One thing is clear: if indeed “there’s new light” on this topic it’s not coming from the WashPost. All reckless speculation that ignores the preponderance of scientific evidence published in major journals. Fred Hiatt would never have allowed such nonsense…
Was there a single link to a scientific paper supporting this Ed Board statement? I couldn’t find one. And you know why? Because there are none.
Fyi Fred Hiatt’s dad is Dr Howard Hiatt former Dean of @HarvardChanSPH and one of my public health heroes. Also a mentor to Paul Farmer and just an amazing humanitarian
1/n As someone who has been a university professor for 100 years (or something close to that) I’ve mentored undergraduates graduates postdocs 18-30 years old for a long long time. Not to mention my 4 adult kids. Amongst my conclusions……
2/n …this is their time to explore, to figure things out. It’s probably the most vulnerable period in their intellectual lives. And it’s also their time to make mistakes. In fact, I tell them if they’re not making (intellectual) mistakes, then maybe they’re playing it too safe
3/n …but they can’t do this if the press is exploiting every mistake they make to make their public point in our culture wars. And that’s what’s happening. Fyi this particular article is Ok but many are pernicious. IMO most colleges and universities have figured this out
This Friday, April 7, I will deliver the James H. Steele Lecture @UTHealthHouston @TXMedCenter when I will discuss our vaccine program and my forthcoming new book with @JHUPress
So my question is: where is the accountability for elected officials who generated/spread disinformation about Covid vaccines causing 200,000 Americans to needlessly lose their lives because they refused vaccines (mostly red states) during the delta + BA.1 waves in 2021-22
My new book with @JHUPress details how 200,000 Americans mostly in Southern red states including FL became victims of an organized, politically-motivated antivaccine/antiscience campaign from elected officials on the right, together with Fox News
What we’re now hearing from people like like in this clip is an attempt at a whitewash. They caused unnecessary deaths and long Covid on an epic scale and now they want to say it’s the vaccines and the scientists who caused this. My new book shuts that down.
1/n New @ScienceAdvances human activity including agriculture, mining, deforestation are key drivers for emerging coronavirus infections this 21st century: SARS 2002, MERS 2012, COVID 2019, and likely a 4th before the end of this decade……
3/n I first wrote about Anthropocene forces as a disease driver in @PLOS@PLOSNTDs in 2016, it’s not only coronaviruses. The framework also applies to arbovirus infections such as dengue or Zika; Ebola, and many others…