4. Survivor Cheryl Beck has said this is the Master's facial cue for the mind control victim to assume the "in the presence of the master" position. Cue is
Head tilt down, wide open grin with teeth together, eyes at top looking at you *Trigger caution
5. Victim of mk ultra mind programming then assumes the head and hand posture #mkultra
7. Nose is obvious penis and testicles... This was a woman transing to a man....
8. Used he him pronouns, which seem to have been subsequently altered on her profile
13. As I was not familiar with the Shining I missed that Red Rum backwards is murder, which puts another slant on the killings. Stephen King was the writer of the book. Is the shining used for MK ultra programming? web.archive.org/web/2023032222…#mkultra#audreyHale#muder#theshining
16. Stephen King has 3 part video set called "Mind Control". His fictional world in the Dark Tower series is an alter system. Was Stephen King himself subject to mind control MK Ultra. That may explain his disturbing output. web.archive.org/web/2022120208…#stephenking#mkultra#alters
18. Twitter made me delete original tweet 18, so its broken thread. I will carry thread on, missing that tweet. There is violence associated with trans activists. Is this caused by hormone injections or mk ultra programming? Either way trans terrorism is unacceptable. #trans
25. i have had to re write some more of this thread. This activist Alana McLaughlin did not say the words that had been attributed to her in the screenshot. #alanaMcLaughlin
26. Eli Rubashkin was the activist who punched Posie Parker in NZ and then was allowed to leave for Australia. #elirubashkin#jacinda#posieparker
27. I believe there is a warrant out for her arrest but I have not seen that officially. At the top of this screenshot she says "I love being a fugitive " and then some not unfamiliar trans abuse. #elirubashkin
28. Eli Rubashkin appears to have been a friend of Jacinda. What a surprise #elirubashkin#jacinda
36. Juno -Queen of the gods in Greek mythology and a goddess of love and marriage. A daughter of Saturn, she was the sister and wife of Jupiter and the mother of Mars, Vulcan, Bellona and Juventas. Like Hera, her sacred animal was the peacock. web.archive.org/web/2023032602…#juno
37. Is this polka dot programming? need more research
38. I am not going to address whether it was a false flag etc others can do that. I will break for now as its so hard to do a thread when i cannot search on twitter or check the hashtags or trends.
1. Thread 🧵on British Nonces Series 2 British Pedophiles #BritishNonces #MeatyTrumps #pedo #paedophiles #pedophiles #csa #childabuse
2. Edward Heath was British Prime Minister and there were many reports that he was a pedophile. Here is one from MIchael Shrimpton. #tedheath #childabuse #pedophile cathyfox.wordpress.com/2015/08/04/mic…
3. Fred Talbot ITV weatherman was jailed for child abuse whilst teaching at Altrincham Grammar School for Boys #FredTalbot #childabuse #csa dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…
1. Thread 🧵on Dr. Guthries Child abuse. Follow and read thread thanks #drguthries #childabuse #csa #scotland x.com/GuthriesSu24583
2. Dr Guthrie's Boys School. Edinburgh. This video is dedicated to the hundreds, if not thousands, of abused and sexually assaulted children who attended Dr Guthrie's schools in Edinburgh. … #drguthries #csa #childabuse
3. Dr Guthrie's Ragged Schools - Scotland's elite abused children with total impunity. They gave children no education, very little food, and dormitories that mirrored the workhouses of the 1840s #drguthries #raggedschools #childabuse #scotland
1. Thread on pizzagate as twitter decimated my thread from 2020. #pizzagate #podesta #clinton #spiritcooking #hillary
2. This was before it was called pizzagate, I called this USA, Coups, Counter Coups and Child Sexual AbU$e … #Wiener #csa #podesta #Abramovich #SpiritCooking #childabuse #JohnPodesta #Wikileaks #AnthonyWiener #pizzagatecathyfox.wordpress.com/2016/11/05/usa…
3. Then Comey FBI Caves in. Clinton child abuse links #Podesta #Silsby #Haiti #FBI #Comey #ClintoNEmails #HumaAbedin #Wiener #csa #childabuse #pizzagate #SpiritCookingcathyfox.wordpress.com/2016/11/06/cli…