@ohreallytruly I was looking at the founders of Bohemian Club and most were writers and publishers. It got me thinking if Epstein was a middle man link from tech to publishers like Conrad Black, Maxwell, Packer etc. They could profit from that. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_B…
Packer inquiry showed the contempt with which the ruling class treats the "people's representatives" and how media barons are determined to exercise ever greater control over all forms of mass communication, including newspaper, television & the Internet. wsws.org/en/articles/19…
Bohemian Grove picks the minds of powerful men to spot trends that the publishers could promote and the powerful could invest early to profit from it. My view, Epstein did the same.
Ghislaine's husband was part of this group and yet he didn't have the liquid asset to qualify as a member. tiger21.com/presenter/scot…
Ghislaine Maxwell's husband Scott Borgerson offered a $22.5 million personal recognizance bond secured by $8 million in property and $500,000 in cash. They said it represents all of Maxwell and her husband's assets, including three homes. ctvnews.ca/mobile/world/e…
People think Epstein was a spy for various nations but personally in my view, I think he was spy for media barons and hedge funds. He wasn't loyal to any particular nation. He was all about the money.
The Bohemian Grove experience is a surreal thing and Epstein's lifestyle had the same impact on powerful people. It's the illusion of being a person outside of law and social norms that fed the illusion of him having power. It made the rich vulnerable to buy into that view.
Conrad Black was a director of Brascan, which has since been renamed Brookfield. Here is the news story of when he was director. thestar.com/business/2007/…
Edgar Bronfman is friends with Harvey Weinstein and he was linked to Epstein. nymag.com/intelligencer/…
When will we see Conrad Black and the Bronfmans questioned on their links to Jeffrey Epstein? Canada has yet to address that issue yet Epstein's money is in the TD bank in Toronto in a tower built by the Bronfmans. nowtoronto.com/news/jeffrey-e…
Neil Baker worked with New York Stock Exchange, Gordon Investment Corporation, Ridgeline Corporation (a private merchant bank) & owned Great Canadian Casinos (sold to Leon Black) He worked for Bronfmans, Brascan & he partnered with Li Ka-shing. opmwire.com/rod-baker-neil…
Bronfmans accountant Neil Baker found loophole for foreign ownership. Look at the unnatural growth of Brookfield. Brookfield billionaire Flatt reveals secret behind 3,700% return. bnnbloomberg.ca/brookfield-bil…
Hedge funds like Brookfield are too big and have to much say in governance today. My view they clearly have the money to dominate political decisions,to lobby, to manipulate markets and control public perceptions influencing market decisions.
In 2018 Brookfield's Senior Manager James Flatt's base salary was $795,334 with $5,385,958 in shares making his total compensation $6,181,292. Giving shares to CEOs is a horrible tax loophole. Reduces taxes 50%. They should be paid in cash. macleans.ca/economy/money-…
Brookfield Asset Management unveiled sweeping changes to its "unusual" ownership structure that for decades has given a secretive group of self-styled partners the right to wield huge influence over the US$500-billion investment firm. twitter.com/search?q=brook…
Harper Government officials, spies meet with energy industry in Ottawa, written by Matthew Miller on Nov 22 2012. Enbridge, Brookfield, Bruce Power met with government officials, the RCMP, CSIS along with oil and gas reps in secret meetings. vancouverobserver.com/world/canada/h…
Ghislaine’s dad Robert Maxwell said “Just as oil became dominated by a few giants, so communications is likely to be dominated by a dozen major international corporations,” he predicted. “I intend to be one of them.” forbes.com/sites/noahkirs…
Robert Maxwell owned a company in Saint John NB. It defaulted on a $100 million loan after his death. The company was registered using a now-defunct law firm's address, but didn't actually operate here. Why did he come to St. John New Brunswick? cbc.ca/news/canada/ne…
Post Media has foreign control over the majority of Canadian Press Media. The next CEO will be Jamie Irving of the Irving Oil family of NB. How much power are we going to allow oil Interests and foreign press to have over Canada? readpassage.com/jamie-irvings-…
We need to close tax loopholes, we need wealth tax and inheritance tax on the rich, we need to stop foreign ownership of the press, we need disclosure of beneficiaries, we need to reduce the influence of hedge funds in governance and pay CEOs in cash not shares.
Canada needs a proper audit on Jeffrey Epstein links in Canada and we need to hold Premiers and Prime Ministers into account. The Attorney General is the Justice Minister who is sworn to serve the PM and that is a conflict of interest. We need a more independent judiciary.
KPMG facilitated tax evasion for Canadian pipeline companies. I followed the money as a delegate of the National Energy Board. I saw many issues when they sold pipelines as assets. line9fiscalconcerns.wordpress.com/2015/12/07/lin…
Pipelines owned by Enbridge and Kinder Morgan were sold as assets after NEB approvals and the new owners were not contractually bound to filling out the conditions of approval of the previous owners. nationalobserver.com/2015/08/20/new…
Senior Economist recorded her concern of pipeline ownerships in Canada on this webpage she made. robynallan.com
I asked the Chair of the Canada Energy Regulator (formerly the NEB) about Enbridge’s Insurance. He responded to me using 2016 data to answer my questions in 2020 but many pipelines were sold since that time. We need current info on issues like that.
Enbridge is vague on insurance type or if it carries. Assets were sold off. New owners lacked permits in their corporate names and have no contractual obligations should a spill happen. They based the insurance of today on assets that were sold off.
Gwyn Morgan was with HSBC during the years the bank was linked to the flow of criminal funds. taxjustice.net/2018/01/03/hsb…
SNC Lavalin gives the address of Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam as their Netherlands location in their Q4 report but they didn’t name Intertrust.
The Dutch company called Intertrust is a mailbox tax evasion structure to avoid paying taxes. It is also linked to Canadian weapons production. Full report here: tni.org/en/publication…
This is a quick view of how they work with Canadian firms to avoid taxes.
Here is how Intertrust connects to Rosneft, Trump, Jared Kushner, Qatar, Tony Hayward, Glencore. Rex Tillerson of Exxon and Putin among others. wsiegelman.medium.com/rosneft-flowch…
Edgar Bronfman links to Harvey Weinstein and the half brother to Sara and Clair Bronfman of NVIXM. Their dad Edgar Bronfman Sr. started Brookfield investments Bronfmans link to Epstine by money here.
The Russian Mob were in Canada and it linked to YBM Magnex and the use of kompromat aka sexual blackmail. The Bronfman Family were Russians who made a fortune bootlegging during prohibition and worked with Al Capone.
Canada’s tax laws are too weak and the Russian Mob came in to provide the pipelines (Roman Abramovich and Evraz) and to do land schemes like this in Toronto regarding Trump Tower.
Democracy Watch flagged the conflict of interest issue regarding Gavin Tighe. A link to their six page letter is published here. democracywatch.ca/democracy-watc…
David Johnston had many conflicts of interest with China. China was spying on people using RIM Blackberries for at least 10 years. Jeffrey Epstein was involved with Silicon Valley Bank. The same bank funded start ups in Waterloo. My thread here.
Andrew Clark's article on Wed 9 May 2007 said #JeffreyEpstein attended the birthday of Conrad Black’s wife where he was called a "Mobile Phone Millionaire." theguardian.com/media/2007/may…
Conrad Black has links to Kroll, Trump, Les Wexner, Alan Dershowitz, the Royal Family, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Kerry Packer & Robert Maxwell. Why is nobody questioning this man in regards to #JeffreyEpstein or the contents of these boxes?
Canada and the US need to pay attention to the Queen Elizabeth’s apology to Acadians. Our laws are being violated by illegal tarrifs. @andrewlownie
The Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony who created Harvard University, but the Puritans left England in 1630 after we established Nationhood. They were simply a company operating out of London England, similar to the Dominion of Canada. history.com/topics/us-stat…
The Act of Settlement was used to censor Acadian history and to give power to Protestant succession as they eroded the rights of the Vatican Trade people in North America. The 13 Colonies & Canada were both creatures of London, not Nations. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Act_of_Se…
As an Acadian, Britain’s Crown has a DUTY to protect us. It is not acceptable for King Charles to be silent regarding threats to Canada. @Pontifex @UnitedChurchCda @RoyalFamily @generalsynod @churchofengland @FCDOGovUK @commonwealthsec @CityWestminster @EmmanuelMacron @MAcadien
We know our actual history and how things tick. It is not in the best interest of anyone to allow an upstart crow to compromise our long standing co-existence.
If King Charles wishes to forfeit his royal duties, speak up and return what was stolen. If he wants to maintain the idea of the Crown in Canada, then do the job you were sworn to do.
Re: @JDVance @realDonaldTrump I am disappointed and disgusted at how you conducted yourselves today with @ZelenskyyUa. It is clear that America is relying on bullying and denigrating people instead of advancing meaningful peace.
My view: Trump and JD Vance are being complicit to the violation of international law. Their offer to negotiate with Putin is not reasonable or acceptable. If Putin is rewarded for his violations what is to prevent the annexation of other nations?
It is not reasonable to give Russia access to air space to launch weapons from across the ocean. We need to stop the invasion of Ukraine. We need responsible men leading decisions of the US not a circus of undisciplined goons.
Published Sep 09, 2024: Solaris has begun the process of moving its headquarters from Vancouver BC to Ecuador, just months after the company’s head described Canada’s critical minerals policy as “counterproductive.”financialpost.com/commodities/mi…
Solaris Resources Inc. was forced to terminate a $130-million investment from China-based Zijin Mining Group Co. Ltd. in May. Had the transaction gone through, Zijin would have owned about 15 per cent of Solaris. financialpost.com/commodities/mi…
Solaris is doing projects in Ecuador without public consultation putting Indigenous communities at risk.
Ontario, please vote NDP. We need brains not brawn to get out of the mess that Trump poses. Doug Ford has sold us out too much already leaving our hospitals, schools and farms at risk of international privatization. We need to take Canada back.
The Century Initiative was created by Dominic Barton and Mike Wiseman who formed a lobbying group to bring in 100 Million new citizens to Canada by 2100. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_I…
@fordnation you are a Premier with a year more to go. Why an election? What do you want to do that you cannot do already? Stop wasting our time and money. Do your elected job and stop playing around! You owe us the rest of your term. People voted and paid for that already.
Release and make public the mandate of our PREVIOUS and current term! Don’t ask people to shape your mandate when your actions prove your government doesn’t actually give a damn what we think to deny us a voice for planning using MZOs etc.
Why are you so secretive about your mandate which used MY money and the money of ONTARIO TAXPAYERS to execute? What did you do with Ontario taxpayer dollars Mr. Ford? Show us the existing and previous mandate! cbc.ca/news/canada/to…