Green Party leader MP @MikeSchreiner said Doug Sprawl’s agenda will benefit a small group of developers and speculators. We cannot and will not accept sprawl agenda.
MPP Catherine Fife said the Government’s affordable housing task force said we have enough room for 1.5 million homes in the existing development area. There is no need to expand.
A Greenbelt Alliance rep said we will need to keep people accountable with the official plan. Bill 23 will not solve the housing crisis. 1.5 million houses needed by 2031 is way behind. The wheels are coming off the bus. Market Definition for affordable housing isn’t reasonable.
The rep from Greenbelt Alliance noted Doug Ford hasn’t been showing up to work and Tory supporters are leaving.
City Council member Deb Chapman said there is plenty of room to grow in the currently approved areas. Ford is stripping powers from Municipalities. He is taking conservation authorities out of planning. His plan is a profit driven housing plan.
MPP Catherine Fife said the Ontario Government’s affordable housing task force said we have enough room for 1.5 million homes in the existing development area. There is no need to expand into the Greenbelt.
Green Party leader MPP @MikeSchreiner said Doug Sprawl’s agenda will benefit a small group of developers and speculators. We cannot and will not accept sprawl agenda.
Kitchener MP @morricemike said “Do not let the Federal government off the hook. This problem is created from every level of government. We need new non market affordable housing to help families.”
It was a beautiful sunny day at the #stopthesprawl rally in Waterloo.
Lots of people in Waterloo calling @fordnation to stop the sprawl. #onpoli
The view from the street at Waterloo’s Stop the Sprawl rally.
Lots of car honks, thumbs up and waves of approvals from drivers to the concerned citizens at the Stop the Sprawl rally in Waterloo.
People want housing for families not just hedge fund driven one person unaffordable condos. They want protection for environment and healthy communities not sprawl. They want the green Greenbelt and conservation areas protected. #stopthesprawl.
Mark Carney stepped down as chairman of Brookfield Asset Management after joining the campaign to lead the Liberal Party of Canada.…
Brookfield is the biggest tax evader in Canada. Neil Baker is linked to Bronfmans of world Jewish Congress and to Desmarais who founded the China Business Council. Desmarais admittedly funded ISiS through Lefarge. This tax evasion caused austerity & underfunds public supports.
Paul Desmarais and Edgar Bronfman families both linked to Blackrock and accountant Neil Baker who sold his casinos to Jeffrey Epstein’s client Leon Black.(Apollo). Neil Baker worked with Li Ka Shing’s son Richard.…
Nearly 50,000 foreign students listed as ‘no-shows’ by Canadian schools. Almost 20,000 students from India were reported as non-compliant with their student visas and not attending schools where they were meant to be studying.…
They included 2.2 per cent for Philippines (representing 688 no-show students); 6.4 per cent for China (4,279 no-shows); 11.6 per cent for Iran (1,848 no-shows); and 48.1 per cent for Rwanda (802 no-shows) etc.…
There alleged links between dozens of colleges in Canada taking in international students and two “entities” in India alleged to be involved in illegally transporting people across the Canada-U.S. border.…
@StuartSyvret @kenmurrayx4 These are broken human beings woefully insecure to the point of paranoia because they were indoctrinated to believe money is real. They are indoctrinated in fiscal systems that are so far from factual reality they don’t realize they engineered their own demise.
@StuartSyvret @kenmurrayx4 The Netherlands had a commodities market in Antwerp. Item for item the trade system was based on existing items. They bought a local prices in places like Indonesia and sold at marked up value in Antwerp. It had the appearance of fair trade but profits were used to colonize.
@StuartSyvret @kenmurrayx4 Religious festivals were crafted and it kept people dependent on buying tributes to offer. This was enforced by chiefs and it created entire economic systems but it also kept everyone in debt to simply bury their dead. Same in North America to this day with funeral. costs.
Premier Doug Ford used his personal cellphone for business. Those records are going public. @UNDPGAIN @UNODC @OCCRP @UN_SPExperts @UN_SProcedures @anticorruption @DemocracyWatchr @TaxJusticeNet @FairTaxCanada @Interpol @NewYorkFBI @StopCorpAbuse @NSAGov @SEC_Enforcement @IRS_CI
This was the scam rigged by Boris Birshtein’s son-in-law Alex Schnaider and Donald Trump in Toronto. From page 471 in the book Putin’s People. Birshtein’s solicitor is Doug Ford’s family solicitor, Gavin Tighe. We know Trump and Birshtein operated in Canada.
Ford allowed sanctioned Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska is linked to Russian interference in the 2016 US election, $757M to design, build and finance the Scarborough Subway Extension benefit from a $750-million contract to tunnel the Scarborough subway.…
Belgium’s court of appeal ruled last month that the “systematic kidnapping” of mixed-race children from their African mothers in Belgian-ruled Congo, Rwanda and Burundi was a crime against humanity. The Métis kids sued and won.…
5 Métis children of Congolese mothers were removed from 1948 and 1953 and moved hundreds of miles away to live in uncaring religious institutions with meagre rations and inadequate education. Each was awarded €50,000 (£42,000) in damages.…
Colonial officials had unilaterally changed or misspelled names, many children had lost contact with their families.
This article mirrors many aspects Canada’s 60’s scoop.…
@OCCRP 59 Canadian companies — including 33 headquartered in Quebec — transferred $119.8 billion in net profits to the European low-tax country over a period of about 10 years.…
@OCCRP While studying those disclosures, researchers concentrated on the period between 2011 and 2021, during which the transferring of profits rose sharply, he said.…
@OCCRP The Vatican Concordat of 1610 was ratified by my Ancestor Henri Membertou. It made the First Nation of the lands called Acadia. Agreement was 400 years old by 2010. In 2011 Stephen Harper, SNC Lavalin and Li Ka Shing did all this.……