Over the course of history, all new energy sources have been *incremental* to existing energy sources. This includes renewables - thus far they have not replaced fossil fuels, which continue to grow in usage. (1/7)
Our growth-based economic system means that we turn that new energy into more consumption rather than displace existing sources of energy. GDP and energy use are virtually correlated on a 1:1 ratio (2/7)
Thankfully we can live happy, healthy lives with less energy, this study shows that “decent standards of living could be provided to a growing global population for less than 40 per cent of the energy used around the world today.” (3/7)
… but we will need to abandon growth as a measure of anything useful, instead focusing on things that actually do matter, like wellbeing and planetary boundaries, such as under the Doughnut Economic model (4/7)
To get within the “safe and just space for humanity” we will need to democratically reduce the material and energy throughput of wealthy nations, whilst improving the wellbeing of people in those nations, exactly the definition of #degrowth (5/7)
If you think degrowth sounds sensible, but “can’t we call it something else”, this could be a relevant read, thanks to @jenharveysalli4 for co-authoring it with me (6/7)
Yesterday I was asked: “what are the 5 things you think everyone needs to know?”
So, I thought I’d share them here too:
1. This chart from the IPCC 6th Assessment Synthesis report, released this week, shows just how far away we are from limiting warming to below 2C: (1/11)
We need to be doing much more. Wealthy nations - like Australia - should be aiming to reduce emissions by 75% by 2030 (the current Labor government has a target of 43% reduction and are relying on controversial carbon offsets for much of it). (2/11)
2. Global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions are now 60% higher than they were in 1990, and we have now put more GHG emissions into the atmosphere since the first IPCC report was released in 1990 (i.e., knowing about the problem) than in all of human history prior… (3/11)
Not to get to inadequate targets (43%). To compensate for our historic emissions and help other countries achieve their targets.
Not to allow environmentally harmful sectors to continue indefinitely.
Perhaps @auspol needs to be briefed on #degrowth? The only mathematically feasible way to limit warming to less than 2 degrees & avoid tipping points in the Earth’s system that will lead to Hothouse Earth.
Here is the recording of @jasonhickel speaking to the Dutch parliament on the topic of #degrowth earlier today.
It’s been described as a “masterclass in cutting through mainstream myths about the economy”.
Perhaps @StephanieKelton can be invited to speak to the Dutch parliament soon, to help clear up the myth of “the government is a household and needs tax revenue to spend”.
And perhaps @adribuller can talk to the Dutch parliament about how putting a price on everything is absurd.
Ok, it’s not actually something to celebrate. It’s the day in which we have used all of the resources the planet can regenerate in one year. For the remainder of the year we are taking from future generations. (1/19)
If the whole world lived like Australians we would have reached Earth Overshoot Day on March 23rd. We would need more than 4 planet Earths. When is your country’s Earth Overshoot Day? (2/19)
Earth Overshoot Day is getting earlier every year as a direct result of economic growth. No, we can’t make economic growth green. Renewable energy is better than fossil fuels but it won’t save us from collapse; we must use *less* energy because energy drives our economy. (3/19)
“If you actually look at typical corporate behavior in the world today and you think of them as a person, they're sociopathic. They have no conscience. They make decisions that harm other people repeatedly. They have no sense of remorse for their actions. They lie repeatedly.
And so on. These are the actions of a sociopath. And these are the institutions that are in charge of our culture, that are running the show.
And we all know as well that the individuals within these corporations are largely replaceable. So even if you get a CEO who has an epiphany and says, I don't want to be a part of destroying the planet anymore, they're going to get fired and the board of directors is going to put