i tried so hard to not make a comment about this tapi melihat QRT twit ini, ada bbrp observasi yg menarik:
- "Nuruls" itu emotionally charged. a pejorative term yg berasal dari upper (cultural) class urban women utk merujuk ke kabupatencore newly middle-class hijabi kpop-avi---
---tapi masalahnya broooo nurul is a very common name, and the associated status downgrade with regard to the name itu beneran jahat wkwk
ada anger di sini. which we can see di QRT. mbak menthel ini blunder, terus diquot-twit marah karena dipandang sebagai tribal enemy
garis culture war-nya jelas: banyak yg ga terima dipanggil nurul atau merasa terhina dengan meme "mbak janjiw" dari dulu. Anecdotal evidence gw punya.
there's a lot of repressed anger over this, cuman karena produsen-budaya itu biasanya orang2 urban, jadi susah jg untuk ngelawan
i don't have a horse in this fight, but maybe it's not (just) about SH atau bullying or whatever, tapi ttg perang status
therefore: mockery/hinaan atas header si fafa itu adalah "the straw that breaks the camel's back". Add justifikasi bullying, and the powder keg explodes.
this helped explain why so many people are so angry and so quick to take sides btw, dan kenapa banyak yg lebih-marah kepada satu hal dan kurang-marah kepada hal lain
unclear moral principles karna sometimes it's not what it seems
QRT-nya ada bbrp yg bilang ya gw nurul we gang gang terus bikin header sendiri yg mirip dgn itu apakah debate bahwa blio itu a Bad Person matters?
less than one might think! karena pain point bukan di sana. there's enough ammunition and bad actors here untuk berantem selamanya.
3. pasukan yg berantem itu lumayan #diverse dan nggak bisa di-cleave upon the usual culture lines
ada anak alter yg ngejek mba amanda lah, apalah, pokoknya dari kmrn gw liat random bgt.
this is because it's a virtual riot. banyak yg cuman pengen ngejarah dan ngebakar.
[warning: gibberish]
kakofoni identitarian ini menujumkan hiperstisi egregor2 mengerikan yang baru akan bangun; pseudo-flynn effect membuat fractal woke-ing up pada setiap subkultur, pencampuran memeplexes, metastasi thotborders baru bagi para relative culturelet indonesia
4. lanskap romansa modern intrasex_al competition get shot in the head die in a fire gutted alive with burning coal, etc
5. jika "nuruls" itu signifier dari amorphous psychographic group of [mba2 dengan perilaku berstatus rendah seperti membeli seblak ceker, soju halal, dan hal2 cringe lain], maka kejadian ini menambahkan konteks ketegangan sosbudhankampargoy pada signifier tsb. act accordingly
6. someone dm'd me terus menawarkan hipotesis baru: psikoanalisis dari specific type of low/mid-SES former nuruls; yang-masih-terlalu-dekat-dengan-penggambaran-tsb mungkin malah yg paling punya contempt.
not sure of this theory, mostly karena gw udah terlalu bela satu pihak---
---and i don't want to do that karena gw centrist scum,
tapi dari sini jadi inget teori countersignalling. apa itu.?.
Conway's Game of Life: sebuah gim cellular automata dengan peraturan tertentu yg simpel, tapi bisa menghasilkan pola2 yg rumit
peraturannya ga usah dibahas di sini, tapi intinya, budaya kita juga ada peraturan simpel, yaitu "jangan sama ama yang sono"
old money membedakan dirinya dengan OKB lewat difficult-to-acquire taste, understated riches, tax evasion (eh?), moderation, dan properti luar negeri
ketika ada dua kelompok budaya yang berdekatan, kadang2 malah mereka saling membenci
kenapa? karena yang "lebih atas dikit" nggak mau disamakan sama yg "di bawahnya dikit"
makanya harus mensinyalkan. pake apa? fashion, perilaku, penggunaan bahasa... banyak cara
gw sendiri jg jujur bisa dituduh melakukan counter-counter-signalling. proper smart guy would use proper grammar, struktur kalimat,...
tapi gw <memisahkan> diri dengan kubu CorpoSpeak linkedin dgn bahasa yg lebih liar, penggunaan lowercase,
selain memang lbh indah jg bagi gw
ada skit lucu soal ini
Obviously this all isn't a defense of such-and-such act, nor does it lessen anyone's culpability. One cud be happy to just notice things in a similar way that the ukr war provided a priceless trove of videos and materials that can showcase how a modern land war is waged
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it’s a prelude to postabundance: no more resource scarcity.
it means the old game of status signaling, built on scarcity and competition, is becoming unsustainable. people don't need to prove they've got something others don't anymore.
anik-anik, altoid, etc are ingroup belonging *and* taste signals, a way to show you're part of a certain tribe or aesthetic or that you love them. but in a world of postabundance, those signals lose their weight. when everything is easy to get and mass-produced, the old ways-
-don't work anymore. why do people grift? Because they're naturally like that, yes, but also because there's a huge incentive in getting resources by grifting. or because they feel insecure. or want to be accepted. All of those dynamics are essentially rooted in scarcity.
borrowing self-worth from some future path or trajectory like career or education always comes at non-linear costs. it's way better to just sit with what we "have" now and appreciate as it is, because "as it is" can be so much more expansive when we sit with, well, it.
right now is the only place where anything substantial happens, where actual life is unfolding. it’s not about "sitting with" life as some zen exercise—it's about confronting how much more there is to it when one stops running toward the promise of some future self-version.
there is only one thing at any given time, and "any given time" berbentuk lentur seperti karet, dependent on the quality of attendment (attending to something)
Update, ada working paper baru dari Seitz dan Imam. Ngeri:
- Lebih dari SETENGAH dari semua rumah Indo itu catnya tercemar timbal. Terutama dinding,
- 77% (!) merek cat Indo itu tercemar timbal,
- Belom ada peraturan pemerintah ttg ini.
-misalnya jadi agresif (kontrol perilaku berkurang), risiko penyakit ginjal dan jantung bertambah, terus jg ada pengaruhnya ke memori, terus jg IQ berkurang (IQ is imperfect, tapi utk policy/population-level ya berguna)
Salah, lebih ke ordoliberalism dgn flavor policy g > r (markets do not come into existence by themselves and are not value-free, thus can be designed to be directionally right)
Bukti: 1. Hadits "jangan halangi jalan ke pasar" 2. Hadits2 "jgn curang" 3. No riba, judi, dll.
Kenapa flavor policy-nya g > r (Piketty reference)? Karena kontrak harus jelas barangnya, peruntukan dan tanggung jawab jg, risks biasanya harus dibagi rata as per investment jadinya skin in the game (ini musyarakah), atau mudarabah yg menghargai labor value lebih banyak.
Thus the most hated upon instrumen2 finansial kek CBOs, CDSs, dll itu ga bisa ada kecuali udh beneran diitung kepantasannya gmn, sesuai dgn kaidah2 risk distribution yg berdasar fiqh.
All of which, theoritically, prioritizes the so-called "real sectors" vis-a-vis finance
Kalo cabang PHD di indo itu isunya lebih "ya motif ekonomi aja, umr kecil, nyari kerja susah, dsb."
Terus asal organisasi PHD dari mana? Well, ada persatuan silat tertentu yang didirikan sebagai upaya agar silat bisa diajarin ke non-bangsawan, nah terus,
(image random aja 😉)
nah terus persatuan silat ini nilai-nilainya kurleb ttg jadi "kesatria", bisa dibaca di bawah. This will be relevant later on.
Katanya: "di Jatim ormas pe pe [oren] ga begitu kuat pengaruhnya. Instead, persatuan inilah yang hampir di tiap desa/dusun sampai ada gapura logo"