Dr. Lutz Böhm Profile picture
Mar 27, 2023 15 tweets 9 min read Read on X
"The future of #ChemicalEngineering"

I asked @slidesgpt to create a slide deck on the topic with #AI.

Some might say "pretty generic" again but let me tell you:
At every conference, there are presentations looking at least partially like this.

Let's go through it.

For a start, it is good that @slidegpt warns you that you should have a critical look at the content.

If you want to talk about the future, start with the past. Okay.

It also gives you a comment so that you can just make a karaoke session out of it:

"[...] Understanding this history is important for understanding the current state of the field and predicting its future."

Yeah, I probably would use the buzzwords "#nanotechnology" and "#biotechnology" as well if I had to give such a talk.

Yepp, next buzzwords are "#sustainability", #RenewableEnergy", and "#GreenChemistry".

Not bad.

21st century, so we have to talk about "#Digitalization", "#DataAnalytics", and "#RemoteMonitoring".

I probably would have mentioned #IoT

To stress the importance: e.g. @BASF_DE's supercomputer "QURIOSITY" is ranked 65 worldwide

#ArtificialIntelligence as a topic itself can't be left out. "Process Optimization" and "#PredictiveMaintenance", yeah, got to mention it.

I deleted the stock photo on the slide because it was @NotMyRobots and a bit...explicit

Oh yeah, one of my favorite buzzword as long as I work in science is "Industry 4.0" #Industry40 with #Robotics, #SmartFactory and #Cybersecurity

I think it is interesting that education and training were put into the slide deck.

Completely true, e.g., Continuing education will be more than ever a key feature in the future.

#Globalization is not only discussed as an opportunity but also with a critical view.

Very interesting. It even goes into the political sphere talking about how the "Regulatory Landscape" influences the future of #ChemicalEngineering

Now in the end we are getting into the soft skill part of Collaboration and Networking.

The final slide concludes the presentation.

"In conclusion, the future of chemical engineering is bright and full of opportunities. [...]"

Let's hope so.

As a professor of PostDoc you are sometimes asked to give such talks providing an overview on something like "The future of ChemEng".

I could give this talk like it is, cost me 3min time to generate and most people would be okay with it.

Based on (my) previous work, I could easily use this basic structure, add a couple of slides on more topics and make this a pretty good 30min talk about "The future of #ChemicalEngineering".


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#Wissenschaftskommunikation #WissKomm
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#Wissenschaftskommunikation #WissKomm
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