally think Boris Johnson is an inspiration

Of what happens when you are prepared to do anything in pursuit of self, career & power

He is terrified - "Project Fear" you might say

of one thing - how it impacts his wages

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More from @PandaScottish

Mar 25

“as a proud member”

Q: Is Boris Johnson a man of integrity?

Greg: "I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls”

Rishi: “integrity, professionalism and accountability at every level”

“for a politician, integrity is everything.”
So the Conservatives cancelled the press from attending their spring conference

They literally canceled the 4th estate

So it’s a simple question

Are you ok with that?

If yes - then would you be ok with every other political party doing the same?
Now there is a reason I quoted Greg, Rishi and Margaret in my opening to the thread

I spent time going through 240 speeches, interviews and letters of Margaret Thatcher’s to see where she spoke of integrity
Read 12 tweets
Mar 20


It's a simple question

Imagine you are a journalist

And you are giving an "invitation"

either as part of the selection process of @SuellaBraverman to take favourable media

Or as a "passing comment"

to visit Rwanda

.....what would you do?
Would you question the Rwanda government on this?

"A Foreign Office official raised concerns about plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, citing state surveillance, arbitrary detention, torture and killings by the country’s government"

Would you question the Rwanda government on this?

Read 24 tweets
Mar 10

And next they came for David Attenborough*

*they didn't have to because the BBC pre-censored David

So I'm going to do a thread on this

So the quote from the article

"The BBC has decided not to broadcast an episode of David Attenborough’s flagship new series on British wildlife because of fears its themes of the destruction of nature would risk a backlash from Tory politicians and the rightwing press"
So it's a simple point

Why would the destruction of nature risk a backlash from "Tory politicians and the right wing press" ?

Why would they not want to conserve the natural world in all its glory?
Read 26 tweets
Mar 9

I want to talk about lawyers

And I am going to do so in the form of a story

I want to talk about Daniel, Blake, Stephen and John

All 5 have important roles in this story
So let's begin

Now Daniel

He is really upset

A journalist has cast aspersions on his spouse

And he feels agrieved

Normal routes of reply to the journalist aren't an appropriate enough response

Instead Daniel wants to go further
So Daniel is really angry

He wants revenge

But in order to execute his revenge on Stephen

He doesn't have a crucial piece of information

His friend Blake works in the same industry as Stephen and knows this

So Daniel enlists Blake to provide this information to him
Read 89 tweets
Mar 8

Imagine you asked a lawyer the questions below:

"I am interrogated as to what my name is, where I live, what political party I belong to and how I voted in the elections"

Now imagine AS WELL as attacking

their profession (legal)

their political affiliation (Labour)

where they live (Islington)

you ALSO attack

the fact that they have been knighted (Sir)

the fact they worked in a role that required independence e.g.

So I don't want to talk about Sir Keir Starmer

I don't want to talk about Margaret Thatcher (who practiced as a barrister)

Instead I want to talk about Suella Braverman
Read 18 tweets
Mar 8


Let's get fucking started on this disgraceful steaming pile of excrement, lies and racist xenophobic bullshit spouted by @10DowningSt @RishiSunak

Oh let me apologise

For the swearing

Because there's going to be fucking lots of it

So to start with

You take the text

And you use this


795 words, 4559 characters. Readability level: 11-12th grade student
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2. boats7 (0.9%)
3. come7 (0.9%)
4. can’t7 (0.9%)
5. people6 (0.8%)
6. illegally6 (0.8%)
7. small5 (0.6%)
8. country5 (0.6%)
9. legislation4 (0.5%)
10. safe4 (0.5%)
Read 102 tweets

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