#BlockDontMock. Don’t give them a platform to spread their hallucinations.
Totally use bodyguard manipulation. Highly useful concept. The societal version is they gain power in social structures by positioning themselves at the social faultlines, pressuring their followers into us-vs.-them structures. Societies that follow this model are doomed to fail.
2. "Unlike other RNA viruses, CoVs encode a 3′-5′ exonuclease that has *proofreading activities* [...]. CoVs are also capable of *genetic recombination* if two viruses infect the same cell at the same time.
That's what drives the pandemic yet you'll only hear it on twitter. lmao
3. "All CoVs develop exclusively in the cytoplasm of infected cells." SARS does NOT behave like influenza, which takes over the cell, and replicates until it explodes like a balloon. (SARS even EXTENDS its lifecycle.) Western intellectual laziness and hubris cost them the future.
2. Any practitioners or IR scholars that seek to defy reality will run up against the hard walls of biology. It's a dynamical problem; this can escalate quite dramatically if folks remain in denial. chinacdc.cn/jkzt/crb/zl/sz…
3. I've been really subtle and patient, but apparently people need to face reality head on. Am I eager to see German life expectancy drop to 65 years? NO, but it will happen - it's biology, stupid - if you all don't wake up asap. Good luck everyone.
《Humanity’s main strategy going forward must be to cooperate in using less energy, materials, and land, with a focus on justice for humans and non-humans alike》
Very respectable work by @postcarbon, I much appreciate them. It’s not much, but even I have 1 million views per month, not bad considering the content is pretty harsh. All these small efforts add up. Follow @gordonschuecker@NJHagens too:
Sometimes we can be impatient - naturally, given the scale of problems that we but few others see.
Resharing this look back to add my bingo card for 2023-2025 includes one or more states returning to #ZeroCovid policy. Eventually people will figure out how to protect themselves.
Three Zeros: Zero new cases, zero new deaths, zero stigma
COVID: same virus and pathogenesis as SARS
2030: workable policy goal. Essential to all effective policy.
First lesson of cognitive policy: Always Frame First. (AFF). Awesome AF.
2. Lesson from the HIV pre-ART era, i.e. where we are on COVID-19: use the lessons of 40 years of HIV medicine. We literally have no time for anything but drug repurposing. People are decompensating; SARS is cruel in this very specific way. #UequalsU U=U=U
If you like Delta and Omicron, you'll adore their love children Deltacrons BQ.1.2 and XBC.1.6, with TMPRSS2 tropism, LRT bound. MAY be pathogenic like Delta, transmissible like Omicon: I'd suggest not finding out.
Restart (AUS) or start (Rest of world) #ZeroCovid. 😘
In memoriam Dr. Urbani: do the same as for SARS 2003.
WHO (@mvankerkhove) now communicates that we need to "Live with" SARS-CoV-2 for the foreseeable future. This is true without state support for elimination. I believe we can do better.
3. I will need translation help* to understand the subtle differences between PHEIC and pandemic, and the legal, material, and political implications of ending the former -- which will indubitably accelerate the latter.