Enlightenment is often described as "being" the flow of life, with the acceptance that everything is impermanent... But isn't "living in the flow" what we are all doing anyway? Doesn't everybody already know that everything in life is impermanent? #enlightenment#spirituality
YOU are impermanent and YOU are the flow. In other words YOU are ever constantly changing flow of “experiences”. And it includes all your life, the whole perceived world. #enlightenment#spirituality
There is nothing outside of seeing, hearing, sensing, feeling, tasting, thinking. This is the world, life, constantly flowing.
The problem is that human mind creates the “me”. The thief of sights, sounds, sensations, feelings, tastes and thoughts. It creates the illusion of my sights, sounds, etc. #enlightenment#spirituality
This creates the separation from what is right now present as just THIS, without any ownership or claims.
Those who see through that illusion lives life without separation. At the end of the day it is our natural, the most simple way of being. #enlightenment#spirituality
It does not mean that suffering ceases instantly. The power of our body and mind conditioning is very strong. Patterns of behaviour are deeply rooted in our subconciousness. It takes time to accept it heal it and let it go. #enlightenment#spirituality
Buddhists say it takes many lifetimes. I am courageous and I think that if we are lucky and persistent one life could be enough.:)
What was the key to Buddha's enlightenment? He obviously tried all the methods that we know about. What was his secret that seemingly no one else had tried before (at least that we know of)? #enlightenment#Buddha
Siddhartha felt cheated in the name of enlightenment.
When his master said, “You have to move on. I am only a teacher, not a master. I was pretending and I am very sorry!”. Buddha was totally shattered and tired. #enlightenment#Buddha
He went to take a bath in a nearby river, Niranjana. It is a very small river; in the summer it is not even one foot deep. And he was taking a bath, but he was so weak that he could not cross that small current. #enlightenment#Buddha
Why is it said that only psychological pain falls away after Enlightenment, but not physical pain? If Consciousness is our true nature and if it's really primary & prior to everything, then wouldn't we also be free of physical pain too? #enlightenment#spirituality
Pain is a general word universally applied to both body and mind.
But, are they both ‘pain’ ?
A lustful man could not possess a woman, and is suffering pain. A child was bitten by an ant, and is crying in pain. #enlightenment#spirituality
Is it fair to call both by the same word and idea called ‘pain’?
A psychological pain is purely caused by attachment and delusion.
There are five stages of the human heart: dark, propelled, steady, devoted, and clean. By these different states of the heart man is classified, and his evolutionary status determined. #spirituality
In the dark state of the human heart man misconceives; he thinks that this gross material portion of the creation is the only real substance, and that there is nothing besides. #spirituality
When man becomes a little enlightened he compares his experiences relating to the material creation, gathered in his wakeful state, with his experiences in dream, #spirituality
Blemishes or Doshas in a horoscope can actually be used to one’s advantage. The Doshas which scare you the most can actually be your friend and bail you out of critical situations. #vedicastrology#astrology
1. It is not just your horoscope that may have negative placement of planets or the so-called Doshas. Each and every horoscope has some negativity in it and the responsibility lies on the shoulders of the native to activate or deactivate it. #vedicastrology#astrology
2. An astrologer who tries to only see the negative yogas or the Doshas in the horoscope cannot offer solutions.
3. Negative yogas present in the horoscope can be overcome by positive Karmas. #vedicastrology#astrology
What does Mercury signify in astrology?
Its said that Mercury signifies skin, analytical thinking, rational mind, nerves, communication, travel etc. But why is mercury a significator of these things? What is the essence of Mercury? #vedicastrology#astrology
In astrology all planets represent some aspects of our character. Mercury represents our instinct to self-preserve.
This is the reason why Mercury is considered an embodiment of Vishnu, the preserver. #vedicastrology#astrology
What do we need to self-preserve ourselves? Let’s analyse how these significations help us to preserve and protect ourselves: #vedicastrology#astrology