Ollie Stone's "Nixon" begins with Howard Hunt's CREeP boys prepping for the Watergate breakin and for some reason they're watching a short film on sales technique—for all I know, this is historical, but for now we take this as a reminder of a common *theme* about Nixon.
the theme was most famously explored in Joe McGinnis's book "The Selling of the President, 1968"—Nixon, the book asserts, was a triumph of slick *marketing*. young Richard Nixon was not an appealing man, but he was able to rebrand himself as an older, wiser statesman.
there's a direct line to be drawn between Mr. @dick_nixon's 1968 marketing machine, and the current-day attempts of the @GOP—an extremist Christian fascist party—to rebrand itself, with the help of frauds like @elonmusk and @mtaibbi, as somehow the rebellious outsiders.
the Republicans think they can do this because they've fully internalized the values of #marketing itself, and marketers (including @mtaibbi) think that they can *sell anything to anyone*. they are manipulators and moulders of mass opinion, manufacturers of consent.
@mentions@mtaibbi and @elonmusk are a fascinating marketing phenomenon: they're *captive rebels*. they're scarcely the only such fake rebels, but right now they're the *loudest*: even as @Jim_Jordan leads Matt Taibbi around on a leash, the pretense is that he's "independent".
in a way, @mtaibbi is nothing new. it's long been known that capitalism finds ways of subsuming and destroying all criticism of itself. this is how #DiscoElysium, an anticapitalist manifesto, is now @DiscoElysium, worthless commercial franchise trash. it happens.
@mentions@mtaibbi may have had some genuinely rebellious spirit in him once, but now he's crawling around @elonmusk and doing @GOP errands—there's nothing the tiniest bit rebellious about Matt Taibbi now, whatever he *used* to be. Taibbi's "independence" is a marketing ploy.
here's the thing. the delicious irony of the whole awful @elonmusk / @mtaibbi marketing phenomenon is...these clods *believe their own horseshıt*.
Elon Musk, aristocratic corporate man-baby, really thinks he's Leonardo da Vinci. Matt Taibbi thinks he's Hunter Thompson.
tell lies often enough—it's to be doubted whether @mtaibbi has told the truth in public for years, certainly not since he retroactively declared some of his own "journalism" to be "satire"—and you simply *believe them*. you can make yourself believe your lies are truth.
it's *really* easy if you're a man of straw like @NateSilver538 (or @mtaibbi), someone who thinks "truth" is merely a matter of popularity and "tribalism" and "narratives"—someone without a moral center or backbone.
if you think truth is mere smoke, then do lies exist?
does @mtaibbi really believe in...anything? (other than in his own genius and genes, which don't count as solid anchoring points.)
I'm a scientist by education; I *have* to believe in objective truth. but Matt Taibbi doesn't...maybe all he needs is a winning smile.
and I think people may have noticed that @mtaibbi does like to *grin*.
hardline Christianity and bigotry go together; it's probably *impossible* to have the first of these things without the second, because the central obsession of the fanatical Christian is _dividing people up_.
there's Saved™ and Damned™, never the twain shall meet.
once you're used to dividing up people into "God's chosen" and "God's garbage" then dividing them up even more, erecting even more purportedly eternal barriers between groups of people, becomes routine. Christian bigotry *begins* with this noxious fixation on damnation.
hardline belief in eternal and invincible separation between the Saved™ and the Damned™ is incompatible with the fundamental premises of *rational argument*—the Christian fanatic (@jordanbpeterson, say) doesn't think that the Damned™ are rational in the first place.
racists like @realchrisrufo and @mtaibbi probably roll their eyes and react with practiced derision if they ever see the term "settler culture", in reference to the culture propagated by genocidal Western imperialism.
but it's real enough! it's easy enough to discern.
no matter who was doing the colonizing—Britain, France, Belgium, whoever—they were doing it for roughly the same set of reasons, with the same basic set of Christian assumptions about the world. "God gave me permission to do this evil and destructive thing," basically.
the people doing it were, all too often, Western society's dregs—flotsam and jetsam sent in every direction away from European *chaos*, people who were unable to get along in their homelands.
so you'd get Christian fanatics, business cheats, mercenaries, prisoners...
hm. I had some thoughts about the *provisional nature* of scientific truth. let's see if I can get those into a thread.
right-wing propagandists like to pretend that #science (or Science™, rather, "science" as a buzzword and slogan) is a source of _absolute truth_.
this is a fallacy: all scientific findings are *provisional*. scientific models are built on empirical observations about the world; they're generalizations based on a body of knowledge that is _always_ accumulating fresh data. scientific observation has never stopped.
as as result, there is *always* a possibility that currently accepted scientific models will be rendered obsolete by fresh information. NO scientific model is immune from the possibility of upset.
there's two general sorts of person who don't grasp this about science.
I have a confession: I *hate* wasting my time on @elonmusk and @mtaibbi and the rest of these awful people. this is never what any of us wanted to do with our time. our family here doesn't care for it—it's a massive distraction. but it seems we have had some *results*.
we could do more than simply watch @elonmusk turn @Twitter into a clubhouse for every grifter and troublemaker who (for now) sees Elon Musk as their savior. it's not just @mtaibbi and @bariweiss who hope Elon Musk will be a gravy train they can ride into The Future™.
if we've been able to hurl obstacles in the path of the @elonmusk / @mtaibbi train, then so much the better. these people *must* be stopped; if they get their way, then the @GOP will do to the nation what @GovRonDeSantis is doing to Florida. they will be our ruination.
another theme of depictions of Nixon, and one that we've encountered in non-fiction about Nixon as well. Garry Wills wrote an entire book, "Nixon Agonistes" (in parody of Milton's "Samson Agonistes"), that examined the psychological basis for Nixon's political ambition.
compared to the old-money East Coast crowd, Richard M. Nixon was a pipsqueak—and if Oliver Stone's "Nixon" is accurate here, the Kennedys didn't hesitate to remind Nixon that he was (compared to them) an upstart and a nobody. a "two-bit grocery clerk from Whittier".
the @GOP, in general, is pervaded with the same curdled, festering resentment. @TheDemocrats are the *truly old* political party in the United States, going back many more decades than the upstart Republicans. to this day, the GOP feels like they're in perpetual second.
there's a quality that comes through both in Oliver Stone's "Nixon" and in Robert Altman's "Secret Honor", which is a very different sort of fictional treatment of Nixon. but both works tell us this about Nixon: he resented being the pawn of more powerful men.
in that screenshot we see Bob Hoskins as sinister J. Edgar Hoover, a man who treats Richard Nixon as a useful jackass—in an earlier scene, Hoover and his boyfriend predict lines from one of Nixon's formulaic speeches while they're lounging by the pool watching TV.
and here they put the screws to Nixon, hinting that they're not going to *allow* RFK to win in 1968 (and not five minutes before, we've seen Hoover and gangster Johnny Roselli "win" a horse race through some mysterious accident involving one of the racehorses.)