Primary stage (10-90 days)
The appearance of one (or sometimes, multiple) round,
painless syphilitic sore(s)
(known as chancre) at the location where the bacteria entered the body, which could be the penis, vagina, anus or mouth.
Das Unternehmen von Franz Gotthard beschäftigte 2022 nach eigenen Angaben weltweit mehr als 9200 Mitarbeiter und hat über 1,6 Millionen Nutzer in 56 Länder
Das Unternehmen beschäftigte 2022 nach eigenen Angaben weltweit mehr als 9200 Mitarbeiter und hat über 1,6 Millionen Nutzer in 56 Ländern…
Frank Gotthardt ist Mehrheitsgesellschafter der Vius Management SE,
bei der unter anderem der ehemalige BILD-Chefredakteur Julian Reichelt geschäftsführender Direktor ist.
1) This petition calls for the 2025 federal budget, which is to be discussed and adopted by the Bundestag from November 26 to 29, 2024, to ensure funding for the AMELAG follow-up project for wastewater monitoring by @rki_de & @Umweltbundesamt
2) The AMELAG wastewater monitoring project (wastewater monitoring for epidemiological situation assessment), which was launched on November 1, 2022, will expire on December 31, 2024.
3) According to the RKI, a follow-up project has been planned, but the funding is still uncertain. A decision is to be made with the 2025 federal budget. This must secure funding for the follow-up project.
it is far more appropriate to wish someone “G'mar chatima tova,” which is Hebrew for “a good final sealing
Further to that last note about not wishing someone a “Happy Yom Kippur,” one of the worship services performed on this Day of Atonement is the Yizkor, a mourning service.
D Scheffer,former US ambassador for war crimes,
suggests that we could broaden the application of public health malpractice
“to account for the administration of public health during pandemics.”
In that case,
public health malpractice might become a crime against humanity