🧵THREAD: In an age of alleged pandemic urgency, supposed good intentions have led to discrimination against the unvaccinated and coercion for gene therapies. This thread unveils the bad guys' deeds that must not be allowed to fall into oblivion.
A special note of disapproval.⬇️
#1 Thank you to all the citizen journalists for calling out the nefarious activities of the government and stopping the Mary Poppins-singing censor czar @wiczipedia from scheming to infringe upon the people's right to free speech.
#2 Thank you, @BillGates, for finally admitting that your vaccines don’t stop transmission and don’t stop infection. Now, please stop buying up farmland and injecting our food with mRNA.
#3 Thank you, Dr. #Fauci, for finally retiring, and for being so eager to go on television for interviews so that all of your lies are documented forever.
#4 Thank you, @ProfKlausSchwab, for graciously making the Young Global Leaders program and the annual WEF meetings in Davos transparent, so we peasants can finally tell which politicians we should trust and which ones we shouldn't.
#5 Thank you, @CDCDirector, for admitting on camera that you based vaccine efficacy on CNN and for revealing that the CDC failed to monitor safety signals for cancer and miscarriages in VAERS. Your incompetence has led to the lowest vaccine uptake in history!
#6 Thank you, @PeterHotez, for contradicting yourself so often and opening people's eyes. In 2020, you strongly opposed vaccination, but in 2021, suddenly all sceptics were labelled as terrorists who must be dealt with by military anti-terror forces.
#7 Thank you, @DrEricDing, for communicating the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda in such an over-the-top manner that your Twitter feed became a real satire. Your tweet about using N95 underwear to combat flatulence was truly the height of it all!
@DrEricDing #8 Thank you, @POTUS, for being such a compliant puppet, first telling the American people that vaccines prevent Covid, only to backtrack and admit you caught it multiple times despite quadruple doses. Your misguidance has actually helped our cause. Good luck with your dementia.
#9 Thank you, @JustinTrudeau, for demonstrating, as Klaus Schwab's puppet, the true intentions of the WEF through your actions. Your allegiance to their cause would have made your daddy Fidel Castro proud.
#10 Thank you, @c_drosten, for regularly managing to contradict yourself even within a single sentence. Thanks to all of your contradictions, many people have woken up. Have a great time on your next camping trip!
@c_drosten #11 Thank you, @MattHancock, for secretly having an affair while locking down all of England, thus making a mockery of your own rules. However, you could have avoided labeling critics as anti-Semites and causing the whole country to panic, as evidenced by your leaked messages.
@c_drosten@MattHancock #12 Thank you, @yaneerbaryam, for showing us how ridiculous and pseudoscientific modeling can be. Your models were completely inaccurate, yet you advocated for the #ZeroCovid strategy and mandatory vaccination. Your road to hell is already paved!
@c_drosten@MattHancock@yaneerbaryam #13 Thank you, @harari_yuval, for discrediting the majority of the world's population as 'useless.' Your statement has made it easier for us to persuade those people that the WEF and your Fourth Industrial Revolution have no good intentions for them.
@c_drosten@MattHancock@yaneerbaryam@harari_yuval@EricTopol #15 Thank you, @devisridhar, for openly identifying yourself as a WEF Young Global Leader. Your fearmongering regarding the severity of Covid, as well as your discrimination against the unvaccinated, have made it easy to categorize you as part of the 'Great Reset' agenda.
@c_drosten@MattHancock@yaneerbaryam@harari_yuval@EricTopol@devisridhar #16 Thank you, @PeterDaszak, for all of your lies being so well-documented, from your tweets in 2019 to Fauci's emails and more. Despite this, you continue to publicly lie, which may prove useful in the event of a legal case against you. By the way, did you enjoy the bat soup?
#17 Thank you, @DrTedros, for proving that one can be incompetent and still succeed through corruption. By the way, how are things going with the accusations that you were involved in a genocide in Ethiopia? Did you have such megalomaniacal fantasies that Ethiopia wasn't enough?
@DrTedros #18 Thank you, @AlbertBourla, for openly defaming critics as criminals. However, the real criminals are you and your company @pfizer, and the extent of the damage you've caused may only become clear in the future. Your place in eternal damnation is relatively secure. Congrats!
@DrTedros@AlbertBourla@pfizer #19 Thank you, @CaulfieldTim, for finally admitting that you were paid by the Canadian government for your social media propaganda. But it was not okay to prioritize money over people's lives. Unfortunately, we cannot bring back the victims caused by your actions.
@DrTedros@AlbertBourla@pfizer@CaulfieldTim #20 Thank you, @ScottGottliebMD, for promoting Covid vaccines on Face the Nation despite your financial conflicts of interest. Also, thanks for colluding with the White House to censor @AlexBerenson. Corrupt individuals like you destroy people's trust in the media.
@DrTedros@AlbertBourla@pfizer@CaulfieldTim@ScottGottliebMD@AlexBerenson #21 Thank you, @Karl_Lauterbach, for spending three years reporting anyone to the justice system who criticized you. These legal documents are now like a medal of honor, as the critics were proven right. They did not die and the apocalypse did not happen. Poor confused old man!
), because even negative PR is PR. However, what you should ask yourself is why only those who expressed criticism lost their jobs. Maybe you're not the good guys after all!?
#27 Thank you, @CPHO_Canada, for limiting your plandemic advice to wearing masks during sexual intercourse and using glory holes (don't google it!) to reduce the spread, instead of promoting vitamin D and exercise. Probably wasn't part of the CCP PsyOp, I suppose.
#28 Thank you, @apoorva_nyc, for fear-mongering about school openings, long Covid and dead kids, scaring parents. You demonized critics as racists, silencing millions afraid of being labeled a bigot. Mission accomplished! You harmed a generation of kids!
#29 Thank you, @zeynep, for insisting that masks work, even though you're a sociologist/journalist masquerading as a scientist. Your dismissal of actual scientists requires an award-winning level of delusional, unearned confidence. Well done!
@zeynep #30 Thank you, @GavinNewsom, for managing to keep California's public schools closed for a year and a half while sending your own four children to in-person private school. You are such an inspiring role model!
@GavinNewsom #31 Thank you, @R_H_Ebright, for consistently expressing your concerns regarding our well-being. But do you truly believe that excluding unvaccinated individuals from society would have had a positive impact on public health? Why did you never promote healthy food and exercising?
@GavinNewsom@R_H_Ebright #32 Thank you, @EpiEllie, for making your hypochondria and neuroses everyone's problem. You have taken the 'me-generation' to a whole new level. Impressive!
@GavinNewsom@R_H_Ebright@EpiEllie #33 Thank you, @DanielAndrewsMP, for your leadership during the 262-day Victoria lockdown. Your firm stance on not leaving the 5km radius & risking our health is a reminder that no sunset is worth it. Your back injury while watching a beach sunrise is a lesson in karma, it seems.
@GavinNewsom@R_H_Ebright@EpiEllie@DanielAndrewsMP #34 Thank you, @rweingarten, for prioritizing politics, notoriety, and influence over the well-being of our children. You influenced the CDC to prolong the harm caused by school closures on kids as much as possible. You are a model for what not to do when working with children.
@GavinNewsom@R_H_Ebright@EpiEllie@DanielAndrewsMP@rweingarten #35 Thank you, Deborah Birx, for closing the US, then getting caught celebrating Thanksgiving with family and dealing with property. At least you profited from your book claiming success.
@GavinNewsom@R_H_Ebright@EpiEllie@DanielAndrewsMP@rweingarten #36 Thanks, @Baric_Lab, for the 2010 paper on HCQ's efficacy against coronavirus and the 2017 lecture on profiting from pandemics. However, your zoonotic GOF research, collaboration with the CCP, and the contribution to (most likely) millions of deaths are not appreciated.
@GavinNewsom@R_H_Ebright@EpiEllie@DanielAndrewsMP@rweingarten@Baric_Lab #37 Thank you, @oatila, for publicly calling for the silencing of critical voices and for promoting mandatory vaccination while receiving payment from Pfizer. Your actions have revealed the despicable and shameless character that you are. You should be sued!
@GavinNewsom@R_H_Ebright@EpiEllie@DanielAndrewsMP@rweingarten@Baric_Lab@oatila #38 Thank you, @DFisman, for blocking every single one of us who raised questions. This way, we didn't have to read the nonsense you regularly tweeted. Mandating vaccination based on a side-effect-free gene therapy? You should face serious consequences for making such statements.
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🚨OMFG—This Chinese-born woman, @DrLeanaWen, just called on Biden to immediately authorize bird flu vaccines and distribute millions of doses ASAP.
This woman hates your freedom and should be behind bars. Yet, the mainstream media continues to give her a platform.
1/ In September 2021, Wen demanded that the unvaccinated should not be allowed to leave their homes.
This statement lacks support from available data to this day. It appears that you can take China-born Leana Wen out of communism but you can’t take communism out of Leana Wen.
2/ In April 2021, Wen labeled people who choose not to vaccinate themselves or their children as 'anti-science'.
Covid never posed any risk to children or adolescents. Yet, she pushed for getting children vaccinated and she’s trying to do it again.
#2 Masks did work, but not in the way they were communicated. They were used as a social conditioning tool to remind everyone of an allegedly deadly pandemic. They served as a daily reminder of an invisible enemy that turned out to be much less deadly than claimed.
#3 Already during the Spanish flu, it was claimed that masks would reduce transmission by 99%. However, studies suggest that wearing them for a long time caused bacterial pneumonia back in 1918.
Over the past four years, presstitutes have come up with many reasons for the rise in heart damage (e.g. showering). However, none blamed it on the experimental gene therapy administered to billions around the globe.
Let me walk you through my TOP 22 reasons in this THREAD. 🧵
#1 The weather: Both summer and winter temperatures, according to mainstream journalists, are to blame for the increased number of heart diseases and blood clots. It seems we're just in for a heart-stopping season no matter the weather! 🤡🌎
#2 Artificial sweeteners: According to a study, artificial sweeteners are responsible for an increased risk of heart attacks. Guess that's just another "bitter" finding in the world of "sweet" science! 🤡🌎
🚨EXPOSED – For the past four years, Prof. @devisridhar, a WEF and @gatesfoundation asset, has actively discriminated against the unvaccinated while spreading misinformation. Now, she’s trying to evade accountability, but that’s not going to happen.
1/ Devi Sridhar is a professor and chair of Global Public Health at @EdinburghUni and has been one of the biggest WEF-shills. She has stated that "global events such as the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change are making us all sicker", but rejects to blame the mass vaccination.
2/ Instead, she is now blaming the politicians for the policies she once demanded. The fact that she can do this in a newspaper funded by the @gatesfoundation says it all. That woman is connected to the WEF, GAVI, the Clintons, and Gates - and I have proof of it.
🧵THREAD: @PeterHotez is a sincere and non-corrupt scientist who has been right about everything in the last four years.
1/ @PeterHotez has been spreading lies from the beginning. For example, in May 2021, he advocated vaccinating children to achieve herd immunity. His narrative was uncritically pushed by the MSM, and millions of children were harmed because of him. (Just look at his eyes!)
2/ The problem is that until April 2020, he was claiming the opposite. Back then, Hotez expressed concerns about a potential vaccine for the seasonal cold virus. But how did it come to pass that he suddenly changed his opinion and labeled all critics as anti-science?
🧵THREAD – X is the last true bastion of free speech, and to support @elonmusk’s vision, I’ve verified myself and subscribed to incredible content creators who make this platform what it is.
In a world where mainstream media relentlessly dictates the narrative, these voices break through the noise and fight for truth. It’s only by supporting independent creators that we can ensure the narrative isn’t monopolized by corporate media.
This thread is dedicated to introducing the inspiring people I subscribe to. They’re journalists, activists, and truth-tellers who work tirelessly for a better, more honest journalistic future.
Take a moment to check them out, follow their work, and join me in supporting those who make free speech and independent reporting possible! 🚀
Let’s go: 👇
1/ Tracy Beanz (@tracybeanz) is the first person I ever subscribed to and for good reason! A fearless citizen journalist exposing corruption in DC and beyond. She stood with us during deplatforming on Twitter 1.0 and proves every day why she’s worth subscribing. Truly inspiring!
2/ Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) is one of the best investigative accounts out there. Deplatformed for asking the right (or “wrong”) questions, he’s back stronger than ever with in-depth content that keeps you hooked. Closing in on 1M followers—LFG!