#BREAKING: Brand new security footage has just been released to the public showing the Active shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale drove to Covenant Church/School in her Honda Fit this morning, parked, and shot her way into the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Seems we have a new type of terrorist to be aware of.
Seems the FBI is trying to scrub Audrey Elizabeth Hale soc media posts, and bury it.
She wanted to be a martyr for the Trans community.
This is a war on Christians.
Stay vigilant. Stay. Stay prepared.
More intel.
This trans terrorist movement is real.
2nd pic is Art from Hale's page.
Sleeper cells have been activated.
These are officially terrorists. No telling how long this movement has been going.
Wonder whose training them? Police said today that the way she was working the guns, it was as if she were trained by paramilitary.
More intel:
These were the guns confiscated.
Symbolism. Anarchy symbolism.
Have a strange feeling not only Antifa. The real antifa is behind this. But also I believe the mrembers of the Nazi Azov Battalion is providing material support to this group.
⚠️Warning: some of these pills that I'll be dropping for the foreseeable future. Will be a hard pill to swallow.
Some would like to wait until the movie is over to get all of the Intel released by the establishment. If that is you, feel free to ignore these threads.⚠️
This is a heavy religious but mainly spiritual drop. This is not an attempt to infringe on any belief system.
I've gotten many requests from followers and loyal subscribers to do this. This will be a lengthy drop. Possibly several parts.
This is strictly for higher learning purposes only.🚨
I'm going to start this off by giving just a simple but brief background on myself for those who are new to my channel. The rest already know this.
I have studied and participated in every religion known to man. In my quest to seek higher learning.
I've read, learned, and studied every doctrine and learned its language as well.
I've been a true devout Christian. I like to call it christ-like. I stay away from the word Christian. Because it's not part of the biblical languages.
The biblical languages are Aramaic and Hebrew, primarily in the OT.
Greek was the language of the NT. Which came decades later after the death of Jesus.
Christian is from the Greek word Kristos. Thus, no Christians existed during the time of Jesus. The word Christian didn't come about until the 12th century, b.c.e.
Man tried to pervert the original teachings in an effort to turn those against christ or Jesus.
Christ-tian = Christ-anti. Anti-christ. Which means to go against christ.
There's no letter J in the hebraic language. Jesus name in the scripture is Yeshua.
He wore a long white rope, obeyed the commandments, and observed the passover.
I did that for a number of years. Learned to read/write Hebrew and Aramaic. I had to translate the scriptures from Genesis to Malachi.
I was a true and devout Muslim. I learned the prayers and mastered the Quran. Learned to speak, read/ write quranic Arabic. I know every surah[chapters] and iyat[verses].
Most of my family are Freemasons. I grew up living right in the back of one. When I was younger, I used to sneak in there and observe the services both me and my brother.
My father knew what I was doing and brought me in.
The members are both Christians and moslems[muslims] and practice Judaism as well.
They start off as being that. But as you go up in degrees. The show you more. And tell you more. You participate in various rituals as you ascend degrees. And learning the dark arts too. Once you reach 33° you're then ready to know every secret there is to know.
That's when the blackmail begins. In order for them to trust you with every secret, you have to marry a young male bride. And ofc I didn't make it that far. But my father told me every secret.
Everything from the sun, moon, firmament, and planets exist beyond the Artic Wall and ancient Egypt.
Most of that intel is in my drops.
I've also studied egyptology. I know how to read and write hieroglyphics.
There are many schools of higher spiritual and mystical thought.
There were many civilizations that existed pre-bible Era.
The knowledge of the world came from ancient Sumer or Sumeria. Babylonia. Later into ancient Egypt.
Before I proceed on. Please note:
Many of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs were used and perverted and used in freemasonry. Are in no way shape or form evil. The evil ones[cabal] stole and perverted the ancient knowledge centers and used them for evil purposes because they know the true power that comes from it. They used it to empower themselves, then used it to enslave humanity.
That is very important to know.
Ancient Egyptian history pre-dates the Bible. It's imperative to have this understanding. Because it correlates to everything.
So get prepared to un-learn and re-learn.
💊PART 2:
I will prove to you the correlation and how everything was stolen in efforts to fool humanity.
95% of the Bible was copied from ancient Egyptian texts and hieroglyphs.
The only thing that wasn't copied was the Apostle Paul writings and the book of Revelation. That was revealed to the prophet John son of zebedee, then given to Yeshua[Jesus].
Everything from the creation story to Jesus[Yeshua].
Note: The Arabs have nothing to do with ancient Egypt. They conquered the land from the Roman's at the end. They were the ones that defaced the pyramids, the sphinx, looted the tombs, and destroyed the learning and knowledge centers.
And replaced them with mosques and masjids.
The pyramids were made of all white limestone. They couldn't climb all the way to the top, and that's why shards remain at the tops of the great pyramids.
They used the limestone to make houses and sold to different markets.
They looted tombs of humanities ancestors. And sold the possessions to the highest bidders.
As a matter of fact, in their very book, the Quraan. It speaks of them. It said the pale desert bedoin Arab is of the shaytaan[devil] and to not be trusted.
But like all of the ancient writings, they mistranslate that purposefully. And some versions are taken out completely. But not the original Quraan, revealed in classical Arabic and Aramaic.
•End note~
The first trinity to ever exist was that of Osirus[father], Isis[mother], Horus[son].
King James back 1611, together with the Nicean Council, took the stories from ancient Egypt and incorporated that into the Bible.
The cabal in modern day took the name of the mother of man and turned all of humanity against it. So every time you hear Isis, you think of terror.
The bedoin Arabs tried their best to remove all remembrance of everything in ancient Egypt. But the dates, numbers, etc. are carved into the tombs walls, etc.
Many thanks actually go to the patriots over in America who became archeologists and dug up the rest of the tombs, and it had it preserved.
The ancient Egyptians used a solar calendar year as we do. Having 365 days.
The date that Horus was recorded was. December 25 b.c.e[before Christian error].
Horus[5 letters] = Jesus[5 letter]
Isis[4 letters] = Mary[4 letters]
Gabrel[Gabriel][6 letters] = Osirus[6 letters].
There were both black and white pharaohs. The original pharaohs were black.
The ancient Egyptians merged with the Greek civilization and lived in peace. The Greek pharaohs emerged under the Ptolemy dynasty.
They all lived in peace and harmony, and both studied in the various learning centers and temples all throughout ancient Egypt. Until the Romans came in and wiped out both civilizations.
There were 7 cleopatra pharaohs in all. The last Cleopatra married Mark Antony.
And yes, it's the Mark that wrote the book of Mark in the bible.
THUTMOSES III[Thutmose The great]:
Thutmose III was the sixth pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty.
Thut[thot]means knowledge and wisdom.
Now, the word that is being used as a derogatory term describes ribing a promiscuous woman in the urban areas.
Moses means to pull out of water in Hebrew.
Thut-moses in ancient Egypt means born of Thoth. Born of knowledge.
Thutmose III was a skilled warrior who brought the Egyptian empire to the zenith of its power by conquering all of Syria, crossing the Euphrates to defeat the Mitannians, and penetrating south along the Nile River to Napata in the Sudan.
He was recognized as a military genius by historians and is widely considered Egypt's greatest warrior pharaoh. Additionally, he is regarded as one of the most powerful and celebrated rulers of the New Kingdom Period of Ancient Egypt, which is considered the height of Egyptian power.
Thut-moses = Moses in the bible.
Everything is outlined and recorded in a text called Egyptian Book of The Dead.
Everything in the bible is just that, stories. All made-up characters.
All of the great men and women in the history of the world have official burial places.
But why aren't there any for the great men and women of the Bible.
If you ever go, visit some of the alleged biblical areas in the east. It'll be a patch of dirt with a stick or a small shrine saying this is where John died, etc.
There are absolutely no burial places. The only one they have is Jesus[Horus]of the alledged tomb he was supposedly taken too.
Other than that, that's it.
But there are 2 places where the people names were stolen from ancient Egypt and changed to other names in the bible where their all are buried.
The valley of the kings and queens. Complete with their names, thecdates they lived and who they were.
The royal tombs are decorated with traditional scenes from Egyptian mythology and reveal clues to the period's funerary practices and afterlife beliefs. Almost all of the tombs seem to have been opened and robbed in antiquity, but they still give an idea of the opulence and power of Egypt's pharaohs.
Valley of the Gates of the Kings is an area in Egypt where, for a period of nearly 500 years from the Eighteenth Dynasty to the Twentieth Dynasty, rock-cut tombs were excavated for pharaohs and powerful nobles under the New Kingdom of ancient Egypt.
The valley of the queens is where the wives of pharaohs were buried in ancient times. It was known then as Ta-Set-Neferu, meaning "the place of beauty."
Valley of the Queens consists of the main valley, which contains most of the tombs, along with the Valley of Prince Ahmose, the Valley of the Rope, the Valley of the Three Pits, and the Valley of the Dolmen. The main valley contains 91 tombs, and the subsidiary valleys add another 19 tombs.
Her name means House of Horus but she had many epithets, including "Eye of Re," "Goddess of the West" [when Egyptians died, they went to the West], and "Lady of the Southern Sycamore".
In fact, she was called "The Great One of Many Names." The Greeks called her Aphrodite, and the Romans referred to her as Venus.
Yet again, the cabal in 1611 under King James perverted her attributes and put her as a golden calf in the book of Exodus.
The evil satanic perversion of men turned the great men and women, both black and white, who actually walked the earth and did great things. Turned them into objects to be worshipped.
In that period of history, both men and women had the power. All of humanity had the power. Our pineal and pituary and barathary glands were opened.
We all had the ability to levitate. Heal the sick and wounded. Access to free energies. And bath in the warm waters of Antarctica to preserve youth. How do you think they lived to be hundreds of years old?
In the bibke, they turned that into baptism. Bejng born again. Mad new.
The waters in Antarctica did that.
How do you think the cabal is living to be over 100 years old? And no, that's not from adrenochrome. They only take that when they don't have access to Antarctica. And they have been cut off from the waters there.
They kept humanity away from it.
Medbeds don't exist. It's a fantasy. The waters from Antarctica will cure any and everything.
In our bodies, we possess power. The power resides in energy centers in your body called Chakras.
You activate them by controlling your breath.
In the book of Genesis. God breathe into man what?
The breath of life.
The devils aim is to speed up your breath. The average person breaths what? Around 18 breaths per minute, roughly. 6+6+6=18.
The devil is trying to deny you your breath. The breath is the key to unleashing your power from within.
Slowing your breath down is key.
That's called meditation.
The Nicean Council[cabal] took that away and inserted prayer.
In other words, idle worshipping. Not IDOL, but idle. Sitting in one place, praying to Greek names that holds no words of power.
Human Trafficking. DHS. Raids. Spring. Miami. Los Angeles. MI intel:
When do birds sing?
#BREAKING Rapper Sean 'Diddy' Combs' homes raided by Homeland Security
US official confirms to Fox News raids on Diddy's homes are connected to a federal human trafficking investigation.
Sean Combs' Los Angeles home was raided Monday by Homeland Security officials, Fox News Digital confirmed. Agents were also seen at his home in Miami.
"Earlier today, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) New York executed law enforcement actions as part of an ongoing investigation, with assistance from HSI Los Angeles, HSI Miami, and our local law enforcement partners," Homeland Security Investigations said in a statement.
The raids on Diddy's homes are connected to a federal human trafficking investigation.
What we know so far:
In November, Cassie, legally known as Casandra Ventura, sued the musician over allegations of rape and abuse. She accused Diddy of raping her in her own home, enduring "over a decade" of his "violent behavior and disturbed demands" and forcing her to have sex with male prostitutes while he watched and filmed.
The R&B singer also alleged Diddy "punched, beat, kicked and stomped" on her.
Combs denied Cassie's claims in a statement provided to Fox News Digital at the time.
"Mr. Combs vehemently denies these offensive and outrageous allegations. For the past six months, Mr. Combs has been subjected to Ms. Ventura’s persistent demand of $30 million, under the threat of writing a damaging book about their relationship, which was unequivocally rejected as blatant blackmail," his lawyer said.
"Despite withdrawing her initial threat, Ms. Ventura has now resorted to filing a lawsuit riddled with baseless and outrageous lies, aiming to tarnish Mr. Combs’s reputation and seeking a payday."
One day after she filed the claim, Sean and Cassie came to an amicable resolution, and she dropped the lawsuit.
"I have decided to resolve this matter amicably on terms that I have some level of control. I want to thank my family, fans, and lawyers for their unwavering support," Cassie wrote. ■
Music industry insiders have recently come forward and expressed that Diddy is, in fact, a homosexual. And that he has parties to engage with male subjects.
The insiders also stated that he has groomed young male singers, and rappers and even grown adults granted favors, like money in exchange for sex.
They also insisted that Diddy had secret male lovers in the industry.
Some notable names, such as Bishop TD Jakes.
I told you at the beginning of the year. All lies and secrets will be revealed this year.
There will be a lot of birds singing in the spring.
#UPDATE Homeland Security arrested detained several individuals, including 2 of Combs sons.
A bunch of birdies are going to be sanging this spring.
Diddy is the black Epstein.
You're about to witness the fall of Hollywood and the entertainment industry.
Earlier this week, @KimDotcom put out a challenge to get data from all of Bidan’s shell companies, and an anonymous anon will pay top $ to get the intel over to @JamesComer so that the committee will bring those corrupt cabal octogon clowns down once and for all.
Challenge accepted.
This thread will be all of the data from each and every shell company owned by Bidan.
To gather this data, I use forensic software. This software allows me to perform complex data analysis operations.
This will ultimately be a long thread, with each post detailing all data I've compiled for each shell.
The data sets will begin as an outlined graph report. The data will then be turned into a detailed PDF report highlighting all data contained therein the graph.
The final pdf report will be available upon request from the aforementioned interested parties due to the incredible length of said report[s].
DISCLAIMER: All of the data from these companies are publicly available.
💊PART 2:
The first shell company list to be exposed is The Lion Hall Group.
If you zoom into the graph. At the very top you can see the name of the shell. It then branches off to all of the data sets collected from that host shell.
From the brief data I collected. It turns out that multiple shells were branched off from the original shell company.
This suggests that this was indeed money laundering at an extreme capacity.
The total PDF data set collection is 73pgs.
Another thing about these shells. With LLCs is setup much like a corporation. In which you have to name officers.
COMMS. HAARP. Energy grid. Blackouts. Sun. Cabal intel;
#REPORT Solar superstorm may shut down the internet for months, scientist warns
Professor Peter Becker and his team are on a mission to develop a warning system that can alert us about risky solar activity that might harm important technology.
“The internet has come of age during a time when the sun has been relatively quiet, and now it’s entering a more active time,” said Professor Peter Becker of George Mason University.
“It’s the first time in human history that there’s been an intersection of increased solar activity with our dependence on the internet and our global economic dependence on the internet.”
The latest update from NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center suggests that Solar Cycle 25 might be more intense and hit its peak earlier than initially anticipated. Initial projections pointed to a peak around July 2025, but the center now hints that the most intense phase could happen as early as the beginning to the middle of 2024.
This is merely comms.
If you know the truth and facts about the sun. You know this isn't possible that the sun will knock out the internet.
Many people are under the assumption that we get our internet through satellite.
We don't.
We get our internet through a series of underwater fiber optic cables.
Thus, if our internet goes out. It will be that the govt will either be cutting the fiber or simply have the internet providers shut down access to their services.
Everybody talking about the blackout and 10 days of darkness.
Well, here you go.
Are you prepped for it?
I released a detailed prep guide on my subchannel[subscription] area on here. And due to the sensi nature of it. It has to stay there.
However, there are plenty of prep and survivor guides on the internet and YouTube vids too.
But mine imo is more detailed than anything you can find.
But I'll give 1 thing you can do to stay powered into the internet grid. And this is not found anywhere.
• Get a solar powered electric generator. No gas or propane.
• Get a laptop
The high speed data cables is ran straight to your home, condo, and/or apartment.
Plug in your internet/server box directly into the solar powered generator as well as the ethernet cable plugged directly into your laptop to the back your internet box.
The internet is always on you just need power to it. The solar generator provides that power you need.
We all know who the rhinos are. And it's no secret that they're not just part of the deepstate. They're part of the Octogon Group doing covert ops.
Their mission is to not only bring down Trump. But to pave the way for the systematic dismantling of America as we know it.
It's quite easy for the Octogon Group to install central banking systems in every country they conquer around the world and to install central banker puppets to be in charge of those countries.
Also, to control the minds of the people through the media outlets they own, sports, and the entertainment industry.
But it's a little harder for the Octogon Group to fully control the United States because of the 2 party system, constitution with checks and balances.
So they installed Sleeper agents.
Trump exposes these deepstate[octogon] minions by glorifying them. And when he mentions them by name repeatedly. He's letting you know. They're cabal.
The good guys Trump has private phone calls with, and those guys remain behind the scenes. Some you may know. Many you do not.
The objective of this thread is to inform you of the current cabal sleepers.
I'm not going to waste time by highlighting cabal members like Mittens[mitt Romney].
Some of these individuals many look up to and follow.
But be that as it may. They have an agenda. They don't care about the patriot movement at all. Their aim is to please their masters and make a ton of money[your money] while doing so under the guise of promising change.