An upright #Muslim can attain ranks of one who #fasts all the time and the one who recites the verses of #Allah by virtue of his good character and demeanor
Imaam rabbani Hazrat Maulana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi: The list of the akhlaaq of the Sufiyyah is as follows: 1. To believe oneself to be the most inferior. Its opposite is takabbur (pride). 2. Kindness to creation and to tolerate the difficulties and inconveniences they cause one.
3. Tenderness and cheerfulness and to abandon anger. 4. Sympathy for others and togive preference to them. This implies priority to the rights of others over one’s pleasures. 5. To be generous. 6. To overlook the wrongs of others and to forgive them. 7. To abstain from pretence
8. To spend in moderation, without being miserly or wasteful. 9. To have trust in Allah. 10. To be contented with little worldly possessions. 11. To adopt piety. 12. To refrain from arguing, quarrelling and being wrathful except for the truth.
Shaykh Abdul Ahad Al Azhari: the noble #Quran was revealed to the Arabs, recited by the Egyptians and understood by the people of Hind (Indo/pak). He gives an example to support this by recalling an incident where he was asked to give advice to ulama in Masjid Nabawi
After completing the session, someone asked, who has more virtue; father or teacher? He replied, some say the teacher as he guides for the hereafter whereas the father guides for the worldly affairs. On hearing this answer a middle aged man said, I don't understand your answer..
Shaykh Al Azhari said, please explain. The man replied that we are told to follow the Quran, then the sunnah and finally go to Qiyaas. You have taken Qiyaas first whereas the virtue of parents is established through nass. The shaykh was in agreement that a mistake has been made..
1. Hzrt Mufti Shafi' sahib RA and ziyaarat of the Roudah Mubaarak..
Whenever my Respected Father,Mufti Shafi' sahib(Rahmatullahi alaih) would present himself at the Roudah Shareef, he would not go near the screen of the blessed grave of Nabi(Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallallam).
2. He would always stand next to a pillar nearby and, if someone was present there, then he would stand behind him.
3. Once he said, he thought, "Perhaps you r wretched at heart hence you do not make any attempt to draw closer to the grille, lwhereas they are Allah's bondsmen,who endeavour to embrace the screen, the closer one gets the greater blessings however you cannot build the courage".