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Apr 17 86 tweets 20 min read Twitter logo Read on Twitter
The inquest has begun. Housekeeping details. First piece of evidence is the statement from Melissa Gray, Myles' sister. #JusticeForMylesGray
Full witness list available here:…
Lawyers present at the inquest include Ian Donaldson KC (counsel for the family of Myles Gray), inquest counsel, VPD counsel are David McKnight and Naomi Krueger. Counsel for VPD members is Christine Joseph. It appears she is a former VPD officer herself 👀…
Discussion re: changes to the witness list. Since the whole "excited delirium" copaganda has been so debunked, the counsel for Myles Gray is making it clear that this fake, magical term cannot be relied upon in justifying the #VPD murder of Myles Gray.…
Excited Delirium does not exist. It cannot and should not be relied on to justify police murder. #JusticeForMylesGray
"DR" Christine Hall is a copagandist whose junk-n-bunk science has been used to justify police murders. How many families have been denied justice by her fake science. #JusticeForMylesGray…
Counsel for VPD members is doing her best to include Christine Hall & her junk-n-bunk theory of "excited delirium."
Again, "a leading group of medical experts says the term “excited delirium” should not be listed as a cause of death. Critics have said the term has been used to justify excessive force by police."…
The family of Myles Gray has retained Dr. Freeman, who has been reviewing the science behind "excited delirium." #JusticeForMylesGray…
Melissa Gray will now provide her evidence. Her brother, Myles Gray, was 33 years old and unarmed when he was killed by at least 7 #VPD officers. #JusticeForMylesGray
Myles was and remains her older brother. She was 3 years younger. He was her idol, her barometer of all things cool. She loved her brother. Her evidence is accompanied by a photo of her and her husband standing alongside Myles. #JusticeForMylesGray
Myles was goofy, he was kind. He was loyal. His friendships lasted his lifetime - across BC & the Yukon. He would do anything for his friends & his family.
Myles would make weekly deliveries to Vancouver with his florist business. He would always make a point to visit his sister in the city. 🌺 #JusticeForMylesGray
Myles was passionate about fitness. It was always bulking season! He would inhale a panago pizza on cheat days. #JusticeForMylesGray
Melissa's last trip with Myles was to Vegas. He helped her then-boyfriend pick out an engagement ring. She sees his grin on her son's face. She thinks of him when she's with his kids.
Myles Gray was a lover, not a fighter. He felt like everyone was a friend, shared his sense of familiarity, his sense of humour. She spent days cleaning out his apt after Myles was murdered by the #VPD. #JusticeForMylesGray
Melissa saw his sentimental side. She is a psych nurse. She knows about "aggressive males." She knows they need to be treated swiftly, with dignity and compassion.
Not one #VPD responder afforded him dignity and compassion. He was killed ...
She is interrupted by inquest counsel. How rude and inhumane.
Inquest counsel asks for the presiding coroner to give a warning.

Melissa Gray is speaking facts. #JusticeForMylesGray
This is astoundingly rude, inhumane and degrading. LET MELISSA SPEAK THE FACTS @bccoroners. Shameful conduct by inquest counsel & the presiding coroner.
Melissa did not see her brother brutally beaten. She is a family member, she has been through this with her entire family for 8 years. How dare @bccoroners interrupt her today.
Returning to Melissa's statement. Myles was in someone's backyard, he wasn't wearing shoes. VPD needs education around mental health de-escalation.
Myles' injuries were extensive. The VPD notes were incomplete. The Crown was fixated on Myles flexed arms. There were no charges laid in the #VPD murder of Myles Gray.

How many lives must be lost at the hands of police before we doing something?
VPD lack the skills & knowledge. Melissa Gray details how her brother was hobbled by the #VPD. She details the ranging use of lethal force that was exacted by VPD officers in the last moments of her brothers life.

She is again interrupted by @bccoroners Inquest Counsel.
When someone close to you dies, you wonder why the world keeps going when your world comes to an abrupt stop. #JusticeForMylesGray
Myles was innocent. Myles never killed anyone. Even in his last minutes, he flexed his arms and quoted guns n roses, Welcome to the Jungle.

Your soul is incomparable. #JusticeForMylesGray
Melissa is asked to detail Myles' health issues, physical health (hernia repair, wrist surgery). He was in good physical health. Myles was diagnosed with bipolar in high school. He had 1 episode in high school, probably in 1999. He was stable after that.
Myles worked - in carpentry, he took over their uncle's business. She suspects there was possibly a mental health crisis on the day of his death. He was not wearing shoes or a shirt - it was uncharacteristic of him to act bizarrely and not wear shoes.
Melissa is asked about any medications Myles was taking. She does not know. They didn't talk about that.
VPD counsel now asking Melissa about a "cottage incident." Myles got angry and left the cottage abruptly. It may have taken place a few weeks-months prior to the #VPD killing of Myles Gray.
Ian Donaldson asks Melissa to share some info about the family members present at the inquest today. Family & friends in the gallery today.
The VPD seem fixated on a "fight" that took place. Melissa was not a witness to this supposed fight. There was apparently an argument with mom, a few days/weeks/months prior to the #VPD murder of Myles Gray.

Arguing with your parents is not punishable by a #VPD beatdown.
Melissa saw Myles 2 weeks before he died. She says he seemed "hypomanic." A juror asks about medication: when she cleaned out his apt, she found some expired valproic acid.
Another juror asks if he was on any supplements. This question, regarding the use of steroids, better be directed to each of the #VPD officers who testify. Let's get a piss test too.
Another juror asks Melissa about Myles' meds. She didn't talk to him about his meds. It was hurtful to him.
In last 2 weeks of his life, she said the only stress was the upcoming busy season for the florist biz. After 1999 Myles did not have another acute mental health crisis
Family knew that September was the busy season for his business. There would be 3 months where they didn't see him. #JusticeForMylesGray
We stand with the family of Myles Gray. Love & respect to Melissa Gray for speaking at the Coroner's Inquest. For her tenacity and braveness. Her truth is unwavering. #JusticeForMylesGray Family of Myles Gray addres...
Next witness Dr. C.H. Mentz-Serfontein. Sechelt family physician.
Dr. Mentz-Serfontein describes what "bipolar" is and explains what associated mood disturbances appear as.
Mentz-Serfontein gives evidence regarding Myles' physical health, mental health, his use of testosterone and other medications.
Juror #4 at this inquest is totally inappropriate. He is asking about Myles Gray's sex life. Disgusting.
Mentz-Serfontein believed that Myles Gray's bipolar was stable. His last visit with Myles was in April 2015.
Inquest now breaking for lunch. Court adjourned until 1:15 PM. #JusticeForMylesGray
Inquest resuming after lunch break. Now hearing from Daniel Rasmussen, who was working at florist supply in burnaby the day Myles Gray was killed by the #VPD.
Myles provided his company with salal and other evergreens from the sunshine coast. He had no direct contact with Myles on the day he was killed by the #VPD.
Concern was raised when Myles' truck was still parked at their lot at the end of the day. This worried the people working at florist supply.
D Rasmussen ended up speaking with one of Myles' parents that day. They were making arrangements to travel to Vancouver and to pick up the truck & find Myles. He also called the Burnaby RCMP to let them know Myles' truck was parked@ lot and he was missing.#JusticeForMylesGray
RCMP arrived, he believes they took Myles' vehicle, and that was the end of his involvement with the situation.
Apparently someone else saw Myles Gray walk offsite with headphones. His wallet & keys were in the vehicle. No cellphone was seen.
Myles was at florist supply 1-2x per week, maybe more during the busy xmas season. It was very unusual for Myles to walk offsite. His product needed to be unloaded & delivered to customers so he could return to the sunshine coast.
Rasmussen described Myles as "laidback" in the time leading up to his death at the hands of the #VPD. #JusticeForMylesGray
Next witness - Cst Bryce Sinclair. He was a rookie #RCMP officer in south Burnaby on the day Myles Gray was killed by the #VPD.
Cst Sinclair was dismissed from the scene on Marine Drive by a #VPD officer.
He received a call for a missing person after leaving the site. By then, Margie Gray had phone in a missing persons report regarding her son, Myles.
He met with Myles' parents at the florist supply co.
When Cst Sinclair spoke with the parents, he collected info on Myles, and assessed whether he was a high-risk missing person. Both Sinclair & calltaker identified Myles as a high risk missing person based on his mental health.
Sinclair did not know what had happened at Joffre & Marine Drive. He was trying to figure out where the person taken from that location was taken. He was thinking it was possibly Myles.
Burnaby and Vancouver call dispatchers were communicating, and acting as go-between for Burnaby and Vancouver cops. Margaret Gray provided Cst Sinclair with Myles description and some of his unique accessories.
Myles dog tag necklace was a very important identifier.

It seems that Cst Sinclair was not ever given clear info from the attending VPD officers, such as confirming the identify of Myles.
The IIO eventually informed Myles family of his death at the hands of the #VPD. Cst Sinclair passed the description along to the IIO. #JusticeForMylesGray
Cst Sinclair describes the following:
- 2 days earlier he took off from the family cabin with no shoes
- Myles used testosterone & marijuana
- He had prev received a MH diagnosis in 2000 (fam says 1999)
Cst Sinclair is using his police notes, that he made at the time. He might be the only cop who recorded notes that day...…
Sinclair is no longer a Burnaby RCMP officer. He is a homicide officer. #IHIT doesn't investigate police murders...
Cst Sinclair says he saw 2 officers injured that day
- 1 police officer - "bleeding from the head"
- 1 officer nursing a hand injury
He has no idea how serious the injuries were...They were nicks/scratches.
Next witness: Andreah Pilgrim, she was an insurance broker at the time of Myles Gray death. Her office was on the NW corner of Greenall & Marine Way.
She saw Myles Gray walking back and forth near a bus stop outside her office. She thought he was acting "kind of erratic." She didn't know he was Myles Gray at the time.
Andreah Pilgrim saw ambulances racing near her office that afternoon. She said "I had an awful feeling it was something to do with him. I don't know why." #JusticeForMylesGray
On her way home from work, she heard reports of a heavy police presence near Joffre, where she had seen Myles Gray. The next morning a coworker asked if she heard what happened the night before.
She felt it had to have been the guy she had seen. She called police to tell them what she saw.
Andreah describes Myles Gray as 5'10, well-built, nice-looking, semi-brownish hair. She thinks he had a tattoo on his shoulder. Not sure if he was wearing a watch. Running shoes or hiking boots on. Shorts. She recalls he took off his shirt and held it in his hand...
"He was a built guy." She said: "perhaps he was on steroids and he was reacting to that." Those were here observations and her thoughts.
Andreah says "yes and no" to the question of whether she was concerned for her former boss's safety based on Myles Gray's behaviour. She says "I didn't feel safe for Derek."
Andreah Pilgrim now describes how Myles held his fists up, "pounding towards the sky." She describes it "anger towards the sky."
Lawyer for the family clarifies she saw him with his hands up. Andreah has no way to explain what he was feeling.
She says he looked "agitated."
Ian Donaldson asks Andreah to explain what Myles was doing that made her think he was distraught.

She says, it was just everything. His body language.

The word that keeps coming to her mind - agitated.
She wanted to ask if there was something she could do for him. She didn't. But she wanted to.
Ian Donaldson reminds us. It was a hot day, Temp was 25-26, or even a bit warmer. Humidity was over 80%. It was a hot day.
Myles wasn't pounding on his chest or anything.
She says "I'm not sure. It was hot. But there were areas for shade. He could have sat under a tree. There was an awning...There was shade."
Andreah was not concerned to the point of calling 911. #JusticeForMylesGray
She did not ask if Myles needed any help, "I got busy with work. And then went out for lunch."
Andreah did not see Myles showing any aggression to another person at that time. She did not see him interact with anyone.
There is extensive discussion about whether or not Myles was wearing a shirt, the removal of his shirt etc. Not sure of what bearing his shirt or lack thereof has on the brutal beating from the #VPD. #JusticeForMylesGray
Now hearing from the final witness today, Derek Haddleton. He is a retired insurance broker who stopped at his former office to see old friends almost 8 years ago, the day Myles Gray was killed by the #VPD.
He saw Myles Gray standing on the NW Corner of the intersection near his office. Andreah brought Derek's attention to Myles outside the office.
He says Myles appeared to be in some sort of distress. Or "off their medications."
Derek was 30-40 yards (at least 90 feet) away from Myles. A long way to make a finding about medication adherence.
Derek describes how Myles was "gesticulating." Derek did not feel unsafe where he was.
He and Andreah Pilgrim decided to not go see if he needed any assistance: "We just didn't feel comfortable doing it."
Calling the cops on Myles did not cross Derek's mind.
He claims Andreah called the police when she went back into the office. Notably, Andreah did not state this during her testimony last hour. She called the police the next day after the news broke.
Inquest has concluded for the day. It will begin at 9 AM tomorrow morning,

• • •

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Apr 19
Next witness is Eric Birzneck. This is the officer who, according to both Sahota & Folkestad, took command of the scene. Trained negotiator who deployed pepper spray as soon as he encountered Myles Gray. #JusticeForMylesGray
Birzneck has been a #VPD officer since 2009. He was previously a #CBSA officer for 7 years. He is a "force options" trainer. A use of force instructor.
A #VPD use of force instructor killed Myles Gray.
Birzneck was qualified to use OC spray, baton, carbine, 40 ml launcher (crowd control). He was not qualified to use a taser when Myles Gray was killed by the #VPD.
If you're interested, here's a list of what weapons VPD possess:…
Read 94 tweets
Mar 17, 2021

so you want to talk about anti-asian racism & policing in so-called vancouver. a thread & response to targeted VPD outreach to diasporic asian communities.

CN/CW anti-asian violence, police violence & white supremacy

let’s talk about the history of racist policing in so-called vancouver BC, specifically in point grey, unceded xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) territory.

1924: Wong Foon Sing a domestic labourer in point grey, calls the police upon discovering his coworker Janet Smith is dead, from an apparent gunshot wound. Wong Foon Sing immediately contacted the police, who ruled her death a suicide.

Read 13 tweets
Mar 15, 2021
To mark International Day Against Police Brutality AKA #IDAPB #IDAPB2021 the @defund604 has released its first set of four posters. They've also made their way to the streets of so-called vancouver over the past week!
POSTER 1: ABOLITIONIST TWEETS [image id A series of tweets, appearing in yellow boxes, fro
POSTER 2: 100 People in so-called Canada between January 2017 and June 16 2020 were shot and killed by police. Image 4: There is text that goes “100 People in so-called
Read 6 tweets
Mar 15, 2021
[THREAD ON POLICING] March 15 - International Day Against Police Brutality AKA #IDAPB #IDAPB2021

#IDAPB was first observed in 1997 thanks to organizing by the Collective Opposed to Police Brutality (Montreal), and the Black Flag group (Switzerland).

“Cdn” media portrays police brutality as something that stops at an arbitrary border -everywhere there are police there is police brutality. During the #BLM protests of 2020, Montreal police used tear gas against protesters, a chemical weapon banned for use in warfare.

From 2000-17, the #VPD in the #DTES and the #RCMP in Northern BC (V0J) killed people at the highest rates in Canada. When police attend wellness checks, the results can be fatal. Over 70% of those killed by police in BC were experiencing a mental health crisis.

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