Jamie Walters, CAIA Profile picture
Apr 18, 2023 2929 tweets >60 min read Read on X
It's almost like Fox may have began as a US Intel operation controlled by a GOP cabal of rich dudes connected to Ronald Reagan and HW Bush Admins.
Rupert Murdoch ended up with 20th Century Fox in the aftermath of Marc Rich's indictment by Rudy G.

Marvin Davis owned 20th Century, with a "loan" from CIA front Continental Illinois bank, but Davis was a silent partner.

Davis inherited a petroleum business from his father, another Trump-like useful idiot, organized crime partner.
Davis began running the studio like his personal fiefdom.

He quickly spun off or sold noncore assets to raise money that paid down debt and paid dividends to Rich and himself.

These assets included the Pebble Beach Golf Club and

an Aspen, Colo., ski resort.

Are Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh from families connected with the intersections between organized crime and US Intel?
Marvin Davis of inherited oil wealth like the Koch Bros or W Bush sold pieces of Pebble Beach and the resort to insurance giant Aetna for $184 million, and nearly a decade later sold the rest of Pebble Beach for $840 million — more than he paid for the studio and all its assets.
Aetna - huh

AIG was GOP CIA at one time.

Also sold were Coca-Cola bottling plants, movie theaters in Australia and New Zealand, Fox’s music publishing division and surplus real estate in Century City (including the parcel where Fox Plaza now stands, the building made famous in the original Die Hard movie).
Davis almost sold the movie and TV operations to MGM, then owned by Kirk Kerkorian, but got cold feet at the last minute.


He was having too much fun playing movie mogul.

Nice cover story?
He moved his family to Los Angeles, bought a mansion, and was hanging out with famous stars like Cary Grant and former President Gerald Ford, whom he put on Fox’s board.
While he was supposed to be a silent partner, Rich began complaining that Davis wasn’t selling enough assets, and that he wanted a faster return.
Rich got tired of being silent, and in January 1982 filed a petition with the Securities and Exchange Commission for equal voting rights in Fox w/Davis.

Now is a good time to remind that it was Davis who got the $500 million "loan" from CIA connected Continental Illinois Bank.
In 1983, Rich and his business partner Pincus Green were indicted by the federal government on 65 criminal charges, including evading $48 million in taxes, wire fraud, racketeering and trading oil with Iran in violation of an international embargo.
U.S. government seized all of Rich’s assets within its reach, including his 50 percent interest in Fox.

Are you seeing that maybe Rich's 50% interest in Fox was a battle of Intel Agencies?

Davis considered selling half the studio and found a ready buyer Rupert Murdoch.
Murdoch wanted to buy the whole studio but Davis was only willing to sell half.

So less than a year after he had made the deal with the government, Davis sold Rich’s half to Murdoch for $250 million – immediately pocketing $162 million as his personal share.
By September 1985, Davis sold the other half of the studio to Murdoch for another $325 million, providing Murdoch entry into the U.S. entertainment business.
Side-Note: Davis once owned the Beverly Hills Hotel, now owned by the Sultan of Burnei.

You know what happens in the Bungalows at the Beverly Hills Hotel?

Ask Steven Bannon.
Did you catch coca-cola bottling plants were part of the Fox deal?

CIA used bottling plants for cover, intelligence, etc.
Just like Trump Org finances are protected to protect agency secrets, neither Dominion nor Smartech will ever get Fox to go to trial and expose past finances.

CIA must protect secrets.
RNC Smartech server hacked by Russia 2015 also has some GOP secrets.

Some folks were shocked when OH went for Obama and those folks could not believe their efforts to steal OH did not pan out as planned that time around at least.

Some GOP rich guys were expecting a repeat of 2004 in Ohio.

It was not Russia that had Kompromat on Kavanaugh.

We didn't hear about this during Kavanaugh hearings because Kavanaugh is Deep State Trump sect aligned asset.

Funny we heard about HRC's emails but not Bush deleted emails.
After Dominion and Smartmatic, will the Americans who subscribe to cable or other providers be paying the settlements over some number of years Fox "negotiates" contracts with cable companies?

Is that how US Intel aligned with Trump will fund the settlements?
Or did US Intel have an Officers and Directors Errors and Omissions policy to cover for clean ups on aisle 5?
No way, as a matter of business judgment, Fox could allow the case to go to trial?

Or was it no way, as a matter of protecting intel operations, Fox could allow the case to go to trial?

Or is it both?
As part of the terms of its settlement, Fox News will NOT have to acknowledge ON AIR that it told lies, right HW Bush and Reagan case officers?
A $787.5 million settlement won't bankrupt Fox Propaganda.

Rational lawyers will surmise, it's as much of an admission of guilt as you can reasonably get from a civil suit.

But, rational lawyers would be forgetting, the purpose of Fox is to manipulate and gaslight.
Thus, no, it's perhaps not as much of an admission of guilt as you can reasonably get from a civil suit.
Trump aligned Deep State will take this license to lie that they just purchased and pivot to rebuilding audience emotional bond.

Fox will work its audience into frenzy, aligning with GOP House Freedom Caucus fake outrage over debt ceiling, and leverage that for
political power and for cable carriage increases to keep gaslighting voters, especially old voters and especially poor whites without college degrees but with cable subscriptions.

Fox's parent company makes about $12 billion/year.

The bundling isn't by accident.
Could it be that the Deep State of HW Bush and Reagan era case officers, aligned with Mike Flynn, did not like Dominon Voting Systems because this cabal was not able to use Dominion software to tinker with votes?
With the license to lie, cheat, steal, and gaslight, Deep State / Trump aligned Fox probably will be the only "news" related website and social media page in America that doesn’t have a word about the settlement.

"Losers and Suckers" said the Manchurian Candidate, about another
group, who gets played Fox on government provided housing.

Can't just be a coincidence?

Fox lawyer's decided to pay pocket change not because of a woke jury or an Obama Judge, but because ... oh well ... MAGA base will never hear about it watching Fox.

Should we try to show how dirty money connected to narcotics that gets cleansed through real estate might end up paying for any of these verdicts?

Did you catch that?

Former President Gerald R. Ford joined the board of directors of 20th Century-Fox in July 1981.

Then-Board Chairman Marvin Davis, who took control of Fox the prior month, made the announcement in July 1981.

Ford was a long-time associate and friend of Marvin Davis, and Ford was a board member of the Pebble Beach Corp., a wholly owned Fox subsidiary.

Gerald Ford was very briefly vice president of the United States and, following the resignation of Richard Nixon, somewhat less
briefly president of the United States.

Within a year of leaving office (1977), Ford had earned something like $1 million.

A modest man of once-modest means, he soon had a home near Palm Springs and another one near Vail, where he liked to ski. Image
And of course, Ford pardoned "well, I'm not a crook," Dick Nixon.

Jerry Ford also got on the boards of Shearson/American Express, Beneficial Corp. of New Jersey and other companies and soon became rich.
Like Ford, Paul Ryan sits on Fox Board of Directors.

You know how CIA is in the pot business?

Just like the Pepsi and Coca-Cola wars were not about the soft drinks, the Pepsi Cola’s and Coca-Cola’s of the cannabis industry are already groomed by CIA case officers competing with KGB officers.

Tucker Carlson claims JFK was assassinated by the CIA and Nixon was overthrown by the deep state.

He claims nicotine “frees your mind” whereas marijuana controls the masses.

Tucker likes to play.
Paul Ryan sits on Fox Board while John Boehner enters pot business, sitting on board of Acreage Holdings in 2018 after leaving GOP House.

In April 2018, Paul Ryan joked in a video presented at the White House Correspondents Association dinner that “Boehner texted me the other day and he said he found something that helps him chill out.”
That comment came the same month it was announced that Boehner was joining Acreage.

“Something to do with grass,” Ryan said in the clip. “I don’t really know.”

Yea, right.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson had slammed Boehner’s marijuana work in an interview,
calling it “disgusting.”

Fool me once ...

“Really John Boehner—are you making America better, pig? No, you’re not,” he said. “You’re making it much, much worse. Ask anyone with teenage children what John Boehner’s doing for America.”

Boehner reiterated his opposition to pot legalization as recently as September 2015.
By 2018, Boehner had an about face.

The Freedom Caucus, also known as the House Freedom Caucus was formed in January 2015 by a group of conservatives and Tea Party movement members, including founding member Mick Mulvaney.

Trump chose Mulvaney to be his chief of staff. Image
Mulvaney was also the head of the Office of Management and Budget, and the acting Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Freedom Caucus first chairperson? Jim Jordan of Ohio.
The newly formed GOP House Freedom Caucus declared that a criterion for new members in the group would be opposition to John Boehner as Speaker of the House and willingness to vote against or thwart him on legislation that the group opposed.

After John Boehner resigned as speaker, Kevin McCarthy, the House majority leader, was initially the lead contender to succeed him, but the Freedom Caucus withheld its support.
However, McCarthy withdrew from the race on October 8, 2015, after appearing to suggest that the Benghazi investigation's purpose had been to lower the approval ratings of Hillary Clinton.

Paul Ryan got the spot by Oct 29, 2015.
By 2023, Kevin McCarthy was made Speaker.

In April 2018, Trump described three caucus members—Meadows, Jim Jordan, and Ron DeSantis—as "absolute warriors" for their defense of him during the course of the Special Counsel investigation.
On October 30, 2017, Vanity Fair published an interview with Republican former House speaker John Boehner, who said of the Freedom Caucus:

"They can't tell you what they're for.

They can tell you everything they're against.
They're anarchists. They want total chaos. Tear it all down and start over. That's where their mindset is."

In May 2019, the Freedom Caucus officially condemned one of its founding members, Justin Amash, after he called for the impeachment of President Trump.
In March 2020, former Freedom Caucus chair Mark Meadows was appointed as White House chief of staff, replacing Mick Mulvaney, who was also a founding member of the Freedom Caucus.
There was a rift within US Intel under Obama and that rift seems to have bubbled into the GOP House by 2015.

Like Harry Truman unilaterally decided American's could not handle the truth, so to has the Trump aligned Deep State.

O John Rogge revealed to us some truths.

Smedley Butler brought us some truths before that. Image
Judge Eric Davis this morning appointed Delaware litigator John A. Elzufon to probe whether Fox News and its parent company, Fox Corp., had "complied with their discovery obligations."

But, you guessed it, the lawyer appointed as special master will no longer investigate Fox
John Kerry lost Ohio in 2004.

Had Kerry won the state, he would have won the presidency with 272 electoral votes despite losing the popular vote, the first Democrat to do so.

Is it only a coincidence that Roger Stone Jr aligned Robert F Kennedy had some things to say about 2004 Ohio?

salon.com/2006/06/06/rfk… Image
An Intel Agency Propaganda outlet?

Is that what Elon + Tucker chyron encapsulates? Image
Viet D. Dinh is Chief Legal and Policy Officer of Fox Corporation.

Dinh served as an Assistant Attorney General of the United States from 2001 to 2003, under the presidency of George W. Bush, who was installed by legislative coup.

If we accept Fox started as a CIA propaganda
machine by case officers from the Reagan and HW Bush Admins, it's not surprising that a Vietnamese-born American would be rewarded with a lucrative spot at Fox.

Dinh was born in Saigon, South Vietnam.
He and his family emigrated to the United States in 1978, three years after Vietnam had fully embraced communism.
In 2006 Dinh joined Kenneth Starr in challenging the constitutionality of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act.

That's a pesky law for Intel operations that partner with organized crime.
Dinh became a partner at Kirkland & Ellis in September 2016, when Kirkland hired all of the attorneys at the firm Dinh founded, Bancroft PLLC.

Dinh left Kirkland in 2018, a CIA connected law firm, and in September 2018, Dinh was appointed as Chief Legal and Policy Officer of
Fox Corporation and would report directly to CEO Lachlan Murdoch.

Dinh is responsible for all legal, compliance, and regulatory matters, as well as oversight of government and public affairs.
Preet Bharara and Viet Dinh were pals at Harvard.

Preet Bharara is also friends with Anne Milgram, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Chief.

Preet Bharara is also friends Boyd Johnson, who worked as a prosecutor on international drug cases before becoming a partner at WilmerHale.

Let's assume for a moment that Bharara, Johnson, and Milgram are on the side of a rift within US Intel (that will say includes DEA).
Dinh is on the side of a rift close to HW Bush, Reagan, W Bush people - the kind of people who would install Manchurian Candidate Trump.
Is investigating Milgram retaliation from people connected to Brian Sulc, executive director of the Transnational Organized Crime Mission Center at DHS’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis in Washington?


But, Sulc is in charge of the office from DHS that
produces intelligence assessments on border security, the opioid epidemic, and other high-stakes policy issues.

Those assessments include intelligence on how fentanyl is crossing into the United States, as well as attempts to identify cartel members and
human-trafficking operatives on both sides of the border.

They’re used to inform policy decisions at the highest levels of DHS and elsewhere in the Biden administration.

DEA would be interested in Sulc of DHS.

Sulc is a career official who has held the post since March 2022, according to his LinkedIn profile.

He has worked for DHS since September 2008, placed at DHS before W Bush left office.
Was Manchurian Candidate Trump aligned with the posture of HW Bush and W Bush and Reagan as relates to CIA narcotics "partnerships" and as relates to Bush family desire to take oil fields in Mexico?
Sulc would oversee production of intelligence products about gangs that Manchurian Candidate Trump had a fascination with: MS-13, Sinaloa, Jalisco.
DHS undoubtedly has some of what Trump might call "very fine people."

Under useful idiot Chad Wolf, recall Portland Oregon?

Maybe a career Republican like Ken Wainstein would have trouble partnering with a side of US Intel connected to Mike Flynn, despite being on the same "team", the GOP?
Like I said, Reagan, HW Bush, and W Bush Intel case officers, all too willing to partner with organized crime.

Is Brian Sulc the son of Lawrence Sulc?

Brian Sulc want to George Mason's Antonin Scalia Law School.

What if Biden Admin / DOJ begins trying to prosecute people connected with an Intel Operation under the Manchurian Candidate?

That's a big what-if.

Don't expect much out of Biden / Garland.

Another Manchurian Candidate operation coming back into play relates to Turkish bank, Halkbank.

It's not surprising with SCOTUS decision handed down, we're seeing DEA Intel guy raided.

@stringwall shows us how the Turkey cash-for-gold Iranian sanctions evasion & Central Asian smuggling operation, which Biden Admin can reignite with SCOTUS Halkbank decision, relates to Qanon through Alptekin, Kian, Kazeminy, Nowruz Commission, Flynn, and Schoenberger.

In the Kingston brothers trial regarding biofuel credits fraud, it has been alleged that Turkish mobster Sezgin Baran Korkmaz had arranged through James Woolsey to divert Kingston crime money to the CIA to fund covert proxy wars.
Think about Trump tinkering in Syria and Trump policy versus Obama policy.

I'll lose people here, but why did AG Garland allow John Durham to protect Alfa Bank?

It's not surprise with Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, SCOTUS "remands on whether common law immunity applies" to Halkbank.
The Intel community, using its SCOTUS friendly Justices, is keeping its options open.

Nothing is as it seems, and that is the point.
With Marco Rubio pointing at ActBlue, why hasn't DOJ looked at WinRed and Revv to uncover a laundering scheme that funded the installation of Manchurian Candidate Trump?

Could it be that Garland DOJ has NOT looked at WinRed and Revv to uncover a laundering scheme that funded the installation of Manchurian Candidate Trump because US Intel is in a war with the Intel agencies of hostile nation states while also trying to figure out who from within
US Intel was happy to see Manchurian Candidate Trump installed, people close to Mike Flynn?

Could it be that since past US administrations like HW Bush used Trump Org to facilitate laundering that US Intel is forced to protect Trump since it must protect agency secrets, and
could it be that hostile nation-states understood this and hence were all competing for the same "whore," Donald Trump, to be installed in Jan 2017?

UAE, Turkey (Erdogan), Russia (Putin), Israel (Netanyahu), Saudi Arabia (Kushner installed MBS) all were salivating for a Trump

Maybe the jig was up on CIA use of the Manchurian Candidate?

This may not flow well in the thread, but it's current news and relates.

Mary Kay Vyskocil denies Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s request for a TRO against enforcing a subpoena from the House Judiciary Committee (Jim Jordan) seeking testimony from a former employee of
the Manhattan DA’s office, Mark Pomerantz.

Trump Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil is the one who blocked Karen McDougal from suing Fox News for defamation after Tucker Carlson falsely claimed that McDougal extorted Trump for hush money.
Mary Kay Vyskocil and Mark Pomerantz have orders from the Deep State to protect Trump Org finances.

Mary Kay Vyskocil is sort of like Aileen Cannon from Fort Pierce District in Florida - the judge Marco Rubio got into power around the time Marco got paid for book sales.
Mary Kay Vyskocil is "forcing" Mark Pomerantz to testify before Jim Jordan's House Committee.

The reason is the Deep State wants to blow up the case and prevent Manhattan DA from learning about past CIA operations that used Trump Org's books.
Mark Pomerantz "volunteered" to prosecute because his job as Deep State lawyer is protecting Trump Org finances.

The Trump Judge working for the Deep State decided that Pomerantz himself is well equipped to preserve any privilege because he is so "impressively credentialed."
As a witness, Pomerantz will be functioning as a "lawyer" over privileges.

What a gaslit nation.

House Judiciary Committee rules do not permit any governmental lawyers so no one from Manhattan DA's office will attend so Pomerantz can blow up any case against
Manchurian Candidate Trump.

To understand how Mark Pomerantz has been a Deep State lawyer in the past, this thread might help:

When Cy Vance got access to Trump's tax returns, the Deep State had to protect agency secrets because it partners with organized crime.

Manhattan DA Cy Vance Jr. got access to Trump's tax returns, so the Deep State offered up Mark Pomerantz to

serve as an expert lawyer and accountant, but people are gaslit.

Pomerantz job is to cover up CIA use of Trump Org's books.

Plus, Cy Vance Jr was perhaps already friendly to Trump family and Genovese Crime syndicate.
In 2010, Ivanka and Don Jr were nearly indicted for felony fraud, but a Trump attorney donated to Cy Vance and he dropped the case.
Even Laurence Tribe is gaslit.

Or he knows and play along.

My guess is that Tribe is gaslit. Image
The Deep State gaslights the media into billing Mark Pomerantz as the guy who took down John Gotti.

That's called gaslighting you.

Nonetheless, that's what American's were told when the NY Times reported on Feb 18, 2021 that

Manhattan DA Cy Vance Jr had "reached outside [DA office] ranks to enlist a prominent former federal prosecutor to help scrutinize financial dealings at the former president’s company."

Scrutinize really means protect Trump Org's finances to cover past CIA and OSS operations.
Judge Vyskocil will be written off as a MAGA judge, but do not be fooled.

She is serving the Deep State cabal of men, connected to W Bush, HW Bush, Reagan admins to protect their fuck-ups and shitty partnerships.
Since this is a thread about how Fox News began as a CIA propaganda arm by HW Bush and Reagan Admins, it is no surprise that tax-payers will be on the hook for $200B of the defamation payout via tax deduction Fox will take.

Alvin Bragg's DA office had hired Gibson Dunn to file the case against Jim Jordan & his House Committee.

Gibson Dunn is the firm that represents Facebook that was sanctioned for abusing discovery and depositions.

Think some agency might have attorneys embedded at Gibson Dunn?

Had mentioned UAE, Turkey (Erdogan), Russia (Putin), Israel (Netanyahu), Saudi Arabia (via Kushner installed MBS and his people) were pulling for Manchurian Candidate Trump in 2016.

Let's not forget that ACU’s self-described “ready-to-go” consortium
included not just Russian, Israeli, and Ukrainian interests but also partners in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, and Qatar.

So add interests in Egypt and Qatar to the list.

ACU was the corporate entity attached to the nuclear-reactor proposal whereby ACU
“proposed ending Ukraine’s opposition to lifting sanctions on Russia by giving a Ukrainian company a $45 billion contract to provide turbine generators for reactors to be built in Saudi Arabia and other Mideast nations.”
The ACU proposal included not only a $45 billion payment to Turboatom, a bribe to encourage that company’s owner, the Ukrainian government itself, to support ending sanctions on Russia over its 2014 annexation of 7% of Ukraine’s sovereign territory, but also a more direct
greasing of the wheels to ensure Ukraine’s compliance with a plan ACU’s managing director would claim in internal documents had the support of Trump himself:
“loans to Ukraine from Gulf Arab states [that would] require Ukraine to support lifting United States and European Union sanctions on Russia.”

We still do not know the terms of the "loans" that were discussed.
Once Trump was inaugurated in January of 2017, the ACU plan endorsed by Mike Flynn and allegedly endorsed by Trump himself, required the complicity of Trump’s Secretary of Energy, Rick Perry.

The Sec of Energy would need to be a willing partner since he has sign-off on
nonstandard nuclear agreements with Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Egypt.

Perry would convince these nations (and Americans) of the utility of building dozens of nuclear reactors using ACU’s consortium.

A group was trying to provide nonstandard nuclear technology agreements to
Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Egypt.

It would have been obvious to foreign intelligence services in Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, and Qatar, from the early days of the 2016 Trump campaign, that any foreign nation wanting a “grand bargain” in the Middle East from a
prospective Trump administration had only to manufacture evidence against Trump's challenger, Hilary Clinton, and give it to the Trump campaign to gain his favor.

Was this proposition that these other nations' intel services would have understood advanced by a Deep State
working to control the installation of Manchurian Candidate Trump since US Intel would have seen by 2016 that Russia and others were also looking to assist the Trump Campaign.
Trump has "friends" in Russia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Turkey, Israel.

Those "friends" in those places all recognize a con and useful idiot.

Russia would have suspected Trump Org's connections (witting or unwitting) to past CIA operations.
James Bradford asserts knowledge of an elaborate covert operation personally directed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2016 that aimed to use secret intelligence to clandestinely intervene at the highest levels in the US presidential election on behalf of Donald Trump.
This info has been out for a while, but resurfaced with the Netanyahu / Biden clash, March 28, 2023.

Shadowy hints of the 2016 Netanyahu plot only became visible with the little-noticed release in 2020 of a heavily redacted May 2018 FBI search warrant and
its accompanying affidavit.

In the spring of 2016, no issue was more important to Benjamin Netanyahu than Donald Trump winning the White House.
The GOP presidential candidate, a Manchurian Candidate, was key to everything Netanyahu was after, from ending the Iran nuclear agreement, to recognizing Jerusalem—rather than Tel Aviv—as Israel’s capital, to continuing the occupation of Palestine.
Connections were discovered between private intelligence firms and both Israel’s Ministry of Defense and the firm Cambridge Analytica, which illegally collected data from more than 87 million Facebook users for use in the 2016 presidential campaigns of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
Roger Stone energetically supported Israel’s harsh occupation of the Palestinian territories and its bellicose stance toward Iran; following Trump’s speech at an American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference in March 2016, Stone noted approvingly that
“Donald Trump is a radical Zionist.”

Tzachi Hanegbi was one of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s oldest and closest confidants.

Married to an American from Florida and fluent in English, Hanegbi previously held a post as minister of intelligence supervising Mossad and Shin Bet, the Israeli internal security service.
The question is, why would a high-level confidant of Netanyahu’s, with an intelligence background and close American links, seek a secret meeting with a US presidential candidate, as Hangebi had pursued?
In 2016, if Hangebi could confidentially meet with Trump and get a commitment that, if elected, he would support keeping Jerusalem undivided, then Netanyahu could ignore Obama and John Kerry.
An election win for Trump, therefore, would also be a win for Netanyahu.

Especially since the candidate was already fully committed to another key issue for Netanyahu: canceling the nuclear deal with Iran.
But that's also what the off-the-shelf-enterprise from HW Bush CIA would have desired.

And it's what Erdogan of Turkey and UAE wanted.
2013: Obama closes the cash-for-gold loophole built into the 2006 UN 1737 sanctions.

Lt. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot of Israel had sided with Obama on Iran.
In January 2016, he said that the nuclear deal “had actually removed the most serious danger to Israel’s existence for the foreseeable future, and greatly reduced the threat over the longer term.”
Eizenkot’s predecessor, Benny Gantz, who had retired as head of the Israel Defense Forces, IDF, in February 2015, but still held the rank of lieutenant general in the reserves and was often referred to by his military title, was in charge of the IDF during Israel’s war on
Palestinians in Gaza in 2014.

In May 2020, Benny Gantz would become the second-most-powerful person in Israel under Netanyahu, as the alternate prime minister.
At the time of the canceled 2016 meeting with Trump, however, he was the chairman of Fifth Dimension, an Israeli private intelligence company run by a former deputy head of Mossad, with another former Mossad member as CEO.
Fifth Dimension wasn’t the only Israeli spy company with close ties to Israeli intelligence.
Another was Psy Group, a private intelligence firm that operated under the motto “Shape Reality.”
Earlier that year, on behalf of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs, Psy Group had carried out Project Butterfly, a covert operation that spied on and attacked Americans who supported the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
In April 2016, it offered Trump campaign official Rick Gates another secret operation, Project Rome.
The subtitle of the six-page proposal clearly spelled out its objective to covertly interfere with the US presidential election: “Campaign Intelligence & Influence Services Proposal.”
“We recommend keeping this activity compartmentalized and on need-to-know basis since secrecy is a key factor in the success of the activity,” the proposal said.
“Due to the sensitivity of some of the activities and the need for compartmentalization and secrecy, Psy Group will use code names.”

Trump was called “Lion,” Hillary Clinton was “Forest,” and Ted Cruz was “Bear.”
“This document details the services proposed by Psy Group for the ‘Lion’ project between now and July 2016,” the proposal noted, referring to the period of the US primaries.
The price tag for the operation was $3,210,000, with another $100,000 for media expenses and $400,000 more for “negative opposition.”

It appears that Gates, wisely, passed on Project Rome.
The key players behind Psy Group later formed a new Israeli company, Percepto International. Also investigated by the international journalism collaboration, it was labeled “an Israeli factory for online deception”
From messages, it appears that Israel either had its own October [2016] Surprise planned or was aware of Guccifer’s planned release of the Podesta e-mails before the 2016 US election.
The day after Jerome Corsi suggested meeting with Netanyahu’s agent, Roger Stone for the first time publicly indicated that Podesta would soon become a target of WikiLeaks—thereby predicting the event six weeks before it happened.

Roger Stone 2016 Tweet: “Trust me, it will soon the [sic] Podesta’s time in the barrel. #CrookedHillary
Since neither Assange nor Guccifer was a source for either Corsi or Stone, the tweet once again points to the Israeli agent who was in communication with both of them about the October Surprise.
The prospect of an October Surprise, along with the offer of critical intelligence, apparently got Trump’s attention.

On September 25, he and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, met privately with Netanyahu and Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer in his Trump Tower penthouse.
Later that day, he publicly announced that if he was elected, his administration would finally “recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel.”
Since 1947, there has been virtual unanimity within the international community—and among US presidents—that the future of Jerusalem must be the subject of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.
Now Trump was vowing to trash that consensus, along with the Palestinians, and support Netanyahu’s agenda.
By secretly assisting Netanyahu’s agent in an attempt to make contact with a presidential candidate—aware that he intended to interfere in the US election on behalf of his country—both Stone and Corsi could have faced serious charges as agents of a foreign power under
Section 951 of the criminal code, which makes it a crime to covertly assist a foreign government without registering.

The keys was for the bad guys to carry out the operations while Obama was on his way out. The only risk was a backfire should HRC win.
James Bradford makes the case that throughout the summer and into the fall of 2016, Israel illegally interfered in the US presidential election to help install Manchurian Candidate Trump.

May continue this part of the story later with a time line.

For now, noticed this WaPo opinion piece about Mark Pomerantz.

"One wonders if [Pomerantz] book risks undermining the very noble end he seeks."

The DA’s investigation of Trump is widely reported to be active, and if charges are brought, this book is certainly going to be used in countless ways by the defense, including to claim selective prosecution, to try to change venues and to undermine government witnesses.
The purpose of the Pomerantz book? It is the Deep State's backup plan.

Should a prosecution move forward, the book can be utilized to hurt a prosecution, and it's by design, despite what you'll convincingly hear by Pomerantz and Fox hosts and even gaslit MSNBC hosts.

Although US Congress could prevent Fox from taking a tax deduction on the defamation payout and stop Fox from having US taxpayers fund the propaganda machine, doubt the Deep State will permit it, by keeping GOP House Reps ill

informed, or well informed and aligned with Deep State interests.
Egypt and Saudi Arabia - think about this article in the context of how Egypt and Saudi Arabia (MBS) were presented in thread above.

And keep in mind who's in power in either place during any period under analysis.

Although Laurence Tribe is gaslit on the topic of Pomerantz, I suspect George Conway is not and actively deceives.

But maybe Conway is gaslit as well? Image
Trump aligned Deep State propaganda [video exhibit] from stooge RFK, a candidate engineered by Roger Stone Jr (pals with James Baker, one of the two who put together the Enron / Itera deal) who helped install W Bush in 2000 via legislative coup.

Never forget Ron DeSantis was a GOP House Freedom Caucus member who Trump once adored.

And DeSantis Chief of Staff was Adrian Lukis who left by late 2021.
Adrian Lukis' father was a money launderer for Halkbank through Ballard Partners, Trump's Florida lobbyist.

The dealings between Erdogan and Putin about to pause?

Russian President Vladimir Putin decided not to go to Turkey for the opening ceremony of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant.
Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan announced at the end of March that Putin was going to visit Turkey and take part in this event.
As part of this visit, Putin and Erdogan planned to visit the areas affected by the earthquake and discuss the Russian-Turkish partnership in various fields.

Hint: that is not all they were to discuss.
The Akkuyu station was designed, built, and will be serviced by the Russian nuclear agency Rosatom.

You remember the ACU proposal from earlier in the thread?

Installed by legislative coup from 2000, W Bush, later appointed as U.S. Attorney General, Michael Bernard Mukasey, who approved Alex Acosta's non-prosecution agreement of Jeffrey Epstein.

Michael Mukasey was Rudy Giuliani's partner.
In 1987, President Ronald Reagan nominated Mukasey to serve as a District Judge on the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.

He took the bench in 1988, became the Chief Judge in 2000 and served until his retirement in 2006.
Mukasey was nominated to be Attorney General by President George W. Bush following the resignation of Alberto Gonzales.

Mukasey's father was born near Baranavichy in Belarus (then in the Russian Empire) and emigrated to the U.S. in 1921.
Mukasey practiced law for 20 years in New York City, serving for four years as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York in which he worked with Rudolph Giuliani.
On July 27, 1987, Mukasey was nominated to be a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York in Manhattan by President Ronald Reagan.

You see, the Reagan and HW Bush era judges and intel case officers, old men, are still

Believe it or NOT, in June 2003, Democratic New York Senator Charles Schumer submitted Mukasey's name, along with four other Republicans or Republican appointees, as a suggestion for Bush to consider for nomination to the Supreme Court.
During an Oval Office meeting with Rudy Giuliani in 2017, Michael Mukasey pressed Secretary of State Rex Tillerson for the release of the indicted Turkish-Iranian gold trader, Reza Zarrab.
Deep State lawyer and former CIA Case Officer William P Barr wanted to hire Michael Mukasey to "investigate" the US Intel community.

This was about covering up HW Bush and Reagan era shit, and about keeping eyes on those inside the intel community not

showing fealty to the Manchurian Candidate and the side of the intel folks who were happy with Trump and friends with Flynn.

Giuliani and Mukasey at the Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C. April 05, 2017. Image
Fethullah Gulen perhaps solicited Erdogan’s cooperation in the CIA’s UN1737 squeeze on Iran and the Zarrab cash-for-gold scheme.
When Fetullah Gulen moved to Pennsylvania in 1999, he moved into Curt Weldon’s district who was Russia's favorite congressman before that claim went to Dana Tyrone Rohrabacher.

washingtonpost.com/world/national… Image
Like I said, Fox was started by Reagan and HW Bush admins' as a Propaganda machine.

The Reagan and HW Bush agenda called for a partnership with Solntsevskaya that can be viewed as an evolution of Operation Underworld in 1942 and Chiang Kai-Shek’s opium trafficking.
Curt Weldon + Itera

Itera’s relationship to Enron and Gazprom

Chris Wray’s involvement with Enron and King & Spaulding

King and Spalding’s involvement with Halkbank, the Reza Zarrab cash-for-gold scheme, and the Trump real estate operation.

If you need to get up to speed on Curt Weldon.
Keep in mind, W Bush nominated Chris Wray in 2003 as assistant attorney general leading the DOJ’s criminal division.

Wray served in that position for two years, joining Bush’s Corporate Fraud Task Force and overseeing the Enron Task Force.

Wray's job was to manage the Enron
situation for the W Bush DOJ.

It's work to manage an intel agency partnering with organized crime and keep a public gaslit.
Reince Preibus, Gerrit Lansing, Revv, and the Trump campaign (where Paul Manafort went to "work for free") were all in bed together in 2016, prepared to launder funds into the 2016 Trump Campaign to install a Manchurian Candidate, and boy did the Trump

Campaign need a cash injection to keep it afloat by summer 2016.
Fox News = CIA Propaganda Machine from Reagan and HW Bush era.

Still on assignment:

More HW Bush and Reagan related info since thread started with assertion Fox News is CIA Propaganda Machine started by HW Bush and Reagan admins.

On Friday, September 28, 1991, the Senate Judiciary Committee sent to the full Senate the nomination of Judge Clarence Thomas.

One of then-Senator Joseph Biden, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, key aides at the time, who reviewed the Anita Hill allegations and dealt Image
with Ms. Hill, was Harriet Grant, who is married to I. Lewis Libby, otherwise known as “Scooter.”

Harriet Grant did not call Anita Hill because committee procedures require that contact must be initiated by the person making the complaint.

However, when informed by Biden’s aide, Harriet Grant, that once she made her allegation, the FBI would investigate it, Hill pulled back.

But then, at Hoerchner’s and Brudney’s urging, Hill finally decided to draft a statement.
On September 23, she faxed it to the committee. Thomas did not withdraw. Five days later the committee voted on his nomination. And then the leak(s) to Newsday and Totenberg occurred.
George W. Bush commuted a 30-month sentence that I Lewis "Scooter" Libby earned, describing it as “excessive,” but he didn’t issue a pardon, despite entreaties from Mr. Dick Cheney.
"Scooter is Dick Cheney's Dick Cheney," said Cesar V. Conda, Mr. Cheney's former top economic policy aide.

nytimes.com/2005/10/29/pol… Image
At the State Department, Mr. Libby worked on matters concerning Asia, a lifelong interest.

Narrator's Note: narcotics trafficking?

After leaving government, he rejoined Mr. Wolfowitz at the Pentagon in 1989 when Mr. Cheney was secretary of defense. Image
In 1998, Mr. Libby was legal adviser to the bipartisan House panel on Chinese espionage.

Mr. Libby, a protégé of Leonard Garment, President Richard M. Nixon's lawyer, is no stranger to legal and diplomatic challenges.
But his most celebrated client was Marc Rich, the billionaire fugitive commodities trader and tax evader to whom President Bill Clinton later granted a pardon.
Are you catching that?

I Lewis "Scooter" Libby's most celebrated client was Marc Rich!

Rupert Murdoch ended up with 20th Century Fox in the aftermath of Marc Rich's indictment by Rudy G.

See how this might belong in the Fox may have began as a
US Intel operation controlled by a GOP cabal of rich dudes connected to Ronald Reagan and HW Bush Admins?

Mr. Libby represented Mr. Rich on and off for 15 years, earning $2 million in fees, but he was not involved in the pardon [that Bill Clinton granted to March Rich].
Mr. Libby’s conviction capped a four-year investigation by Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald into the leak of the identity of the Central Intelligence Agency officer, Valerie Plame.
“I don’t know Mr. Libby,” said Mr. Trump, “but for years I have heard that he has been treated unfairly. Hopefully, this full pardon will help rectify a very sad portion of his life.”

Trump pardoned Scooter Libby!
The same Intel case officers from Reagan, HW Bush, W Bush that gave America Fox News Propaganda Machine gave us Manchurian Candidate Trump.

Emboldened by the lack of consequences for subverting the U.S. constitution and breaking international law during the Iran-Contra scandal, the Bush administration group known as “the Vulcans” planned a bigger drive to crush the
soul of Communism once and for all.

Ha Ha. They called it crushing communism and didn't mention narcotics trafficking, arms trading, and profiting.

This group had graced themselves with this moniker, naming themselves after the Roman god of War – Vulcan.
They waged war against the Soviet Union and Iraq under George H. W. Bush, and against Iraq and Afghanistan under George W. Bush.

Belonging to this group were
Dick Cheney
Don Rumsfeld
Colin Powell
Paul Wolfowitz
Richard Armitage
Condoleezza Rice
The Vulcan’s drive to bring and end to the Cold War was fueled by a covert war chest invisible to congressional oversight.

Side-Note: U.S. Sec of State Antony Blinken went to Dalton School.

After leaving government service, Blinken moved into the private sector, co-founding WestExec Advisors, a consulting firm.
So we've established how Fox News is a GOP Propaganda Machine established by case officers from Reagan and HW Bush Admins.

Should we delve into Axios next?

The Deep State tinkers with shit.

Back to the Vulcans.

Their war chest would be known by several names: Black Eagle Trust, the Marcos gold, Yamashita’s Gold, the Golden Lily Treasure, the Durham Trust or Project Hammer.

But perhaps that story of the Black Eagle Trust was cover for narcotics trade profits?
These same Vulcans would be brought back to power in 2000 under the administration of President George W. Bush, son of President George H. W. Bush, and W Bush installed by legislative coup in 2000.

The covert operations conducted by the Vulcans involved – at a minimum – potential securities fraud, money laundering and violation of Foreign Corrupt Practices act.

Technically, it can be argued that what was done was legal and justified by any number of Executive Orders.
Arguments along those lines seem to convince courts to shut down and/or seal investigations, and make it convenient for judges and legislators to look away.

Plus, when you install federal Judges and SCOTUS Justices like Gorsuch and Kavanaugh
it helps the Deep State aligned with the Vulcans.

The essence of argument against the covert activities is that all of these funds are all ‘secret’ because the U.S. has no right to the funds under international law.

We're talking about the Black Eagle Trust - a cover story.
If an argument can be found to justify the retention of the gold, [from the Black Eagle Trust / Anderson Trust] the subsequent arguments which would need to be addressed contend that the ‘secret’ funds violate Constitutional requirements for waging war and separation of powers.
One would then need to address illegal profiteering from public funds, and dereliction of duty for lack of oversight.

It seems that when people ‘disagree’ with the management of this :"fund," their rights are denied in the interest of ‘national security’.
When a fund that was created in the interest of defending democracy is used to subvert it – it needs to be exposed for what it is.

And the Anderson Trust, though it may be true gold was taken out of the Philippines, it's more likely the Trust is cover for the sources of funds
that derived from partnering with organized crime that sold narcotics and arms.
In a number of situations, murder and false imprisonment seemed to be the mainstay of efforts to prevent any remorseful participants in this operation from going public with their stories.

Those associated with the Russian coup story who have died under unnatural situations:
Robert Maxwell, Steven Curtis, Andrei Kozlov, Nikolai Kruchina, Yuri Golubev, Boris Pugo, Russell Hermann, and J. Carter Beese.

Leo Wanta and John D'Acquisto did prison time.
While accomplishing its objective – bringing about the demise of the Soviet Union – the program also seems to have lined the pockets of the individuals that executed this policy, at US taxpayer expense.
This was done to the tune of a mere $240 billion dollars in covert and allegedly illegal bonds, which appear to have been replaced with Treasury notes backed by U.S. taxpayers in the aftermath of September 11!
Seventeen years later by 2008, when W Bush was on his way out, the personal financial empires of those who benefited directly from these covert securities should have stood at several trillion dollars.

Putin’s purge of selected oligarchs is consistent with this story.
The covert securities used to accomplish the original national security objective of ending the Cold War ended up in the vaults of the brokers in the World Trade Center, and were destroyed on September 11, 2001.
An argument can be made for the reported explosions in the basement that they were set to destroy the vault shared by all the financial organizations in the WTC, thus destroying certificates required to settle the loans.
“The difficulty with lost certificates was dramatically demonstrated during the September 11,2001, tragedy when thousand of certificates were destroyed in vaults maintained by broker-dealers.” From the Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 151 / Tuesday, August 6, 2002 / Notices.
As an interesting side note, someone was trying to remove gold bullion from the vault when the buildings collapsed.

They evidently received prior warning, as no bodies were found with the lorries.
From the New York Daily News: “Cache of gold found at WTC; Two truckloads retrieved through a tunnel in rubble” by Greg Gittrich, Thomas Zambits and Leo Standora, Daily News Staff writers. October 31, 2001
They came due for settlement and clearing on September 12.

The federal Agency investigating these bonds – The Office of Naval Intelligence- was in the section of the Pentagon that was destroyed on September 11.

To a key group of senior National Security officials who had participated in the victory of the economic cold war in 1991, the WTC, the Pentagon, the four airliners and their occupants would became ‘collateral’ damage in the ending of the Cold War.
Their deaths were required to hide the existence of the Black Eagle Trust, and the covert activities it had funded for over 50 years.

Again, the Black Eagle Trust may have had some truth, but it was more likely a cover for the money derived from partnerships with organized crime
from trading arms and narcotics to fund "covert operations."

The alternative view of these events suggests that the destruction of these lives and buildings constituted a cover-up of continued lawlessness by a fraternity or brotherhood of businessmen and criminals often
referred to as ‘the Enterprise’ in the 1980s, but has remained in the shadows since.

"It's a criminal enterprise."

History suggests that in September of 1991,
George H. W. Bush and Alan Greenspan did indeed finance $240 billion in bonds in a buyout of the Soviet Union as part of a broader program to end the Cold War through an attack on the economy of the Soviet Union.

December 1997 Russian crisis:

More-over, President George H. W. Bush had initiated a number of related covert operations to takeover certain sectors of the Soviet economy, and ten years later in 2001, these programs had finally come back to haunt the U.S. policy makers.
Most, if not all of these programs appear to have stepped outside of the boundaries of the law.

As a result, investigative agencies from Britain, Switzerland, Russia, Kazakhstan and the Philippines were putting pressure on Congress and the U.S. Department of Justice to open up
the accounts in the banks used to finance these covert activities, which were being viewed as criminal activities in foreign courts.

Alan Greenspan, the Treasury Department and key banks in the U.S. and Europe were being sued for gold-price fixing or illegal gold sales which
appears to have it’s origins in the covert war chest used to wage this war.

see Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold, Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, Verso, 2005, p. 230 regarding Belli lawsuit
At the same time, the suits brought by the Holocaust survivors victims of the Marcos regime, and the US Congress under influence of pro-Israeli lobbyists were putting pressure on the Swiss banking cartel to open it’s bullion records to public scrutiny.

Full disclosure by these banks during an investigation would have resulted in a major exposure of U.S. Government complicity in some of the greatest financial fraud of the 1980s and early 1990s as well as 50 years of gold bullion theft by numerous U.S. and British government

Yes, Mark Pomerantz will protect agency secrets and that means protecting the Trump Org, which is tied up in the mess.

Moreover, investigation into these accounts would disclose a National Security secret known as the Black Eagle fund, and virtually every
covert operation since World War II.

Bringing an end to these investigations and preventing this disclosure was presumably the sole objective for the destruction of the WTC and Pentagon.
These investigative and legal pressures began to accumulate in 1997, and in February 1998, Osama Bin Laden declared his fatwa, and Atta started planning the September 11 attacks.

To understand the decisions made in 1998 which brought about the attack on the World Trade Center, one must go back in history to appreciate the magnitude of exposure these bankers and government officials faced.
Ten years prior to the planning that Atta was beginning, planning had begun for economic war on the Soviet Union.
The source of funding for this covert war is traced to the end of World War II, but it was not until 1986 did the size of that war chest make the 1991 attack on the Soviet Union feasible.
Understanding the source of that funding is absolutely critical to understanding why the World Trade Center was destroyed in 2001.
9/11 and ensuing war on terror were just an elaborate financial fraud similar to Banco Ambrosiano, Enron, Parmalat, or Wirecard.

By the mid 1990s, Osama bin Laden was being recruited by the Philippine crew to plan 9/11.

In 1976, Paul Manafort was working with James Baker on the President Ford delegate operation.
James Baker used Roger Stone to install W Bush in 2000 via legislative coup.

Paul Manafort went to "work for free" for 2016 Trump Campaign.

Manafort was an advisor to the George HW Bush campaign in 1988.

George HW Bush and James Baker were meeting with Osama bin Laden’s

This HW Bush era dealing ties to 40 Wall St and ties to Trump Org's books.
Osama bin Laden’s brother in law, Muhammad Jamal Khalifa, was associated with an Al Qaeda sleeper cell operating out of The Philippines.


Ramzi Yousef, one of Osama bin Laden’s chief bomb-makers, had, in fact, tried to blow up the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on February 26, 1993.

ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/… ImageImageImageImage
Like I said, there is likely some truth to the Anderson Trust / Black Eagle Trust story of gold, but it's also cover for more sources of funding like narcotics and arms sales that HW Bush, Reagan, W Bush, Nixon Admins' would prefer we not know about.

apnews.com/article/a64c7c… Image
A group of people, the earlier enterprise, was obsessed with gold bars in the 1930’s and they plotted to force FDR to keep basing the country’s money on gold.

Singlaub's organization, Western Goals and World Anti-Communist League, were funded by the Hunt Brothers, who tried to
corner the silver market.

You can find threads on that story by searching for the plot to overthrow FDR and look up Smedley Butler.

A Distraction -

Side-Note: Come back to “Snow White,” Lisa Clapier, g/f of Thomas Schoenberger and Jim Watkins.


ToDo: Who controls INC cult-like church?

Mike Flynn's peeps involved pre-2016? Image


Side-Note: unlike most abandoned places in South Dakota, Scenic was sold in 2011 for $799,000 and now serves as a meeting place for its owners, the Philippines-based Iglesia ni Cristo church.
Sold by former rodeo legend Twila Merrill.

Does Scenic, SD have anything to do with any oil pipelines?

In spring of 2016, a movement that grew to encompass thousands was born at Standing Rock.

When the Dakota Access pipeline was rerouted from its original path north of Bismarck to the reservation, endangering its only water source, Lakota elders asked allies to rally to their cause, symbolized by the phrase, “Mni Wiconi — Water is Life.”

Throughout the duration of the Standing Rock encampment in North Dakota, the Sheriffs’ Association served as a vocal critic of those participating, writing in an October 2016 letter to then-U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch that those protesting were

desmog.com/2017/04/27/dak… Image
“illegally preventing the completion of a project under the guise of environmental and cultural concerns — an obvious ruse.”

Founded in 1940 and headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, the Sheriffs’ Association has a $3.46 million budget. Image
Maybe US Intel, when controlled by guys like those from HW Bush, Reagan, Nixon, W Bush Admins, influences a subset of useful idiots we call Sheriffs, interfering in local "elections," like maybe in Arizona too?

Recall Trump pardoned Sheriff Joe Apairo?

Recall Sheriff Jim Clark?
In Aug 2017, Trump was tweeting praise for Sheriff Clark's book to boost sales.

You know how they launder reward money for books sales, right? Ask Marco Rubio.

Lisa Clapier was part of Erik Prince’s crew at Standing Rock.
Trump had also endorsed Clark County Nevada Sheriff Joe Lombardo (R) in the competitive GOP primary for Nevada governor.

Sheriff's are easily corruptible and easy to align with and when you brain-wash at the local churches, maybe you have a set of methods to influence ppl?
Beyond its lobbying efforts, the Sheriffs’ Association made a public call for President Donald Trump to reverse the ban on sending military gear to local police agencies.

Smedley Butler, if he were alive, would probably have spoken up.

President Barack Obama enacted
a moratorium in the aftermath of the chaos and violence that followed the police shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014.
“Sheriffs will work closely with President-Elect Donald J. Trump to repeal Obama’s Executive Order,” the organization stated in December 2016.

As protests heated up at Standing Rock in October 2016, the Morton County Sheriffs’ Department requested support from the Sheriffs’ Association, which coincided with out-of-state cops flooding the state in assistance.
In December, DeSmog reported on an audio recording first obtained and published by New York Daily News writer Shaun King, in which Energy Transfer Partners executive Matthew Ramsey said that the Sheriffs’ Association worked in close coordination with his company,
the pipeline’s majority owner, against those opposing it at Standing Rock.

Rick Perry was on the Board of Energy Transfer Partners which was owned by Kelsey Warren, Rick Perry’s best friend.

Rick Perry’s ex campaign manager, Jeff Miller, who ran Perry's Presidential Campaign, had became a lobbyist for Energy Transfer Partners and AECOM, which wanted DOE contracts for nuclear sites.

We covered nuclear tech transfer earlier in the thread.

Rick Perry was another useful idiot the Deep State, aligned with organized crime, presented to the American public as choices in the 2016 GOP Primaries.
You know how Turkish Intel close to Netanyahu wanted Oz as US Senator from PA?

You know how Energy Transfer Partners owns Joe Manchin of WV?

Recall China wheeling and dealing Trump Admin over WV coal and gas pipeline?

Sunoco is owned by Energy Transfer Partners, which is owned by Dakota Access, LLC.

Blackrock has 1.2 million shares of Energy Transfer. Image
Florida Gas Transmission is a natural gas pipeline which brings gas from Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama into Florida.

The pipeline is owned 50% by Energy Transfer Partners (Owner/Operator) and 50% by Kinder Morgan Partnership.

HW Bush and W Bush Admins
Senator John Cornyn received contributions from Energy Transfer Partners - the company behind the Dakota Access Pipeline.

This cabal had Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Donald Trump, Jeb Bush all in their pockets.

Useful idiots.
Wet Virginia's Governor Jim Justice will announce next week that he will be running for the Senate seat currently being held by Senator Joe Manchin.

Is Manchin not giving Energy Transfer Partners what they want?

No. Manchin does what he's told.

The owner's of America always
buy up the players in the races they want to control.

They've got leverage over Jim Justice of WV.

Wet Virginia's Governor Jim Justice will announce next week that he will be running for the Senate seat currently being held by Senator Joe Manchin.

What could go wrong when Jim Justice of WV is in debt to foreign creditors who now have leverage over him as he seeks to relieve what he [Jim Justice] calls an unbelievable burden on his family?
Recall Trump's tariffs with China?

And China's maneuvering to acquire WV coal resources?

Everyone saw him as the Manchurian Candidate.

WV and PA are both targets by the same cabal of men.

The Moonies, a cult project of the Korean Intel Services, is a much bigger influence on geopolitics than people realize, and we could connect this segment of the story to the Moonies.

Mike Pomepo
Adm Harry Davis
Trump's first 2023 tour at Waco - Moonies connection.


Moonies Unification Church was setup by the Korean Intel services, a project of the US CIA, as a bulwark against the spread of communism, particularly in Asia.

Wait until we link in LDS and Mormons to the story.
Case Officers from Nixon, Reagan, George H.W. Bush, W Bush, and Trump all have had deep, well-established ties to the cult of the Moonies.

Running militias out of Pennsylvania - ask GOP Rep Scott Perry.

Ask Barry Loudermilk about the buses that brough people to DC for J6.

They could have been unwitting idiots to be charitable.
Tie it back to Murdoch connection - build a Chinese garden near the White House and Capitol and plant your spy tech and watch it blossom.

Useful idiot Devin Nunes is now running Truth Social. Image
Nixon's pal, Herbert Warren Kalmbach, served as the personal attorney to United States President Richard Nixon (1968–1973).

Kalmbach was also the Deputy Finance Chairman for the Committee to Re-elect the President. In this capacity he was eventually implicated in a fund-raising
scandal involving re-election campaign contributions by Associated Milk Producers, Inc. (AMPI) and two other major dairy-farm cooperatives in connection with Nixon's support of an increase in price supports for milk in 1971.

Parmalat Spanish dairy farm scandal.

One of the mechanisms that Credit Suisse and other banks used to help Pamalat defraud investors included a derivative product called a CLN, or credit linked note.

Moving on from that detour into milky horrors, during the transition, ahead of the inauguration of the Manchurian Candidate, Mike Flynn talked w McFarlane about ambassador Kisliak to hold off on a response to Obama sanctions.

Iran Nuclear deal was a cash cow. Image

E Gordon Gordon Sondland might know something about Nixon's lawyer, Kalmbach, selling ambassadorship's. Image
Any-Moo, or is it any-who, let's hold off on the Lebanese banking and Kuwait banking stuff for later.


Wirecard executive Jan Marsalek touted secret documents about the use of a Russian chemical weapon in the UK, as he bragged of ties to intelligence services to ingratiate himself with London traders.
The documents, which have been reviewed by the Financial Times, included the formula for novichok, the world’s deadliest nerve agent.
His use of the documents in meetings in October 2018, which were described by two traders who attended, show the mysterious connections and bizarre tactics of a man who helped run the German payments group for a decade before it collapsed last month in a fraud scandal.
The classified papers held by Mr Marsalek included details of an investigation by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons into the attack in Salisbury, in which former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were poisoned.
Wirecard executive Jan Marsalek visited the Phillipines before China.


What is Chinese Intel Services up to?
Immigration records showing Wirecard’s former chief operating officer Jan Marsalek arrived in the Philippines on June 23 and departed for China the next day were falsified, Philippines Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra said on Saturday.

Guevarra said the immigration officers who inputted the fictitious entries have been relieved of their duties and face administrative sanctions.
Marsalek, 40, was fired as COO of the German firm on June 18 after auditor EY refused to sign off on Wirecard’s accounts.
The company, once one of the hottest fintech companies in Europe, collapsed a week later owing creditors almost $4 billion after disclosing a $2.1 billion hole in its accounts that auditor EY said was the result of a sophisticated global fraud.
The missing money was purportedly held in escrow accounts at two Philippine banks, which have denied any links with the Wirecard.
Guevarra said it was possible Marsalek could be in the country, telling Reuters, “Notwithstanding the Bureau of Immigration report, I do not totally discount the possibility that Marsalek may be in the Philippines.”
Guevarra said earlier immigration records had shown that Marsalek had been in the Philippines from March 3 to 5.


"On Thursday, Deutsche Bank AG said it was considering a request to provide Wirecard Bank with financial support to help the bank continue its business operations."

Wonder if we could tie the Wirecard story to the 2016 WinRed / Revv story somehow?
Jan Marsalek, an Austrian bank executive, joined Wirecard in 2000, a global payment processor.

Recall Bush v Gore was 2000? And W bush was installed via legislative coup in 2000?

Wirecard eventually earned the confidence of Germany’s political and financial élite, who considered it Europe’s answer to PayPal.
When Wirecard wanted to acquire a Chinese company, Chancellor Angela Merkel personally took up the matter with President Xi Jinping.
Intermission, since this started as a Fox News thread.

Another intermission: Over $100 million worth of gold has been stolen from Pearson Airport, Canada.

Another intermission:

Trump on IRS deal.

Is the Deep State unwinding it's movements of money through Trump Org and getting closer to that Dump Trump moment?

Or is the Deep State cleaning up financials to reinstall the Manchurian Candidate?

Guo Wengui will remain jailed without bond pending trial, a judge ruled today.

The Deep State aligned with Steve Bannon probably isn't happy.

Back to this part of the thread to continue the story.

Then, on June 18, 2020, Wirecard announced that nearly two billion euros was missing from the company’s accounts.

The sum amounted to all the profits that Wirecard had ever reported as a public company.
There were only two possibilities: the money had been stolen, or it had never existed.

The Wirecard board placed Marsalek on temporary leave.
The missing funds had supposedly been parked in two banks in the Philippines, and Wirecard’s Asia operations were under Marsalek’s purview. Before leaving the office that day, he told people that he was going to Manila, to track down the money.
German businessman named Paul Bauer-Schlichtegroll, upon learning that Wirecard could process credit- and debit-card transactions, offered to buy it.

Wirecard refused.

Marsalek’s colleague Oliver Bellenhaus, who often played Call of Duty at the office --> did you hear about Image
Jack Taxiera / Discord / Gaming ?

Wirecard’s new C.E.O. was a tall, somewhat awkward consultant from Vienna named Markus Braun. Image
Tech + Bank = bridge between online + offline cash.

Is Twitter and PayPal mafia still chasing that same goal?

What Senator's and House Reps were friendly to online betting and against the Oct 2006 legislation that made it illegal to take bets online? Image
You might also use acquired credit or debit card numbers to impersonate registered voter's "donations?" Image
Skipping some of the article .... Image
On February 18, 2019, Germany’s financial regulator, known as BaFin, issued a ban on creating new short bets against Wirecard, citing the company’s “importance for the economy.”

In early 2019, Quadir and Clementi set off in Clementi’s 2002 Volkswagen Cabrio for Wirecard’s U.S. headquarters, which were registered in an office park in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, outside Philadelphia.

Is this PA headquarters related to Flynn's operations in PA?

To Turkish interests, re Oz?

Curt Weldon's 7th District was just North of Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.
We're still on the New Yorker article.

Sorry for this long detour. Image
By now, Marsalek had fully entrenched himself in the affairs of his Russian mercenary friend, Stanislav Petlinsky.

Wirecard arranged a deal with the R.S.B. Group’s holding company in Dubai, to sell the mercenaries its prepaid-debit-card software. Image
In an encrypted chat with Dagmar Schneider, a senior member of Wirecard’s finance team, Marsalek wrote that if auditors had questions about R.S.B. they should call Vladimir Putin.
Pre-paid-debit-card software in a deal with R.S.B. Group's Holding Company in Dubai!!

In the year leading up to Wirecard’s collapse, in June, 2020, the leadership plotted a takeover of Deutsche Bank—an acquisition so huge that Wirecard’s balance-sheet fraud might be buried in the deal. Image
The auditors focused on two bank accounts in the Philippines, which purportedly held the missing two billion euros.

“You cannot understand Wirecard if you understand Wirecard only as fraud,” Felix Holtermann, a financial reporter at Handelsblatt, told me. Image
“It’s not a Potemkin village, it’s not a Bernie Madoff case.”

According to Holtermann, who has also written a book about the company, Marsalek routinely “used his power to override Wirecard’s very, very small compliance department” to issue bank accounts, credit cards, and
debit cards to Russian oligarchs who were on European financial blacklists.

“Germany was, and still is, the money-laundering saloon of Europe,” he said.

“Only the biggest washing machine broke.”
In 2014, Marsalek led an effort at Wirecard—in partnership with private Swiss and Lebanese banks—to issue anonymous debit cards that could be preloaded with up to two million euros per year.

This ends the New Yorker article.

newyorker.com/magazine/2023/… Image

Philippine Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra on Thursday said his office was trying to secure a certificate for the death of “Christopher Reinhard Bauer”, which he said had been recorded in a civil registry in the capital Manila last month. Image
Was that a faked death?

Intel Services in a war involving the usual - money laundering?

Or a real murder?

Andy Khawaja claims that UAE hired George Nader to arrange a scheme to funnel Saudi $$ into the Trump campaign through small donations beneath the $200 reporting threshold because they had a deal with Trump (Flynn?) to back out of the
Obama nuke deal & reimpose strict sanctions on Iran.

Let's get back to this part of the thread from earlier.

Numerous sources have documented that at the end of World War Two, the treasury of the Japanese Empire was discovered in the Philippines by a staff member of

General Charles Willoughby, who was General MacArthur’s chief of Intelligence.

Then known as the Golden Lily Treasure, this mass of wealth had been accumulated by the Japanese with over fifty years of its army pillaging Southeast Asia and China.
It was deposited in the Philippines due to the U.S. submarine blockade of Japan.

Reports vary, but documents in the public domain suggest the recovered treasure was in excess of 280,000 metric tonnes of gold, not including jewels and diamonds.
see Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold, Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, Verso, 2005, p. 358
After the War that staff member, Edward Lansdale and Severino Garcia Diaz Santa Romana tortured Major Kojima Kashii - General Yamashita Tomoyuki’s driver –until he revealed and created a map of the gold sites.
see Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold, Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, Verso, 2005, pp. 96-97.

It is important to note the original ‘argument’ for keeping the gold ‘secret’ was to prevent a collapse of the world’s currencies,
which at that time were tied to gold.

It was argued that if the amount of gold discovered became public, currency values would drop.

See Seagraves, p4.

This could be partially true and partially false narrative in the book Gold Warriors.
Lansdale briefed Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy about the findings, and a U.S. Cabinet level decision was made to confiscate the gold and cover-up its discovery.
The gold would be added to the Black Eagle Trust fund.

It was McCloy, along with Secretary of the Navy Robert B. Anderson and Secretary of War Henry L Stimson who created the Black Eagle Trust.
For Robert Anderson’s association with intelligence operations, see All is Clouded by Desire: Global Banking, Money Laundering, and International Organized Crime, Alan A. Block and Constance Weaver, Praeger, 2004 p.28-32;
John McCloy, who had shared a box at the 1939 Olympics with Adolph Hitler, went on to become President of the World Bank.

Robert Anderson would go on to operate the Commercial Exchange Bank in the British West Indies, be convicted of running illegal banking operations and
tax evasion, and be sentenced to prison.

A fourth member of that group – William ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan – would go on to found the CIA, distribute the gold to key banks represented by his staffers, and establish AIG as a key partner in the CIA’s covert operations.
The trust they created takes its name from the Nazi Black Eagle stamped on the gold bars of the Third Reich.

Gold bullion confiscated from the Reich and not returned to its rightful owners and their heirs was the original source of funding for this trust.
The legal precedents established by the Holocaust survivors and their heirs, in getting their gold returned by Swiss banks stands as a constant reminder to government officials that should the Black Eagle Trust be exposed, the rightful owners and their heirs would
have claim to it.

Over the years, the significance of the Nazi gold would pale in comparison to the confiscated Japanese treasure.

As the fund grew, it was distributed in private accounts across the globe in over 100 banks, and administered by General Earle Cocke,
financial advisor to every U.S. President from Truman to Clinton, until his death.

Keep in mind, the gold and Japanese treasure may be true, but the whole story is also cover for source of funds to cover operations from arms trading and narcotics.
Most of the individuals who controlled these accounts are long dead, and attempts by their heirs to access these accounts have been met with stonewalling, false imprisonment or death under suspicious circumstances. Santa Romano’s heirs are one example.
Mrs. V. K. Durham is one such individual. Her husband, Colonel Russell Herman, controlled the Durham Trust.

The men responsible for initiating and executing the confiscation of Nazi and Japanese treasury gold represent the most senior Intelligence officers in the U.S.
and Britain at the end of World War II, and the Cabinet of the President of the United States. From the Office of Strategic Services – the OSS - the decision-makers were:
Wild Bill Donovan, the most decorated soldier of World War I and head of the OSS and his direct staff which included:

Allen Dulles, future Director of the CIA and a principal of Bank of New York, and legal representative of Brown Brothers, Harriman.
Through Allen Dulles, the firm also represented investment banker Brown Brothers, Harriman interests beginning in 1936 to "dispose of Standard Oil investment stock," which had been combined with German chemical corporation I.G. Farben.
Dulles also directed U.S. business affairs for Fritz Thyssen, Hitler's primary financial backer.

The Dulles family who founded the Marine Midland Bank with Seligman and Schroeder.

The Dulles brothers later founded the Bank of New York.
See from Follow the Yellow Brick Road: From Harvard to Enron Part Three, Linda Minor, 2002

The Allen Dulles connection to the BNY is difficult to find, although his connections to the J Henry Schroeder (Schroder) Bank are widely documented.
Because the Schroeder bank, as the financier for Adolf Hitler, received an understandable but inordinate amount of negative press because of this relationship, it dissolved into history.
One unimpeachable on-line resource ties that dissolution to the Bank of New York: Federal Register: October 14, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 198), Notices, Page 61065-61066, From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access
[DOCID:fr14oc04-115] SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, [Release No. 35-27900]

“Bank of New York (the successor to J Henry Schroeder Bank & Trust Company.”

Portland General Electric Company ("Portland General"), 121 SW Salmon Street, Portland, Oregon 97204, a wholly owned electric utility company subsidiary of Enron Corp. ("Enron"), a registered holding company, has filed an application under sections 9(a)(1) and 10 of the Act.
Recall DHS Chad Wolf and the little green men in Portland Oregon?

The Boardman Plant is a coal-fueled plant located in Boardman, Oregon with capacity of 600 MW. Portland General owns a 65% undivided interest in the Boardman Plant and is the operator of the plant. Image
The remaining 35% is owned by Idaho Power Company, Pacific Northwest Generating Cooperative, and General Electric Credit Corporation through Bank of New York (the successor to J Henry Schroeder Bank & Trust Company)
(collectively, "Boardman Plant Co-Owners"), none of whom are affiliated with Portland General.

Is Margaret H. McFarland, Deputy Secretary, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission any relation to Fiona McFarland or K.T. McFarland?

From the Office of Strategic Services – the OSS - the decision-makers were:

Will Bill Donovan
Allen Dulles

Henry S Morgan and Spencer Morgan.
Henry and Spencer were the sons of JP Morgan, and would return from their service to manage the financial empire that would evolve from JP Morgan to ‘Morgan and Chase’ to then to ‘Chase Manhattan’ to finally what in 2008 was known as Chase.

Paul Helliwell would become the primary covert operations banker for U.S. intelligence, setting up in Nassau Castle Bank and then Mercantile Bank and Trust.

When Castle Bank needed to be closed, he set up Nugan Hand Bank.
When the Nugan Hand Bank closed, he helped shift banking operations to Household Bank in Chicago, Illinois and to the notorious BCCI bank.

Paul Helliwell's front man, and associate of Bill Donovan was General Earle (a.k.a. Erle) Cocke.

To cover a fraction of the costs of this massive enterprise, former spymaster Paul L. E. Helliwell established and directed a string of drug money laundering banks for the CIA.
At the time, Helliwell was general counsel for the Thai consulate in Miami, an active leader in the Republican Party, and a friend of Nixon’s cohort, Bebe Rebozo.
Among his drug smuggling credentials, Helliwell had worked with Chiang Kai-Shek’s intelligence chief, General Tai Li, and had set up the CIA’s drug smuggling air force, CAT [Civil Air Transport](later Air America), as well as the Bangkok trading company Sea Supply,
which provided cover for CIA officers advising the drug-smuggling Thai border police.
General Erle Cocke would be the financial advisor to every President from Truman until Cocke’s death in the year 2000, just before W Bush was installed via legislative coup.
Cocke was a true American hero in the classical sense: the recipient of the Silver Star, four Bronze Stars and four Purple Hearts.

He was also the coordinator for the Black Eagle Fund and Project Hammer, which would be used to bring down the Soviet Union and attempt to
bring Soviet oil and gas resources under the control of Western investors.

You might recall a parallel with Mexico too?
George S Moore - future President and CEO of First National City Bank of New York, which would evolve to become Citibank.

Citibank would end up with over 116,000 metric tonnes of the Marcos Gold.

June 17, 1995 telefax on account holder Victoriano A. Bayaban’s account of
116,000 metric tonnes at Citibank, From files of David Guyatt’s Project Hammer Files.

Bayaban was an associate of Ferdinand Marcos.

See 40 Wall St - Trump Org

The amount is not inconsistent with the Seagrave reports that upon Santa Romana’s death, his accounts were
transferred to Lansdale/Citibank, with the largest account exceeding 20,000 tonnes.

Seagrave, p222.
Freedom Of Information Case Logs from the CIA suggest that request F-2004-01304 "ALBERTO DE CACPAL, SR., AKA VICTORIANO BAYABAN – was an effort to track down the elusive Bayaban.
From the Office of Strategic Services – the OSS - the decision-makers were:

General George Olmsted - was another World War II hero who subsequently was responsible for distributing U.S. Military Assistance, later becoming President of a Washington DC based bank holding company
known as International Bank, which took over the CIA’s Mercantile Bank and Trust in the Bahamas.

Under Olmsted’s leadership, International Bank sold Financial General Bankshares (FGB) then known as First American, to BCCI.
All is Clouded by Desire: Global Banking, Money Laundering, and International Organized Crime, Alan A. Block and Constance Weaver, Praeger, 2004 p.41

Before Enron, before Arthur Anderson, and before Worldcom [a Mark Pomerantz cover up], there was the Bank of New York money laundering scandal, which hit headlines in 1999.
Promising to be one of the most important books on international organized crime, money laundering, and the complicity between legitimate and illegitimate businesses in both the United States and the former Soviet Union, among other places,
during the last decade of the 20th century, All Is Clouded by Desire examines the criminal dealings that led to the revelation that the Bank of New York's Eastern European Division laundered $6 billion for Russian organized criminals and other shady organizations and individuals.
In a series of intrigues that involved crooked Geneva banker Bruce Rappaport and high-level members of the Bank of New York, criminal Russian organizations were able to thrive and prosper during a time when the rest of the former Soviet Union crumbled amidst growing corruption
and a declining economy.

Tracing the financial shenanigans back many years, Block and Weaver illustrate how the underworld of high finance, money laundering, mafia groups, CIA operatives, and legitimate banking institutions can clean dirty money and operate criminal
enterprises that span the globe.

Block and Weaver carefully assemble a vivid examination of the world of hot money in the arena of international banking and the roles played by Intelligence, the politically connected, and the criminally inclined.
Focusing on the intensely private Genava banker Bruce Rappaport and the Bank of New York, the authors show how the two worked together with dodgy Russian banks to move and launder billions through channels that include off-shore banks, shady joint-ventures, and outright criminal

Later, one would be the Trump Organization.

Relying on primary sources from the logs of the institutions involved, interviews with British Intelligence operatives and former CIA officers, secret discussions with private detectives handling the infamous
Marc Rich tax case, and material collected by two private detective agencies in London and New York, the book exposes the various machinations that were instrumental in completing the financial schemes

that would ultimately cause the downfall of two top Bank of New York executives.
From the Office of Strategic Services – the OSS - the decision-makers were:

William Colby future CIA director and lawyer for Helliwell’s covert operation banks.

From the Office of Strategic Services – the OSS - the decision-makers were:

William Casey, decorated World War II veteran, future Director of the CIA. Casey took over from Paul Helliwell the “Secret Intelligence Branch” of the OSS in Europe in 1945

From the Office of Strategic Services – the OSS - the decision-makers were:

Wild Bill Donovan
Allen Dulles
Henry S Morgan and Spencer Morgan
Paul Hwlliwell
General Erle Cocke
George S Moore
General George Olmsted
William Colby
William Casey

These men would form the core of the
OSS that worked to create an “apparatus belli,” and virtually all of them would play a dominant role in the worlds’ most important banks.

It's bankers and lawyers that made up the intel community of past decades.

From the British Special Operations Executive (SOE) came participation and support for the OSS from John and William Keswick from the Jardine Matheson Bank.

Jardine Matheson would ultimately take over Marcos’ personal gold smelting operation.
See Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold, Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, Verso, 2005, p.184.
The Keswick family would also control the Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC).

Fifty years later, the financial institutions represented by these individuals would become the major financial banks in the world, along with the Swiss-German banks they hid their gold in.
Or rather, laundered their narcotics and weapons sales profits through?

Lansdale and Santa Romana were made responsible for recovery of the treasure.

They fabricated a “Communist Revolution” by the Hukbalahak rebels in order to confiscate the land where much of the gold was
buried, and proceeded to mine it.

see “Rev. Father Diaz alias Col. Santy and Gen. Edward Lansdale without showing any mercy then killed the Hukbalahak rebels.


Because the territories held by the rebels are the exact locations where Yamashita's gold was buried.
Not only that, Rev. Father Diaz, alias Col. Santy and his cohorts OSS Agents even tortured the personal driver of Gen. Yamashita to confess and reveal where the gold was actually buried.
Major Ferdinand Marcos, who became senator and president of the Republic, also knew about it.

“[Confession No. 11: According to Philippine Man, Jesuit And Vatican Have Pilfered Trillions In Gold Owed To The People; Greg Szymanski, 2 July 2, 2006
Several sites sit on Clark Air Force Base.

Over the years, Lansdale’s personal account in Zurich grew to over thirty thousand metric tonnes – greater than the national treasury of any modern nation state.
Santa Romana had multiple accounts, the largest single account was valued at over 20,000 metric tonnes.

While these accounts were created in their names, over time it would be shown these were actually government accounts.
As a point of reference, the annual gold production of the world is estimated to be 1,200 tonnes, and in 1980 the U.S. gold repository at Fort Knox held only 8,221 tonnes.

There has been no public report of the Fort Knox inventory since 1980.
The California Gold Rush (1848–1855) was a gold rush that began on January 24, 1848, when gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California.
The Georgia Gold Rush was the second significant gold rush in the United States and the first in Georgia, and overshadowed the previous rush in North Carolina.
It started in 1829 in present-day Lumpkin County near the county seat, Dahlonega, and soon spread through the North Georgia mountains, following the Georgia Gold Belt.
By the early 1840s, gold became difficult to find. Many Georgia miners moved west when gold was found in the Sierra Nevada in 1848, starting the California Gold Rush.
The Carolina Gold Rush, the first gold rush in the United States, followed the discovery of a large gold nugget in North Carolina in 1799, by a 12-year-old boy named Conrad Reed.
He spotted the nugget while playing in Meadow Creek on his family's farm in Cabarrus County, North Carolina.

Nearly all of the land was privately owned and the beginning of the Carolina Gold Rush was largely conducted by farmers at the end of the growing season each year.
Over 2,500 ounces of gold was deposited in the Philadelphia Mint by 1824.

Williams, David (1993). The Georgia Gold Rush: Forty-Niners, Cherokees, and Gold Fever. Columbia, South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press. p. 11.
According to David Guyatt and Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, the Yamashita gold would become the cornerstone of the Black Eagle Fund, from which many covert operations of the U.S. intelligence would be funded.
The most common interpretation international law is that the gold should have been either returned to the countries from which it was stolen (as was done with the Nazi gold), or should have been incorporated into the U.S. Treasury.
With no uncertain terms, the U.S. Government’s continued efforts to stifle news on this matter provides prima facie evidence that the confiscation of this gold is illegal.
There are two sources that indicate that while captured Nazi gold was returned, it has become more obvious that not all captured gold was returned to it’s rightful owners.

See: Observations concerning the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between
the World Jewish Congress et al. and the Swiss Bankers Association signed May 2 1996 in New York, by anonymous, May 25, 1996.
In this memorandum, it is clear that “Not only are the circumstances and conditions murky, but it is also still far from clear how much French gold was returned to France, how much found its way to the American reserves, and how much was turned into "Swiss gold".
Interestingly, some European historians suspect that several parts of the U.S. and other Allied governments participated in the post-war disappearance of Jewish and non-Jewish assets confiscated by the Nazis.
See also: Who Wants To Sack Heidyland? Anton Keller, Secretary, Philip Wainwright, Legal Adviser Swiss Investors Protection Association, Geneva - e-mail: swissbit@solami.com, January 1, 1998.
Lansdale’s operation in the Philippines gave birth to most of the common features of modern covert operations for U.S. Intelligence: bribery, theft, torture, and false flag operations.
It would be Lansdale who would initiate a bond between the US intelligence organizations and the Israeli intelligence.
It would be Lansdale that would set precedents for the Intelligence community to retain the services of organized crime on U.S. soil.
Lansdale would hire American Mafia family heads Carlos Marcello, Santos Trafficante, Meyer Lansky, and Lucky Luciano in the U.S. war against Fidel Castro in 1961, much as he would hire the Italian Mafia families to wage an illegal operation against the Italian Communist party.

From the Office of Strategic Services – the OSS - the decision-makers were:

Wild Bill Donovan
Allen Dulles
Henry S Morgan and Spencer Morgan
Paul Helliwell
General Erle Cocke
George S Moore
General George Olmsted
William Colby
William Casey Image
Douglas Valentine A Review of The Strength of the Wolf: The Secret History of America’s War On Drugs by Douglas Valentine, Carlo Parcelli -

“…the gangsters in Lansdale’s employ were the very gangsters the FBN was chasing — Carlos Marcello, Santos Trafficante, Meyer Lansky and
Lucky Luciano. …

The CIA’s connection, of course, began with ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan’s old OSS and its recruitment of Lucky Luciano and the Corsican mafiosi to beat and murder Communist union dockworkers in Marseilles and elsewhere along the Mediterranean Coast, and to seize
Sicily from the Communists.

With CIA blessing, and using drug running as a way of financing activities, the Mafia set up drug supply routes back to the U.S.

Many an FBN operation would trace the drugs back to Mafia sources, in turn supplied through Lebanon, Turkey,
Afghanistan, and elsewhere in the Middle East, only to be thwarted by the far more powerful CIA stepping in and terminating the investigation on national security grounds.”

It would be Lansdale’s team that would propose and justify sacrificing innocent U.S. civilians in order to rally the American citizenry to support an invasion of foreign soil.
This was done under a program run by Brigadier General William H. Craig, who reported to Lansdale for the Cuba project.
This project was called Operation Northwoods.

Operation Northwoods was a false flag attack that was approved by Lyman Lemnitzer in 1962, but rejected by JFK.

The next year, Lemnitzer was made NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe, while Kennedy was assassinated. Image
It was exposed by James Bamford in 2001.

Documents for this project would be accidentally released from the files of Robert McNamara into the public domain some 40 years later, exposing the degree to which Lansdale’s operatives would go to wage war.
In these documents, the U.S. military acknowledged it could wage a “terror” campaign against US citizens in order to justify a second invasion of Cuba.

It would be the first official recognition that US intelligence operations used terrorist tactics.
It is also said that preliminary studies on Northwoods were undertaken by Brigadier General William H. Craig, described as Lyman Lemnitzer's covert actions officer.

Craig was CIA and was at the time Project Officer for the Cuba Project

(Operation Mongoose) under Operations Chief Brigadier General Edward Lansdale, famed for his psyops.

Operation Northwoods was approved by the top ranking US military officer, Lyman Lemnitzer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (later appointed NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe). It was signed off on by the the other Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Operation Northwoods involved many CIA operatives boarding an apparently commercial airliner under fake names, and envisaged many more posing as fake relatives of the deceased, pretending to mourn deaths of their (imaginary) loved ones etc. - this plan envisaged two planes,
one being a duplicate of the commercial airliner which would carry the passengers.

The original plane being converted to a drone and at one point the planes would switch places so that an empty passenger plane could be remotely destroyed, sending 'May Day' before and relating
to listening ICAO radio stations that they were under attack by MIG fighter planes; after that the plane would remotely blow up.

This would stoke anger against Cuba.

It was Lansdale who oversaw the set up of assassination squads to target Fidel Castro while operating out of Florida.

One of Lansdale’s proteges’ in the assassination business was Ted Shackley, would go on to set up assassination squads in Vietnam under Operation Phoenix.
In 1969 Shackley became Chief of Station in Vietnam and headed the Phoenix Program. This involved the killing of non-combatant Vietnamese civilians suspected of collaborating with the National Liberation Front. In a two year period, Operation Phoenix murdered 28,978 civilians.
Shackley would take Felix Rodriguez with him from the Cuba Project to Laos for a secret war in support of Vietnam.

Felix Rodriguez was a close confidante of former CIA Director George H. W. Bush, and maintained direct phone contact with Bush when Bush became Vice President under Ronald Reagan.
On 5th October, 1986, a Sandinista patrol in Nicaragua shot down a C-123K cargo plane that was supplying the Contras.

That night Felix Rodriguez made a telephone call to the office of George H. W. Bush.
He told Bush aide, Samuel Watson, that the C-123k aircraft had gone missing.

consortiumnews.com/archive/lost13… ImageImageImage
When the U.S. intelligence funded, Iran-Contra gun running pilot was shot down in Nicaragua, it was Rodriguez that called George Bush to let him know that the pilot had been captured alive.
In Vietnam, Shackley and Rodriguez would expand their circle of operatives to include Oliver North, Richard Secord and Richard Armitage.

North, Secord and Armitage had proven themselves as men who could ‘get results’ against the communists by operating outside of the rules.
Just the kind of guys Jim Jordan of Ohio in 2023 would call real Americans that drink real milk.

North, Secord and Armitage would provide the second generation of U.S. black ops leadership.
The ‘whatever it takes’ zeal that these men developed in service of their country was ruled unacceptable in U.S. Military courts at the Mai Lai Massacre trial, but it was still condoned by ‘apparatus belli’ spawned by Wild Bill Donovan.
Over 300 women and children civilians were massacred during the Vietnam War by Charlie Company, which the U.S. Military courts found unacceptable.
In 1971 five members of Charlie Company including Captain Medina and Lt. Calley were subjected to courts-martial.

Captain Medina was represented by prominent defense attorney f. lee bailey and was acquitted of all charges.

Lt. Calley was the only soldier convicted.
He was found guilty of the premeditated murder of more than 20 Vietnamese civilians and sentenced to life imprisonment.

His sentence was later reduced to 10 years and he was paroled in September 1975.

Sound like Donald Trump with Eddie Gallagher?

While in Southeast Asia, North, Secord, Armitage, Rodriguez and Shackley would finance their operations through the Nugan Hand bank in Australia rather than with funds under congressional oversight.

Nugan Hand Ltd. was founded in Sydney in 1973 by Australian lawyer Frank Nugan (who was reputedly associated with the Mafia) and former U.S. Green Beret Michael Jon Hand who operated in Northern Laos as part of the Phoenix Project.
They were assisted in this by Paul Helliwell, one of the primary OSS agents in the original Yamashita gold operation.

See see Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold, Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, Verso, 2005, p.187
Frank Nugan’s family ran the primary supply shipping operation between the U.S. Navy base in the Philippines and Australia.

The Marcos Dynasty, Sterling Seagrave, 1988, Harper & Row, Inc

It is through Frank Nugan and his business partner Peter Abeles, that insight is provided to the flow of some of this Marcos treasure.
Peter Abeles was reputed to be a member of what was known in Australia as the Hungarian Mafia and a partner with Henry Keswick.

Sir Henry Keswick was the son of SOE officer John Keswick.

The Keswick family had controlling interest in Jardine Matheson, which owned
and operated Ferdinand Marcos’ gold smelting operation, which was opened in the mid 1970s.

see Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold, Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, Verso, 2005, p.184
The Keswick family also had controlling interest in the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC), which was the largest holder of Santa Romana’s known gold accounts, although Citibank would be the largest recipient of the confiscated treasure.
see Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold, Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, Verso, 2005, p.358

When Romana died, the bank refused to hand over his accounts to his heirs, and confiscated his accounts.
It was Peter Abeles and Sir Henry Keswick that brought Canadian businessman Peter Munk back to business prominence from a scandalous insider-trading lawsuit in Canada in 1967.
Munk would partner with Adnan Kashoggi, Sheik Kamal and Edgar Bronfmann in a series of operations which ultimately would evolve into Barrick Gold.

Barrick Gold would become an investment for nearly every gold bullion bank associated with the Marcos gold recovery. Image
These banks would loan gold to Barrick, which would then sell the borrowed gold as derivatives, with the promise of replacing the borrowed gold with their gold mining operation. Image
Inspiration for the cash-for-gold Iran sanctions evasion scheme set up by Bush / Cheney and ran during Obama years until Obama shut it down?

Then UAE and other's wanted to get Trump installed? Image
The records of many of those transactions disappeared when Enron collapsed and the trading operation and all its records were taken over by UBS, another major recipient of Marcos gold. Image
The FBI was reportedly conducting an investigation into those transactions, and the investigation files were kept on the 23rd floor of the North Tower of the WTC. Image
A review of the personal accounts of September 11 now suggests that office was deliberately targeted with explosives prior to the collapse of the WTC.

The issue of explosions within the WTC is contentious, although most of the literature focuses on Building 7.
Little focus is placed on the events in the North Tower, 22nd through 25th floors.

The initial contention that the FBI offices on the floor were destroyed by explosives to cover up evidence crimes by US officials were initially made by Dick Eastman.
Dick Eastman references a report by Peter Jennings about the discrete FBI offices in the building, not listed on the formal occupant roster.

The facts which support his theory are 1) There was an inexplicable pattern of death below the crash in the North Tower, compared to the
South Tower.

Among the occupants under the impacted floors in WTC 1, 72 people died, whereas under the impacted floors in WTC 2, 4 people died.
Some fraction of the deaths below the impacted floors in WTC 1 occurred in the elevators, which were carrying people at the time of impact.

[NIST NCSTAR 1-7A (Draft), Federal Building and Fire Safety Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster,
Analysis of Published Accounts of the World Trade Center Evacuation (Draft), Rita F. Fahy, National Fire Protection Association, Guylène Proulx, National Research Council Canada, September 2005, page 2.
Moreover, this pattern of deaths is concentrated in the occupants of the lower floors of the North Tower.

With Empire Health reporting the loss of 9 employees and two subcontractors for “unknown Reasons."
At Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield, nine employees and two consultants died.

Some deaths are understood: One man, for example, stayed on the 27th floor with a disabled friend; both died. Other deaths remain a mystery.
"We suspect some were in elevators" when the plane hit, vice president Deborah Bohren said.

"But we don't really know." [World Trade Center Locked Stairwells/Evacuation Problems, Accumulating Comments on…. (c) 2001, Mike Barkley]
2) There is eye-witness testimony that the 22nd through 25th floors were ripped open, although nothing like this is reported elsewhere in the World Trade Center.
3) There is the inexplicable coincidence that an explosion has occurred on the floor with the command center, underneath the FBI Offices.

It was an explosion that prevented the occupants of the hardened control room from escaping.
The bomb that went off on the 23rd floor of the North Tower near the moment of the first plane hitting the building was revealed indirectly on the 60 Minutes program a week or so later, per John Tebeak, the new wtc security chief being interviewed tells of his rescue of
Port Authority workers on the 22nd floor totally buried in debris when the bomb-demolished 23rd-floor roof collapsed on them — 30 stories below the airliner crash!
(I have this on tape, and have made the transcript, and can put you in touch with Steve in Maine who has the actual video. )

[Is there a connection between the 23rd-floor destruction and a phantom missile that people are claiming to see hitting the building along with the first
plane that crashed?

People were dead, rescuers had to dig through rubble to rescue the Port Authority personel on the floor below those 23rd-floor government offices (disguised as health insurance offices) where information in the above two cases were being stored.
The destruction on the 22nd floor is attributed in the9/11 Report to fuel fireballs from the elevator shaft.

Perhaps more to the 23rd floor of the North Tower of the WTC that we know?
The Nugan Hand Bank would be one of the many banks used for transferring the Marcos gold from the Philippines into covert operations.
Brigadier General Earle Cocke was the President in charge of the Nugan Hand Washington Office, and would be the key manager of Project Hammer and the Black Eagle Trust.
Other Nugan Hand Bank employees from U.S. Intelligence operations included:

General Leroy J. Manor
General Edwin F. Black
Richard Secord
Dale Holmgreen
Richard L. Armitage
William Colby
Rear-Admiral Earl P. Yates
Walter McDonald
Dr. Guy Parker
General Leroy J. Manor (manager of the Manila branch) former chief of staff of the U.S. Pacific; Command and deputy director for counterinsurgency and special activities; he shared his office with Marcos’s brother-in-law.
General Edwin F. Black - president of Hawaii branch - former commander of U.S. forces in Thailand.

Richard Secord - all around operative with responsibilities in Iran-Contra, Vietnam assassinations, creating Mujahadeen armies in Afghanistan, and central Asia.
Dale Holmgreen - former chairman CIA's Civil Air Transport, manager of the Taiwan branch.

Richard L. Armitage - was special consultant to the Pentagon in Thailand who oversaw the transfer of heroin profits from Indonesia to Shackley's account in Tehran, Iran.
William Colby - former director of the CIA as legal counsel.

Rear-Admiral Earl P. Yates - the former Chief of Staff for Policy and Plans of the U.S. Pacific Command and a counter-insurgency specialist, became president of the company, Nugan Hand.
Side-Note: Charles Flynn, brother of Mike Flynn, assumed command of U.S. Army Pacific, Fort Shafter, Hawaii, in June 2021

Walter McDonald - retired CIA deputy director, headed Annapolis branch.

Dr. Guy Parker - an expert from the RAND Corporation who came on as a bank consultant; senior Republican foreign policy adviser.

This rounds out Ngan Hand Bank employees from U.S. Intel.
The bank was founded as a funding operation for U.S. covert operations in Australia, and was a conduit for Marcos gold (which means gold plus narcotics profits and maybe arms sales).
In Australia, the Nugan Hand Bank began operations with 30% of the stock held by Australasian and Pacific Holdings (100% Chase Manhattan Bank), 25% by CIA's Air America (known as 'Air Opium'), 25% by South Pacific Properties and 20% held by Seldon, Nugan and Hand.
One of the objectives of the ‘bank’ was to bring about the pre-mature closure of the Australian labor government.

The Whitlam government had quietly threatened to nationalize subsidiaries of American corporations.
Side-Note: Dulles Bros of Sullivan & Cromwell days would NOT like that.

The subsequent inquiries have established the Nugan-Hand bank was to be the organisation used as cover for the operations of Task Force 157.
The Task Force 157 was a group set up by Henry Kissinger and it was set up in a quite strange way.

It was a mini-CIA which was actually separate from the CIA and probably was set up by Kissinger so he could deny any connection between what the Task Force 157 was doing and
the CIA.

Nevertheless, the personnel of Task Force 157 included Ted Shackley, who was one of the head of sabotage operations against Cuba, he was Station Chief in Saigon during the Vietnam War, and he was the Chief of the CIA Western Hemisphere Division, so with an impeccable
CIA record like that it would be very difficult to disassociate him from what the CIA was doing.

The concept of Task Force 157 seems to have been two-fold: firstly, to set up operations against the Whitlam government.

And secondly, to go ahead with using Australia as a base
for certain clandestine U.S. operations such as arms dealing and smuggling of contraband goods.

The Nugan Hand Bank was closed in January 1980 within several days of the unsolved murder or suicide of Frank Nugan. The reasons for his murder have never been identified, but during that time, the operation was at risk of being exposed.
In 1966, the Navy created Task Force 157 (sometimes Pentagon's Spies) as a covert division to control their clandestine intelligence operations, specifically human intelligence operations (HUMINT).

Bobby Inman, former Deputy Director of the National Security Agency and Deputy Director of the CIA, said on two occasions that he expressed deep concern that investigations of Nugan-Hand would lead to disclosure of a range of dirty tricks played against the
Whitlam government (Australian labor government).

In 2014, Academi merged with Triple Canopy a subsidiary of the Constellis Group.

Bobby Ray Inman entered the picture.
U.S. Intelligence’s modus operandi of using murder for covering its tracks is further documented when the Iran-Contra and October Surprise affairs are reviewed.

John Hand would disappear a few days after the death of Frank Nugan, never to be seen again.
Bank operations were transferred to HouseHold Bank in Chicago, Illinois, where William Colby would be come the unofficial counsel.
There, according to Herman Skolnick, Household Bank would continue the work of Nugan Hand.

Among their functions, transferring covert operations funds, assassination team funding, skimming of dope, gambling, and gun-running loot; military, civilian, international.
U.S. Military, Admirals and Generals, as well as intelligence community officials, supposedly either "retired", or "on leave", operated Nugan-Hand, and aided thereafter Household and its numerous units and subsidiaries.
The "tracking the money” project was conducted over-all by Household International with the assistance reportedly of Systematics, a banking computer services firm, originally a subsidiary of an Arkansas-based operation.
Targeted have been the banks of both friends and enemies alike.

(Vince) Foster and his crew — Hillary (Rodham Clinton) and Webster (Hubbell) — used as a cover that they were supposedly "attorneys" for Systematics.

Vincent and Hillary's role in this was arranged and supervised by a Chicago-based law firm Hopkins & Sutter.

Many units of Household Finance were shortly thereafter taken over by Harris Bank, which was then taken over by the Bank of Montreal.
The Bank of Montreal would be controlled by the Bronfmann family, which became heavily invested in Barrick Gold.
It would be Edgar Bronfmann that would cut a deal with the Swiss banking cartel in 1998 that would derail U.S. Congressional and Israeli pressure for an investigation into the Holocaust and Marcos gold accounts.
By the end of the 1980s, the banks that had their agents in the OSS intelligence operations at the end of World War II were the banks that would be the dominant global players by 2001.
Morgan Guaranty Trust
Chase Manhattan
Jardine Matheson
Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited (also known as Jardines) is a Hong Kong-based Bermuda-domiciled British multinational conglomerate.
The company operated in opium, "the world's most valuable single commodity trade of the nineteenth century", and had a major influence in the First and Second Opium Wars.
Deutschebank = Deutsche Bank

Michael Tyler has alleged that several Deutsche Bank bankers suffered a premature death.
In November 2019, Thomas Bowers, a Deutsche Bank employee who personally signed off on hundreds of millions of dollars of loans to Jeffrey Epstein, reportedly hung himself.
On 19 July 2020, both the husband and son of Esther Salas, a US judge who in 2020 was assigned to the case Karimi v. Deutsche Bank, were shot by a "lone nut".

The case was about Deutsche Bank's handling of customers such as Jeffrey Epstein.
The Deutsche Bank Chair is usually a member of the Bilderberg steering committee.

Break with tradition, or so it seems.

Vilified by the entire Rockefeller and liberal media establishment, but strong evidence he himself is "conservative CIA" - Donald J Trump!
Brought to power by "conservative CIA" CNP financiers/members as the Mercers, Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway.

Trump himself has many long-standing, curious security state and establishment ties, among them: in December 2000 Trump was part of a 94-guest dinner organized by
Bilderberg steering committee- Pilgrims Society-, and 1001 Club-member Conrad Black, where Trump was seen chatting with Henry Kissinger at a table.
Happy Rockefeller, the widow of Nelson Rockefeller; Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Richard Perle, Vernon Jordan and later exposed serial pedophiles Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell all were part of this dinner.

The Bank of Montreal would be controlled by the Bronfmann family, which became heavily invested in Barrick Gold.

The Bronfman family is a Canadian family that owes its initial fame to Samuel Bronfman (1889–1971), the most influential Canadian Jew of the mid-20th century.
Samuel Bronfman made a fortune in the alcoholic distilled beverage business during American prohibition, including the sale of liquor through organized crime, through founding the Seagram Company, and who later became president of the Canadian Jewish Congress (1939–62).
The family is of Russian-Jewish & Romanian-Jewish ancestry; the patriarch, Yechiel (Ekiel) Bronfman, was originally a tobacco farmer from Bessarabia, a historical region in Eastern Europe, bounded by the Dniester river on the east and the Prut river on the west.

Moldova/Ukraine Image
Barrick Gold was founded in Toronto, Canada, in 1983.

The majority investment in the firm was held by Khashoggi & his arms-trafficking partners, who were just then gearing up the Iran-Israel-Nicaragua guns & cocaine tangle which would explode in 1986 as the "Iran-Contra" scandal Image
The nominal chief of Barrick Gold was Peter Munk, a Hungarian Jewish immigrant.


Brookings is delighted to welcome Barrick Gold—the world’s leading gold producer—as one of the newest members of the Chairman’s Circle of the Brookings Council in 2013. Image

The covert operations funded by the Black Eagle Trust in the 1960s and 1970s became visible stains on the global image of the U.S. despite all efforts to keep them under cover.
In an effort to clean house, President Jimmy Carter would order the retirement of over 800 covert operatives.

Nixon, Reagan, HW Bush - the Intel ppl connected to those stooges we call Presidents probably was not happy when Jimmy Carter won. Image
Reacting both to the end of the war and to congressional investigations of covert activities, Jimmy Carter's CIA director Stansfield Turner purged nearly 800 people from the agency.

Some of them turned up in the Beltway firms.
One result of the purge was that many of the former agents set up private companies that began working for the agency and the Defense Department as independent contractors.

Many of these operatives would move into private consulting and security firms and be employed as subcontractors for covert operations.
Thus began a loose association of private operatives that would be referred to as “the Enterprise” in the years to come.
George H. W. Bush, having been CIA Director, had many acquaintances in this group, and would work with them to restore their influence and control over U.S. foreign policy and the foreign investment opportunities it created for their benefit.

This same criminal enterprise
brought America Manchurian Candidate Donald J Trump.

Mike Flynn + Steve Bannon + Paul Manafort + Erik Prince + Mercers + DeVos
Unlike other presidential administrations, the Reagan administration was uniquely characterized by having the Vice President - who at that time was George H. W. Bush – in control of Foreign Policy. Image
That control was established in an agreement between Bush and useful idiot Reagan prior to their election.

he agreement was later formalized with Executive Order 12333.
George Bush, who, as vice president, beginning in 1981, carried out Executive Order 12333, which placed all U.S. intelligence operations under Bush's personal control.

Reagan was the useful idiot.

HW Bush ran the show.

As William Casey’s biographer pointed out, Reagan “knew little about foreign policy and cared less...” and as a result sharpies around the President took over and they ran him.”
In November 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected to the White House on a slim margin of votes, defeating incumbent Jimmy Carter.

The Nixon and HW Bush cohorts hated Carter for having purged them from CIA.
The few percentage points in votes which were responsible for giving Reagan and Bush the victory were attributed to President Carter’s inability to rescue and free hostages being held in Iran.
Richard Wirthlin, the pollster for the Reagan-Bush campaign, said that if the hostages were released before the election Carter would gain a boost of 5 or 6 percentage points in the polls, or even as much as 10 percent, giving him a sure victory for that election.
See Hostage deal, Inslaw cases connected in Congressional probe, Harry V. Martin, Copyright, Napa Sentinel 1991.
The failed rescue attempt of the hostages was reported to be the responsibility of Oliver North, Richard Secord and Albert Hakim, who planned and controlled the rescue operation.


In the meantime, it is reported that the release of the hostages by Iran was deliberately delayed by negotiations led by George Bush, and David Kimche of the Israeli Mossad- the Israeli equivalent of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency,
and Saudi businessman Adnan Khashoggi.

For $40 million dollars, the Iranians would delay the release of the hostages until after the election.

The men involved in this operation, referred to in the chapters of history as “the October Surprise” were:

George HW Bush
Adnan Khashoggi
Oliver North
David Kimche
Bob Gates
Richard Secord
William Casey
Sixty-nine days after the Inauguration, John Hinkley attempted to assassinate President Reagan.

Eight days prior to that attempt, there were a series of unprecedented policy changes that put George HW Bush in charge of Foreign Policy and National Security.
On March 22, 1981, Bush took control of the "Emergency Crisis Management Staff," in a Cabinet meeting.

That role conferred new roles and powers on Bush, including "unprecedented powers for a vice president.

When the criminal enterprise installed W Bush in 2000 via legislative
coup, shortly thereafter, Richard Cheney had a similar setup with Dubya, having more than normal powers as VP.

Vice President George HW Bush was named the leader of the United States crisis management staff, as a part of the National Security Council system.
Then, on March 30, 1981, eight days after these powers were conferred on Bush, President Reagan was shot.
On that day, there were actually two unsigned versions of National Security Directive 1 (NSDD1), one which made Al Haig and another which made George Bush the caretaker of the “red phone" in case of National Emergency.
The content of either version has never been released to the public.

Sixty nine days after the inauguration, the man whose operatives had bribed terrorists in violation of American policy and law, the man whose close colleagues and advisors planned a failed rescue attempt
which cost the lives of US soldiers – all with the purpose of controlling the American Presidency, was now in control of US foreign policy - George H W Bush.
The history of Bush / Reagan relationship is intriguing.

Reagan reportedly did not want Bush as his VP.

Reagan disliked Bush, and was reluctant to appoint him as Vice President.
Rockefeller told him that if he didn't take Bush in the Vice-President's slot, "The only way you will see the inside of the White House is as a tourist."

Useful idiot Reagan was a puppet for the people running the show. The owner's of America.
It was 1988 when Reagan first began to seem to "backslide" on Bush.

He refused to endorse Bush versus the other Republican Presidential contenders in the GOP primaries in 1988, then refused to even say whether he'd voted for Bush that year.
Then, in 1992, he told Clinton he voted for him instead of Bush.


The father of the assassin that put Bush in power was John (a.k.a. Jack) Hinckley, Sr., who was the owner of Vanderbilt Oil.
Hinckley had been giving maximum donations every year to George H. W. Bush since he started running for Congress.
“When the Hinckley oil company, Vanderbilt Oil started to fail in the 1960s, Bush, Sr.'s, Zapata Oil financially bailed out Hinckley's company. Hinckley had been running an operation with six dead wells, but he began making several million dollars a year after the Bush bailout.”
John Hinckley, Sr., had also been extensively involved in an executive position with U.S. Ministries for World Vision, a widely reported CIA front operation. After the Jonestown Massacre, World Vision took over Jonestown.
In The Black Hole of Guyana: The Untold Story of the Jonestown Massacre, John Judge painstakingly documents that Jonestown was a CIA operation for converting dispossessed and lonely refugees into assassins.
In an operation that was falling under Congressional investigation, the evidence had to be eliminated – and nearly all the inhabitants were murdered to prevent disclosure.
For the best overall description of the attempted assassination of Reagan, see “George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography,” by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin.

Mueller was recruited by Iran-Contra US Attorney General Richard L. Thornburgh to manage the Noriega Investigation, which was intricately linked to the Iran-Contra Investigation.

The assassin John Hinckley’s brother Scott Hinckley, and Neil Bush were not only friends, but had recently partied together and were scheduled to have dinner with each other that very day.
Also, on the very day John Hinckley attempted to kill Reagan, three Department of Energy auditors were pressuring Hinckley’s brother Scott, with a $2 million penalty. This penalty would later disappear.
George H. W. Bush, with his new found ‘Emergency’ powers, would deny Al Haig’s formal request for an investigation into the assassination attempt.

General Alexander Haig attended the Bilderberg conference in 1978. Image
General Alexander Haig went to Princeton, where CIA Case Officers were recruited like Buzzy Krongard and his brother Cookie and Carl Icahn.

Haig was WH Chief of Staff April 30, 1973 to Sept 21, 1974, preceded by H.R. Haldeman and succeeded by Donald Rumsfeld.
Alexander Haig was Sec of State, Jan 22, 1981 to July 5, 2982.

He was Supreme Allied Commander of Europe Dec 15, 1974 to July 1, 1979.
The covert business dealings with the Iranians and Israelis which originated with Kashoggi and Kimche in July 1980 in Hamburg with the October Surprise arrangement, would grow into a larger covert operation over the years, and provide an opening to the Soviet KGB that would
allow the U.S. to fund a coup against Gorbachev in 1991.

In this operation, a number of key Bush policy advisors and operatives would conduct what they collectively viewed should be the “honorable and right” foreign policy of the U.S., rather than what Congress had determined
what that policy should be by law.

The October Surprise operation would grow and be overshadowed by the larger Iran-Contra operation.

Members of Bush’s covert intelligence cadre sold weapons to Iran, an avowed enemy of the U.S., and illegally used the profits to continue
funding anti-Communist rebels, the Contras, in Nicaragua.

Viewed as anticommunists, the CIA Director, William Casey, characterized them as being motivated by greed.
The premise of using covert funding to fight the cold war would re-emerge a few short years later when the Bush cadre decided to take on the Soviet Union.
The entire Iran-Contra operation almost fell apart in 1986 and became public when the Nicaraguan government shot down a U.S. plane carrying weapons to the Contra rebels, and captured the U.S. pilot - Eugene Hasenfus.
The discovery of these shipments - a violation of U.S. law - initiated a series of Congressional investigations and an investigation by an Independent Counsel.
The meetings in Hamburg and Paris which were held to prevent an October Surprise were never mentioned, and the two pilots who flew Bush to Paris were immediately imprisoned and discredited when they sought to testify in front of Congress.
A court would later find the charges against the pilots to be without support, but by that time their testimony had been blocked and discredited.

Gunther Russbacher claimed to have videotape proof and sixteen witnesses to his having flown George Bush to one of the
October Surprise meetings.

Ari Ben-Menashe, a major Israeli coordinator of these deals, would also testify that he had personally seen George H. W. Bush at the Paris meeting.

“In June, I also testified under oath, in closed session, before the Senate Foreign Relations committee. I stated unequivocally that I had, seen Bush in Paris.”

Ari Ben-Menashe. Profits of War, Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network, Sheridan Square Press, 1992, p344.
According to Ari Ben-Menashe, a major Israeli coordinator of these deals, four of the five supply chains set up to arm Iran were never investigated, and continued to operate right through the Congressional Hearings on Iran Contra.
“…Tower knew perfectly well there was an ongoing arms channel. Yet the Tower Commission made no mention of it.

In February 1987, while Tower was investigating a minor part of the sales to Iran, the Joint Israel-Iran Committee, together with Robert Gates, ran the biggest
ever arms supply operation to Iran.

The official inquiry was better than any smokescreen we…could have dreamed up.”

Ari Ben-Menashe. Profits of War, Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network, Sheridan Square Press, 1992, p191.
Quite simply, the Iran-Contra team continued to violate the law even while being investigated by Congress.

There were a few indictments and convictions as a result of the Iran-Contra affair, but generally those involved were exonerated.
Bush later pardoned the few lower level government officials that were indicted and convicted.

Dick Cheney was one of the Congressional committee members that decided that no crimes had been committed, and that Bush was not involved.
Robert Mueller, who as U.S. Attorney headed the Noriega (a related Iran-Contra inquiry) and the BCCI investigations, found no evidence pointing to illegal behavior by George H. W. Bush.
Mueller is a Deep State lawyer whose job is to protect Intel operations.

His subsequent investigation into Enron found no wrong doing by Enron.

Mueller would later be called up to head the WTC Investigation.
Mueller was recruited by Iran-Contra US Attorney General Richard L. Thornburgh to manage the Noriega Investigation, which was intricately linked to the Iran-Contra Investigation.

Oliver North, who met with Noriega's representative, described the meeting in an August 23, 1986 e-mail message to Reagan national security advisor John Poindexter.
"You will recall that over the years Manuel Noriega in Panama and I have developed a fairly good relationship," North writes before explaining Noriega's proposal.
If U.S. officials can "help clean up his image" and lift the ban on arms sales to the Panamanian Defense Force, Noriega will "'take care of' the Sandinista leadership for us." North tells Poindexter that Noriega can assist with sabotage against the Sandinistas,
and suggests paying Noriega a million dollars — from "Project Democracy" funds raised from the sale of U.S. arms to Iran — for the Panamanian leader's help in destroying Nicaraguan economic installations”
Another Mueller cover-up: After the Bank of England shuts down BCCI in July 1991…, making big headlines, Under Assistant Attorney General Robert Mueller takes over Justice Department efforts on BCCI and assigns many new attorneys to the case.
FBI Director Robert Mueller, for example, was hired by Enron in 1993 to investigate a $600,000 payment by a subsidiary for a property assessed at $41,000.
When Mueller concluded the deal was not improper, a private investigator working on the case quit in protest.

Despite this association, Mueller announced that it was not enough to cause him to step down from the Enron investigation.
Mueller said that Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson — who previously worked for a law firm that represented Enron — agreed.

See ‘Enron played key role in events presaging war, Martin Yant, The Free Press, Spring 2002, April 10, 2002.
The role of Noriega’s investigation vis-à-vis the Iran Contra investigation was documented in North’s files.
To support this cover-up of the Iran-Contra operations, witnesses had to be silenced.

“Navy Lt. Commander Alexander Martin was, in effect, the chief accountant for the Reagan/Bush drug operations run by Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North, through an obscure arm of the
White House National Security Council called the National Programs Office.

In a radio interview with talk show host Tom Valentine last July, Martin spoke not only of drugs and money, but death."
"Out of roughly 5,000 of us who were originally involved in Iran-Contra, approximately 400, since 1986, have committed suicide, died accidentally or died of natural causes."

In over half those deaths, official death certificates were never issued.
In 187 circumstances, the bodies were cremated before the families were notified.

"Martin then said he was lying low.”

money.cnn.com/magazines/fort… Image

The Still Before the Storm, James Norman, Media Bypass magazine, December 1995
The Manhattan D.A. who closed the American branch (of the BCCI) announced that 16 witnenses had died in the course of investigating the bank's entanglements in covert operations of the CIA, arms smuggling to Iraq, money laundering and child prostitution.

Manhattan D.A. - same office Mark Pomerantz was sent to protect Trump Org finances.
"From October 30th to Christmas eve there were four attempts to kill, me and our friend William Smith, who everyone thinks is a high ranking Naval Intelligence officer."
"During that same time over fifty CIA operatives, their wives and families were killed in an attempt by the Robert Gates faction of the CIA to cover its tracks before Clinton's team came to power."

Presidential transitions = house cleaning.
"After the last attempt on my life, my husband's SEAL team arranged safe passage for me to Vienna, Austria, where I stayed until Robert Gates was removed as Director of the CIA.”

-- Correspondence from Rayelan Allan Russbacher, February 1993 ImageImage
Correspondence from Rayelan Allan Russbacher, February 1993 Image
Ari Ben Menashe writes that Amiran Nir was assassinated to prevent his testimony at the trial of Oliver North. That testimony would have implicated George H. W. Bush.
see Ari Ben-Menashe. Profits of War, Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network, Sheridan Square Press, 1992, pp.288-291.

see also Gideon’s Spies, The Secret History of the Mossad, Gordon Thomas, 2007, St. Martin’s Press, p323; Image
see also Robert Maxwell: Israel’s Superspy-The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul, Gordon Thomas and Marin Dillon, Carroll and Graff Publishers, 2002, p.205. Image
Senator John Heinz and Senator Towers would later meet the same fate as Amiran Nir – death by plane crash.

The pattern of taking the lives of anyone who created a risk of exposure of these National Security operations was repeated in 1991, and again in 2001.

The names of the individuals involved in the Iran-Contra scandal include:

George H. W. Bush
Adnan Khashoggi
Oliver North
David Kimche
Richard Secord
Richard Armitage
Russell Hermann
Bob Gates
Shiek Kamal Adham
Khalid bin Mahfouz
Dick Cheney
Farhad Azima
Alton G. Keel Jr.
Bruce Rappaport
Alfred Hartmann
Porter Goss
Richard Armitage
Shaul Eisenberg
Robert Mueller

Most of these would become the key operatives in the secret war against the Soviet Union.
As the Iran-Contra operation was unfolding, on the other side of the world, another important development was occurring.

Ferdinand Marcos, the pro-U.S. dictator of the Philippines was being muscled by the Bush foreign policy machine to hand-over to the U.S. by what is
estimated by some to be possibly as high as an additional 73 thousand tonnes of the remaining Golden Lily Treasure.
At that time, the treasure had an estimated value of $500 to $600 billion.

see Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold, Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, Verso, 2005, p.196
Preview: H.W. Bush told Marcos to put money into NY real estate, including 40 Wall St which later was off loaded onto Trump Org's books.
The individuals associated with this operation were:

George HW Bush
Adnan Khashoggi
Oliver North
Russell Hermann
Paul Wolfowitz
U.S. intelligence operations had been siphoning off the Marcos gold for three decades.

Ferdinand Marcos, however, continued to discover even more of the buried treasure.
Marcos had started to sell it on the market during the 1970s in bits and pieces, with the assistance of Adnan Khashoggi.

Saudi financier Adnan Khashoggi is charged by the State of New York in aiding and abetting former Filipino first lady Imelda Marcos in hiding billions from
her country after she and husband Ferdinand Marcos were forced to flee the island nation.

The charges are brought by New York Attorney General Rudolph Giuliani, who apparently has a personal score to settle with Khashoggi after Khashoggi defeated Giuliani's client John Tumpane
in a business lawsuit.

After a long and heated court battle, during which time Khashoggi was forced to stay in New York City under house arrest, the jury acquits Khashoggi of all charges.
According to a former Army intelligence officer, Giuliani gets the indictments filed after months of effort by threatening George Bush that if he doesn't stop blocking the indictment, that he will call a press conference and complain that the White House is interfering with the
criminal justice system merely to protect Bush's friend Khashoggi.


For some unknown reason, the Enterprise decided they wanted it all in 1986.

That reason is now known – being to fund a war against the Soviet Union.
Vice President George Bush ultimately took the gold from Marcos in 1986 when Marcos was forced out of office.
It is estimated that Marcos was in possession of 73,000 tonnes of gold at that time.

see Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold, Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, Verso, 2005, p.196.
In removing Marcos from office, the U.S. was supported by his General Fidel Ramos, who defected from Marcos’s ranks to support Corazon Aquino.
Fidel Ramos was later made a Board member of the Carlyle Group.

The Marcos gold was removed to a series of banks, most notably Citibank, Chase Manhattan, Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation, UBS and Banker’s Trust, and held in a depository in Kloten Switzerland.
Bush administrators involved in the forced departure of Marcos were Richard Armitage and Paul Wolfowitz.

Adnan Khashoggi was also involved, helping move the gold.
It was at this time that Khashoggi, Shiek Kamal Adham, Khalid bin Mahfouz, and Peter Munk would create a Canadian gold mining company called Barrick Gold.

George HW Bush was in Moscow in 2003 begging Russian mobsters to launder their crime cash through Carlyle Group private equity.
Adnan Khashoggi was the international arms merchant that has supported the October Surprise and Iran-Contra deals and helped Marcos sell his gold on the market;

Shiek Kamal Adham was Chief of Saudi Intelligence;
Khalid bin Mahfouz was a Saudi investor in several Bush family companies, notably Harken Energy, and a 20% owner of the BCCI.

Sometimes, one wonders, does the HW Bush, W Bush, Reagan Deep State that Carter Admin / CIA tried to toss out actually like George Soros and just play good cop / bad cop?
Much later, Kashoggi and Adham would be primary investors in a Dubai base company named Oryx.

Oryx, along with U.S. investor Wally Hilliard would be the owner of Huffman Aviation where Mohammad Atta and several September 11 hijackers would do their flight training.
In cahoots with Sheik Kamal Adham — then director of Saudi intelligence (1963-79), brother-in-law of King Faisal and the CIA's key liaison to the Arab world — Khashoggi founded Oryx.
Oryx, the demonic corporate brat of Khashoggi and Adham, has recently been linked by investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker (Welcome to Terrorland) to Wallace Hilliard, proprietor of Huffman Aviation in Florida, where Mohammed Atta's suicide cult trained in aero-terrorism.
Of the 220 flight schools in Florida, Atta had to pick Huffman.”


Wally Hilliard would later be shown to have the backing of the Bush family, Jeb Bush in particular.

"Wally was manipulated by somebody with a lot of power,” international jack-of-all-trades Mark Shubin had said to us, in an interview at the Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport."
"He was blackmailed.”


Barrick would become a quiet gold producing partner for a number of major banks, and its activities subject to an FBI investigation into gold-price-fixing.
The records on this investigation were kept in the FBI office on the 23rd floor of the North Tower which was destroyed by bomb blasts shortly before the Tower collapsed.
The ultimate destination of the Golden Lily Treasure, and the source of the ‘loaned’ gold that flooded the market for 10 years has never been officially explained.
A key player in the Marcos gold would be Banker’s Trust, which was taken over by Alex Brown & Sons, after Banker’s Trust floundered financially on its Russian loans in the mid 1990s.
These Russian loans were facilitated by Enron, starting in August of 1993, and very possibly were part of the Project Hammer takeover of Soviet industry.

Alex Brown‘s involvement would bring to the forefront the names of three names of individuals who would play multiple roles in this mystery:

Buzz Krongard
Mayo Shattuck
J Carter Beese Jr.
Buzz Krongard is reported as the mentor of Beese and Shattuck from their years together at Alex Brown.
Additionally, he managed the merger between Bankers Trust and Deutschebank Alex Brown. Bankers Trust, Zurich was a key Marcos gold holder.
Krongard would move on to become Chairman of the investment bank A.B. Brown, Vice Chairman of Banker's Trust, and Executive Director of the CIA at the time of September 11.

Mayo Shattuck would be reported to be the personal banker for Adnan Khashoggi and Edgar Bronfmann during their partnership at Barrick Gold.

David G. Guyatt, Nexus Magazine, Volume 10, Number 6, October-November 2003
He would move on to become the CEO of Deutschebank who would resign as CEO for unexplained reasons the day after September 11, and would not be at the WTC office that day when the tower collapsed.
It was his bank that was identified as the source of the illegal stock options that indicated there was insider trading taking advantage of the September 11 tragedy.
After September 11, he would immediately move over to the firm that would replace Enron as the primary oil and gold derivatives trader – Constellation Energy.

Carter Beese, before showing up to work at Alex Brown was schooled at the CIA training facilities of the U.S. War College and John Hopkins.

George H. W. Bush appointed him to the board of directors of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) in 1992.
Since 1992, OPIC has provided more than $4.5 billion in finance and insurance to more than 140 projects in Russia.

Carter Beese was also Chairman of Riggs Bank, as well as an SEC Commissioner (appointed by Bush.)

Additionally, Carter Beese was Chairman at Alex Brown from 1994 to 1997, and would move from there to also be vice-Chairman of Bankers Trust.

He was also President of Riggs Capital Partners.
Riggs controlled the famous Riggs-Valmet consultants who set up the international financial apparatus for the Russian oligarchs and rogue KGB allowing them to steal the Soviet treasury and destroy the Russian economy.

Carter Beese’s death was reported as a suicide in 2006.
What happened to the Marcos gold after it was confiscated by U.S. agents in 1986 has never been reported, but throughout the early 1990s, the world gold market would be befuddled by the mysterious appearance of thousands of tonnes of gold which appeared to suppress the price of

An initial lawsuit was opened against the U.S. Government by renowned lawyer Mel Belli, who represented a relative of the deceased Santa Romana, attempting to claim his gold from Citibank.
see Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold, Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, Verso, 2005, pp. 229-230

That suit remained open in 2007.
There were two subsequent lawsuits introduced in the U.S. against a number of financial institutions and Alan Greenspan to determine the source of this gold.
Gold traders suspected the U.S. Treasury was the source of this gold, and contended that U.S. gold stock was being illegally manipulated for private gain by the bullion banks.
The first lawsuit by Reginald Howe was seen as having merit and cause, but was denied by the court for jurisdictional reasons.
A second suit by Donald W. Doyle of Blanchard in which Barrick Gold was a primary defendant was settled out-of-court in 2006 and sealed under agreement.
Barrick was also mentioned in the Howe suit as a knowledgeable party.

In 1992, Barrick had received special treatment from George H. W. Bush during the last several days of his Presidency, when for a nominal $10,000, Barrick received rights to mine deposits ‘valued’ at
$10 billion on public domain lands in Nevada.

While there was nothing illegal to the arrangement, a special process put in place by President Bush allowed Barrick to use outside specialists to determine the value of the claim, allowing them to control the appraised value of Image
the deposit.

That special process was not made available to other mining applicants.

Shortly thereafter, George H. W. Bush served on the Advisory Board of Barrick Gold.
In the long term, the Barrick operation would create billions of dollars of paper gold by creating ‘gold derivatives’, under the reports that a Nevada claim whose potential was doubted by industry experts had actually produced a fortune.
The doubtfulness of the claim was documented in the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame profile of Peter Munk: "Munk then turned his attention to a Nevada heap-leach project producing a mere 40,000 oz. gold each year. The industry doubted its potential…"[Canadian Mining Hall of Fame
A major distribution channel for the sale of Barrick’s gold futures would be Enron.

Enron would also become the vehicle by which oil and gas contracts from the former Soviet Union (vehicles for Soviet money-laundering) were processed, and it too would become collateral damage of the Cold War.
Interestingly, Barrick, which has no mining operations in Europe, uses two refineries in Switzerland: MKS Finance S.A. and Argor-Heraeus S.A. – both on the Italian border near Milan, a few hours away from the gold depository in Zurich.
The question that Barrick and other banks needed to avoid answering is: what gold was Barrick refining in Switzerland, as they have no mines in that region?
Before moving onto the next phase of this thread, here is a pointer to the start of the thread.

FBI could see the 4+ decade criminal enterprise spree.

But could not lift the lid.

Having found a source of funding for an economic war against the Soviet Union, it appears the Bush ‘war cabinet’ who called themselves “the Vulcans” laid out a four phase strategy.
These Vulcans would be the very same individuals brought back to public service by W Bush, 10 eight years later, under the guidance of the elder Bush and Dick Cheney.

And W Bush was installed via legislative coup, carried out in 2000, against the American people.
In preparation for their war against Communism, and in the years leading up to the failed – or faux – coup of August 1991 which initiated the last days of Gorbachev and the rise of Yeltsin, Bush and a cadre of rogue KGB officials built a complex international network of banks
and holding companies that would be used to takeover ownership of the Soviet economy.

Over 300 of these KGB traitors who supported this operation would later be re-located to the US in the early 1990s and pensioned.
Periodic CIA reports to Congress would review KGB and organized crime complicity in the takeover of Russia by criminal elements, but all mention of the formidable role of the U.S. would be expunged from Congressional oversight and the public record.
Over 300 KGB generals and colonels were allowed to enter the United States and were provided with very comfortable homes, mostly in northern Virginia.
Most KGB generals would get a check for $12,000 a month from the Agency.

KGB colonels get $8,000 a month plus a panoply of favors.

Most of these guys were in the import-export business.
They had offices in and around McLean, Virginia.

It's also interesting to note that four former KGB generals have import-export offices in the same building in McLean where Oliver North had his office.

A classic example of hiding this from the public was the case of Karon von Gerhke-Thompson.

She had been retained by Russian oligarch Alexander Knonaykhine, to arrange for “passports and visas.
“Concurrently, I was a business partner of the late U.S. Attorney John M. Mitchell, Chairman of Global Research International, and a principal in the firm of Murphy and Associates, Inc., founded by Admiral Daniel J. Murphy, U.S. Navy Retired and former Chief of Staff to
then-Vice President Bush.

This project was brought to me by Carter Cornick, Eugene Propper and Jonathan Ginsberg of the Washington, DC. based law firm of Ginsberg, Feldman and Bress."

"Cornick, Propper and Ginsberg wanted my help in assisting them in accessing officials
who could facilitate a favorable negotiation climate for the establishment of a bank and expedite the procurement of the passports.”

[Statement of Karon von Gerhke-Thompson, Vice President, First Columbia Company, Inc.]
Her Congressional testimony was discouraged by everyone, including the CIA, as indicated in her Congresional testimony.

All traces of Karon Von Gerhke-Thompson and First Columbia Company had disappeared by 2004, according to Alan Block and Constance Weaver.
All Is Clouded By Desire: Global Banking, Money Laundering and International Organized Crime, 2004, p134.


James E. Moody, a retired senior FBI official who specialized in Russian organized crime and testified against Konanykhine at his immigration trial, said that based on evidence that he had examined, Konanykhine appeared to have had links to the KGB.
"It appeared to me he may have been identified as an individual to get money out of Russia and laundered abroad," Moody said in an interview.
But something went wrong in Russia, and Konanykhine fled the country in September 1992. He alleged at his Immigration and Naturalization Service hearing and in a recent interview that his $300 million empire had been taken over by corrupt KGB officers.
He seemed to be back in business a few months later, though, when he proposed his investment-for-passports deal to Von Gerhke-Thompson at the First Columbia consulting firm in Chevy Chase.
The CIA, according to sources, believed no one in Russia could have access to such large amounts of money without working for or with the KGB.
"Our understanding was that [Konanykhine's sponsors] were big wheels close to Yeltsin, but we did not have the names," said one knowledgeable source.
"We suspected they were trying to move hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars out of the country. We wanted the names. You couldn't do something like that at that time without ties to the KGB."
Karon von Gerhke-Thompson alleged that the CIA, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice were all aware that Russians were pilfering Western aid money and laundering it in offshore banks. Image


U.S. House of Representatives,
Committee on Banking and Financial Services,
Washington, DC.
In the first phase of the economic attack on the Soviet Union, George Bush authorized Leo Wanta and others to destabilize the ruble and facilitate the theft of the Soviet/Russian treasury.
This would result in draining the Russian treasury of between 2,000 to 3,000 tonnes of gold bullion, ($35 billion at the time).

Valued at $35 billion, Russia's gold reserves were estimated to be 100 million troy ounces - just under 3000 tonnes.
Then in September 1991, a palpitating Grigory Yavlinski, the economic supremo, revealed to delegates at the Group-of-Seven industrial countries meeting in Bangkok, that a mere 240 tons were all that was left.
Two months later, in November, even that had disappeared.

"Not a gram of gold remains; the vaults are empty," said Victor Geraschenko, chief of Gosbank, the Russian Central Bank.”
A step to destabilize the ruble would be critical to prevent a monetary defense of the ruble and destabilize the currency.

The gold was ‘stolen’ in March of 1991, facilitated by Leo Wanta and signed off by Boris Yeltsin’s right hand man.
The majority of the leaked reports from the CIA and FBI suggest the theft of the Russian treasury was a KGB and Communist party operation, but what those reports omitted was the extensive involvement of Boris Yeltsin, the U.S. CIA and the U.S. banking industry.
A key player on the Soviet side of this theft with Wanta was Gregori (a.k.a. Georgy, Georgii) Matyukhin, former KGB official who had been made the first Chairman of the Central Bank, and after the collapse of the economy, was made to resign “for health reasons”.
In fact, it was Matyukhin who authorized large capital transfers to Chechnya, the source of the Chechen ‘advice notes’ that Kozlov attributed to as the source of the theft of the Soviet Treasury.
“It all began in the summer of 1991 when Ruslan Khasbulatov, First Deputy of Boris Yeltsin who was then Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, decided to help his fellow countrymen and instructed head of the Central Bank of the RSFSR Grigory Matyukhin to provide
peasant farms in Chechnya with credits after the fulfilment of Khasbulatov's assignment, the tiny republic became the largest issuer in the RSFSR.

The share of the incomes of the population paid through money printing exceeded 40% (17% on average across the country).
The cash sums received by co-operatives in banks exceeded the cash which they returned by 50 times, which was also far above the level of other territories.”
Supplement 2. The Economy of Chechen Terror, Mikhail Delyagin, Doctor of Science (Economics), Director of the Institute of Globalisation Problems, Kommersant-Dengi magazine, September 15, 1999
Later, it was discovered that Gregori (a.k.a. Georgy, Georgii) Matyukhin was actually working for the CIA.


p148, citing Kindleberger, a Financial History of Western Europe, pp124-125
In the second phase, Leo Wanta, George Soros and a group of Bush appointees would begin to destabilize the ruble.
There were two major operations: the largest was coordinated by Alan Greenspan, Oliver North, and implemented by Leo Wanta.

They are accused of fronting $240 billion in covert securities to support the various aspects of this plan.
V.K. Durham contends these securities are illegal because her husband’ signature was forged on the loan documents, and Photostat copies of the documents posted by Durham on the internet support her case.
These bonds were created (in part or in whole) from a secretive Durham Trust, managed by ex- OSS/CIA officer, Colonel Russell Hermann.


Like Army Colonel Al Carone, Russell Hermann became a banker for the C.I.A. using military cover.
This war chest had been created with the Marcos gold and possibly augmented by illegal inverted yield curve gains on the collateral held by the U.S. during the global debt resettlement on 1989.
According to Herman’s widow, V.K. Durham, he once had a meeting with Vincent Foster in Marion, Illinois, and he was tasked with overseeing 175 secret accounts.
He once couriered $30 million to Mexico for Ed Meese to acquire TIAS 12087 "Multilateral Inter-American Investment Corporation securities.

Twelve years later, a TIAS 12087 GROUP bought space at One Worlds Trade Center.
Durham Limited had five shares in the venture.

Mrs. Herman said she gave the account numbers to Senator Charles Grassley and Representative Dan Burton.

Burton is the former U.S. Representative for Indiana's 5th congressional district, and previously the 6th district,
serving from 1983 until 2013.

He is a member of the Republican Party and was part of the Tea Party Caucus.

Burton was a member of the Indiana House of Representatives from 1967 to 1968 and again from 1977 to 1980 and the Indiana State Senate from 1969 to 1970 and again
from 1981 to 1982.

In his role as chairman of the House Government Oversight Committee, [sound like Jim Jordan of Ohio in 2023?] Burton helped expose FBI corruption that led to the wrongful conviction of Joseph Salvati, Peter Limone, Henry Tameleo and Louis Greco for the murder
of Edward "Teddy" Deegan.

The three-year investigation that Burton spearheaded helped exonerate the four, who were eventually awarded $102 million by Judge Nancy Gertner of the District of Massachusetts.

Was he exposing FBI corruption or taking out good guys?
Burton served as chairman of the Republican Study Committee, a caucus of conservative House Republicans, during the 101st Congress.
After Newt Gingrich yanked funding for the group in 1995, Burton joined fellow congressmen John Doolittle of California, Ernest Istook of Oklahoma and Sam Johnson of Texas in refounding it as the Conservative Action Team.
The three men shared the chairmanship from 1994 to 1999. In 2001, the CAT regained its original name, the RSC.

Congressman Burton is a founding member and co-chair of Pakistan Caucus in House of Congress.
On February 13, 2013, the Azerbaijan America Alliance announced Burton's appointment as Chairman of the group.

Burton is listed as Chairman on the organization's web site as well.
Burton led the House inquiry into the 1993 death of Vince Foster, the deputy White House counsel to President Bill Clinton who committed suicide, but who Burton believed was murdered.

But was this a GOP Deep State ploy to oust Bill Clinton in 1993?
On March 29, 1995, during congressional hearings on the US War on Drugs, Burton proclaimed that the US military "should place an aircraft carrier off the coast of Bolivia and crop dust the coca fields."

Sound Trumpian?
It was later pointed out to him that

(a) Bolivia is landlocked and has no coast (Burton was chairman of the Western Hemisphere Subcommittee);
(b) the Bolivian coca fields (in the yungas and Amazon lowlands) are beyond the reach of any carrier-borne crop-duster, being separated from the nearest coastline (the Pacific coast of Peru and Chile) by the 20,000+ feet high peaks of the Andes; and
(c) F-18s cannot crop-dust. While criticism of this misstatement was muted in Washington, it sparked a major anti-American backlash in Bolivia, derailing the same War on Drugs that Burton purported to be speaking for.
In 1997, Burton headed an investigation into possible Democratic Party campaign finance abuse, focusing on the 1996 presidential election. The committee investigation ran for several years and issued over 1,000 subpoenas of Clinton administration officials and
cost over $7 million.


Russell Herman held some US government funds and securities through Cosmos Investment Corporation and Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing in Nevada.
V.K. Durham, claimed that , without her permission, Secretary of State James Baker used her Hereditary Owner Bonus 3392-181 as collateral for some Brady Bonds.

Her owner bonus 3392-181 was based on gold certificates issued by the treasury under the Transcontinental Agreement
of 1875, to some Latin American countries The Treasury thought it had redeemed all the certificates and considered them cancelled.

The U.S. government used this instrument and other non-performing foreign instruments to issue ten-year Brady Bonds, which in turn were used as
collateral to acquire currencies, including dollars.

The Brady Bonds were to come due September 12, 2001 and be redeemed through the auspices of the trustee, Cantor Fitzgerald.

It is difficult to determine whether the government or the Hermans were owners
of land and water rights in their name in California.


The coup would be the third phase.

The KGB was well aware of President Bush’s eagerness to see a collapse of Gorbachev.

Many who observed the coup described it as faux coup, which was never intended to succeed Yeltsin himself writes in his memoirs
that the coup was actually a veiled, pro-Yeltsin coup.

The Struggle For Russia, Boris Yeltsin, Times Books, 1995, p.59.

The generals who conducted the coup said the same.
According to leaders of the failed coup in 1991, the real coup, the undermining of Soviet power, was an intricate plot devised by Gorbachev and Yeltsin with help from 'foreign agents' in the West.

Any parallel to January 6th 2021 in America?

The 1991 coup against Gorbachev was engineered by KGB General Vladimir Kruchkov who reported to General Victor Cherbrikov.

Both of these men were business partners with Robert Maxwell, a British financial mogul, a documented Israeli secret service agent, and a representative of U.S. intelligence interests.
Maxwell assisted Cherbrikov in selling military weaponry to Iran and the Nicaraguan Contras during the course of the Iran Contra deals, and made hundreds of millions of dollars available to Cherbrikov’s Russian banks.
see Gideon’s Spies, The Secret History of the Mossad, Gordon Thomas, 2007, St. Martin’s Press, p176.

See also Stephen Handelman’s Comrade Criminal, 1995, Yale University Press, p102 to reference Soviet participation in the laundering of South American drug money. Image
Shortly before the attempted coup of 1991, Maxwell met with KGB General Vladimir Kruchkov on Maxwell’s private yacht.

Gideon’s Spies, The Secret History of the Mossad, Gordon Thomas, 2007, St. Martin’s Press, pp.207-208
A year earlier, it had been Maxwell that initiated the dialogue about a coup with Kruchkov.

See Robert Maxwell: Israel’s Superspy-The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul, Gordon Thomas and Marin Dillon, Carroll and Graff Publishers, 2002, p. 169. Image
In the same month as the coup, Maxwell was in Russia and received $780 million dollars from the CIA via the Israelis to pass on to General Kruchkov.

see Ari Ben-Menashe. Profits of War, Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network, Sheridan Square Press, 1992, pp.349-351. Image
Maxwell’s chief U.S. connection was Senator John Tower, who was long time confidante of George H. W. Bush and participant in the October Surprise.
After his Senatorial career, Tower actually worked for Maxwell on the Board of one of Maxwell’s smaller publishing firms - Pergamon-Brassey.
In this operation, Maxwell was supported by a former four star general, a retired U.S. Air Force General and a retired British Major General.
See Robert Maxwell: Israel’s Superspy-The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul, Gordon Thomas and Marin Dillon, Carroll and Graff Publishers, 2002, p. 170.

Numerous attempts have been made to identify the names of the military support provided to Maxwell, but the companies
records are cloaked.

It was Tower who released a statement exonerating Bush from involvement in the October Surprise before the Tower Commission had interviewed even a third of the scheduled witnesses.
This statement is now seen as all the more brazen in that the commission was provided with eye-witness testimony from two individuals who said they saw Bush at the meeting, as well as being provide a list of 16 more witnesses and a video-tape.
Gunther Russbacher claimed to have videotape proof and sixteen witnesses to his having flown George Bush to one of the October Surprise meetings.

Wilcher, who felt his family had been beaten out of their estate by corrupt judicial processes in Chicago, came here to Washington, to find a new life.

Then he heard about a man whom he believed to be a political prisoner, Gunther Russbacher, the man who says he is being
persecuted because he flew former President George Bush to Paris to meet with leading Iranians and make a deal to supply Iran with weapons in exchange for that government keeping the 52 American hostages until after the November election so that former President Jimmy Carter
would not get a boost by bringing home the American citizens held there.

Instead the deal was they were to be delivered to Candidate Ronald Reagan.

That agreement was kept as soon as Reagan inaugurated in 1981.

Wilcher was working daily for Russbacher.
He also was working on the connection between the Central Intelligence Agency and the Waco annihilation of a religious community, on the death of Danny Casolaro in West Virginia, a writer who felt that he almost had the link to the greedy rich clique

who were really ruling the world, the Inslaw case whereby a system of computer intelligence could unseal secrets of governments, and the BCCI case, the Pakistan bank that was disrupting financial empires in may countries, including the United States.
Wilcher wanted to ask the new Attorney General Janet Reno to grant immunity from prosecution to Russbacher so that he might testify to the government about the goings on inside the CIA.
These are covert activities that include bizarre interference with other governments, sale of arms around the world to inspire more wars, mysterious deaths, intimidation of Congressmen by blackmail about their own personal escapades, misuse of billions of U.S. taxpayers money
yearly that ought to go for other purposes.

Somehow Wilcher got it into his head that he ought to talk to Janet Reno – the new attorney general; I could not believe that he really thought he had an appointment with her. He went to keep it.
The officials who insulate her against others would not let him in.

They demanded to know what he wanted to talk to Miss Reno about.

He would not say as he did not trust the Bush employees still in the department.

He felt she alone could provide immunity from prosecution.
He was interviewed by her public relations man, Carl Stern, formerly of NBC, and building guards who thought Paul was emotionally overwrought.

I would say yes.

But not a psychiatric case.

Upset with the manipulations and the crime inside government, yes!
Paul recently told a friend, Miss Marion Kindig, that he felt his life might be in danger because he had obtained much more information on the Casolaro probings that the victim himself had acquired.
This and other information he had obtained caused him to feel his life might be in danger.

I had to beg the police for 24 hours to go in to see where the missing man was.

They found he had been dead for several days.
There so far has been nothing in the autopsy to indicate the case of death.

There was no bodily signs of strong handling.

Like Casolaro, in West Virginia, Wilcher's body was found in the bathroom.

They cannot tell if it was natural or induced.
A government operative was in the apartment next to the one Wilcher rented.

About the same time both telephones had been disconnected.

I believe Wilcher to be a causality of good citizenship and patriotism.
I tried to get possession of the papers and tapes he left behind, but his family, who did not know how to assess these things, took them away.
Sarah McClendon's Washington Report
by Sarah McClendon
July 4, 1993

In June, I also testified under oath, in closed session, before the Senate Foreign Relations committee. I stated unequivocally that I had, seen Bush in Paris.” Ari Ben-Menashe. Profits of War, Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network, Sheridan Square Press, 1992, p344.
John Tower had arranged for the Israeli government to provide a $1 billion dollar loan to Maxwell in 1988, and given the generosity of U.S. financial aid to Israel, it might be fair to argue this was a pass-through loan.
see Ari Ben-Menashe. Profits of War, Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network, Sheridan Square Press, 1992, p311.

Tower had introduced Maxwell to George Bush in 1976, for the sole purpose of using Maxwell as an intermediary between Bush and the Soviet Intelligence.
US aid to Israel, Palestine Monitor, October 31, 2007.

“Since World War II Israel has been the largest overall recipient of US aid: from 1949-2006 Israel received more than $156 billion of direct US aid."
The US also lends money to Israel, but these loans are frequently waived before any repayments are made.

The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs has estimated that from 1974-2003 Israel benefited from more than $45 billion in waived loans from the US.
Shortly after the coup, Maxwell died mysteriously on his yacht after attempting to blackmail the U.S. and Israeli intelligence operations.

Rupert Murdoch acquired Maxwell's UK publishing empire.

It is widely rumored that Robert Maxwell was assassinated by either CIA or Mossad agents in lieu of them delivering his expected blackmail payment.
Maxwell’s link back to George Bush died just as mysteriously.

Senator Tower died in a plane crash and under suspicious circumstance in April of 1991.

Maxwell’s wife was advised by a CIA agent to discourage any investigation into her husband’s death if she valued her life.
See Robert Maxwell: Israel’s Superspy-The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul, Gordon Thomas and Marin Dillon, Carroll and Graff Publishers, 2002, p204.
The audio tapes he kept of his phone calls with Kruchkov disappeared.

See Robert Maxwell: Israel’s Superspy-The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul, Gordon Thomas and Marin Dillon, Carroll and Graff Publishers, 2002, p207-208.

Robert Maxwell was pipped at the post by Rupert Murdoch in the takeover of the News of the World in 1969.
For seven years the two, Murdoch and Maxwell, slugged it out in a circulation war between Murdoch's Sun and Maxwell's Mirror.

Battle of Intel Agencies?

CIA trying to get both aligned with CIA?
Robert Maxell died on November 5th 1991 after falling from his private yacht, the Lady Ghislaine, which was cruising off the Canary Islands.
The 1991 coup against Gorbachev was presented by the media as the haphazard, poorly organized effort of dissident hard-liners, suggesting a group of senior, hardened military officials got drunk, and in a moment of absent-mindedness, decided to overthrow the government.
Presented by the media ... Robert Maxwell and Rupert Murdoch were the media ...

Maxwell died Nov 5, 1991 following the August coup of Aug 19 to 22, 1991, the Soviet coup d'état attempt.
“The accounts reportedly given by the three imprisoned plotters suggest that their coup was haphazardly planned.

Mr. Pavlov, for example, said the plotters simply hoped that the Supreme Soviet would approve their action and that afterward "things would be worked out."
Mr. Yazov said that at a key meeting on Aug 18 at which the coup was planned, he, Mr. Kryuchkov and a third plotter, Boris K. Pugo, former Interior Minister, who later committed suicide, were all drunk. Image
Mr. Pavlov told his interrogators that he also consumed "quite a decent amount of alcohol" at that meeting. “

nytimes.com/1991/10/07/wor… Image
It was widely reported that three of the nine primary conspirators committed suicide after the failed effort.

What was rarely mentioned was that two of these senior veterans were thrown out of windows, and a third – Boris Pugo, shot himself in the head three times.
“What's the hardest way to kill yourself?

Three bullets to the head certainly ranks.

According to Moscow police sources, that was the actual cause of death for coup conspirator Boris Pugo, the Soviet Interior Minister who was officially described as having
"committed suicide" when the August putsch fizzled.

As for two other top Communist officials reported to have killed themselves by leaping from windows, sources say they probably were pushed in order to silence them.
They apparently knew too much about the smuggling of Communist wealth out of the country as the party collapsed.” Image
The only individual officially linked to the death of Boris Pugo was Viktor Erin, the KGB officer personally involved in the ‘arrest’ of Boris Pugo.

See Who’s who in Russia Since 1900: From 1900-1991, Martin McCauley, 1997, p81, Routledge Press
Erin would later become a General Director for Bank Menatep, and be accused of loan fraud and theft, as part of Putin’s crackdown on the Yeltsin gang.

Rather than being a coup about ‘policy and honor,’ like so many events linked to Project Hammer, the coup was all about the money.
The CIA was moving hundreds of millions of dollars to the Generals before the coup through Robert Maxwell.

see Ari Ben-Menashe. Profits of War, Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network, Sheridan Square Press, 1992, pp.349-351.
The people who could best explain the transactions were apparently murdered.

The group responsible for the murders are then later linked via Bank Menatep to the financial groups that funded the coup.

As for the other traitors in the coup, they were all released from prison two years later by Yeltsin.

Resurrection: The Struggle for a New Russia, David Remnick, Vintage, 1998, pp 317-318. Image
The coup actually seems to have been a long time in the making, with Yeltsin having discussed the coup with Bush during his visit to the United States in June of 1991.

One might suggest the Jan 6, 2021 America coup attempt to keep Manchurian Candidate Trump in power might have
been planned for some time and one might conjecture the KGB, FSB, GRU and Mr. Putin studied carefully the Aug 1991 coup in Russia.

That same summer, in June 1991, Yeltsin dined ‘discretely’ with the Chairman of the New York Federal Reserve, Gerald Corrigan,
while the rest of the Moscow mission dined with Gorbachev.

Propping Up Russia’s Finances, Christopher Whalen, JoC Newspaper, September 29, 1992; “Mr. Corrigan, who was not invited along for dinner, suggested that he meet "discreetly" with Mr. Yeltsin…”
The discussions prompted by Maxwell with Kruchkov regarding Kruchkov’s interest in a coup are dated to the summer of 1990, however.

See Robert Maxwell: Israel’s Superspy-The Life & Murder of a Media Mogul, Gordon Thomas and Marin Dillon, Carroll & Graff Publishers, 2002, p. 169
The coup began the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the beginning of the reign of Boris Yeltsin and his ‘family’ of Russian Mafiya Oligarchs, and President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan.
At that point, the two out of three votes required to dissolve the Soviet Union were in the pocket of President George H. W. Bush, those being the votes of Yeltsin and Nazarbayev. Image
A catalyst coup, Erik Lenhart, Slovak Journal of Political Sciences, Issue 4/2007, pp 104-113.
In the final phase, a series of operatives assigned by President George H. W. Bush would begin the takeover of prized Russian and CIS industrial assets in oil, metals and defense.

This was done by financing and managing the money-laundering for the Russian oligarchs through the Bank of New York, AEB and Riggs Bank.

All of them, notably Blackstone Investment, would be out to line their own pockets. Image
Blackstone would ultimately turn out to be the investor behind Larry Silverman’s purchase of Building 7 of the WTC six weeks before the September 11 attack.
New York, NY October 17, 2000: Blackstone Real Estate Advisors, the global real estate investment and management arm of The Blackstone Group, L.P., announced today that it has purchased, from Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association, the participating mortgage secured by
7 World Trade Center, a commercial office complex controlled by real estate developer Larry Silverstein.

That publication is scrubbed from the web.
By controlling financial interest in the loss of the WTC, this group could quiet any investment community demand for investigations into the criminals behind the WTC attack.
A closer look at other activities leading up to these phases makes it clear that is was a U.S. orchestrated intelligence effort from the beginning.
The economic war also involved Gerald Corrigan of the NY Federal Reserve Bank, George Soros, an international currency speculator who was responsible for crashing the British pound a few years earlier, former Ambassador to Germany R. Mark Palmer, and Ronald Lauder- financier and
heir to the Este Lauder estate.

Palmer and Lauder would lead a group of American investors in an Operation called the Central European Development Corporation, and combine forces with George Soros and the NM Rothschild Continuation Trust.
This group ending up controlling Gazprom, the Russian natural gas giant, while the Riggs group ended up controlling Yukos, the oil giant.

Ownership for both remains largely ‘hidden’ today, and its front men enduring the hardships of the Russian wrath by spending time in prison.
Central European Media Enterprises Ltd. was co-founded in 1991 by Americans Ronald Lauder and Mark Palmer in Germany as CEDC GmbH (Central European Development Corporation), and later changed its name and reincorporated in the Netherlands as
Central European Media Enterprises (CME). It started broadcasting its first channel in the Czech Republic in 1994.

On 23 March 2009, Time Warner (now Warner Bros. Discovery) announced it would invest $241.5 million in CME for a 31% stake.
By 2Q 2013, Time Warner had acquired a controlling interest in CME in a series of transactions.

In October 2019, AT&T signed an agreement to sell WarnerMedia's stake to PPF.


The transaction valued at $2.1 billion was completed in October 2020.
Ivana Trump survived until July 14, 2022.

On 14 February 2022, Central European Media Enterprises announced buying RTL Hrvatska from RTL Group for €50 million. The transaction was closed on 1 June 2022.
In 1988, Riggs Bank, under the direction of Jonathon Bush and J Carter Beese, would purchase controlling interest in a Swiss company named Valmet.
Stephen Curtis, a lawyer from Dubai, controlled Valmet. Curtis died in a helicopter crash in 2005, shortly after telling a friend that if he died in the near future, it would not be an accident.

In early 1989, the new subsidiary of Riggs called Riggs-Valmet would initiate contact with a group of KGB officers and their front-men to start setting up an international network for moving money out of the former Soviet block countries.
Catherine Belton, Khodorkovsky's High Stakes Gamble, The Moscow Times, May 16, 2005

In 1989, Jonathon Bush as an ‘official’ representative of his brother, would tour Eastern Europe and the Ukraine.

Jonathan Bush, a financier and younger brother of former President George Bush and an uncle of former President George W. Bush.

Jonathan was the fourth child born to Prescott Bush.
As of December 31, 2018, Jonathan Bush had retired from Fairfield, Bush & Co., an Investment Advisory Firm in New Haven, Connecticut.
Jonathan Bush founded J. Bush & Co., which provided discreet banking services for the Washington, D.C., embassies of foreign governments for many years.
In 1997, Riggs Bank bought J. Bush & Co. and made Bush CEO & President of Riggs Investment, a firm based in New Haven, Connecticut.

In the early 1980s, Jonathan Bush helped organize investors for George W. Bush's first oil venture, Arbusto Energy, later called Bush Explorations.
During the 2000 presidential campaign, Bush was a major contributor and fundraiser to his nephew's election and was named a "Bush Pioneer" for raising more than $100,000 for the campaign that ended with W Bush being installed by legislative coup.
On May 15, 2004, The Washington Post published an article that said, "A political Web site written by a Democratic operative drew attention yesterday to the fact that President Bush's uncle, Jonathan J. Bush, is a top executive at Riggs Bank, which this week agreed to pay a
record $25 million in civil fines for violations of law intended to thwart money laundering."

The bank accounts under investigation may have been Saudi, though the article did not say so.
It did, however, go on to say: "a source familiar with the multiple federal investigations of the bank's Saudi accounts and other embassy accounts say Jonathan Bush's investment advice unit has 'no relationship whatsoever' with any of the Riggs's Saudi accounts."
Moreover, the newspaper quoted a spokesman for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency as saying "any suggestion of political influence in the Riggs situation is 'preposterous.'"


Bush family = criminal enterprise
In 1991, Jonathan Bush was fined $30,000 in Massachusetts and several thousand dollars in Connecticut for violating registration laws governing securities sales.

He was barred from securities brokerage with the general public in Massachusetts for one year.
In November 1989 George H. W. Bush appears to have arranged for Alton G. Keel Jr, a former National Security Agency Director and a minor player in the Iran-Contra scandal, to go to work at Riggs Bank, where Jonathon Bush – George’s brother was an executive Vice President.
Keel would head up the International Banking Group.

Riggs Maps Out an International Strategy; Alton G. Keel Jr. to Lead Bank's Global Business Group, Margaret K. Webb, Washington Post, January 22, 1990
This bank would later be used to funnel money to mujahedin terrorists in Bosnia by Richard Perle, but for now, its target was to become the controlling owner of a small Swiss bank operation known as Valmet.


The Riggs-Valmet operation, as it became known, would become the ‘consultants’ to the World Bank and to several KGB front operations run by future Russian oligarchs Khordokovsky, Konanykhine, Berezovsky and Abromovich.
The Riggs-Valmet agents would advise the top four oligarchs in how to construct their vast money laundering schemes, and would provide guidance to western investors by touring Russian oil and gas operations to provide guidance on investing.
These soon to be Russian oligarchs had been set-up as front men by KGB Generals Aleksey (a.k.a. Alexei) Kondaurov; and Fillipp (a.k.a. Phillip) Bobkov,
who would also sponsor Anton Surikov, also reported as an agent for Western Intelligence.

Revelations of the Fugitive Kremlin Financier, recorded by Vadim Andreev, Translation and comments by burtsev.ru, January 19, 2004
Both Kondaurov and Bobkov previously reported to Victor Cherbrikov, who worked with Robert Maxwell.

Both Bobkov and Kruchkov (the August coup leader) were ideologically aligned, and worked together on structuring the Communist Parties economic activities starting in
October 1990.

The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrkhin Archive and Secret History of the KGB, Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, 1999, Basic Books, p. 320.

Statement by Richard L. Palmer before the House Committee on Banking and Financial Services, September 21, 1999 Image
Kondaurov and Alexandre Konanykhine would bring a here-to-fore unknown politician and construction foreman named Boris Yeltsin from the hinterlands of Russia to the forefront of Russian politics through generous campaign financing, providing 50% of Yeltsin’s campaign funding.
In the meantime, Riggs Bank was quickly solidifying banking relations with a couple more of the old Iran-Contra scandal participants: Swiss bankers Bruce Rappaport, and Alfred Hartmann.
It is through this group that George Soros was engaged, who then opened a second front assault on the ruble.
Rappaport and Hartmann would also extend their operations network to include of the Bank of New York, and from Israel, The Eisenberg Group.
It is at this stage of the operation that three more groups would be brought into the plan by Rappaport and Hartmann: The Russian Mafiya, the Israeli Mossad, and the Rothschild family interests represented by Jacob Rothschild.
Soros and Rapport would ensure that the Rothschild financial interests would be the silent backers for a number of the undisclosed deals.

By example, ten years later when Vladimir Putin sent Khordokovsky to prison for money laundering and tax evasion,
Khordokovsky would identify Jacob Rothschild as his major silent partner, and ‘sign over’ his shares in the oil giant Yukos to Rothschild before he went to prison.

The Rothschild interests would also been seen on the board of directors of Barrick Gold, which may have been used to launder Russian and Philippines treasury gold, and later on the Board of the mercenary operation Diligence whose Russian arm would be a Russian mercenary operation
known as Farwest Ltd.

Lord Robert Powell is on both boards, and a Rothschild sits on the Board of Barrick.

Powell is reported to represent Rothschild family interests.

Farwest was controlled by Anton Surikov, another ex KGB/CIA agent sponsored by Bobkov and Kondaurov.
Rappaport would also introduce an American gentleman named “Bob Klein” to the Russians and his Bank of New York partners.
Klein worked with the operation for several years, and when the Feds began its inquiries into the Bank of New York money-laundering scandal in the late 1990s, no one could prove Bob Klein ever existed, and he simply vanished.
All is Clouded by Desire, Alan A. Block and Constance Weaver, 2004, Praeger, pp.179-182.

No one ever thought to suggest that the presence of this “spook” indicated this was an intelligence operation from the very beginning. Image
In the fourth phase of the secret war, the Enterprise worked on several fronts to take over key energy industries.

On the Caspian front of this economic war, James Giffen was sent to Kazakhstan to work with President Nazarbayev in various legal and illegal efforts to
gain control of what was estimated to be the world’s largest untapped oil reserves -Kazak oil in the Caspian.

Pay attention: Trump Admin was eyeballing oil reserves in the arctic shelf, by 2023, becoming accessible due to climate change.
Despite much testimony to the contrary, the U.S. government would deny that James Giffen was working on its behalf.

Manhattan Judge Rules On Pre-Trial Motions In “Kazakhgate” Case, Marlena Telvick, September 7, 2004.

Giffen would later be tried in the U.S. for money laundering and corrupt practices.

Giffen was convicted but apparently never sentenced.
This is a common technique used by the U.S. Department of Justice where the silence of the convicted party is required.

If Donald J Trump were by some shocking miracle ever convicted by US DOJ, expect him to never be sentenced.

The whole system is fucked up.
The illegal flow of money from the various oil companies would reach a number of banks.

These same oil interests would engage March Rich and the Israeli Eisenberg Group, owned by one of the Mossad’s key operatives, Shaul Eisenberg, to move the oil.
The Eisenberg Group would at some point own almost 50% of Zim Shipping, which mysteriously and inexplicably moved out of the World Trade Center a few weeks before the September 11, attacks.
Meanwhile, across the Caspian Sea, Bush had assigned a wide array of former Iran-Contra operatives to take a role in Azerbaijan, with the thought of disrupting the flow of oil to Russia, creating an opportunity to build a pipeline from the Caspian to the Black Sea, and
taking over rights to oil plots on the western shelf of the Caspian.

Side-Note: See Trump Tower Baku

Initially, H.W. Bush sent in the covert operatives Richard Armitage and Richard Secord who worked with their old colleague from the Mossad, David Kimche, and their old arms running colleagues Adnan Kashoggi and Farhad Azima to hire, transport, and train several thousand Al Qaeda
mercenaries to fight on behalf of the Azeri freedom fighters!

According to Wolfgang Bueschel in BCDX 351, "Mr. Vafa Culuzadeh, adviser of former Azerbaijan President Ebulfez Elicibey, told the Italian press agency IPS in October 1992 from Baku, that the
Israelian secret service specialist David Kimche and... Richard Secord, who was involved in the `Iran-Contra`-Affair, visited Azerbaijan, (and) presented a delegation of more Israelian secret service personnel."
Mr. Culuzadeh took part on a return visit to Israel, (and) lead a delegation of Azerbaijan/Uzbek/Kazakh secret services.

[Voice of Southern Azerbaijan, Nick Grace C., 4/13/1998]

Osama Bin Laden was reported to have been part of this mercenary force set up Armitage and Secord.
In the summer of 1993, Azerbaijan’s President Heydar Aliyev hired over 1,000 Islamist mercenaries in the war against Nagorno Karabakh Armenians.

They were flown on civilian aircraft from Afghanistan to Azerbaijan.
The mercenaries, including Arab veterans of the Afghan war (`1979-89`), took an active role in the Karabakh conflict (Moscow News 9/13/00).

One of Bin Laden’s associate claimed that Bin Laden himself led mujahedin in at least two battles in Nagorno Karabakh.

AP, 11/14/99
Osama Bin Laden had been retained by the CIA to recruit Afghan mercenaries starting in 1979.

greenleft.org.au/content/how-ci… Image

From 'Le Figaro' [1 November 2001]

The recruiting role would later be transferred from Bin Laden to a company called the Allied Media Corp.

To ascertain Allied Media is recruiting Islamic background staff for the U.S. military, view their website and sample productions of recruiting videos.
Coincidentally, the Allied Media Corp. would be linked through the Moroccan American Chamber of Commerce to Hassan Erroudani, a Florida business partner of Mohammed Atta, the agent reportedly responsible for the September 11th attacks.
In a second wave of the Azeri operation, HW Bush would support the creation of the US Azerbaijan-American Chamber of Commerce and its Advisory Board which included Dick Cheney, Richard Armitage, Richard Perle and Karl Mattison of the Riggs Bank.
Those were the major operations launched to collapse the Soviet economy and take over it’s key assets.

These operations were assisted by a range of allies of the Bush strategy, and traitors to the Soviet Union.

By 2016, Putin found traitors to America with Mike Flynn, right?
As the Soviet Union collapsed, they would line their own pockets, and those of their western backers.

On the Soviet – Russian side of these activities, the record shows that the early oligarchs were sponsored and protected by two KGB Generals:
Generals Aleksey (a.k.a. Alexei) Kondaurov;

Fillipp (a.k.a. Phillip) Bobkov.

These generals, in turn, would be sponsors for the Yeltsin family oligarchs and indirectly accused of arranging for Muslim terrorist activities to enhance the political future of the Yeltsin family. Image
The individual sponsored by them to coordinate private military activities was Anton Surikov.

He would be a founder of the Russian private military group named Farwest Ltd.
Farwest was an ex-KGB/Russian military operation which would be reported to be used by the Yeltsin family to hire phony “Muslim terrorists” for the purpose of enhancing the Yeltsin family control on the Russian economy.
Members of Far West would be reported by French and US agencies to have dealings with Shamil Basayev, who was trained at CIA funded camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

hartford-hwp.com/archives/51/10… Image
Besides his connections to Afghanistan, Basayev was an associate of the Al Qaeda operative Abu Hafs. Image
Since the Cold War era, Washington has consciously supported Ousmane bin Laden, while at same time placing him on the FBI's most wanted list as the World's foremost terrorist. Image
While the Mujahideen are busy fighting America's war in the Balkans and the former Soviet Union, the FBI --operating as a US based Police Force- is waging a domestic war against terrorism, operating in some respects independently of the CIA which has
--since the Soviet-Afghan war-- supported international terrorism through its covert operations.

In a cruel irony, while the Islamic jihad --featured by the Bush Adminstration as a threat to America-- is blamed for the terrorist assaults on the World Trade Centre and the
Pentagon, these same Islamic organisations constitute a key instrument of US military-intelligence operations in the Balkans and the former Soviet Union.
In the wake of the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, the truth must prevail to prevent the Bush Adminstration together with its NATO partners from embarking upon a military adventure which threatens the future of humanity.

According to local reports, Abu Hafs was allowed to escape by American forces, and according to one report, was actually captured and released by American forces in Georgia.
Basayev would be reported to be paid by Far West to wage Muslim attacks on Russian civilians.

Adnan Khashoggi was reported to be the intermediary for that arrangement, with the meeting taking place at his villa on the Mediterranean.
Farwest is financially linked to Alexei Kondaurov and Khordokovsky through The Institute of Globalization Studies (IPROG) for which Anton Surikov works.

Far West has received clearance from the CIA to work for Halliburton and Diligence. ImageImage
Diligence and its sister company New Bridge would demonstrate the Western political and financial muscle working with the Yeltsin family. Its key members would include: Image
Chairman Richard Burt, Director of Deutschebank

Alex Brown, thus linked to Carter Beese, Mayo Shattuck and Buzz Krongard;

Neil Bush, son of President George HW Bush;

Ed Rogers, lobbyist and US spokesperson for Shiek Kamal Adham and Adnan Khashoggi, and the Russian Alpha Group
As spokesperson for the Alpha Group, this high level lobbyist represented one of the major Russian crime organizations;

Side-Note: Trump Tower / Alpha Bank = payback
Lord Powell, who was previously reported on the Advisory Board of Barrick, is widely reported as a spokesperson for the Rothschild family investments;

William Webster, former Director of the CIA and Director of the FBI
These men, with Halliburton, would become the employers of Far West .

In doing so, they would demonstrate their willingness to hire and retain political terrorists.

Ultimately the Bush organization partnership with Farwest demonstrates:
that Adnan Khashoggi, a key participant in multiple aspects of the 9/11 motive and planning, clearly had no hesitation to facilitate operations which result in political terror and mass murder, and a documented track record of doing just that!
that the Bush family financial apparatus, including Dick Cheney, conducts on-going business with an organization (Farwest) that arranges contract political terror using Muslim terrorists with the same background as Al Qaeda, and is a major drug conduit!
that the Russian/Israeli Mafiya family (the Yeltsin Family in particular) that has reaped billions of dollars from Bush largesse since 1991 uses the same political terrorist professionals as the Bush led intelligence operations!
that the Bush apparatus belli had other channels besides Armitage and Secord to hire Al Qaeda trained mercenaries!

John G. Roberts Jr., Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch


Bush family Deep State SCOTUS Justices
In the late 1980s, under Gorbachev, Generals Bobkov and Kondaurov sponsored several bright young “Russian’ entrepreneurs, and arranged for them to work with a group of consultants out of Switzerland know as Riggs-Valmet.
This was the very same Riggs operation set up by George Bush in 1988 under the watchful eye of his brother and former National Security Council director.

The names of these first generation oligarchs were
Mikhail Khordokovsky
Alexander Konanykhine
Boris Berezovsky (Berezovskii)
Roman Abramovich
Alexander Konanykhine would be responsible for up to half of the campaign financing for an unknown Russian Congressman from the remote regions of Russia known as Boris Yeltsin.
Yeltsin would win the election and become President of Russia.

Under KGB protection, Konanykhine opened a series of banks used for moving Russian money out of Russia, most notably the Russian Exchange Bank, the European Union Bank and his partnership with Mikhail Khordokovsky
in the Bank Menatep.

The European Union Bank was actually a money laundering operation in Antigua run as an internet bank.

The computers used to operate the bank were traced to Val Kulkov, an associate of Konanykhine, at Suite 347, 1429 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC. Image
The internet address for the bank belonged to a block of Internet addresses owned by a company called Aegis.

Thayer Equity Investors, of 1445 Pennsylvania Avenue, which controlled Aegis at the time, is located on the third floor of the same building. Image
Thayer Equity’s address was also used at one time by the Hohlt Group, which now resides at 1433 Pennsylvania Avenue, virtually right down the hallway.
Interest is taken in these groups, because the men who control them are major financial power brokers of the U.S. Republican Party: Frederick Malek (Thayer Equity ) and Richard Hohlt (the Hohlt Group).

Hohlt is a reported associate of Richard Armitage.
Oligarch Mikhail Khordokovsky would be responsible for setting up the primary financial organization for taking over Russian oil and gas industries, as well as moving money out of the country: Bank Menatep.
Over time, Riggs would reduce its control of Bank Menatep from 51% to a public 4%, although total ownership of the institution remains cloaked by offshore privacy allowances.
Khordokovsky’s dealings would also involve a takeover of the gas industry: Gazprom, and with it AEB, which had been originally controlled by Palmer and Lauder.
Former Ambassador to Germany R. Mark Palmer, and Ronald Lauder- financier and heir to the Este Lauder estate.

Palmer and Lauder would lead a group of American investors in an Operation called the Central European Development Corporation, and combine forces with George Soros and
the NM Rothschild Continuation Trust.

Oligarch Roman Abramovich worked with Valmet-Riggs to buy into the Siberian oil giant Sibneft.

Yeltsin 'Family' Tycoon Linked to Cash Scandal , James Bone, David Lister, Fiona Flick, The Times (UK), September 7, 1999;
Moreover, it should be noted that Runicom was under the ownership of Valmet when it was originally controlled by Riggs, according to Alan Block and Constance Weaver, All is Clouded by Desire, p.141
Abramovich started with an energy trading company called Runicom which was owned totally by Valmet-Riggs.

The true beneficial owners of Runicom were never disclosed.

All is Clouded by Desire, Alan A. Block and Constance Weaver, 2004, Praeger, p.141.
Abramovich ran his operations out of the offices of one of the Swiss subsidiaries of Bruce Rappaport, the former BCCI and Iran-Contra banker.

Their start-up business was trading oil and gas.
As part of his trades, he would soon engage and partner with Oligarch Boris Berezovsky.

Oligarch Boris Berezovsky reportedly received his start as a used car dealer, with strong Mafia connections.
He too would be reported to have received guidance from Riggs-Valmet, and would become partners with Roman Abramovich.

His role appears to have been providing the ‘muscle’ behind various financial takeovers where there was a reluctance to sell.
The four of them would control the Russian oil and gas industry, and be front men for the hidden beneficiaries set up under the guidance of the consultants of Riggs-Valmet.
Maybe the hidden beneficiaries, if ever found, would ultimately expose the illegal beneficiaries of the Black Eagle Trust, Project Hammer etc., and would be one and the same as the beneficiaries of the $240 billion security clearance in the aftermath of September 11th?
South of Russia, in Kazakhstan, President Nursultan Nazarbayev was working initially with James Giffen to open the oil flow to western economies.

Shortly after Giffen established a foothold, Nazarbayev was working with Shaul Eisenberg, Marc Rich, Dick Cheney and George Soros.

Recall Marc Rich from start of the thread?

The FBI investigation into James Giffen’s activities that might have violated the U.S. Corrupt Practices act had its records stored on the 23rd Floor office of the FBI in the World Trade Center.
The scope of the Giffen trial was limited by the court to activities from 1994 and forward, against the protests of Giffen’s lawyers.
The lawyers contended they needed the scope of Giffen’s activities opened as far back as 1991, so that Giffen could show he was working under White House directives.
Pulitzer prize winner Seymour Hersh reported that there were thousands of illegal oil swaps made during the early years under President Nazarbayev’s – but none of these ever came to light during the Giffen trial.


Conversation between George H.W. Bush and Nursultan Nazarbayev, where Nazarbayev talks about Yeltsin's drinking problems, about the CIS collapsing, the threat from China - but most interestingly, asks for a US military presence in Kazakhstan: Image

The payments were first made to Hussein in 1957 during the Eisenhower administration, which suggest to me, Richard Nixon may have set up the payments?
But, from Ford to Carter, American Presidents seem to never get a handle on a relatively small (under a few thousand) men who run the show.

Ford would probably become convinced to run with the operation.

When we consider the Trump Admin, through the handler's who installed the Manchurian Candidate, cut off the incoming Biden Admin from Intelligence, and recognize the multi-prong coup attempt that failed, we should ask,

what secret arrangements might Trump or Kushner have set up that the Biden Admin is not privy to?

And would any party to any secret arrangements be eagerly awaiting a return to power of the Manchurian Candidate, Donald Trump?
With an understanding of the economic war being waged on the Soviet Union, and the Aug 1991 coup in Russia, the focus needs to turn to reports that on September 11, 1991, President George Bush was responsible for issuing $240 billion dollars in secretive bonds as a part of
this attack.

There are six lines of evidence from eight sources that suggest this was indeed the case.

Many of these instances are corroborated with documents available on the internet, presented by those making the claims
1. There has been a body of investigative reporting that suggests that between 1991 and 1992, the ruble was under a massive attack, with an unknown source of funding.

The capital flight from the Soviet Union in U.S. dollars was estimated by Fidel Castro at $500 billion, and
by Gorbachev at one trillion dollars.

Somebody had to put up the lion’s share of funding for those dollars.

The most authoritative source on the subject, Claire Sterling, writes that unknown intelligence operations were behind the attack.
Think about this 1991 attack on the Ruble in the context of a 2023 attack attempted on the U.S. dollar and the installation of folks in the GOP House Freedom Caucus.
“The fact that scarcely anyone outside Russia has heard of the Great Ruble Scam may be explained partly by its seemingly unbelievable details, but partly, too, by Western reluctance to touch exquisitely sensitive political nerves."
"Western governments rejoicing in the collapse of the evil empire wanted to assume, and to all appearances did assume, that all the evils in an emerging democracy emanated from politicians identified with the fallen communist state."
"Not one was prepared to acknowledge indelicate evidence to the contrary.

The ability of three or four characters to mount such a planet wide operation, their extraordinary impact on what was still a world superpower, and their singular immunity from beginning to end suggest
the guiding hand of not just one, but several intelligence agencies.”

Clair Sterling, Chapter Nine, Thieves World Image
Documentation supporting the contention that there was ‘cash’ in this order of magnitude floating around Russia in 1991 and 1992 is also found in Stephen Handelman’s book Comrade Criminal.

Handelman, who appears to have had access to KGB files brought back to the U.S. Image
after the collapse of the Soviet Union, notes that prior to 1991, the Russian Communist Party had a reserve of 435 billion rubles of ‘freely convertible hard currency,” and that in the summer after the coup, there were unnamed individuals in Russia who could provide up to
300 billion rubles on a months notice.

Comrade Criminal, Stephen Handelman, Yale University Press, 1995, p109.
In the former instance 435 billion rubles in July of 1991 converts into $240 billion.

This fund was converted and moved out of the Soviet Union, and the ruble scam would have needed to provide hard dollars in that order of magnitude. Image
A year later, Handelman’s second examples suggests criminal individuals had at their disposal $3 to $4.5 billion on short notice.

By comparison, at the same time, the U.S. Congress could not pass a $10 billion appropriation bill due to mandatory budget ceiling constraints.
You seeing how by summer 2023, GOP House Freedom Caucus has traitors trying to make it such that congress cannot pass an appropriation bill?
2. Andrei Kozlov, First Deputy Head of Russia’s Central Bank, was heading an investigation into the loss and reported the theft at 400 billion rubles from the Central Bank in 1991.
(Not to be confused with a similar scam run out of Chechnya in 1992 on a much smaller order of magnitude.)

These rubles were stolen by someone putting hard currency securities in remote Chechen banks as collateral for Russian loans and then making the collateral notes
disappear from the remote banks at the same time the funds were being withdrawn.

While the black-market value of a ruble was about $1, the ‘official’ conversion rate at the time was 1.8 rubles/dollar.
Using the official US dollar equivalent for 400 billion rubles, the theft converted to $222 billion.

Kozlov was gunned down shortly after announcing he was close to understanding where the 400 billion rubles went.
The head of the Central Bank at that time – former KGB official Georgy Matyuhin – who authorized these credits, on behalf of Yeltsin an at the request of Yeltsin’s First Deputy, Khasbulatov was retired after he was reported to be a CIA asset.
p148, citing Kindleberger, a Financial History of Western Europe, pp124-125. Image
3. Mrs. V.K. Durham, wife of Russell Herman, who was a fund controller for the CIA’s covert fund, has contended in sworn testimony that George H. W. Bush, Oliver North and Alan Greenspan forced her husband into relinquishing the funding for the bonds on that date,
September 11, 1991.

Yes, I know you are thinking about September 11, 2001.

They later forged Hermann’s signature on related financial transactions.

V.K. Durham presents photographic evidence of these crimes on her website, and it can also be located at Tom Flocco’s website as well.

Vina Katherine Durham, also known as Vina Dumham, Vina Kathryn Durham, Dona Vina Durham, Catherine Herrmann.

V.K. Durham also claims they were responsible for his death three years later because Hermann believed these funds were the property of the U.S. citizens rather than the private slush fund of the Bush circle, and protested the manner in which they were
being used.

Wanta has since maintained a similar stance, that the earnings from his covert operations should be public funds rather than a covert slush funds used by U.S. presidents.

simplysearch4it.com/article/42097.… Image
4. Several sources from the Office of Naval Investigation (ONI) have released over 100 pages of bank transactions detailing transactions in the range of 100s of billions of dollars.
These are the same files released also by Derek Vreeland from a Canadian prison, from which he warned his guards about the forthcoming attack on the World Trade Center.
Vreeland contended he was an ONI operative.

Hamilton & Hyun Investment Corp., memo to William Sommerville, August 26, 1991

Addendum 1 to Joint Venture Agreement, Contec Development Pty., 9/26/91
The files cover three periods of transactions which correspond to this covert war on the Soviet Union.

While the transactions do not directly show securities going to the Soviet Union, they do support the theory that the Bush Vulcans were spending massive amounts of cash in
a manner inconsistent with US Federal budget spending caps in effect at the time, and moving massive funding into covert accounts at key trust funds – most notably Pilgrim Investments, to the account of “Jorge” Bush.

(Jorge is Spanish for George.)
Delmart "Mike" Vreeland (born March 20, 1966 in Mason, Michigan) became notable for claiming to predict the events of September 11, 2001.
Vreeland, wanted by police in eight Michigan jurisdictions for the crimes of fraud and burglary was arrested in Iowa's Franklin County on October 20, 2004.
According to Sheriff's Deputies, Vreeland ran an identity theft ring in the Detroit area for a few years and had felony convictions for breaking and entering and receiving stolen property.
Shortly after the September 11 attacks, Vreeland apparently claimed that he wrote a note that foreshadowed those events while he was in prison.
Vreeland is reported to be a folk hero among conspiracy theorists who believe he is a spy for the Office of Naval Intelligence.

Government officials denied that Vreeland ever served in the Navy.
In 2008, Vreeland was sentenced in Colorado to 336 years to life in prison after he was convicted of inducement of child prostitution, sexual assault, sexual exploitation of children and distribution of cocaine following his luring of two boys to perform sexual acts on-camera in
exchange for cocaine, money and the promise of a drum kit.


In 2000, Vreeland claims he was sent by ONI to Russia to act as a courier for documents related to said Star Wars technology.
But something went wrong for him in Moscow.

Part of this mission was to break into the apartment of Chalva Tchigirinski, the Russian oil mogul, but he says he was not warned about the infrared scanners that scared him off before he got in.

"Someone was trying to set me up."
the first series of transactions in August to October 1989 coincides with the Mexican and Latin American debt resettlement.

During this period it has been contended that Bush was responsible for generating 300 hundred billion dollars in illegal earnings by making other
countries debt collateral disappear for a few months, while whoever was holding this collateral profited from August 11 to October 6 on what is known as a period of a rare the “inverted yield curve.”
the second series of transactions from September 24 to October 10, 1990 period would most likely represent funding for the purchase of the Soviet gold treasury, and the movement of Communist Party funds out of the Soviet Union.
Leo Wanta reports having started his efforts at this time.

the third series of transactions from May 27-28th 1991 would most likely represent funding for his Ruble destabilization program
5. Documents released from Leo Wanta’s files for these bonds provide great detail about the Soviet deals:

These bonds were used to fund an undesignated “joint venture” with Russia
Coincidentally, On 14 September 1991, Vladimir Shcherbakov, the last First Deputy Prime Minister of the Soviet Union, formed the International Foundation for Privatization and Private Investment [FPI] with two other partners.
The second partner has never been revealed.

The third partner was the now notorious Austrian firm, Nordex GmbH.

The International Foundation for Privatization and Private Investment [FPI]. would be one of the major organizations involved in the Bank of New York
money laundering scandal and a major crime front.

Interpol would be reported as making Marc Rich one of the founders of Nordex.

Marc Rich would be pardoned by President William Clinton, presumably for his services to the US in arranging for the collapse of the Soviet Union,
although the reasons for his pardon have never been made public.

Was Rudy Giuliani working for Russia when he indicted Marc Rich?

These bonds were backed by Swiss gold held in vault in the free trade zone in Kloten, Switzerland.

Robert Perry, Bay State Trust, memo to D’Acquisto and Peterson, September 10, 1991; Hamilton & Hyun Investment Corp., memo to William Sommerville, August 26, 1991
The Kloten repository resides at the Zurich airport, which the Marcos gold hoard as well as the stolen Soviet treasury gold was reported as being stored at.
"… tons of the loot was liberated by Ferdinand Marcos before his ouster.

Billions of dollars worth were shipped overseas by American intelligence agents and the Mafia.
Much of the horde was cabbaged away in a high-security, subterranean storage cache buried beneath the Zurich airport."

Saudi Entrepreneur Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 9/11 Terrorists, Alex Constantine

The bonds were made conditional to loan acceptance by government officials in the USSR

Hamilton & Hyun Investment Corp., memo to William Sommerville, August 26, 1991
These bonds provided, in part, of payments of currency from Lehman of at least $100 million per day for an indefinite period of time.

Lehman was a subsidiary of American Express, of which Dick Cheney’s wife, Lynn, was a board member.
These bonds provided cash funneled to Russia through the Deutschebank.

Hamilton & Hyun Investment Corp., memo to William Sommerville, August 26, 1991
6. Depositions on Project Hammer seems inextricably linked to the same banks and funds as the information being documented by Vreeland, ONI and Wanta:

General Earl Cock’s deathbed deposition in April 2000 describes Citibank’s and John Reed’s central involvement in
Project Hammer in the last quarter of 1991 as being funded with $223 billion dollars, of mostly CIA moneys.

Cocke also references the use of baby bonds to collaterize these funds, which are 10 year bonds.
Cocke describes the source of these funds as “accounts, participants or players” with the accounts converting to bank ownership upon the death of the controlling party, and then to the government.
This matches exactly what Sterling and Peggy Seagrave claim happens to the gold accounts opened by agents of the US;
Brigadier General Erle Cocke’s deposition in US District Court, Southern District of New York, April 13, 2000 (as provided in photostat version in Guyatt’s Project Hammer Files)
Roelfo Van Rooyen’s deposition in 1995 describes Project Hammer as a 1991 CIA operation.

Information and documents released from 9 independent sources all merge into the same story:

Leo Wanta – imprisoned on trumped up tax charges to keep him quiet.

U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence – destroyed on September 11 to keep them quiet.
Derek Vreeland – imprisoned to keep him quiet, now in hiding.

Major Colonel Erle Cocke – deathbed confession of co-conspirator.

Andrei Kozlov – Russian Central Bank director, gunned down to keep him quiet.
Claire Sterling – international correspondent co-opted and hired by CIA to keep her quiet. Deceased.

V.K. Durham – ignored, but not silenced.
Sterling and Peggy Seagrave – authors and historians, received multiple death threats to prevent publication of their book on the Marcos Gold– now in hiding;

David Guyatt, independent reporter and published author.
We just showed that on September 11, 1991, President George H W Bush was responsible for issuing $240 billion dollars in secretive bonds as a part of an attack on the Russian Ruble.
A Chart of the "Palace Group" that comprises the "United Kingdom Network" of Executive Outcomes and Sandline - both believed to be private "off-the-books" entities of British intelligence. Image
The diamond and gold interests are represented by Diamond Works as well as Branch Minerals.
With the bonds out in the market, they sat for ten years, like a ticking time bomb. At some point, they had to be settled -or cashed in, on September 11, 2001.
The two firms in the U.S. most likely to be handling them would be Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers – the two largest government securities firms in the U.S.
The federal agency mostly involved in investigating those transactions was the Office of Naval Intelligence.
On that day, those same three organizations: the two largest government securities brokers and the Office of Naval Intelligence in the US took near direct hits.
Actually, the jetliners hit immediately below the targeted offices, assuring that the flames would engulf the floors above.
This targeting strategy was also used on the 23rd floor of the North tower, which was an FBI evidence repository holding information on allegedly illegal gold transactions.
The attacks had a related agenda.

It seems that the covert Cold War operation started in 1989 had resulted in a series of foreign and U.S. allegations of financial impropriety, and as a result there were at least nine federal investigations being conducted into bank accounts
related to these operations.

All of these investigations were initiated, in 1997-98 timeframe, which was the same year that Osama Bin Laden - after twenty years of recruiting Mujahadeen for the U.S. covert wars - announced a fatwa against the US. Image
A key understanding here is that federal investigations are preceded by a period of ‘quiet’ investigation before an official investigation is publicly announced.

Bill Clinton was president Jan 1993 to 2001.

The Clinton Admin was investigating the HW Bush, Reagan, Ford, Nixon

Hence, they tried to impeach Clinton.

Ask Brett Kavanaugh.
The Marcos Gold Hearing began in Los Angeles, in August 1997.

The banks and accounts involved in that hearing, were the Swiss banks: UBS, and Bank Julius Baer.
The Eizenstatz Report and a public campaign waged by the Simon Wiesenthal Center launched suits against three Swiss banks.
The Reginald Howe suit- in which the U.S. bullion banks were accused of dumping U.S. Treasury gold on the market illegally.


The Reginald Howe & GATA Lawsuit was filed on Jan 8, 2000 naming Deutschebank (a.k.a. Deutschebank Alex Brown), U.S. Treasury, Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve, Citibank, Chase, as defendants.
Also mentioned as having non-public knowledge of the scheme are Gerald Corrigan and Barrick Gold.

(The 2000 filing suggests investigations began long before.)

See 1991:

The Bank of New York money laundering scandal: the Department of Justice was under pressure to investigate accounts of multiple individuals who benefited from these transactions: Loutchansky, Marc Rich and Berezovsky (Berezovskii.)
The FBI investigation started in the Fall of 1998.

The investor lawsuit was opened in September 1999.

These investigations involved accounts at Credit Suisse, Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), Dresdner Bank, West detsche Landesbank and Banque Internacionale of Luxembourg.
All of these individual would at some point be mentioned as playing a role in the money laundering scandal at the Bank of New York, that would ultimately be reopened in 2002, after being buried for three years by federal prosecutor Mary Jo White, a first cousin to former
President George Bush.

The Avisma law suit was filed Aug 19, 1999 naming as defendants Bank Menatep, Harvard Institute for International Development, and the Bank of New York;
The federal investigation of Konanykhine’s European Union Bank: The Konanykhine investigation was begun by the INS in February 1999.

Other banks included in that investigation would have been the European Union Bank and Bank Menatep.
Richard Giffen/Mobil Oil scandal- The FBI Probe began in 1999, and would have involved accounts at Credit Suisse, Bank of New York, Cayman Islands, and the Deutsche Bank (a.k.a. Deutschebank Alex Brown).,

Yeltsin’s UBS accounts were being investigated for bribery.
Kevin Ingram would testify that he had advised Bob Graham in advance that the World Trade Center was to be attacked.

This Deutsche Bank executive was convicted of laundering money for weapons purchases for Muslim terrorists through Pakistani agents;
The Ingram investigation was begun by the FBI as early as July 1999, and involved the Deutschebank (a.k.a. Deutschebank Alex Brown).

The records for some of these investigations resided in Building Six, Building Seven and on the 23rd Floor FBI office in the North Tower.
The account structure set up by the U.S. intelligence operations was besieged by investigations from nine different directions, any one of which may have exposed the source of that funding, and traced it to its Black Eagle Fund origins.
Those investigations needed to be diverted.

Seems Bill Clinton Admin had opened 9 or more investigations into the Vulcans of HW Bush, Reagan era and W Bush Admin executed a cleanup with 9/11. Image
What happened inside the buildings of the World Trade on September 11 is difficult, but not impossible to discern.

The government has put a seal on the testimony gathered by the investigating 911 Commission, and instructed government employees to not speak on the matter or
suffer severe penalties, but there are a number of personal testimonies posted on the internet as to what happened in those buildings that day.

Careful reconstruction from those testimonies indicates the deliberate destruction of evidence not only by a targeted assault on
the buildings, but also by targeted fires and explosions.

In the event that either the hijacking failed, or the buildings were not brought down, the evidence would be destroyed by fires.
In addition to the investigative evidence being destroyed, the Federal Register reported that the physical securities held by the brokers in their vaults had been destroyed.
What would be even more revealing would be the actions of the Federal Reserve Bank and the Securities and Exchange Commission on that day, and in the immediate aftermath.
As one of many coincidences on September 11, the Federal Reserve Bank was operating its information system from its remote back-up site rather than it’s downtown headquarters.

The SEC and Federal Reserve system remained unfazed by the attack on September 11.
All of their systems continued to operate.

The two major security trading firms had their trade data backed up on remote systems.

Nevertheless, the Commission for the first time invoked its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k) and
issued several orders to ease certain regulatory restrictions temporarily.

On the first day of the crisis, the SEC lifted “Rule 15c3-3 - Customer Protection--Reserves and Custody of Securities,” which set trading rules for the following processes:
The [seller] is not permitted to substitute other securities for those subject to this agreement and therefore must keep the [buyer's] securities segregated at all times, unless in this agreement the [buyer] grants the [seller] the right to substitute other securities
Notification in the event of failure to make a required deposit.

Physical possession or control of securities.

Required Disclosure

Control of securities/Requirement to reduce securities to possession or control.
Simply, Government Securities Clearing Corporation (GSCC) was allowed to substitute securities for the physical securities destroyed during the attack.
In the absence of complete information on deliveries into and out of its account at BoNY on September 11, and as a result of its assumption of settlement fails on the starting legs of blind-brokered RPs, GSCC recorded (after the close of business on September 11)
$266 billion in transactions that apparently failed to settle.…

Continuing connectivity problems prevented GSCC from giving BoNY delivery instructions after the close of business on September 11 and prevented it from acquiring information on activity in its account at BoNY
during the day on September 12.

Consequently, GSCC recorded $440 billion in settlement fails as of the close of business on September 12.
Additionally, while problems were being documented between the BoNY and GCSS, no other institution had those problems.

“…collateral substitutions can and should be made with regard to immediately maturing collateral.”

Reminder of Bond Market Association Recommendations, GSCC073.01, September 19, 2001
Subsequent to that ruling, the GSCC issued another memo expanding blind broker settlements.

A “blind broker” is a mechanism for inter-dealer transactions that maintains the anonymity of both parties to the trade.

The broker serves as the agent to the principals' transactions.
“The only repo transactions entered into by blind brokers should be those done in direct furtherance of clean-up and reconciliation efforts.

No new blind brokered business should be executed.”

GSCC080.01, September 25, 2001
At this point in time, the Federal Reserve and its GSCC had created a settlement environment totally void of controls and reporting – where it could substitute valid, new government securities for the mature, illegal securities, and not have to record where the bad securities
came from, or where the new securities went – all because the paper for the primary brokers for US securities had been eliminated.

This act alone, however was inadequate to resolve the problem, because the Federal Reserve did not have enough “takers” of the new 10 year notes.
Rather than simply having to match buy and sell orders, which was the essence of resolving the “fail” problem, it appears the Fed was doing more than just matching and balancing – it was pushing new notes on the market with a special auction.
It appears some of the beneficiaries wanted to cash out!

“Acute settlement problems with the on-the-run ten-year note led the U.S. Treasury to reopen the issue on October 4 and hold an unusual “snap” auction of new ten-year securities.”
Payment System Disruptions and the Federal Reserve Following September 11, 2001, Jeffrey M. Lacker, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia, 23219, USA, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Working Paper 03-16, December 23, 2003.

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If the Federal Reserve had to cover-up the clearance of $240 Billion in covert securities, they could not let the volume of capital shrink by that much in the time of a monetary crisis. They would have had to push excess liquidity into the market, and then phase it out for a
soft landing, which is exactly what appears to have happened.

In about two months, the money supply was back to where it was prior to 9/11.

How the Federal Reserve managed this feat is explained next.
On of the most common scams on the streets of urban America is a set up of three card Monte.

The intricacies of the scam are legion, but essentially, the dealer’s sleight of hand which fools the mark is covered by a rapid rotation of the three cards.
It was the rapid rotation of the securities settlement fails in the aftermath of September 11th that appears to have allowed the Bank of New York and the Federal Reserve to engage in a securities refinancing that resulted in the American taxpayer refinancing the $240 billion
originally used for the Great Ruble Scam - the 1991 attack on the Russian Ruble.

Funny how the US taxpayer will foot a bill of about the same amount in the Fox News settlement w/Dominion in April 2023 since Fox will say the payment is tax deductible and the fed gov will wink.
A review of the explanations for the actions of the Federal Reserve after September 11th exposes an amazingly complex web of analysis and speculation.

The reports published by the Federal Reserve argue that the Federal Reserve’s actions increasing the monetary supply by over
$300 billion were justified to overcome operational difficulties in the financial sector.

While impressive as the reports are, what is noted by the casual reader is that all of the Federal Reserve analysis is speculative and suggestive, using phraseology such as
“may have,” “likely,” “presumably,” or “should have.”

There are few - if any - definitive statements about root cause and the appropriateness of the Federal Reserve response.

The general perspective of the industry is captured in such comments as:
“The destructive force of the attacks themselves caused severe disruptions to the U.S. banking system, particularly in banks’ abilities to send payments.

The physical disruptions caused by the attacks included outages of telephone switching equipment in Lower Manhattan’s
financial district, impaired records processing and communications systems at individual banks, the evacuation of buildings that were the sites for the payments operations of large banks, and the suspended delivery of checks by air couriers.”

newyorkfed.org/research/epr/0… Image
“Following September 11, open market operations were aimed at satisfying the financing needs of the severely disrupted government securities dealer community, leaving to the discount window the task of elastically providing balances to satisfy demand at the target rate."
The huge additions of funds following September 11 were therefore a by-product of operating procedures designed to target the overnight funds rate.

richmondfed.org/-/media/richmo… Image
“Fails rose initially because of the destruction of trade records and communication facilities.

They remained high because the method typically used to avert or remedy a fail—borrowing a security through a special collateral repurchase agreement—proved as costly as failing to Image
deliver the security.”

Reading statements like this are suggestive that there were massive, wide spread disruptions in the system.

These were the conditions that “led policymakers to depart so significantly from previous debt management practices.”
When the Back Office Moved to the Front Burner: Settlement Fails in the Treasury Market after 9/11, Michael J. Fleming and Kenneth D. Garbade, FRBNY Economic Policy Review / November 2002, p1.
While the facts presented by the Federal Reserve analyst’s reports are true, as presented they tend to distort what really happened in the aftermath of the attack.

In truth, while the analysts reported disruptions at over 800 banks, a deeper look at the reports indicated that
only “a few’ were seriously disrupted.

The order of magnitude of disruption at any bank was never quantified, with the exception of one.

Even that statement however, detracts from the data which suggest that the disruptions were essentially concentrated in one bank –
the Bank of New York.

(The same Bank of New York was being investigated for money laundering charges in relation to the economic pillaging of Russia by criminal oligarchs who were financed with the covert securities purportedly being laundered in the aftermath of 9/11).
This is because while the Fed was reporting outstanding account balances over $100 billion per day (while not identifying the banks involved), the Wall Street Journal reported:
“At one point during the week after September 11, BoNY publicly reported to be overdue on $100 billion in payments.”

continuitycentral.com/businesscontin… Image
The Deutschebank, which sat inside the World Trade Center and was totally decimated, reported no such account balance increase, and JP Morgan, the other of only two clearing banks which uses the same traders and communications hub, reported no such increase in its account

No one has publicly asked: why is it that these other two banks were not seriously disrupted, while the Bank of New York – which had no structural damage, seemed unable to operate?
Understanding what was happening at the BoNY becomes critical to understanding the securities settlement issues:
“GSCC and several dealers could not verify what came into and what left their custodial accounts at BoNY, they could not advise BoNY of securities they expected to receive, and they could not give BoNY instructions for delivering securities." Image
Additionally, GSCC was unable to verify the movement of funds into and out of its account at BoNY (GSCC Important Notice GSCC068.01).

newyorkfed.org/medialibrary/m… Image
In a world of coincidences, The Bank of New York (which had over 8,000 employees in its downtown location), lost three employees that day.

One of those three employees was a man who was in the best position to explain how the attacks would have impacted BoNY.
His name was Michael Diaz-Piedra III, a former West Point graduate and son of a Cuban exile.

Michael was the Vice-President of Disaster Recovery Planning for the Bank of New York. Image
In the aftermath of September 11, he was reported as being an employee of Bank of America, or holding another position at the BoNY.

Finally, with respect to the Bank of New York operations and the level of disruption experienced on September 11th, an important element needs to be highlighted.
Disruptions to the financial system were attributed to the loss of the communications hub in downtown Manhattan.

The telephone network operations center (NOC) or hub was decimated when the WTC collapsed onto it.
However, the BoNY Funding Transfer operations, which reportedly could not communicate with the Fed, were located in Utica, New York, and had none of its communication abilities impaired.
Moreover, the four BoNY back-up datacenters were all located within 46 miles of Manhattan, and could and did deliver data on tape regularly to the Fed via courier.
In a reported setting of half truths and speculation by Federal Reserve analysts made to appear as facts, review of the reports of the financial aftermath of September 11th suggest:
The disruptions to the U.S. financial system were not as widespread as the reports from the Federal Reserve would have the public believe, but that the public had to be made to perceive a widespread need for declaring a national financial emergency, suspending key provisions of
the Federal Reserve Act and driving the ‘ten-year special rate’ to almost zero.

Certain key unknown figures in the Federal Reserve may have ‘conspired’ with key unknown figures at the Bank of New York to create a situation where $240 billion in off balance sheet securities
created in 1991 as part of an official covert operation to overthrow the Soviet Union, could be cleared without publicly acknowledging their existence.
These securities, originally managed by Cantor Fitzgerald, were cleared and settled in the aftermath of September 11th through the BoNY.
The $100 billion account balance bubble reported by the Wall Street Journal as being experienced in the BoNY was tip of a three day operation, when these securities were moved from off-balance-sheet to the balance sheet.
(The off-balance-sheet process is described by banking advisor to the US Presidents Earl Cocke, who admitted under sworn testimony to managing Project Hammer funds – the suspected source of these illegal securities.)
By reducing the ‘ten-year special rate’ to almost zero, the Fed structurally increased the number of refinancing (Repo) settlement fails.
Under the umbrella of this artificially created statistical bump of fails, the high level of fails due to the laundering of the $240 billion was able to be processed unnoticed.
The cover for this bubble is found in the footnotes to the BoNY annual and quarterly reports, which report that the BoNY took over $330 billion of commercial securities business from U.S. Trust between June and October of 2001, although the assets under control of U.S. Trust in
2000 were reported by two sources as $80 or $86 billion.

Before moving on with this part of the story, let's come back to Gerald Ford for a moment.


Paul Manafort’s political career started by working with James Baker (the guy who later arranged the deal between Enron and Mogilevich) on the 1976 Gerald Ford campaign.

Federal Reserve Management of the Aftermath of September 11


There were two key disruptions reported in the financial markets:
Excessive account balances in a few banks reportedly contributing to an increase in the account balance in a wide array of banks which required a massive infusion of credit to stabilize the Federal Reserve system.
These accumulations started appearing on September 12th and ran through the 18th.

They resulted in the addition of $300 billion to the US monetary supply, which initiated the on-set of the sub-prime market.
A reported excessive number of fails in securities settling requiring the lifting of controls on settlements.

There were two reasons reported for these fails:
Missing trade data due to loss of communications and data;

Refinancing (Repo) settlements had lost any financial incentive to avoid fails because the special rate for 10 year notes was dropped to almost zero.

The first wave of fails is attributed to the BoNY situation.
“In the absence of complete information on deliveries into and out of its account at BoNY on September 11, and as a result of its assumption of settlement fails on the starting legs of blind-brokered RPs, GSCC recorded (after the close of business on September 11)
$266 billion in transactions that apparently failed to settle."

"Continuing connectivity problems prevented GSCC from giving BoNY delivery instructions after the close of business on September 11 and prevented it from acquiring information on activity in its account at BoNY
during the day on September 12."

"Consequently, GSCC recorded $440 billion in settlement fails as of the close of business on September 12.”

newyorkfed.org/medialibrary/m… ImageImage

Excessive Balances Increasing the Supply of Money


On over-riding consideration in the Fed’s management of the aftermath of September 11th was the concentration in account balances at the Federal Reserve.
It is clear that the concentration in account balances at the Federal Reserve—rising more than fourteenfold from its normal levels on the days following the terrorist attacks—was a most unusual event.
If a large proportion of the balances in the banking system concentrate in one bank’s account, then other banks will face, all else being equal, higher costs of making payments, or alternatively may face liquidity constraints on their borrowing, which could preclude their Image
submission of further payments.

It may seem a small detail, but note the qualifying statement: “all else being equal.” ImageImage
An alternative explanation could be to move off-balance sheet liabilities to the balance sheet and claim the offsetting claims are in the rubble of the World Trade Center.
A key consideration is the pre-9/11 daily average for this balance: “For commercial banks, these balances consist of either required reserve balances, excess reserve balances, or service-related balances.

newyorkfed.org/medialibrary/m… ImageImageImage
These balances and service related balances for August 2001 averaged $14.65 billion per day.

This makes the actual surges due to the attack show a net impact of $352 billion on the account balance over the remainder of the week.

newyorkfed.org/medialibrary/m… ImageImage
Federal Reserve Balance adjusted for normal daily average to reflect true impact of attack.

Reported Balance (Billions) Adjusted Balance Due to Attack (Billions of Dollars) September 12 44 29
September 13 104 89
September 14 121 106
September 15 111 96
September 16 46 31
What appears to be the case is that the Federal Reserve imbalances reported on three consecutive days in the aftermath were largely concentrated at the Bank of New York, which is reported to represent over 90% of the imbalance, suggesting the Bank had been the recipient of
massive fund transfers, and unable to send out transfers.

“At one point during the week after September 11, BoNY publicly reported to be overdue on $100 billion in payments".

See pg. 6

richmondfed.org/-/media/Richmo… Image
This supposedly was due to major communication and system failures.

The crucial government bond processing, for example, had a system in which a second computer was receiving and processing all the data going into the main computer, making it ready to pick up at a moment's notice, in theory. Image
As it turned out, though, even the expensive backup system was unable to get the government bond business up and running smoothly. Image
That is largely because of problems maintaining the communications links that receive information on trades from its customers and report their positions back to them.

In many cases our backup sites were dealing with our customers' backup sites, Mr. Renyi said. Image
And though the bank had established communications lines in advance connecting these various backup centers, they often were of low capacity and typically had not been fully tested and debugged. Image
Even a week after the attack, the Bank of New York was having trouble with some crucial communications links, like its connection to the Government Securities Clearing Corporation, a central part of the government bond market. Image
On several days that week, the bank had to drive computer tapes with its trades to G.S.C.C. offices.

Though the trades were ultimately posted properly, clients were deprived of instantaneous reports on their positions.
The start of the article, although it's not that important: Image
Thomas A. Renyi, the Bank of New York's chairman. Image
On September 11, we were able to continue processing, as our funds transfer business unit is in Utica, New York, until the telecommunications lines went down later in the day in lower Manhattan. Image
After that, excess liquidity quickly built up because we were unable to process all securities and cash transactions in a normal manner.
The increase in the balance sheet went away very quickly, however, as we returned to normal processing by Friday and handled the backlog over the weekend.
Again, demonstrating, how supposedly this was due to major communication and system failures, the fact that, at one point during the week after September 11, BoNY publicly reported to be overdue on $100 billion in payments.
But, in fact, none of the BoNY’s systems failed or went non-operational, despite the bullshitting.

nytimes.com/2001/10/06/bus… Image
Bank executives argue that some of the criticism has taken on some aspects of urban legend, especially the notion that the bank was in disarray because the main backup for its computer center in Lower Manhattan was at another location in Lower Manhattan. Image
The bank says that all of its several computer centers in Manhattan were always set to revert to centers outside the city in case of emergency, and they did on Sept. 11. Image
Even more to the point, the Bank’s Fund Transfer operations are located in Utica New York, and its communication systems remained untouched.
Where the inconsistent reporting gets interesting is that Todd Gibbons of the BoNY reported an “increase” in the volume of securities on September 11. Image
“The contingency site muse be able not only to accommodate normal business loads, it must be able to accommodate extreme business surges, such as we saw in the first day in the equities market." Image
Our contingency plans had included the ability to handle a great amount of excess capacity; and we were able to handle the increase in volumes….”

However, the overall volumes for the day were 25% less than normal and one third of the volume or $400 billion came in after normal business hours in very few transactions.
As seen in the chart below, overall transactions for the day were seemingly down even more significantly than volume, but the transactions that came in after closing were extremely large, averaging in size in packages of $35 million or more.
This would be consistent with a hypothesis that $240 billion of securities were being pushed surreptitiously into the money supply.
Additionally, the conflicting information from the BoNY and Fed suggest the activity in the bank was different than that being reported to the public.
August 2001, the value of Fedwire funds transfers averaged more than $1.6 trillion per day, while banks held about $15 billion on account.

The value of funds sent on September 11 was $1.2 trillion, about three-fourths of the average for the benchmark period. Image
However, unlike volume, the value of funds sent had returned to normal levels on the twelfth and was then at elevated levels for the next seven business days.

pg 64.

newyorkfed.org/medialibrary/m… Image
Value and Volume of Funds Sent per Minute

Ten-Minute Moving Average

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Note: The shaded bands indicate +/- two standard deviations of the benchmark averages. Image
The Federal Reserve, without providing the detail required to substantiate its claims, would have the public believe that there were widespread liquidity issues, when in fact the issues were very concentrated primarily, if not singularly, in the BoNY, which has been the subject
of an ongoing major money-laundering investigation for many years, following the Clinton Administration which was perhaps willing to look, unlike the HW Bush Admin before and the W Bush Admin after.
These account balance issues resulted in the defacto expansion of the monetary supply, details of which are no longer reported by the Federal Reserve.
The reported cause of this market malfunction is seemingly suspect.

By comparison, the Deutschebank which sat inside the World Trade Center reported no such account balance increase, and JP Morgan, the other of two clearing banks which uses the same traders and
communications hub reported no such increase in account balance.

Additionally, while problems were being documented between the BoNY and GCSS, no other institution had those problems.
“…it is worth noting that settlements occurred at the major large-value private sector settlement systems (the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation and the Clearing House Inter-bank Payments System [CHIPS]) on the eleventh and subsequent days.” Image
There is every reason to believe activities in the BoNY in the aftermath of September 11th are worthy of suspicion.
The Fails

In the aftermath of September 11th, the analysts at the Fed attributed the security settlement failures to two causes:
the initial inability to match up trades with correspondent data, and

the use of ‘strategic’ fails by brokers in the aftermath, when the special rate on securities was so low that there was no incentive to avoid the refinancing fail.
This reduction in the special rate was attributed to operations to increase liquidity in response to excess balance issue discussed above.

One key Federal Reserve researcher summarized it accordingly
Fails rose initially because of the destruction of trade records and communication facilities. Image
They remained high because the method typically used to avert or remedy a fail—borrowing a security through a special collateral repurchase agreement—proved as costly as failing to deliver the security.
The U.S. Treasury responded to the fails problem by reopening the on-the-run ten-year note.

The increased supply made borrowing the note more attractive than failing. Image
The standard remedy for a fail—borrowing a security through a special collateral repurchase agreement— fell apart when the Fed dropped the special rate to nearly zero.
As a result, a second, ongoing ‘wave’ of ‘fails’ was created by removing the incentive for regular traders to avoid fails.

It is this structurally created second wave that masked the underlying wave of fails due to the loss of the covert funding notes.
The Desk “had to accept the vast majority of propositions – even those offered at rates well below the new 3 percent target level – in order to arrange RPs of sufficient size.”

(Markets Group of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York 2002, p. 24) Image
On Wednesday, the Desk accepted all propositions submitted, the lowest of which was ¾ percent: see Table 2. Image
The effective federal funds rate sank to 1¼ percent on Tuesday and below that on Wednesday. Image
The incentive of a seller to borrow securities to avoid or cure a fail declines with the specials rate for the security.

When the specials rate is near zero, a seller has little to gain lending money (at nearly no interest) to borrow the needed securities. Image
This suggests that market participants may have little incentive to break daisy chains and round robins when the specials rate for a security is near zero.

This aspect of the market is important to understanding the fails problem after September 11. Image
The specials rate for a security will be driven to its lower limit more frequently when the fed funds rate, and hence the general collateral rate, is lower. ImageImage
This follows because the gross compensation earned by a lender of securities at any given specials rate is the difference between the general collateral rate and the specials rate. Image
As shown in the following chart, the specials rate dropped by 200 -300 basis points, creating a disincentive to resolve short term, repo fails and creating a statistical flurry of fails. Image
The response of the Fed in bringing a new issue to the market at this time seems to have inadvertently (an assumption which should be challenged) been the source of continued lower “special rates” on the ten year note, and exacerbated the fail problem through the end of the year.
In the extended condition of a high level of settlement fails, it would require little effort to ‘statistically hide’ the settlement of the remaining $240 billion that may not have been cleared in the immediate aftermath.
The three week lull of fails in October could easily represent the 30 day short term refinancing of the debt.

As the debt came back to the market for permanent refinancing, a shortage of investors would result in more fails. Image
The critical perspective here is that in making the original paper on $240 Billion in covert notes disappear in the rubble of the World Trade Center, it would be implausible to refinance them in a few days without the financial world taking note.
Notes could conceivably be refinanced for 30 days in the repo market, and the final refinancing extended for weeks, possibly months.
There is a contention that at the core of the September 11th attack, someone was planning to cover the 1991 issuance of $240 billion in covert securities used to finance the collapse the Soviet Union.
The facts surrounding the financial aftermath of September 11 suggest this is not only possible, but that reports describing the aftermath have deliberately been misleading.
The US dollar money supply was significantly increased in the aftermath of 9/11;

The bank at the core of the illegal money laundering by ex-Soviet criminals was the source of the increased money supply (BoNY);
The generally disseminated rationale for BoNY’s operational problems seems to have affected no other bank in a similar manner or magnitude and is inconsistent with reports on the BoNY operations in the aftermath;
A key witness who might provide insight to these issues is a statistically aberrant death;

The source of the BoNY’s $330 billion increase in assets is cloaked under the privilege of “private banking;”
The only alleged “severe” disruption to the financial systems was the Federal Reserves account balance and the securities trading fails – both systems required to hide the laundering of $240 billion in covert securities.
This is not a ‘proof’ that $240 billion was laundered, but it provides probable cause for paying serious attention to V.K. Durham’s claim that it was indeed what happened.
When one looks deep enough into the murky cloud of black ops and secret financing – the world of Durham’s husband - her claims regarding 1991 and 2001 begin to gather credibility.


In 1999, ahead of Sept 2001, Steve Pieczenik says that he and his Reagan and HW Bush associates had “picked Putin” to replace Yeltsin as the leader of the Russian Federation.
Black Eagle Trust is not only about gold, most likely.

Perhaps the HW Bush and Reagan folks use gold, which existed and was taken, as cover for income from other "extra-curriculars" like narcotics or arms?

Mohammed Atta’s Affiliations with Western Intelligence

Finally, if one looks at the affiliations of the attack leader and financiers, one will see multiple linkages to US covert operations and U.S. intelligence allies.
Mohammed Atta, reportedly responsible for coordinating the attacks, trained his men and himself at the Huffman Aviation -Flight Training school.
That school was funded by Wally Hilliard, with Oryx Corporation.

Welcome to Terrorland: Mohammed Atta and the 9-11 Cover-Up in Florida, Daniel Hopsicker, 2004, pp 262-264. Image
Oryx was founded by Adnan Khashoggi and Sheik Kamal Adham, director of Saudi intelligence (1963-79).

Khashoggi was the individual that brokered the meeting between terrorists and the Yeltsin Family.

reteccp.org/primepage/2014… Image
Khashoggi was also extensively involved in the following Bush operations: October Surprise, Iran-Contra, Azerbaijan, Barrick Gold, Marcos Gold.
Mohammed Atta during his time in the U.S. remained a close friend of Wolfgang Bohringer, an apparent CIA agent.
Bohringer’s past and arrest is best summarized in: FBI Terror Alert in South Pacific for Wolfgang Bohringer/Terror Alert suspect fingered by Mohamed Atta's American girlfriend, Daniel Hopsicker.

madcowprod.com/2006/11/16/ter… Image
Hilliard, nominal owner of the training facility which acted as cover for the terrorists, is a significant investor in a small California defense/electronics company (Spatialight, Inc.) with Farhad Azima, another of the Iran-Contra/Azerbaijan group.
Azima’s role had been to coordinate air transportation for covert US intelligence operations for Iran-Contra and Azerbaijan.
Hilliard is reported as a close friend of CIA agent Mark Schubin, whose father was a KGB colonel.

Welcome to Terrorland: Mohammed Atta and the 9-11 Cover-Up in Florida, Daniel Hopsicker, 2004, pp 262-264.
Hilliard is also strongly linked to the Jeb Bush political machine in Florida, and has had his commercial transport operations endorsed by that group.

madcowprod.com/flight-school-… Image
Mohammad Atta, as can best be determined, received funding from three foreign intelligence agencies aligned with the US: Pakistan, Syria and Germany.

His father contended he actually worked for a fourth – the Mossad!
Director of the ISI (Pakistani) Intelligence (director-general Lt-Gen Mahmud Ahmad.

"Shaykh Sai'id (aka Mustafa Muhammad Ahmad)"


The week of September 11, General Mustafa Ahmad was meeting with Senator Bob Graham and Representative Porter Goss and Richard Armitage.

Both Graham and Goss would go on to co-chair the joint Senate-House 9/11 inquiry.
Gen Mahmud Ahmad was responsible for having $100,000 transferred to Mohammed Atta.


link.springer.com/book/10.1057/9… Image
While in Germany, Atta worked as an employee of Tatex Trading which was owned primarily by Mohamad Majed Said, a former head of Syria's General Intelligence Directorate
Tatex Trading has employed, at various times in the past 15 years, two Syrian-born German citizens… who are high on the list of Sept. 11 suspects...

Investigators also say Atta himself worked for a time at Tatex. Image
The origins of Tatex Trading itself have become of interest to investigators.

Tatex investor is Mohamad Majed Said, a former head of Syria's General Intelligence Directorate.

In coming to Germany, Atta was funded with a scholarship and employed as a tutor by an organization known as Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft.
The organization that apparently sponsored Atta’s travels was the Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft (its American component is the Carl Duisberg Society)—named for one of the principal figures in the founding of I.G. Farben.
News that Mohamed Atta had been on the payroll of an elite international program known as the ‘Congress-Bundestag Program first surfaced a month after the 9/11 attack in a brief seven-line report by German newspaper Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung on 10/18/2001 under the headline
‘Atta was Tutor for Scholarship Holders'

Atta had therefore been on the payroll of a joint U.S.-German government program was concealed by the newspaper through the simple expedient of neglecting to mention that the ‘Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft’ was merely a private entity Image
set up to administer an official U.S. and German government initiative.

Subsequent Internet reports linked the Carl Duisberg Society to administration by the U.S. Information Agency, but this had not been verified by any government documentation.
There are Internet reports that the scholarship was jointly funded by US A.I.D.

The more interesting aspect of Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft is that it’s Managing Director is Bernd Schleich, the same individual Image
who is Managing Director of InWEnt (Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung).


If one investigates the activities and research of InWEnt, it appears to be a commercial intelligence operation that does studies on such matters as
money-laundering, weapons trades, drug smuggling, and anthrax control in such places as South America, Central Asia and Africa.


dandc.eu/en/article/alu… ImageImageImage
Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft has a fellowship funded by Alpha Group, the Russian Bank represented in the U.S. by former George H. W. Bush administrators Ed Rogers and Lanny Griffith.


Lanny Griffith Image
Haley Barbour, Founding Partner of BGR Group, returned to BGR in January 2012 after serving two consecutive terms as Governor of Mississippi, including two years as the Chairman of the Republican Governors Association. Image
Gov. Barbour began his political career in 1968, dropping out of college to work on Richard Nixon’s presidential campaign; in 1976, after supporting Ronald Reagan for the GOP nomination, he ran Gerald Ford’s fall campaign in the Southeast. Image
In 1982, he ran for U.S. Senate in Mississippi but lost to incumbent John C. Stennis. Gov. Barbour later served as Political Director of the Reagan White House. In 1987, he founded the government affairs firm that became BGR Group.
Ed Rogers

BGR Group = HW Bush Intel guys

Recall Reagan was a useful idiot and HW Bush as his VP ran the show on foreign policy and intelligence. Image
Mohammed Atta’s father claimed his son was working for the Mossad.

"…(he) claimed that his son had called him two days after the attack, and described it as "a normal conversation."
Asked what country Muhammad had called from, he said, "The name of the country isn't written on the phone."

Asked where Muhammad was now, he said, "Ask Mossad."

[Muhammad Atta Sr is in the center of the media storm, Ashraf Khalil, cairotimes.com]
Supporting this view, Atta was reported as having left phone records of call to a company named “Virtual Prototypes.”

The Online Journal, Mohamed Atta Kept Terrorist E-List , Daniel Hopsicker, 4/24/2002
Virtual Prototypes Inc. would later change its name to eNGENUITY Technologies.

It seems as though the type of work done at eNGENUITY was of more interest to the Israeli government, than it might be of use to a group such as Al Qaeda, as the Israelis made significant purchases
from eNGENUITY three years later.

"Montreal, Canada - August 4, 2004 - eNGENUITY Technologies [TSX: EGY], a leading provider of solutions for the development of high-end visualization and simulation applications, today announced that the System Missile and Space Group of the
Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) MLM division has purchased multiple licenses of eNGENUITY’s STAGE Scenario toolkit to build training scenarios for IAI’s Air Operations C4I Suite (AOCS), an advanced air space monitoring system.”
Mohammed Atta would be discovered to be a legal business partner to Hassan Erroudani, who through the Moroccan American Chamber of Commerce would be associated with the Allied Media Group, a major recruiter for US Defense organization and private security firms. Image
Allied Media Group customers would include:

US Army
US Treasury
Department of Justice
Department of State
Young & Rubicam
Burson Marsteller
Atta and his sponsor’s were not jihadists.

As a “terrorist pilot” he spent his last year in the U.S. in the companionship of two CIA pilots (Schubin and Bhoringer).

He trained his team at a facility financed by a known financier for CIA operations (Khashoggi).
He was a business partner with a CIA recruiter (Hassan Erroudani).

He was funded by up to four pro-CIA intelligence agencies.

This completes the section on Mohammed Atta’s Affiliations with Western Intelligence. ImageImageImage
Let's back up to

Charity founders tied to Hamburg terror suspects

Nov 03, 2002

Chicago Tribune Image
Enaam Arnaout - executive director of the Benevolence International Foundation of Palos Hills, Ill

Shahir Abdulraouf Batterjee, the scion of a wealthy Saudi family who was an officer & director of Benevolence when it established its Palos Hills office nearly a decade ago [~1992] Image
Mazin Mohammad Bahareth - a top executive of the Bahareth Organization, a Saudi construction conglomerate, was listed as the foundation's treasurer.

A Triple-B Trading GmbH owner.
Triple-B Trading GmbH: a self-described import-export concern that does no apparent business and is headquartered in the tiny village of Rethwisch, about 60 miles from Hamburg's bustling port.
U.S. prosecutors say they have "an archive of incriminating documents" linking Benevolence International directly to Osama bin Laden and his terrorist organization, Al Qaeda, which was responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks. Image
According to Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft, among the foundation's "wealthy sponsors from Saudi Arabia" is another Batterjee family member, Adel Abdul Jalil Batterjee, Benevolence's original president.
An FBI affidavit filed in the Benevolence case describes Adel Batterjee, believed to be a first cousin of Shahir's, as "a wealthy Saudi Arabian national" who was "involved with the mujahedeen in Afghanistan" and is a personal associate of bin Laden.
Arnaout's conversations as captured by FBI wiretaps indicate that he and Adel Batterjee were in close contact before Arnaout was jailed on perjury charges in April.

Benevolence, founded in 1987, was incorporated in Illinois in 1992.
According to the Illinois secretary of state, Shahir and Adel Batterjee and Mazen Bahareth were listed as the foundation's incorporators and directors.

The third Triple-B partner, Hassan Bahfzallah, oversaw Benevolence's operations in Saudi Arabia in the early 1990s and is
listed as an official of three Islamic groups in northern Virginia that were raided last March by federal agents probing alleged ties to Al Qaeda, according to Rita Katz, a terrorism researcher at Washington-based SITE Institute.
When Benevolence filed its first annual report in Illinois, in February 1993, Adel Batterjee was listed as president and secretary, Bahareth was its treasurer, and Shahir Batterjee was named as a director.
When the 1994 annual report was filed, Bahareth and the Batterjees were no longer listed. Enaam Arnaout was president.
Shahir Batterjee, Adel Batterjee and Mazin Bahareth have not been charged in the Arnaout case, nor has Benevolence itself. The federal investigation of the charity is continuing.
German investigators say Mohammed Haydar Zammar has admitted to Syrian interrogators that he encouraged Mohamed Atta's group to travel to Afghanistan in November 1999, where it forged its deadly link with Al Qaeda. Image
Recall, in 1999, Steve Pieczenik says that he and his Reagan and HW Bush associates had “picked Putin” to replace Yeltsin as the leader of the Russian Federation.

Robert Hanssen’s indictment contained nothing about his activities between 1992 and 1999.
1999: Bankers Trust is acquired by Deutsche Bank.

In 1999 and 2000…IMU fighters were training and recruiting with Taliban forces in Afghanistan, where IMU leaders had established close connections.

By 2000, large groups of Chechen separatist rebels were training in Afghanistan under Taliban protection and building up military cooperation with the Taliban.

In other words, by the late 1990s, the Taliban and other Islamic militant groups aligned with the Taliban had taken over Solntsevskaya’s control of the narcotics trafficking business throughout Central Asia and the former Soviet states.

Between 1998 and 1999, a critical point at which the IMU was using its network of militants and its contacts with Chechen guerrillas to expand its narcotics sales, the production of opium in Afghanistan nearly doubled.

Bin Laden was a former CIA asset in Afghanistan in the 1980s.
Before I get too distracted, let's finish the Chicago Tribune article.

According to Tatari, Shahir Batterjee visits him in Hamburg "three or four" times each year, when he accompanies Batterjee on buying trips for German textiles that are exported to Saudi Arabia and used to Image
make women's underwear for sale in the family's garment shops.

Shahir Batterjee and Abdul-Matin Tatari and Hamed Al Barakati and textiles?

Arbat Prestige - provides another means to connect Itera and Enron.

Relation between textiles & cosmetics?

They come for health?

Tatari referring to young girls or narcotics?

Something else?

What medical equipment? Image
Need to think about the relation between textiles and cosmetics and ponder some guesses to then think about.

Was CIA setting up and working with Lauder to provide competition to companies because those competitors were laundering so CIA wanted to take away their "front" for

That is simplistic and I am distracted at the moment.

Let's continue the Chicago Tribune article. Image

In 1996, the US government pressured Sudan to expel Osama bin Ladin and HW Bush / Reagan era CIA folks chartered a plane to bring bin Ladin back to Afghanistan to join the fight against the Taliban for control of Afghanistan.
It was the CIA’s proxy allies, the Mujahideen, who chartered the plane to fly Osama bin Ladin back to Afghanistan.

Osama bin Ladin aligned himself with the Taliban, after the Taliban defeated Mujahideen for control of Afghanistan.

Bin Laden spent five years in the Sudan before being expelled in 1996.

Important historical context:
After the defeat of the Soviets in Afghanistan, bin Ladin briefly moved back to Saudi Arabia.

But then he ended up moving to Sudan in 1992 before being expelled in 1996 back to Afghanistan.

The 1996 move of bin Laden out of Sudan seems like a battle of intel case officers from HW Bush / Reagan era with folks from Clinton Admin who were already pissed with Jimmy Carter admin taking away some power from these intel guys.

This battle of
intel agendas within the US Gov could be the impetus (among others) for the HW Bush and Reagan era folks to install W Bush by legislative coup by 2000.

What did John Ashcroft know in 2000?
With this interpretation of events, one could view this cohort from HW Bush / Reagan that installed W Bush by legislative coup as the same Vulcans who installed Manchurian Candidate Trump by tinkering in 2016 after having been angry with Obama's 8 years and the Obama decision
on the UN sanctions on Iran.

These vulcans from HW Bush must tell themselves their actions are all in the name of "protecting the country," but these guys are out of control and seem to do more harm than good.
History has many interpretations, and this analysis has been just one of many – an interpretation pieced together from the bold admissions and revelations of insiders, whose stories have been ignored and suppressed by the major media organizations.
It is an interpretation of history that suggests a few determined men strove to change the world in defense of western capitalism in ways which they felt needed to be hidden from the public.
Whatever emotion or logic that was adequate to cause them to hide their actions from the public was not strong enough to prevent them from committing the acts.
In changing the world, crimes were committed for the good of the American public, without the American public having a say in what it thought was in its best interest.

In a Democracy, that cannot be the status quo.
To cover-up these crimes, thousands of innocent people had to be murdered.

Hundreds of thousands of people across the globe have been subjected to the terrors of wars funded by this operation.
The ‘few good men’ responsible for these events make sure no one knows who is responsible, because in their hearts, they know that what they do is not acceptable to the American public.

The alleged statements by Bush and Reagan are testimony to that point:
Sarah McClendon: "What will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra?"

George H. W. Bush: "Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they will chase us down the streets and lynch us."
Reportedly to journalist Sarah McClendon (December 1992), in response to a question about Iraq-gate and the Iran-Contra Affair.

Though widely quoted as being from McClendon's newsletter of either June or December 1992, no firm confirmation or reliable citation of a published
source of this statement has yet been located.

“If such a story gets out, we’ll all be hanging by our thumbs in front of the WhiteHouse….”

Casey: The Lives and Secrets of William J. Casey From OSS to the CIA, Joseph E. Persico, Penguin Books, 1990, p. 401. Image
I suppose the HW Bush, Reagan, Nixon folks think it might be fair to rationalize their crimes as collateral damage in a war to preserve the American standard of living, and that because they risk their lives to serve the American public, they are ‘entitled’ to reap the spoils
of war.

And the GOP talks about 'entitlement."


If thousands had to die to enrich the life and secure liberty for millions, is that not an acceptable sacrifice, they must ponder?
It might also be fair to suggest that these agents are nothing more than a criminal association of sociopaths and psychopaths, out to enrich themselves by means of violence, and who have murdered thousands, destroyed the livelihoods of tens of thousands, and caused endless
misery, pain and death for millions in foreign lands.

As a brotherhood always at war, they live under a motto of ‘results at any cost’ and they spin a web of deceit which allows the American public to tolerate their crimes.

Given the Reagan tax changes, we know this cabal for
capitalism, which means, for socialism for themselves, and capitalism for you, is full of shit.

It might be fair to view the politicians who use them as ‘realists,’ who accept the existence of both kinds of men, and use them to preserve and protect the American public,
and like generals in war, be forced to make the ‘hard decisions’ on behalf of the citizenry.

But I think not.
It might also be fair to view the politicians as ‘opportunists’ who use the agents for their own personal gain.

Most of these politicians made their fortunes by capitalizing on the death and misery of war which they forced others into unwillingly, and through deception.
They have insider trading knowledge of secret funds that in actuality belong to the American public, and unlimited personal access to those funds.
Regardless of any personal interpretation, the process for ascertaining truth which has held consistent with the values of the American public has been a trial by jury, where the prosecutors and defense abide by the law to conduct a fair and impartial hearings of the facts.
This analysis is based on hearsay evidence, and as a result, proves nothing.

If the Deep State was good a deceiving, would that not be all one can do?

Hopefully, what it does is define hypotheses to be proven by subsequent archive research.
Americans had a chance in the 1980s to set the system straight, to enforce the law and prosecute those responsible for the Iran-Contra crimes.

Americans could have sent a message that criminal behavior by its leaders is unacceptable.
By not stopping this organization at that time, Congress and the American public allowed this criminal syndicate of American ‘heroes’ to continue to wreak even more havoc on the world in the name of the American public.
This assault on the Constitution, freedom, democracy, the Geneva Convention, and the rule of domestic and international law has continued unabated for over 60 years.

By refusing to re-open the widely discredited inquiry called the 9/11 Commission, and by refusing to address
the covert funding that feeds this syndicate without accountability, the Congress seemingly becomes co-conspirator to past and future crimes.
Ronald Reagan: “….America will never make concessions to terrorists; to do so would only invite more terrorism."

Sound like W Bush? Both influenced and ran by HW Bush?
Reagan: "Once we head down that path, there would be no end to it, no end to the suffering of innocent people, no end to the bloody ransom all civilized nations must pay.”
Casey: The Lives and Secrets of William J. Casey From OSS to the CIA, Joseph E. Persico, Penguin Books, 1990, p. 448.
Before his death, Erle Cocke testified that he thought the whole operation had become too big for anyone to determine how to bring closure to it, and that those who wanted to see it ended just gave up.
Given the thousands of people who have been murdered to keep this secret, and given the way witnesses that could implicate this group are treated, maybe those that gave up were encouraged to do so.

Two questions remain:
Does the American public want to bring an end to this covert war, and

Is there a way to bring this to closure?
Two American Presidents – Kennedy and Carter – tried to bring this organization under control, and both were beaten by the machine.

Clinton may have been compromised from the start by the Deep State of HW Bush, Reagan, Nixon.
Donald Trump is a part of this Deep State of Vulcans, despite trying to make you believe otherwise.

Hopefully, the lessons of their shortcomings will provide success in a third attempt.
The conclusion that never concludes.

Germany had 45% of the worldwide wholesale insurance industry before the war began and managed to actually expand its business as it conquered continental Europe. Image
As wholesalers, or “reinsurers,” these companies covered other insurers against a catastrophic loss that could wipe out a single company. In the process, the wholesaler learned everything about the lives and property they were reinsuring.
The men behind the insurance unit were OSS head William “Wild Bill” Donovan and California-born insurance magnate Cornelius V. Starr.

Starr had started out selling insurance to Chinese in Shanghai in 1919 and, over the next 50 years, Image
would build what is now American International Group, one of the biggest insurance companies in the world. He was forced to move his operation to New York in 1939, when Japan invaded China.
When you recognize the OSS-to-CIA used insurance information as a weapon of war, you might also realize the reason this cabal of men took to NY Gov Eliot Spitzer.

They didn't care about his GFE time.

They feared uncovering past intel ops at AIG.

Back to the cast of characters from 9/11.

Bohringer’s status as pilot for Viktor Kozeny reinforces the contention he is CIA, as Kozeny has multiple indications he was an agent for Western Intelligence:

Kozeny received funding for his Azerbaijan bribery and money laundering
efforts to purchase SOCAR, the Azerbaijan State Oil Company, from AIG.

AIG has been, since WWII, a major CIA intelligence operation.

History records that the OSS learned that in the 1940’s that the Nazis owned 45% of the world’s insurance companies, and used the
background files from these companies to plan their espionage and bombing raids.

We just covered this with the LA Times article above.

With this lesson, when William ‘Wild Bill’ Dovovan created the CIA, part of his legacy was an extensive partnership with AIG.
Kozeny’s contact at AIG was Frank Gardiner Wisner.


Capturing the Pirate of Prague, Rob Urban and David Glovin, International Eurasian Institute for Economic and Political Research, Bloomberg Markets, February 23, 2006
Frank G Wisner was head of Office of Strategic Services operations in southeastern Europe at the end of World War II, and the head of the Directorate of Plans of the Central Intelligence Agency during the 1950s.
One of Kozeny’s key promoters was Senator George John Mitchell Jr.


Mitchell had served in the U.S. Army Counter-Intelligence Corps from 1954 until 1956, and later served on the Iran-Contra Senate Hearings and while challenging some of Oliver North’s Image
assumptions about patriotism, inevitably supported the conclusions of the committee.

Mitchell served as Senate Majority Leader from 1989 to 1995.

Additionally, under his leadership, the Senate approved the North American Free Trade Agreement and the formation of the
World Trade Organization.

Clinton had a Deep State case officer in the Senate who was a Democrat, but sympathetic to the GOP cabal that ran the show.

In 1994, George Mitchell turned down an offer of appointment by President Bill Clinton to the United States Supreme Court,
to replace the retiring Harry A. Blackmun so that he could continue helping with efforts in the Senate to pass significant health-care legislation.

The seat ultimately went to Stephen Breyer who just retired and was replaced by KBJ, appointed by Joe Biden.
Mitchell has served as a director of companies including Walt Disney Company; FedEx; Xerox; Unilever; Staples, Inc.; Starwood; and the Boston Red Sox baseball team.
Mitchell was reportedly among those considered by Al Gore as a running mate for his 2000 presidential run, but Gore selected Joe Lieberman.
Had Mitchell been nominated and had the Democratic ticket won that year, he would have been the first Lebanese American to serve as the Vice President of the United States, and only the second Vice President from Maine, after Hannibal Hamlin.
He also was mentioned in both 2000 and in 2004 as a potential Secretary of State for a Democratic administration, due to his role as Senate Leader and the Good Friday agreements.
Mitchell led an American fact-finding commission initiated under President Bill Clinton in 2000 intended to find solutions for solving the situation between Israel and the Palestinians.
Mitchell's report, published in 2001, stressed the need for Israel to halt the expansion of its settlements in the Palestinian territories and for the Palestinians to prevent violence.
Interest in the report was renewed when Mitchell was named Special Envoy for Middle East Peace in 2009.

On March 4, 2004, Disney's board of directors, on which Mitchell had served since 1995, named him Michael Eisner's replacement as Chairman of the Board
Does this have anything to do with Ron DeSantis fake war with Disney?

Having already served on the boards of companies including Xerox, Starwood, FedEx, and Staples, Inc., Mitchell assumed his new role at a particularly tumultuous time in the company's history, needing to face
such issues as Comcast's hostile takeover attempts and a possible split with Pixar.

Mitchell played an important role in the selection of Robert A. Iger as Eisner's successor as CEO in 2005.
On June 28, 2006, Disney announced that its board had elected one of its members, John Pepper Jr., former CEO of Procter & Gamble, to replace Mitchell as chairman effective January 1, 2007.
On January 22, 2009, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appointed Mitchell as the administration's Special Envoy to the Arab-Israeli peace process, formally known as the "Special Envoy for Middle East Peace".
Within the first week of his appointment, Mitchell was dispatched to visit Israel, the West Bank, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia for peace discussions in light of the 2008-09 Gaza War between Israel and the Gaza Strip, in which both sides had recently entered into
unilateral ceasefires. Mitchell began his meetings in Cairo on January 27, and Obama said his visit was part of the president's campaign promise to listen to both sides of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and negotiate a peace deal.
However, in a continuation of a George W. Bush administration policy, Mitchell did not plan to talk to Hamas, a group Israel and the United States consider a terrorist organization, but instead focus on talks with the Palestinian National Authority.
Mitchell first met with new Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in February 2009 and has met with many notable figures of the Middle East since.
On May 13, 2011, George Mitchell tendered his resignation from the post of Special Envoy to the Middle East.

Next up, Jared Kushner was given the Middle East under Manchurian Candidate Trump, and screw up US Policy in the middle east.
Back to Viktor Kozeny.

When Kozeny and his investment ‘partners’ were brought to US court for money laundering and bribery, Judge Shira A. Scheindlin dismissed most of the charges.
[see Federal Prosecutors Hope To Revive Oil Bribery Case, Free Internet Press, 2007-08-23].

Scheindlin is the same judge that dismissed charges against Osama Awadallah, who was an associate of the two San Diego based September 11 terrorists.
Her ruling prevented the FBI from collecting information on the two terrorists.

Kozeny was initially funded by loans from Alpha Bank, which is represented in the US by ex-Bush administrators Lanny Griffith and Ed Rogers of Barbour, Griffith and Rogers
Kozeny used his scam proceeds to repay Alpha Bank.

It is of related note that Alpha Bank funds a fellowship for Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft, which also funded Mohammed Atta’s entrance to Germany.
Robert M. Morgenthau was the guy that charged Viktor Kozeny, who was CIA!

Trump likes Robert Morgenthau.


Leonid Reiman, a powerful member of Russia's cabinet and close ally of President Vladimir Putin, uses a Washington public-relations consultant. Image
Mr. Reiman is under federal investigation in the U.S. over money laundering and is locked in a high-stakes battle with Moscow conglomerate Alfa for control of a Russian telecommunications empire. Image
Alfa has paid Barbour Griffith & Rogers -- the influential lobbying firm co-founded by Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour -- nearly $2 million in lobbying fees. Image
Paul Manafort, a former adviser to Mr. Dole's presidential campaign, has advised a Ukrainian metals billionaire and his close political ally, Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich.
Mr. Yanukovich, who favors closer ties with Mr. Putin's administration, is embroiled in a power struggle with pro-Western Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko. Image
HW Bush / Reagan era Deep State crooks like Haley Barbour, Ed Rogers, and Lanny Griffith perhaps were eager to see Manchurian Candidate Trump in the White House? Image
The thread did begin by asserting Fox News was set up by Reagan / HW Bush folks as a propaganda machine.

Sometimes, Trumpian Deep State wannabes Jim Jordan and Mike Turner take their propaganda to CBS.

The Nixon to Reagan & HW Bush Deep State cabal of men viewed W Bush as a dopey guy, amenable to their inputs.

They viewed Trump as a Manchurian Candidate, amenable to taking direction.

They prevented H R Clinton and favored Trump because they can mold

a Manchurian Candidate like Trump.

James Addison Baker III is 92 and still alive.

George HW Bush was alive in 2016, passing Nov 30, 2018.

George H.W. Bush and former Secretary of State James A. Baker III were among those who gathered in Jan 2016 near a bridge over
Buffalo Bayou to dedicate the span in honor of Robert A. Mosbacher Sr., the late oilman who was a top GOP fundraiser & served as Bush's commerce secretary.

This cabal had to take back control following 8 years of Obama and the relief provided to Iran over the strict UN sanctions
that was the W Bush / Cheney Plan B to squeeze Iran into being a cooperative narcotics trafficking partner.

But perhaps the HW Bush cabal were equally matched by a cabal of guys from UAE, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Russia, etc eager to do "business" with Trump / Kushner.
William P Barr is part of the Vulcans.

Russia interfered in 2016 in "sweeping and systematic fashion," but perhaps the HW Bush Deep State also tinkered to tilt things for Trump?

Would the HW Bush Intel folks think they could steer the Manchurian Candidate and
be willing to tilt the scales for him, when the alternative was HRC?

I think, yes, they would.

This same cabal of men favored Putin by 1999.

Steve Pieczenik says that he and his Reagan and HW Bush associates had “picked Putin” to replace Yeltsin.

Yes, I think the American
side of HW Bush, Reagan, Nixon if they were alive, cabal of Vulcans would have installed Donald Trump over HRC.

Jeb Bush is perhaps among the guys giving Trump the idea to invade and bomb Mexico?

Sydney Powell, Pat Cipollone, and Robert Mueller serve the Reagan and HW Bush Deep State.

Garland DOJ will not sanction Powell.

This domestic Deep State cabal will permit their Manchurian Candidate to declare war with state and local prosecutor's because they all have secrets.

In the early 2000s just before America was forced to have W Bush installed by legislative coup, US real estate prices started to rise.

Greenspan had been used by the HW Bush Deep State to tank the Ruble.

On September 11, 1991, President George HW Bush was responsible for Image
issuing $240 billion dollars in secretive bonds as a part of this attack on the Ruble.

Ten years later, Greenspan Rate cut domestic rates, in 2001, and ushered in an unprecedented era of low borrowing costs.

Fed Funds Rate was 5-6% before 2000.
But after 2000, it has averaged only 1.0% for the last 20 years.

The Deep State cabal was waging financial wars but perhaps didn't understand what the impact would be domestically.

Or they did know and did not care?

This Deep State that put Greenspan at the Fed also Image
placed J Powell at the Fed.

Home Prices are elevated relative to income.

Housing Units relative to Population is historically high.

This cabal of Vulcan's screws up domestic finance for the bottom 90%.
Alito, like Kavanaugh and Roberts, is a Deep State SCOTUS Justice.

Justice Alito's assertion that the Biden administration would not follow a legitimate order from the Court is projection for how the Deep State of Nixon, Reagan, HW Bush operates - outside laws. Image
In America, Charles Flynn serves as commanding general of United States Army Pacific since June 4, 2021.

Which leads me to think either Biden is "sleepy Joe," or in a fucked up way, Mike Flynn serves a GOP Deep State that Biden partners with.

Trump talking about Mike Flynn getting a cabinet role should he return to power.

Does the GOP cabal from HW Bush and Reagan find itself aligned with Trump and Flynn?

Did the Reagan and HW Bush Vulcan's have a deal with Putin to permit taking Ukraine in exchange for oil and gas partnerships in the arctic?

This vulcan bunch did place Rex Tillerson, former CEO of Exxon into Trump admin in 2017, presumably to be point person for oil & gas deals.
However, not sure the HW Bush and Reagan guys had full control over their Manchurian Candidate, as Tillerson and Mattis couldn't reel in Trump.
As climate change warms the planet and the oil, gas, and other resources under the arctic shelf become less costly to extract, the HW Bush and Reagan Vulcans would be looking to partner with Putin (or maybe replace him with a more willing partner).

They see a Green New Deal as
a threat to their oil and gas wealth.

My guess is this cabal was willing to partner with Putin for resource extraction in the arctic by granting Putin pieces of Ukraine.
Musk is possibly a product of the Nixon to Reagan and HW Bush to W Bush Deep State, like Peter Thiel.

These guys are into eugenics and white religious nationalism.

And against wealth and death taxes as they want their blood line to rule earth.

And these people are fine with fewer than 8% of the population owning > 90% of the wealth.

HW Bush launched an attack on the Ruble on Sept 11, 1991.

They tried again in 1998 to go to financial war with Russia but went so far they then had to engineer a bail out.

In Dec 1998, Deutsche Bank A.G. bailed out Bankers Trust Corporation.
January 1998 is when Alvin B. Krongard leaves BT-ABS to join the CIA.

Henry W. Vinson, at the age of 26, owned and operated a gay escort service in Washington DC (the largest in the area at one point).

It serviced "many US senators, state senators and congressmen".

“I felt a potential risk to my life was CIA Director William Casey's patronage of my escort service."

The Washington Times reported that Casey attended parties at Craig Spence's house, and that Casey and Spence were "friends", but its reporters weren't aware that their Image
friendship had a common denominator that entailed procuring gay escorts from me.

William Casey started to phone me for gay escorts in 1986.

Like Barney Frank, his preferred escort was an eighteen-year-old with minimal body hair and a slender swimmer's physique.
Although he requested that I supply him with underage escorts, I told him that I wouldn't acquiesce to that request.”

Henry Vinson  (2015)
“I've also found it rather interesting that some of the individuals who played an instrumental role in either ensuring or abetting my silence have experienced remarkable upward mobility."

Henry Vinson (2015)

For example, Jay Stephens, the U.S. Attorney for the
District of Columbia, whose office oversaw the corrupt grand jury that walloped me with a potential sentence of 295 years, was appointed United States Associate Attorney General by President George W. Bush in 2001.
But Associate Attorney General proved to be a two-year pit stop for Stephens, because in 2002 he became vice president of Raytheon Corporation.

[My defence attorney] Greta Van Susteren has experienced a sharp upward trajectory since I was initially imprisoned, said Vinson.
Shortly after, Van Susteren started co-hosting CNN's Burden of Proof.

Greta made her vaunted leap to FOX in 2002, where she's been transformed into a media superstar.

This thread began with the assertion that Fox began as a CIA Propaganda machine by HW Bush / Reagan admins.
Greta Conway Van Susteren is now at Newsmax TV like Emerald Robinson was until 2021.

Funny Roger Stone taunts Ron DeSantis with Emerald.
Craig J. Spence was a US deep state actor implicated in the US VIPaedophile affair.

He was connected to the Franklin child prostitution ring and also reportedly ran a Washington DC based call-boy service.

He died suddenly before he could testify.

It was ruled a suicide. Image
Where do you think the Flynn connected Pizzagate QAnon inspiration came from?

VIPaedophile (US spelling VIPedophile) concerns the use of child sexual abuse against senior politicians, judiciary, lawyers and other people in order to control them by sexual blackmail.
This has been a staple statecraft methods used by well resourced deep state groups such as intelligence agencies.

David McGowan, an early researcher into the topic, coined the term "The Pedophocracy" to refer to the phenomenon.
This topic was partial exposed by the Jeffrey Epstein affair and the posthumous exposure of Jimmy Saville, but remains a third rail.

Paedophilia has a long history of use by the US deep state to facilitate covert control, especially of politicians, police and the judiciary.
What do you think is going on in Missouri?


There is a thread of GOP paedophiles somewhere.

Henry Vinson, owner and operator of the largest gay escort service in Washington DC, described a person looking a lot like Barr in his book Confessions of a D.C. Madam:
“As I sat down, Spence seated himself on the chocolate sofa next to a man in his late fifties, who had balding black hair and brown, round-framed glasses.

He wore a blue, pinstripe suit, white shirt and a red tie.

A miniature U.S. flag was pinned on his lapel.
Spence introduced the man to me by name and also disclosed his title.

He was in the administration of George H.W. Bush.

I feel that the Bush administration had decided to pull out a big gun to eradicate any traces of Gregg's affinity for gay escorts, because Gregg had been so
instrumental in Iran Contra and because he was en route to becoming the United States Ambassador to South Korea.

Spence had dropped the name of the cabinet member months earlier, when he revealed that he routinely provided him with adolescent boys.”
Henry Vinson was implicating Donald P. Gregg as using his gay escort service and asserting William P Barr was the big gun brought out to silence Vinson over Gregg.

Donald P. Gregg in 1951 began a career of more than 30 years with the Central Intelligence Agency.

That service included several overseas postings, including a tour in South Vietnam during the war.
In 1979 Gregg was detailed by the CIA to the National Security Council staff, where his responsibilities included Asian affairs and intelligence matters.

Following the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, the new Administration requested that Gregg remain at the NSC.
Until 1982, Gregg headed the NSC's Intelligence Directorate.

In August 1982, he resigned from the CIA and accepted the position of national security adviser to Vice President George Bush, holding that position until the end of the Reagan Administration.

Recall, HW Bush
had the power from an EO Reagan signed.

Reagan was, like Trump, just their useful idiot.

In early 1989, President HW Bush nominated Gregg to be U.S. ambassador to the Republic of South Korea.
Gregg was confirmed by the Senate for this position on September 12, 1989, and served as ambassador until 1993.

During the Vietnam War, Gregg supervised CIA officer Felix Rodriguez and they kept in contact following the war.
Gregg introduced Rodriguez to Vice President Bush in January 1985, and Rodriguez met with the Vice President again in Washington, D.C., in May 1986.

He also met Vice President Bush briefly in Miami on May 20, 1986.
As a teenager, Rodriguez had participated in the ill-fated Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba and remained, following that debacle, an ardent anti-communist.

In 1985 and 1986, Rodriguez worked out of the Ilopango air base in El Salvador, where he assisted the Salvadoran Air Force in
anti-guerrilla counterinsurgency tactics.

In late 1985 and during 1986, Rodriguez -- whose alias was ``Max Gomez'' -- became increasingly involved in the contra-resupply effort that was based at Ilopango at that time.
Because of Rodriguez's close association with General Juan Bustillo, who headed the Salvadoran Air Force, Rodriguez was vital to Lt. Col. Oliver L. North's contra-resupply operation by coordinating flights based at Ilopango.
Following the shootdown of the contra-resupply aircraft carrying American Eugene Hasenfus on October 5, 1986, Rodriguez became a center of public and congressional attention.

Because of Rodriguez's close friendship with Gregg and his three personal meetings with
Vice President HW Bush, questions arose whether the contra-resupply operation was being directed by Gregg through Rodriguez.

Questions also arose about when the Vice President's office became aware of Rodriguez's and North's active participation in the contra-resupply
operation at Ilopango.

Both Gregg and his deputy, Col. Samuel J. Watson III, were investigated for possible false testimony regarding their denial of knowledge of Rodriguez's involvement in North's contra-resupply operation.
OIC obtained Watson's immunized testimony in an effort to further its investigation.

Despite unresolved conflicts between documentary evidence and the testimony of the principal witnesses, OIC determined that it could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt a criminal case
against Gregg.

Gregg, Rodriguez and North

When Gregg assumed his position as assistant to the Vice President for national security affairs in August 1982, he consciously disassociated himself from former colleagues with whom he had worked during his CIA career.
The exception to that rule was Felix Rodriguez.

Gregg testified: ``. . . I have made it a conscious decision really not to reach back into that part of my life to bring other people forward.

Felix is the only exception I have made to that.''
Gregg lost track of Rodriguez for a period of time after Vietnam and did not see him until the early 1980s, when Rodriguez came to Washington sporadically and talked with Gregg about old times.
Gregg was not certain what Rodriguez was doing at that time, and he did not inquire; however, they remained friends.
William Barr was US Attorney General at the time of the Epstein affair.

Barr's father, Donald Barr, was headmaster at the elite Dalton School from 1964 to 1974.

During his time as Dalton's headmaster, Barr hired Epstein as a math teacher despite the fact that Epstein had
failed to complete his degree and was only 21 years old at the time.

In 1973, Donald Barr published Space Relations, a science fiction novel about a planet ruled by oligarchs who engage in child sex slavery. Image
William Barr ordered the prison governor, Lamine N'Diaye, be reassigned to a desk post at the Bureau of Prisons' regional office in Pennsylvania.

However, it was revealed in January 2020 that he was instead assigned to a "top job" at FCI Fort Dix, a low-security prison in Burlington County, New Jersey. Image
Lamine N'Diaye, the warden who ran the federal jail where Jeffrey Epstein killed himself was allowed to quietly retire from the Bureau of Prisons in February 2022.
Corporate media uses psychological tactics to attract more viewers.

The tactics have become a standard set of rules how to present articles, to make sure politicians and their special interest groups can influence the public's opinion more easily and quickly.
People often neglect the idea that the news on their favorite channel is biased with a reason as it fits their personal opinion.

Fox, for example, engages the public with rules and stylistic choices when presenting the news with the aim of more traffic to their outlet.
These rules aren't purely market-driven as Operation Mockingbird and the media engagement rules of the Institute for Statecraft have shown.

Media manipulation by partisans is as old as the Middle Ages, but the creation of standardized rules to do it by (hidden) special
interests group(s) has only been around since the worldwide rise of TV in the mid 1900s.

Operation Mockingbird was a CIA project started in the early 1950s to control the corporate media.

Operation Mockingbird began in 1950, organized by Allen Dulles and Cord Meyer.
The CIA spent today's equivalent of one billion dollars a year hiring journalists from Corporate Media including CBS, The New York Times, ABC, NBC, Newsweek, Associated Press and others, to promote their point of view.
The original operation reportedly involved some 3,000 CIA operatives and hired over 400 journalists.

Cord Meyer tried but failed to suppress publication of Alfred McCoy's 1972 book, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, an early expose of CIA Drug Trafficking.
In January 2004, E. Howard Hunt gave a taped interview claiming that Lyndon Johnson instigated the JFK assassination, and that the key organizers were Cord Meyer, David Atlee Phillips, David Sánchez Morales and Frank Sturgis.
Mark Gorton states that Meyer was in charge of the cover up operation.

Cord Meyer's wife, Mary Pinchot Meyer, was shot dead in 1964 as she walked along the towpath of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal in Georgetown.
The crime remains unsolved.

After her death, Mrs. Meyer's sister and brother-in-law said they saw the top C.I.A. counterintelligence officer, James Jesus Angleton try to break into her home and take her diary, which was never publicly released.
IOW, CIA officers saw Meyer's wife as a threat and feared her diary.

Raymond Crump was tried for her murder, and on 29th July, 1965, acquitted by judge Howard Corcoran (brother of Tommy Corcoran, a close friend of Lyndon B. Johnson) who appears to have conspired to avoid
mention of the CIA in his courtroom.

Peter Janney argues: "There were rumblings swirling all over Washington and elsewhere about CIA involvement in President Kennedy's assassination, and Corcoran likely sought to steer clear of any mention of the Agency altogether."
James Jesus Angleton was employed by CIA counterintelligence for three decades. Image
Angleton once explained to Paul Craig Roberts that “Intelligence Agencies create stories inside stories, each with its carefully constructed trail of evidence, in order to create false trails as diversions.”
Angleton was described in the BBC Timewatch on Operation Gladio by Oswald LeWinter as a "sort of a professional paranoiac... a fellow who felt, that you couldn't trust anybody".
The CIA's best-known proprietaries were Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, both established in the early 1950s.

The corporate structures of these two stations served as something of a prototype for other agency proprietaries.
Each functioned under the cover provided by a board of directors made up of prominent Americans, who in the case of RFE incorporated as the National Committee for a Free Europe and in the case of RL as the American Committee for Liberation.
But CIA officers in the key management positions at the stations made all the important decisions regarding the programming and operations of the stations.
Until February 1976, when it announced a new policy toward U.S. media personnel, the CIA 'maintained covert relationships with about 50 American journalists or employees of U.S. media organizations. ImageImage
On February 11, 1976, the CIA announced new guidelines governing its relationship with U.S. media organizations.

Except, Fox News.

"Effective immediately, CIA will not enter into any paid or contractual relationship with any full-time or part-time news correspondent
accredited by any U.S. news service, newspaper, periodical, radio or television network or station."

Of the approximately 50. U.S. journalists or personnel of U.S. media organizations who were employed by the CIA or maintained some other covert relationship with the CIA at
the time of the announcement, fewer than one-half would be terminated under the new CIA guidelines.

By this stage, the deep state had offshored its key operations so international working relations stemming from international deep state milieux already meant that this policy,
even if followed, was effectively meaningless as an operational restriction.

Deep state milieux are environments that reflect the patriarchal Western societies from which they usually arise - they are typically full of older Caucasian men.
The first Bilderberg, for example, was exclusively male.

However, since about 2000, Bilderberg was the subject of intense efforts at exposure by independent online activists.
It now publishes a guest list just before each meeting and is mentioned reliably in commercially-controlled media, albeit uncritically.

In response to a lawsuit by MuckRock, the CIA published more than 12 million pages of declassified documents online, many of which revealed working closely with corporate media.

Tucker, Sean, Laura = Deep State actor's.
George Carlin:

Smug, greedy, well-fed white people have invented a language to conceal their sins.

It's as simple as that.

The CIA doesn't kill anybody anymore, they neutralize people, or they depopulate the area.

The government doesn't lie, it engages in disinformation.
The Pentagon actually measures nuclear radiation in something they call sunshine units.

Israeli murderers are called commandos, Arab commandos are called terrorists.

Contra killers are called freedom fighters.
Well, if crime fighters fight crime, and firefighters fight fires, what do freedom fighters fight?
Bill Casey was one of the key men in the acquisition of media after WW2.

It was one of his proteges (a young German immigrant to the US) who was sent back to Germany after the war to take over Bertelsmann and build it up.
Rupert Murdoch was very tight with Theodore Shackley, which is how he got launched on his global acquisitions and had taken over the WSJ.
Murdoch was running a failed national newspaper in Australia while Shackley was station chief in Oz.

Pointer to start of thread:

Then suddenly Murdoch becomes a US citizen literally overnight and goes on an endless buying spree.

Give me a break.

Shackley's pockets were infinitely deep.

At the time, Murdoch was facing the likely closure of his newspaper The Australian.
His ticket out was Shackley.

This also explains why Murdoch was allowed to break all the rules in acquisition of media in America.

Murdoch was aligned with CIA.

Probably Robert Maxwell was CIA / Mossad too, but when CIA could not keep Maxwell under its control, well, he falls off a boat.

Other Intel agencies were competing for influence over Maxwell too.

That's how we might think about Donald J Trump.
The job of Fox propaganda is, among other things, controlling the narrative.

This is an important method of mind control and propaganda.

It is an important component of statecraft and media logic.

Certain perspectives, are so toxic to the official narrative promoted by
big media, that they must be expunged as quickly as possible to narrow the Overton window to the desired alternatives.

The Overton Window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time.
It is also known as the window of discourse.

The term is named after Joseph P. Overton, who stated that an idea's political viability depends mainly on whether it falls within this range, rather than on politicians' individual preferences.
A two-party duopoly permits a manageable Overton window.

Topics about which no official narrative exists are called third rail topics, and professionals in the commercially-controlled media know not to touch them.
Perhaps mainstream D and R candidates that are presented as a choice in primaries are really just puppets, themselves manipulated?
The Overton Window frames the range of policies that a politician can recommend without appearing too extreme to gain or keep public office given the climate of public opinion at that time.

Noam Chomsky said in 1998:

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views."
"That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate."
When Trump rails against a Deep State, he's talking about the people from state dept and elsewhere not GOP aligned with him.

The 7th Floor Group was a US deep state faction made up of US State Department officials. Image
Over the years, the term has been used for the State Department leadership.

The FBI mentioned a group referred to as The "Shadow Government" inside the State Department, exposed in Autumn 2016, and which briefly attracted the attention of commercially-controlled media.
They met regularly on the 7th floor of the Harry S. Truman Building in Washington, DC.

The Seventh floor is where the Directors conference room is in the CIA headquarters in Langley.

Casual references to the seventh floor and meeting senior leadership there are found in 2002,
and the 7th floor is presumably an internal phrase meaning the leadership.

The group appears to have been disbanded by Donald Trump's administration.

On 17 February 2017, CBS reported that "Much of seventh-floor staff, who work for the Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources and the Counselor offices, were told today that their services were no longer needed."
The 7th floor group, part of the Clinton network, started running a series of “deputies meetings” from July 2016 onwards, until closer to the election.

As Election Day approached Susan Rice, Avril Haines and White House homeland-security adviser Lisa Monaco convened meetings in the White House Situation Room "to weigh the mounting evidence of Russian interference and generate options for how to respond."

At first, only four senior security officials were allowed to attend:CIA director John Brennan, Director of national intelligence James R. Clapper, Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch and FBI Director James B. Comey.
Aides ordinarily allowed entry as “plus-ones” were barred.

Gradually, the circle widened to include Vice President Joe Biden and others.

Agendas were sent to Cabinet secretaries — including John F. Kerry at the State Department and Ashton B. Carter at the Pentagon.
President Obama’s former acting CIA chief Michael Morrell published a hearty endorsement of Clinton in the New York Times and claimed “Putin ha[s] recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation,”

George W. Bush’s post-9/11 CIA and NSA Chief, General Michael Hayden, writing in the Washington Post, echoed Morrell by accusing Trump of being a “useful fool, some naif, manipulated by Moscow” and sounding “a little bit the conspiratorial Marxist.”

British intelligence services played an early active role in the case, at least from August 2016, with the dodgy Steele dossier and attempts at entrapments of Trump aides.

The outgoing Obama Admin recognized Russia wanted Trump.

They may have recognized UAE, Israel (Netanyahu), Turkey (Erdogan), MBS of Saudi Arabia, not yet in power, etc wanted Trump.

Did they recognize the HW Bush and Reagan people were happy to have Trump over Clinton?

In 2017, former CIA officials close to the then-incoming Trump administration assembled a "purge list" of agency personnel they deemed ideologically unaligned with the administration or incompetent, two former agency officials told Axios.
The 7th Floor Group was a US deep state faction made up of US State Department officials that Trump in 2017 axed.

He axed the "better guys" from the Intel community and kept the Reagan / HW Bush / W Bush folks it would seem.
Trump was "conservative CIA" Deep State brought to power by "conservative CIA" CNP financiers/members as the Mercers, Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway.
In December 2000 Trump was part of a 94-guest dinner organized by Bilderberg steering committee-, Pilgrims Society-, and 1001 Club-member Conrad Black, where Trump was seen chatting with Henry Kissinger at a table.
Happy Rockefeller, the widow of Nelson Rockefeller; Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Richard Perle, Vernon Jordan and Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell all were part of this dinner.
On the other hand, Trump was not a member of the Council of Foreign Relations and the majority of the transatlantic establishment was strongly against him from the very start, or so they would have us believe.

But did you see how fast Jeb Bush lined up for Trump?
Interestingly, Jimmy Carter in Feb 2016 said “I think I would choose Trump, which may surprise some of you, but the reason is Trump has proven already that he's completely malleable.

I don't think he has any fixed opinions that he would really go to the White House and
fight for.

Ted Cruz is not malleable.

He has far right-wing policies, in my opinion, that would be pursued aggressively if and when he would become president.”

That was Jimmy Carter in Feb 2016.
Jeb Bush in Aug 2016:

“Whatever his views are this morning, they might change this afternoon, and they were different than they were last night, and they'll be different tomorrow. ... They seem to be ever, ever-changing, depending on what crowd he's in front of."
Jeb Bush in Aug 2016:

"Sounds like a typical politician, by the way, where you get in front of one crowd and say one thing, and then say something else to another crowd that may want to hear a different view."
Jeb Bush in Aug 2016:

"All the things that Donald Trump railed against, he seems to be morphing into — it's kind of disturbing. ... He doesn't believe in things, this is all a game.”
Senator Joe Biden, as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee met with Pakistani General Mahmood Ahmed on the day after September 11, 2001.
This is the same General Ahmed who transferred $100K to alleged 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta, as well as instructed Omar Saeed Sheikh.

We covered earlier the cast of characters W Bush met with on 9/11 or 9/12.
During the 1995 Waco Hearing in the Senate, Joe Biden defended the government's actions.

When Trump launches his 2024 campaign at Waco, is this the Deep State battling the Deep State - a rift within?
In 2016, Biden was quoted as allowing Turkey to start a war against Kurdistan in Northern Iraq, agreeing on Turkey's notion that Kurdistan was just as bad as ISIL.
This contributed to a new phase in the Kurdish-Turkish conflict which escalated in 2015, and caused Turkish president Erdogan to use this policy of the Obama administration as deep lobbying during the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine.
Peter Dale Scott coined the phrase "deep politics" to describe the hidden events and motivations which underlie the small proportion of political matters that become public knowledge.
The deep state is in contrast to the public structures which appear to be directing individual nation states.

It is an intensely secretive, informal, fluid network of deep politicians whose deep state factions effectively amplify their influence over national governments.
Trump is a Deep State actor, a deep politician.

He even said, "nothing is as it seems."

It's just that America has divisions within the deep state and factions at odds with one another.
Since the early 19th and particularly in the 20th century, deep states in many nation states have worked to maintain a cover of party politics, focusing on personalities of individual politicians or issue of identity politics.
This façade was by and large successful at hiding the real business of deep politics from public scrutiny.

In the 21st century, in spite of massive consolidation of corporate media, this veil is proving increasingly thin as deep state milieux, formerly only the stuff of rumour,
are now increasingly well documented with photos, videos and leaked documents all online.

As Buzzy Krongard said, in his earlier days, a case officer could work under cover, taking a deceptive cover, say a sales guy for John Deere, and travel to Europe or Asia as a tractor sales

But he would be a case officer.

However, with the internet, and with cell phones and cameras, it's a challenge to maintain a cover and be deceptive.
The core of deep state groups and deep state milieu could be summarised by Dwight Eisenhower's "Military-industrial-congressional complex", although intelligence agencies are essential to their functioning.
They are made up of the real leadership - note that an organization's de facto leaders may well different from its de jure leaders, especially a regards spooks where compartmentalization and a culture of secrecy facilitate such duplicity, and high ranking officials may be
retained as patsies or as a Manchurian Candidate, subject to mind control.

A patsy is a person set up to take the blame for actions which s/he did not (knowingly) commit.

A Manchurian candidate is a person, especially a politician, being used as a puppet by an enemy power or
perhaps by a domestic Deep State.

Deep states are probably dominated by psychopaths and sociopaths.

Like I said, Trump = Deep State actor.

To preserve their power, usually they must not only stay in the shadows, but frustrate radical and progressive social change.
Control of corporate media is essential to the effective operation of the deep state.

Like Mafia families, deep state groups have a common interest in hiding their existence at all costs, leading to cooperation in times of crisis.

How to understand January 6th?

In November 1963, President Ngô Đình Diệm and the Personalist Labor Revolutionary Party of South Vietnam were deposed by a group of CIA supported Army of the Republic of Vietnam officers who disagreed with Diệm's handling of the Buddhist crisis and
the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong threat to South Vietnam. In South Vietnam, the coup was referred to as Cách mạng 1-11-63 ("1 November 1963 Revolution").

The Kennedy administration had been aware of the coup planning, but Cable 243 from the United States Department of State
to U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., stated that it was U.S. policy not to try to stop it.

Lucien Conein, the Central Intelligence Agency's liaison between the U.S. Embassy and the coup planners, told them that the U.S. would not intervene to stop it.
Conein also provided funds to the coup leaders.

The coup was led by General Dương Văn Minh and started on 1 November 1963.

It proceeded smoothly as many loyalist leaders were captured after being caught off-guard and casualties were light.
Diệm was captured and executed the next day along with his brother and adviser Ngô Đình Nhu.


President Kennedy and his advisers were sharply divided regarding the decision to promote a coup in South Vietnam.

In his 1963 speech, President Kennedy responds to the threats of violence and obstruction on the University of Alabama campus following desegregation attempts, explaining that the United States was founded on the principle that all men are created equal
and thus, all American students are entitled to attend public educational institutions, regardless of race.

JFK 1963 State of the Union

Notice the tax proposals.

On Friday, November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was assassinated at 12:30 p.m. CST in Dallas, Texas, while riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza.
1963 Syrian coup d'état, referred to by the Syrian government as the 8 March Revolution (Arabic: ثورة الثامن من آذار), was the successful seizure of power in Syria by the military committee of the Syrian Regional Branch of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party.
Covert Action in Chile 1963 to 1973

Beginning in August 1960 and extending into 1962, Laos was racked by political instability and civil war.

Following a coup led by Captain Kong Le in the capital, Vientiane, Prince Souvanna Phouma was installed as Prime Minister.

However, in December 1960, General Phoumi Nosavan responded with a successful counterattack in the capital and installed Prince Boun Oum as Prime Minister.
Souvanna Phouma and Kong Le withdrew to the Plain of Jars, where they maintained a separate government under the Pathet Lao.

While the United States and Thailand recognized Boun Oum's government, China and the Soviet Union supported Souvanna's.
Efforts by the U.S., the Soviet Union, and Prince Sihanouk of Cambodia to mediate the civil conflict culminated in the International Agreement on the Neutrality of Laos, signed in Geneva in July 1962.
The US deep state goes back centuries, but its modern configuration is fairly easily traced back to the 1963 coup which fused an alliance into a single coherent Cabal.
The 1960s were a key decade in the development of the modern US Deep state.

A network of power players arranged to assassinate the US President, John F. Kennedy.

Their exact identities may never be agreed by historians, but on his deathbed CIA agent E. Howard Hunt named
JFK's vice president, Lyndon Baines Johnson as the leader of the plot.

Many of the assassins were Cuban exiles from the CIA's Operation 40, initially set up to assassinate Fidel Castro.

Assassinations and regime changes were widely and aggressively abroad from the US.
Assassination and coup tactics used abroad were heavily used domestically in the US in the 1960s, to exert control over the domestic populace.
Ted Shackley, leader of the CIA's station in Miami that set up Operation 40 appears to have played a major role in organizing Kennedy's assassins.

Shackley also got Murdoch into US media.

Shackley was a deep politician who became the first US Chairman of the Pinay Cercle, an anti-communist deep state milieu which was instrumental in offshoring the US deep state.

Pinay Cercle is a deep state milieu of a comparable age to the Bilderberg, but
smaller, spookier, more secretive and far less exposed.

It was entirely European for 15 years, but since 1968 it has met annually in both Washington DC and Europe.

John Daniel Barron was an American journalist who attended Le Cercle.
You know how Donald Trump = John Barron?


John Daniel Barron worked in Navy intelligence from 1953 to 1957.

You know how Fred Trump got his money from US Naval Intel and building naval housing?

In 1957, Barron joined the Washington Star as an investigative reporter.

In 1965, Barron joined the Washington bureau of Reader's Digest.

Funny Trump spent years as his own spokesman, John Baron.

Who was he speaking in code to?
John Daniel Barron was a member of Le Cercle / Pinay Cirlce.

So was Richard Armitage.

So was Harold Brown, United States Secretary of Defense from 1977 to 1981, under President Jimmy Carter.
The US deep state goes back centuries, but its modern configuration is fairly easily traced back to the 1963 coup which fused an alliance into a single coherent Cabal.
Under the leadership of George H. W. Bush after the Watergate coup, the group became centered on the Bush family.

The official narrative for the murder of JFK blamed a "lone nut", Lee Harvey Oswald, actually a CIA contract agent who had been sheepdipped with a false defection
to the USSR.

Sheep dipping is the creation of a legend in order to facilitate someone's use as a patsy.

A patsy is a person set up to take the blame for actions which s/he did not (knowingly) commit.
Lee Harvey Oswald's handler, George de Mohrenschildt, wrote to George H. W. Bush asking for help before his own sudden death.

George de Mohrenschildt was a Russian born deep state functionary who "always seemed to move at the behest of people of higher rank than himself."

pg 79 Image
In 1950 George de Mohrenschildt launched Hooker and de Mohrenschildt, together with Eddie Hooker, a friend and former roommate of George H. W. Bush.

He moved to Dallas in 1952, a relatively modest size but fast growing city.
Dallas had about 30 Russian emigres at that time, and de Mohrenschildt developed ties with their "godfather", Paul Raigordsky, a friend of J. Edgar Hoover.

George Bouhe introduced George de Mohrenschildt to Lee Harvey Oswald.
Russ Baker explains that George de Mohrenschildt was Lee Harvey Oswald's handler.

The Warren Commission concluded that "George was essentially an eccentric if well-connected figure whose life encompassed a series of strange coincidences".
De Mohrenschildt had told some of what he new about the JFK assassination to the Dutch journalist Willem Oltmans, including an admission of involvement in the JFK assassination.
De Mohrenschildt's attorney, Pat S. Russell, stated to the House Select Committee on Assassinations after his client's assassination "I definitely feel there was a conspiracy and that definitely was the opinion of George."

"Lawyer Says Texan Told Him Oswald Had Aid in '63 Plot”
Thirteen years before becoming the President of the United States, George H.W. Bush served as the 11th Director of Central Intelligence (DCI).

Many believed leading the CIA would mark an end to his political career.

Instead, Bush became the only US president to have
previously held the position of DCI, which gave him a unique perspective on both providing and receiving intelligence.

The 1970s came to be known as the “time of troubles” for the CIA.

Six different DCIs served within a ten-year timeframe.
The Agency was shrouded in controversy from the leak of the “Family Jewels,” an internal report detailing controversial activities undertaken by the Agency dating back to President Dwight Eisenhower’s administration.
Congressional committees led by Representative Otis Pike and Senator Frank Church were formed in early 1975 to determine “the extent, if any, to which illegal, improper, or unethical activities were engaged in by any agency of the Federal Government.”
The leak of the Family Jewels coupled with the investigations tainted the public image of the CIA and plummeted the morale of Agency officers.
The Church Committee’s investigative work ultimately led to reform efforts throughout the intelligence community.

However, a dark cloud now hung over the CIA.
The Ford Administration concluded that the Agency needed a new sense of purpose and a new director who could improve relations with Congress.
As a decorated naval pilot, Texas Congressman, National Chairman of the Republican National Committee, Ambassador to the UN, and Special Envoy to China, George H. W. Bush seemed the guy for the job to Gerald Ford.

On January 30, 1976, George H.W. Bush was sworn in
Director of Central Intelligence.

The official story here might have some deception:

When Bush became DCI, he insisted upon direct access to President Ford.

He usually edited the President’s Daily Brief or briefed at National Security Council meetings in order to convey CIA’s analysis directly to the President.
Ford frequently included Bush in high-level meetings.

In 1976, when then-Governor Jimmy Carter was elected president, DCI Bush called and offered his resignation.

Carter accepted Bush’s resignation on January 10, 1977, the day of the Presidential Inauguration.
Although Carter was pleased with reforms made at the CIA, Bush’s ties to the Republican Party made him too political to be retained by the Carter Administration.

Carter eventually selected Navy Admiral Stansfield Turner to be the next DCI.
In 1981, however, HW Bush became President Ronald Reagan’s vice president, and took power via Executive Order, controlling the CIA and foreign policy.

George H.W. Bush served as Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) from January 1976 to January 1977, just ten days shy of one
full year.

George de Mohrenschildt sent to George H. W. Bush, then Head of the CIA, asking for protection (from JFK assassination)

George de Mohrenschildt to HW Bush:

Maybe you will be able to bring a solution into the hopeless situation I find myself in.

My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere.
Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints.

We are driven to insanity by this situation . . . tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H. Oswald and must have angered a lot of people.
Could you do something to remove this net around us?

This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you anymore.

Is HW Bush the mastermind behind what happened to JFK?

Some say it was LBJ. Some say Nixon.
George de Mohrenschildt was found dead of gunshot.

The official narrative states that he committed suicide.

Since the JFK plot went mostly to plan, the FBI announced "Oswald did it, case closed" within hours.
The main hitch was that Lee Harvey Oswald was captured alive by the Dallas Police, so the plotters ordered Jack Ruby to shoot him before he could tell his side of the story.

This left a rather unconvincing "lone nut kills lone nut" official narrative.
Many members of the US public were unconvinced and are to this day.

Over a decade after Kennedy's killing the HSCA disagreed with the Warren Commission's finding - concluding that JFK was probably killed by a conspiracy.
Mark Gorton asserts the shared need of The Cabal to avoid collective exposure lead them to carry out dozens of assassinations to contain the truth and galvanised them into what was to become the dominant force in deep politics even to this day.
Nicholas Katzenbach was born to Edward L. Katzenbach, who was New Jersey Attorney General from 1924-29, and nephew of Frank S. Katzenbach, a New Jersey Supreme Court Justice. Image
A memo of November 25 1963, from US Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach stated that it was important to persuade the US public that "Oswald was the assassin," and that "he did not have confederates." Image
The US public however continued to doubt the FBI's official narrative, so LBJ put together the the Warren Commission, which purported to be an investigation into the veracity of the FBI's story, although most of the members were enemies of JFK and the group's conclusion was

Earl Warren was a highly respected US Supreme Court judge who twice refused to chair the commission, but agreed after blackmail by J. Edgar Hoover. Image
A 1964 to 1968 CIA memo, entitled Countering Criticism Of The Warren Commission Report introduced the then novel phrase "conspiracy theorist" to be used for ad hominem attacks on anyone who dissented from the Warren Commission's official narrative of the killing. Image
Were HW Bush and J Edgar Hoover pals? Image
Was HW Bush CIA in 1963?

If yes, he may have been the mastermind behind JFK murder.

If no, someone was perhaps trying to set him up to take the fall? Image

Nazi-connections of the Bush family, which prompted the FBI to seize their assets during WW II, as Nazi assets.
It presents the suppressed fact that Watergate burglar and CIA operative E. Howard Hunt was found by a jury to have been in Dallas and involved in the conspiracy to kill Kennedy.
Hunt was a supervisor of the misguided CIA-led anti-Castro Cubans who broke into the Watergate.

He is not only connected to Bush through Watergate; and through Bush’s father, Prescott; but five days after the assassination, the head of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, wrote a memo,
titled “Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy” in which he named “George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency” as the supervisor of what Hoover himself called the “misguided anti-Castro Cuban” killers of the President.
HW Bush has said he doesn’t remember the events of that day, but FBI documents place him in Dallas.

HW Bush sounded guilty of at least knowledge of a conspiracy, if not a mastermind of one.
The Vietnam War was a large source of revenue for the US Deep state, both through arms and drugs.

Figures in the early CIA, after working on an ad hoc basis with drug traffickers during WW2, quickly started taking over entire drug trafficking networks worldwide.
The CIA took over control of the South East Asian drug trade in 1956 and used the war to scale up the heroin trade and boost the US market through exposing young US soldiers to the drug.
The CIA also developed the social destabilization tactics (Operation Phoenix) which it would unleash in South America before scaling up the drugs trade there.
The Phoenix Program was a clandestine CIA research project into social control.

The Vietnam War allowed the CIA to carry out systematic terrorisation of whole populations, using murder, torture and rape, developing expertise which they refined in Latin America in the 1970s
before applying them in Mexico and increasingly in USA itself.

Researcher Douglas Valentine writes that it “set the stage for the "War on Terror"”.

Stephen Bannon, Mike Flynn, Erik Prince probably tried to reignite a Phoenix program.
In South America in the 1970s, the CIA used the tactics of Phoenix Program to assist autocratic governments' suppression of democratic self-expression.

Trump 2.0 invading Mexico will likely require Phoenix like brainwashing inside America.
After Nelson Rockefeller told presidential hopeful Ronald Reagan that the business establishment's support was conditional on Reagan's nominating Bush as his vice president Reagan complied.

The Deep State put HW Bush in with useful idiot Reagan.
HW Bush was the real power during Reagan years (e.g., executive order gave HW power).

The BCCI was a global money laundering system used by the CIA.

As CIA director, George H. W. Bush greenlighted its development, which assisted the offshoring of the CIA.
Anxious to prevent a last minute boost for Carter if the Iranian hostages were released, Reagan also went along with Bush's October Surprise Conspiracy - which gave the Iranians money and weapons in return for their promise not to release the US hostages until Reagan had been
sworn in.

Given what we know about HW Bush taking the election from Carter to get useful idiot Reagan in, so HW Bush could assume the real power via Exec Order, one must consider HW Bush as at least involved in the conspiracy to murder JFK.
I do not have the time at the moment to give a JFK analysis the attention it needs.

HW Bush is a prime suspect.

Ed Lansdale [photo] is a suspect.

Allen Dulles is a suspect.

Richard Nixon is a suspect.

LBJ is a suspect.

J Edgar Hoover is a suspect.

Perhaps it took a cabal of men to execute a conspiracy to take out JFK?

Rather than focus on a single suspect, perhaps it's multiple suspects?

It's curious that Roger Stone Jr. claims LBJ is the culprit.

If one were to suggest a Truth and reconciliation commission when running for President to ask people from within the Deep State to spill the beans with a grant of immunity, would that be a plus in a General election as a campaign promise?

Trump is a part of a Deep State.
If Trump were not in the club of a GOP cabal of vulcans, he would have suggested a truth commission.

That he has not is telling.
HW Bush politicized the process of intelligence analysis and imposed a systematic bias that took a new, harder line towards the communist block.

This was a direct reversal of the Nixon-Kissinger policy of detente.
Under the guidance of Rumsfeld, Cheney, a young Paul Wolfowitz and others who had ascended in the Halloween massacre, Poppy (HW Bush) began finding ways to get around the analysts who did not sufficiently hype the Soviet threat.
To that end, he created a second analytical team which produced alarming estimates of Soviet military capabilities.

The concept was known as Team A - Team B.
In this way, Poppy was the father of the analytical gamesmanship his son, W Bush or Dubya, would use to justify war with Iraq nearly three decades later, under the guidance of the same old-guard of Rumseld, Cheney and Wolfowitz.
Solntsevskaya was CIA’s trafficking partner of the Afghanistan opium and Pakistan heroin that was used to fund the Mujahideen “freedom fighters” against Soviet communism, a threat that HW Bush, aka Poppy, built up.
Paul Behrends considered the Mujahideen to be freedom fighters within the Soviet empire” and Solntsevskaya to be “freedom fighters inside the USSR itself.

CIA’s relationship with Solntsevskaya started in Afghanistan in the 1980s, where Solntsevskaya helped traffic the opium out of Afghanistan, the proceeds of which were used to fund the Mujahideen’s proxy war against the Soviet occupation.

The Reagan administration was trafficking opium through Afghanistan with Solntsevskaya to fund the Mujahideen but HW Bush, as VP, had the real power for Intel ops and foreign policy due to an executive order useful idiot Reagan signed to grant HW Bush power.
Fast forward from the 1980s and the Taliban defeated the Mujahideen in Afghanistan in 1996.

Mujahideen lost control of Afghanistan to the Taliban and Taliban-linked Islamic militants then seized control of Solntsevskaya’s Central Asian opium racket.

This significantly reduces the cash flow through Enron, that James Baker and Robert Mosbacher set up, rendering their operation unsustainable.

This would lead to the need for a 9/11 to clear finances.

Once W Bush was installed in 2000 by legislative coup, the HW Bush Deep State
invaded Iraq and Iran to create expanded narcotics trafficking opportunities.

Bush and Cheney could not sell an invasion of Iran following Iraq and plan B was strict UN1737 sanctions that literally starved Iran into being a more cooperative trafficking partner.
The Mujahideen flew bin Ladin back to Afghanistan in 1996, after Bill Clinton pressured Sudan to expel him.

Bin Ladin helped the Mujahideen fight the Taliban for control of Afghanistan and then switched his allegiance, after the Mujahideen lost.

George W Bush ordered the Pentagon to plan an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities and considered a covert attack on Syria.

The Iran–Iraq War was an armed conflict between Iran and Iraq that lasted from September 1980 to August 1988.

It began with the Iraqi invasion of Iran and lasted for almost eight years, until the acceptance of
United Nations Security Council Resolution 598 by both sides.

HW Bush as VP to Reagan concluded the United States needed to reinforce the security of friendly Arab states in the region by mid 1980s.
During Operation Nimble Archer in October 1987, the United States attacked Iranian oil platforms in retaliation for an Iranian attack on the U.S.-flagged Kuwaiti tanker Sea Isle City.
Fast forward again to W Bush:

Let's demonstrate how a Deep State member from HW Bush clan lived across US Presidents by considering Paul Dundes Wolfowitz.

Wolfowitz, considered to be one of the most prominent and "hawkish" of the neo-conservatives, is the principal author of the "Wolfowitz doctrine",
also known as the Bush doctrine – the idea that the US should use pre-emptive force in order to maintain its national security and interests on the global stage.

His expertise is with the Middle East and Asia.
Wolfowitz has served under several presidents.

He was a military analyst under Ronald Reagan, first as Director of Policy Planning for the Department of State and later as Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs 1982-1986.
In 1986, he was appointed U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Indonesia.

Under President George Herbert Walker Bush, Wolfowitz served as Undersecretary of Defense for Policy.
From 1977 to 1980, he was Director of Policy Planning for the Jimmy Carter State Department, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense.
From 1973-1977, Wolfowitz held a variety of positions in the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency including Special Assistant to the Director for the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
As a long-time member of the Project for the New American Century think tank, he signed the January 26, 1998 PNAC letter sent to President Bill Clinton, demanding regime change in Iraq.

See how the HW Bush Vulcans survive across US Presidential Adminstrations?
Following the 2004 presidential election, political pundits speculated on Wolfowitz's role during Bush's second term.

On November 4, 2004, CBS News' David Paul Kuhn wrote:
John R. Bolton’s "boss", Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, was considered as a "possible replacement" for Condoleezza Rice.

Side-Note: Trump Admin employed John R. Bolton.

Their TV feud is Deep State deception.

Teens being sold for sex from a room in a St. Louis County Renaissance Hotel, turned out to be missing juveniles from Texas.

Earlier, mentioned the Franklin Child Prostitution Ring.

Let's come back to that.
he Franklin child prostitution ring was used by the US deep state for purposes including fun, profit and especially sexual blackmail from 1988-1991.

It was partially exposed.
The sudden death of investigator Gary Caradori , and the disappearance of his suitcase, was the most dramatic element of the cover-up. Image
The Franklin scandal is about an interstate pedophile network that flew kids from coast to coast.

Larry King of Nebraska was getting children that had fallen through the cracks, from foster-care homes, from Boy’s Town Orphanage and from some other institutions.
There was another pimp living in Washington, DC, who was involved in this, Craig Spence, who had his home wired for audio-visual blackmail.
Anybody who took part in any of those parties at Craig Spence’s home was definitely blackmailed, similar to Jeffrey Epstein's purpose.

Larry King had embezzled $40 million from the Franklin Savings and Loan, where he was a Manager.
One day before his fatal plane crash, investigator Gary Caradori claimed to have the principals of the Franklin child prostitution ring "by the short hairs."
Others who have suffered premature death in connection with the Franklin child prostitution ring include Kathleen Sorenson, Newt Copple, Clare Howard, Mike Lewis, Joe Malek, Bill Baker, Aaron Owen, Charlie Rogers, Dan Ryan, Bill Skoleski, Curtis Tucker and Harmon Tucker.
Craig Spence, covered earlier in the thread, who also died suddenly, had his own prostitution ring in Washington D.C. but the ring interlocked with the Franklin child prostitution ring.
In November 2016, Steve Pieczenik tweeted about a book by Noreen N. Gosch, in relation to the Franklin child prostitution ring "this goes way back, sorry 2 break it 2 you, its real." Image
William Colby once said of the Franklin Ring: “This case is so much bigger than you think. It goes to the very highest levels; we have to keep pulling the strings.”
In the early 1980s, under Ronald Reagan, Vice President George H. W. Bush managed regulatory changes took place that gave the S&L industry new powers and for the first time in history measures were taken to increase the profitability of S&Ls at the expense of promoting
home ownership.

As well as George Bush Sr., Neil Bush (reprimanded by federal regulators for the "multiple conflicts of interest") and Jeb Bush were implicated in the S & L fraud.
Charles Keating, who notoriously lead the plunder of Lincoln Savings was jailed.

Don Dixon faced indictments stemming from the collapse of his S&L group, Vernon Savings and Loan.
Prosecutions however hardly scratched the surface of those involved.

Pete Brewton states that this was because the US Congress was full of people who had personally profited and so could be counted on to oppose a real investigation.
HW Bush would ensure some in Congress, strategically knowing the layout, would profit to ensure coverups.
According to people like Houston Post's Pete Brewton, had said the S&L crisis was intelligence and organized crime that essentially collaborated with major Wall St banks at the time like Drexel Burnham Lambert.

The savings and loan crisis of the 1980s and 1990s (commonly dubbed the S&L crisis) was the failure of 32% (1,043 of the 3,234) of savings and loan associations (S&Ls) in the United States from 1986 to 1995.
The Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) closed or otherwise resolved 296 institutions from 1986 to 1989, whereupon the newly established Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) took up these responsibilities.

The RTC closed or otherwise resolved 747 institutions from 1989 to 1995 with an estimated book value between $402 and $407 billion.
In 1996, the General Accounting Office (GAO) estimated the total cost to be $160 billion, including $132.1 billion taken from taxpayers.
Starting in October 1979, the Federal Reserve of the United States raised the discount rate that it charged its member banks from 9.5 percent to 12 percent in an effort to reduce inflation.
At that time, S&Ls had issued long-term loans at fixed interest rates that were lower than the newly mandated interest rate at which they could borrow.
When interest rates at which they could borrow increased, the S&Ls could not attract adequate capital from deposits and savings accounts of members for instance.
Attempts to attract more deposits by offering higher interest rates led to liabilities that could not be covered by the lower interest rates at which they had loaned money.

The end result was that about one third of S&Ls became insolvent.
When the problem became apparent, after the Federal Reserve increased interest rates, some S&Ls took advantage of lax regulatory oversight to pursue highly speculative investment strategies.
This had the effect of extending the period where some S&Ls were likely technically insolvent.

These actions also substantially increased the economic losses for many S&Ls than would otherwise have been realized had their insolvency been dealt with earlier.
One extreme example was that of financier Charles Keating, who paid $51 million financed through Michael Milken's "junk bond" operation, for his Lincoln Savings and Loan Association which at the time had a negative net worth exceeding $100 million.
Side-Note: Deep State asset Donald Trump pardoned Michael Milken.

cnbc.com/2020/02/18/tru… Image
Financial historian Kenneth J. Robinson, in his explanation of the crisis published in 2000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), offers multiple reasons as to why the S&L crisis came to pass.

But will he have missed the Deep State of HW Bush plot?
He identifies rising monetary inflation beginning in the late 1960s and increasing through the 1970s, caused by the federal government's domestic spending programs implemented by President Lyndon B. Johnson's "Great Society" programs and the federal government's
mounting military expenses for the Vietnam War that continued into the late 1970s.

The Federal Reserve's efforts to reduce rampant inflation of the late 1970s and early 1980s by raising interest rates brought on a recession in the early 1980s and the beginning of the S&L crisis.
The Federal Reserve's policies to increase the discount rate charged to other banks, compared to the long-term fixed rates of loans the S&Ls had already made, practically ensured that most S&Ls would become insolvent very quickly.
Deregulation of the S&L industry, pushed by HW Bush, combined with regulatory forbearance and fraud, worsened the crisis.

In the early 1980s Congress passed two laws intended to deregulate the Savings and Loans industry,
the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 signed by President Jimmy Carter and the Garn–St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 signed by President Ronald Reagan, where HW Bush was VP with power.
Other changes in thrift oversight included authorizing the use of more lenient accounting rules to report their financial condition.
The deregulation of S&Ls by the 1980 Act, under Jimmy Carter, gave the thrifts many of the capabilities of commercial banks without the same regulations as banks, and without explicit FDIC oversight.
In an effort to take advantage of the real estate boom (outstanding U.S. mortgage loans: 1976 $700 billion; 1980 $1.2 trillion) and high interest rates of the late 1970s and early 1980s, many S&Ls lent far more money than was prudent, and to ventures which many S&Ls were
not qualified to assess, especially regarding commercial real estate. Image
Silverado Savings and Loan

Neil Bush Image
Keating Five

Why would those five intervene in 1987 on behalf of Charles Keating?

What HW Bush Intel operation was being run that fucked up that I am missing?

rationalrevolution.net/war/bush_famil… ImageImage

Let's pause here.

I need to do a deep dive into the S&L crisis to see more clearly what HW Bush was doing.



Congress passed the Federal Bail-Out legislation known as FIRREA, which was signed in to law by President George HW Bush in August 1989.
A W Bush pardon to investigate. Image
Will have to come back to the S&L investigation.

We're going to jump around.

Earlier, I was caught up on German textiles that are exported to Saudi Arabia.

What were they doing with the textiles?

Did CIA set up a "competitor" operation?

Is it weird that Epstein arranged for Southern Air Transport (formerly Air America, who transported drugs & weapons for the Iran Contra op) to relocate to Columbus and transport for The Limited?

Epstein and Wexner reportedly met in 1985 when they were introduced by Bob Meister.

Wexner granted Epstein durable power of attorney over all of his economic dealings in July 1991.
Leslie Wexner, owner of the Limited Brands (now L Brands, including Victoria’s Secret), was linked “with associates reputed to be organized crime figures.”

The “textile” business of the Limited Brands, later L Brands which included Victoria’s Secret, was utilized for trafficking narcotics, where drugs get out in shipping containers filled with textiles.
As the logistics man for Les Wexner, Jeffrey Epstein arranged the arrival of Southern Air Transport (SAT) to Rickenbacker Air Force Base in Columbus, Ohio [in 1995, relocating SAT from Miami, Florida, to transport “textiles” for L Brands].
Southern Air Transport (SAT), formerly Air America, was infamous as an illegal gun- and drug-running operation.

First founded in the late 1940s, SAT from 1960 until 1973 was directly owned by the CIA, which sought to use the company as a cover for covert operations.
After 1973, the company was placed in private hands, although all of its subsequent owners would have CIA ties, including James Bastian, a former lawyer for the CIA, who owned SAT at the time of its relocation to Ohio.
SAT filed for bankruptcy in Columbus on October 1, 1998, the same day the Central Intelligence Agency Inspector General issued a report linking the “cargo hauler” to allegations of drug-running in connection with U.S.-backed Contra rebels in Nicaragua in the 1980s.
Ha. A mere CIA IG fucked up the operations the CIA had going with Epstein from 1995 to 1998, using SAT to transport “textiles” for L Brands?

This was during Bill Clinton’s term which ran Jan 1993 to 2001. Image
It just occurred to me that Bill Clinton is similar to Donald Trump as relates to being a CIA asset!

Bill Clinton’s mom was a gambler with mob ties.

Bill’s uncle Raymond was a car dealer, slot machine owner and gambling operator, meaning, organized crime and money laundering.
Uncle Raymond's gambling operations were franchised by the Marcello organization of New Orleans.
In the 1960s, a federal investigation concludes that Hot Springs, in Garland county Arkansas, has the largest illegal gambling operations in the United States.

Bill Clinton, according to several agency sources interviewed by biographer Roger Morris, worked as a CIA informer while briefly and erratically a Rhodes Scholar in England.

The Nixon to Reagan to HW Bush CIA had compromised Bill Clinton before he became President.
The sex was a CIA op.

Clinton went to Georgetown University where he found a mentor in Professor Carroll Quigley.

Quigley writes: "That the two political parties should represent opposed ideals and policies. . . is a foolish idea."
Quigley: "Instead, the two parties should be almost identical . . .The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in detail, procedure, priority, or method. "
Was CIA influencing Bill Clinton via Professor Quigley?

The two party duopoly is managed by the Deep State as an illusion of choice, or at least that is how the Deep State wants it.

Trump gaslit the MAGA base!
It was in 1976 that Bill Clinton became Arkansas AG, about a decade after the Hot Springs gambling op exposure.

By 1978, Clinton is elected governor of Arkansas.

Preview: Is Sarah Sanders a Deep State useful idiot?
In 1978, the Clintons and McDougals buy land in the Ozarks for $203,000 with mostly borrowed funds.

Is this the inspiration for the fictional Netflix series, the Ozarks?

Two months after commencing the Whitewater scam, Hillary Clinton invests $1,000 in cattle futures.

Within a few days she has a $5,000 profit.

Before bailing out she earns nearly $100,000 on her investment.

Did CIA reward Hilary for something?
Was Vincent Foster an HW Bush CIA honey pot and was it real or fictional?

Did they try to use sex as leverage over both Bill and Hilary, and plant stories if they could not?
By 1982, major drug trafficker Barry Seal, under pressure from the Louisiana cops, relocates his operations to Mena, Arkansas.

A DEA report uncovered by Evans-Pritchard will cite an informant claiming that a key Arkansas figure and backer of Clinton
"smuggles cocaine from Colombia, South America, inside race horses to Hot Springs."

Foreshadowing future Wall Street interest in Clinton, by 1984 Goldman Sachs, Payne Webber, Salomon Brothers and Merrill Lynch all show up as financial backer of the governor.
Which banks were CIA fronts in that capacity in 1984?

In 1984, Ronald Reagan (and hence HW Bush) wants to send the National Guard to Honduras to help in the war against the Contras.

Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis goes to the Supreme Court in a futile effort to
stop it, but Clinton is happy to oblige, even sending his own security chief, Buddy Young, along to keep an eye on things.

Clinton was working for HW Bush Intel operations.

How else to reason it?

They made Bill a useful idot!

Just like Donald Trump!
A federal drug investigation in Arkansas was shut down in 1990.

Protecting agency secrets!

Drug distributor Dan Lasater is pardoned by Governor Clinton in 1990 after serving just six months in jail and four in a halfway house on minor charges.
An IRS memorandum in 1991 reveals that even at this late date "the CIA still has ongoing operations out of the Mena, AR airport. "

Arkansas State Police investigator Russell Welsh, who has been working with IRS investigator Bill Duncan on drug running and money laundering at
Mena, develops pneumonia-like symptoms.

Welch, central to the Mena investigation, is discovered to have been poisoned by anthrax.
State Attorney General Winston Bryant and Arkansas Rep. Bill Alexander, in 1991, send two boxes of Mena files to special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh.

Says Alexander later, "The feds dropped the ball and covered it up.

I have never seen a whitewash job like this case."
Jackson Stephens and BCCI figure Ghaith Pharaon buy BCCI's former Hong Kong subsidiary in 1991.

On July 19, 1993, Clinton is President for about six months and FBI director William Sessions is fired.

Clinton personally orders William Seesion by phone to turn in his FBI property and leave headquarters.

Recall earlier that within two days of William Sessions announcing the BNL probe, news leaked that the William P Barr DOJ had launched an internal review of
"potential ethical violations" of Sessions, his wife, and a top aide.

CIA Case Officer William P Barr was engineering more than meets the eye.

Who were his accomplices?

On July 20, 1993 Clinton names Louis Freeh as Sessions' successor.

Did the HW Bush Deep State engineer the circumstances for Clinton to fire Sessions and appoint Louis Freeh?

We have skipped a bunch, but now, we are coming back to the The Clintons’ own involvement in Iran-Contra that revolved around the covert activities at Arkansas’ Mena Airport, which involved the CIA front company Southern Air Transport and occurred while Clinton was governor.
Just a few years into the Clinton presidential administration, Leslie Wexner and Jeffrey Epstein would play a major role in Southern Air Transport’s relocation to Columbus, Ohio, leading to concerns among top Ohio officials that both men were not only working with the CIA,
but that Wexner’s company, The Limited, sought to use the CIA-linked airline for smuggling.

I will do another thread on Mena, AK. Let's pivot.

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar is the founder and leader of the Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin political party, so called after Mohammad Yunus Khalis split from Hezbi Islami in 1979 to found Hezb-i Islami Khalis.

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar spent time in Pakistan before returning to Afghanistan when the Soviet–Afghan War began in 1979, at which time the CIA began funding his rapidly growing Hezb-e Islami organization through the Pakistani intelligence service, ISI, one of the largest of the
Afghan mujahideen. He received more CIA funding than any other mujahideen leader during the Soviet-Afghan War.

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar was the mujahedin’s most lethal warlord and a radical Islamist.

In March 1987, he claimed to despise the United States as much as the Soviet Union, and, while visiting the United Nations two years earlier, he had refused an invitation to meet Ronald Reagan
in the Oval Office, per March 9, 2010, TNR reporting by Michael Crowley.

One has to ask, was the “refusal” to meet Reagan real, or did CIA give reporters a line to dupe the world?
Milt Bearden, CIA’s station chief in Islamabad, serving as the link between Washington and the U.S.-funded Afghan rebels bleeding the Soviets in Afghanistan, asked Hekmatyar in March 1987 why the CIA would want to eliminate its most valuable anti-Soviet fighter.
Because, Hekmatyar replied, the United States understood that the Soviets were already done for.

Hekmatyar had now defeated one superpower, and the Americans feared what he might do to them.
After the 9/11 2001 attacks in the United States, Hekmatyar, who had allegedly "worked closely" with bin Laden in early 1990s, declared his opposition to the US campaign in Afghanistan and criticized Pakistan for assisting the United States.
After the U.S. entry into the anti-Taliban alliance and the fall of the Taliban, Hekmatyar rejected the U.N.-brokered accord of 5 December 2001 negotiated in Germany as a post-Taliban interim government for Afghanistan.
As a result of pressure by the U.S. and the Karzai administration, on 10 February 2002 all the offices of Hezb-e-Islami were closed in Iran and Hekmatyar was expelled by his Iranian hosts.
The United States under W Bush accused Hekmatyar of urging Taliban fighters to re-form and fight against Coalition troops in Afghanistan.

He was also accused of offering bounties for those who kill U.S. troops.
He had been labeled a war criminal by members of the U.S.-backed Afghan President Hamid Karzai's government.

By May 2002, under W Bush, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar was on Washington’s most-wanted list as a leader of the post-2001 Afghan insurgency.
But, eight years later, circumstances changed once again.

The United States by 2010 under Obama was considering whether it’s time to stop trying to kill Hekmatyar & start negotiating with him--a choice that could have crucial implications for Barack Obama’s war in Afghanistan.
When a Presidential transition happens, suppose due to informational asymmetry between or even within political parties, a next Admin has to get up to speed on the prior admin’s operations, and does the next admin continue operations and is it influenced by a deep state loyal to
a prior admin?

Does a Deep State of a prior admin conceal operations from a new admin?

How long until a new admin (e.g. Jimmy Carter) learns what's really going on?

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar was a guerrilla leader, Afghan politician, and mujahideen leader with close ties to the Pakistani military who was the foreign minister of the guerrilla-declared, U.S.-backed Afghan Interim Government up through nearly May 1990 when
the WaPo article was published.

WaPo, May 13, 1990: Officers of Pakistan's military intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), protect and participate in the trafficking, according to the sources, who were interviewed in Pakistan and Washington.
WaPo, May 13, 1990: Nassim Akhundzada, a mujaheddin commander, was referred to locally in Helmand province as the "King of Heroin" after he fought a two-year war with one of Hekmatyar's commanders for control of the region's opium fields, according to Afghans and U.S. officials.
In 1989, Nassim Akhundzada was, however, associated with a mujaheddin faction opposed to Hekmatyar.

Under Reagan, where HW Bush as VP had control of Intel Ops and foreign policy via Executive Order, drug operations by Hekmatyar and agents of ISI were sought for control by
CIA / HW Bush and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar was there guy to take control of the region’s opium fields so that ISI and Afghan Mujaheddin, working for US CIA, could traffic narcotics to fund US operations for an effort to oust Afghanistan's Soviet-backed government.
Trafficking narcotics to fund secret anti-communist proxy wars was long-standing CIA policy throughout the Cold War and HW Bush was doing what those before him did.
Pointer to section of thread that started this topic.

Like Epstein worked for CIA and Mossad, so too did Robert Maxwell.

But Maxwell died mysteriously on his yacht after attempting to blackmail the U.S. and Israeli intelligence operations.

Theodore Shackley helped Rupert Murdoch take Maxwell's UK media assets following 7 years of competition between Maxwell and Murdoch.

Then HW Bush and Reagan Intel folks helped Murdoch blossom Fox.

HW Bush launched an attack on the Ruble on Sept 11, 1991.

Robert Maxwell dies, November 5, 1991.

William P Barr was Acting AG: August 16, 1991 – November 26, 1991

And AG November 26, 1991 – January 20, 1993

Side-Note: Barr said at the hearings in 1991 to confirm him as AG that Roe v. Wade was "the law of the land" and claimed he did not have "fixed or settled views" on abortion.

Did Amy Barrett say something like that?
Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Joe Biden, though disagreeing with Barr, responded that it was the "first candid answer" he had heard from a nominee on a question that witnesses would normally evade; Image
Biden hailed Barr as "a throwback to the days when we actually had attorneys general that would talk to you".

Then Assistant AG Robert Mueller was pulling for William P Barr. Image
Recall the circumstances that created the conditions for William P Barr's rise to AG by 1991?

INSLAW / PROMIS - MOSSAD saw the value.

Was Robert Maxwell serving Mossad and was CIA and Mossad not playing nice?

Or were CIA and Mossad aligned but Maxwell

What was being covered up when Danny Casolaro was murdered in Martinsburg, WV?

In October 1991, Barr appointed then-retired Democratic Chicago judge Nicholas Bua as special counsel in the Inslaw scandal.

Bua's 1993 report found the Department of Justice guilty of no wrongdoing in the matter.

But if all you read was the Wiki scrubbed version, you would
think nothing more.

But Wired Magazine:

"Barr refused to appoint an independent counsel to the Inslaw case, relying instead on a retired federal judge, in this case Nicholas Bua, who reported to Barr alone. In other words, the DOJ was responsible for investigating itself."
"Shortly before his death, Casolaro told people that he was nearly ready to reveal a wide-ranging conspiracy involving the Inslaw case, Iran-Contra, the alleged October Surprise conspiracy, and the closure of BCCI."

Joseph Daniel Casolaro was found dead August 10, 1991.

HW Bush launched an attack on the Ruble on Sept 11, 1991.

Robert Maxwell dies, November 5, 1991.

Jeffrey Epstein was found dead August 10, 2019.

Notice both Epstein and Casolaro died on 8/10?

It is curious that both Epstein and Casolaro died on the 10th of August, 18 years apart.

In October 1992, on year after Barr apponted Nicholas Bua in October 1991 for a coverup, Barr appointed then retired New Jersey federal judge Frederick B. Lacey to investigate the
Department of Justice and the Central Intelligence Agency handling of the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) Iraqgate scandal.
The appointment came after Democrats called for a special prosecutor during the scandal fearing a "cover-up" by the administration.
House Banking Committee Chairman Henry B. González called for Barr's resignation, citing "repeated, clear failures and obstruction" by the Department of Justice in allegedly delaying an investigation of the BNL-Iraqgate case.

washingtonpost.com/archive/politi… Image
Ds and Rs from Congress publicly suggesting William P Barr should resign. Image
FBI Director William Sessions was willing to uncover CIA activities in the scandal surrounding the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL).

But William P Barr created the conditions for Bill Clinton to fire Sessions by July of Clinton's first year in office by launching an Image
ethics probe into William Sessions.

It would seem Barr launched the ethics probe to prevent Sessions from uncovering a Deep State operation.

Or was Sessions trying to interfere on behalf of Russia or a hostile nation state?

Without analyzing BNL scandal critically yet, the short answer that emerges is HW Bush / William Barr were happy to finance Iraq obtaining weapons, supporting Iraq against Iran and the threat of Shiite revolution.

But I'll need to do a deep dive into Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) and the 1980 to 1994 period and the relation to BCCI.

For now, just going to post some links to reading material.


BNL, the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, is the Italian government-owned bank that was lending heavily to Iraq through its Atlanta branch until the FBI raided it.

Is this another reason Barr wanted to get rid of William Sessions?
BCCI, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International responded to the gulf Arabs' political interests -- chief of which, in the mid-1980s, was supporting Iraq against Iran and the threat of Shiite revolution.

BCCI was dependent upon Sheikh Zayed of Abu Dhabi.
BCCI lent heavily to BNL, supplying some of the funds that BNL then lent to Iraq.

Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan served as the first president of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from 1971 until his death in 2004, during W Bush / Cheney admin.
Todo: Was Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan a CIA installed President of UAE who was President Nov 3, 2004 to May 13, 2022 until he died?

Was Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan loyal to US Deep state or Russia or someone else and why the affinity for Kushner (and Trump)?
According to BCCI records, these transactions (that BCCI lent to BNL) amounted to billions of dollars a year.
While it is common for banks to pass money back and forth in large amounts, these deals were unusual because BCCI was bringing money into this country from abroad to supply BNL here.
Sorry, I have to come back to this while these dates are bouncing in my head, despite the thread now losing flow.

Hanssen’s indictment excluded his spying activity between 1992-1999.

Was Hanssen’s spying activity between 92-99 for CIA Deep State case officers to keep tabs on what the FBI knew about the CIA’s dealings with Solntsevskaya.

Robert Philip Hanssen, to remind us, was an American former Federal Bureau of Investigation agent who spied for
Soviet and Russian intelligence services against the United States from 1979 to 2001.

But is that official story missing CIA using Hanssen to spy on FBI?

Hanssen was arrested on February 18, 2001, about a month after W Bush was installed via legislative coup.
Then 7 months later, America faces 9/11 in 2001, following HW Bush launching a financial war against Soviet Union on 9/11/1991.

FBI Agent Mark Wauck reported his suspicions about Hanssen’s spying in 1990, in the middle of FBI Director William J Sessions reign over FBI.

Hanssen was arrested on February 18, 2001.

How did FBI fail to act upon info provided by Mark Wauck?

William Sessions later served as legal counsel for the head of the Solntsevskaya criminal enterprise, Semion Mogilevich.

On July 19, 1993, Clinton is President for about six months and FBI director William Sessions is fired.

I had though William P Barr

launched an internal review of "potential ethical violations" of Sessions, his wife, and a top aide to remove Sessions as FBI Director since Sessions had announced the BNL probe.

What if that was a rouse?

What if Sessions and Barr were in cohort deceiving?

Am I fooled by
thinking that Sessions was a good guy at the time he was trying to probe BNL and that Barr was trying to get him fired to prevent a BNL investigation?

Clinton fired Sessions July 19, 1993 based upon a probe William Barr opened just before HW Bush had to leave office (and hence
Barr stepped down as AG) since Clinton came into power.

William Sessions was replaced by Opus Dei member Louis Freeh to be FBI Director.

Yes, past CIA asset William Clinton appointed Freeh.

Freeh resigned as Director of the FBI shortly after Hanssen was arrested in 2001,
before his term was up and then he went on to represent Russian money laundering front, Prevezon.

So William Sessions gets "fired" by Clinton July 19, 1993 and goes to serve as legal counsel for the head of the Solntsevskaya criminal enterprise, Semion Mogilevich.

And Louis Freeh resigned as Director of the FBI shortly after Hanssen was arrested in 2001, before his term
was up and then he went on to represent Russian money laundering front, Prevezon.

Are both William Sessions and Louis Freeh Deep State assets loyal to the U.S. despite what it might otherwise seem?

Or was one or both double agent spies?

Did Robert Hanssen try to sale PROMIS
to Russian intel officers?

Did the HW Bush Intel folks fuck up royally and have to permit a 9/11?

Did Mogilevich obtain PROMIS, but from Hanssen, not Maxwell?

And if Mogilevich obtained PROMIS (don't know this, so let's assume and play along), does that explain, in part, why both CIA and Russia's intel services were competing for the same laundering whore, Donald J Trump, whose father Fred was used by OSS and Naval Intel and whose
family was partnered with the NY Genovese crime family, sometimes referred to as the Westside?

Carlos Joseph Marcello, born Calogero Minacore, had taken control of Louisiana's illegal gambling network by the end of 1947.

Carlos Joseph Marcello had also joined forces with
Genovese crime family associate Meyer Lansky in order to skim money from some of the most important casinos in the New Orleans area shortly after becoming associated with the Todaro family through marriage.
According to former members of the Chicago Outfit, Marcello was also assigned a cut of the money skimmed from Las Vegas casinos, in exchange for providing "muscle" in Florida real estate deals.
By this time, Marcello had been selected as "The Godfather" of the New Orleans Mafia, by the family's capos and with the approval of The Commission after the deportation of his predecessor, Sylvestro Carolla, to Sicily.
He held this position for the next thirty years. In a 1975 extortion trial, two witnesses described Marcello as "The Godfather" of the New Orleans crime syndicate.
On March 24, 1959, Marcello appeared before the United States Senate's McClellan Committee investigating organized crime.

Serving as Chief Counsel to the committee was Robert F. Kennedy; his brother, Senator John F. Kennedy, was a member of the committee.
In response to committee questioning, Marcello invoked the Fifth Amendment and refused to answer any questions relating to his background, activities, and associates. From then on, Marcello became an avowed enemy of the Kennedys.
On April 4, 1961, the U.S. Justice Department, under the direction of Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, apprehended Marcello as he made what he assumed was a routine visit to the immigration authorities in New Orleans, then deported him to Guatemala.
Two months later, he was back in New Orleans. Thereafter, he successfully fought efforts by the government to deport him.

His immigration lawyer was Jack Wasserman.
In September 1966, 13 members of the New York, Louisiana and Florida crime families were arrested for "consorting with known criminals" at the La Stella Restaurant in Queens, New York.

You know what family from Queens was partnered with the Genovese?

Trump family!
However, the charges were later dropped. Returning to New Orleans a few days later, Marcello was arrested for assaulting an FBI agent.

His first trial resulted in a hung jury, but he was retried and convicted. He was sentenced to two years but served less than six months.
In 1981, Marcello, Aubrey W. Young (a former aide to Governor John J. McKeithen), Charles E. Roemer, II (former commissioner of administration to Governor Edwin Edwards), and two other men were indicted in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana in
New Orleans with conspiracy, racketeering, and mail and wire fraud in a scheme to bribe state officials to give the five men multimillion-dollar insurance contracts.

The charges were the result of a Federal Bureau of Investigation probe known as BriLab.
U.S. District Judge Morey Sear allowed the admission of secretly-recorded conversations that he said demonstrated corruption at the highest levels of state government.

Marcello and Roemer were convicted, but Young and the two others were acquitted.
You know how Bill Clinton was a CIA informant in Arkansas, informing of organized crime in Arkansas and Louisiana?

And how the Genovese of that area might have had connections to the NY Genovese, of which Trump family was part?
In his 1994 autobiography Mob Lawyer, attorney Frank Ragano says that he relayed a message in 1963 from Teamsters Union leader Jimmy Hoffa to Carlos Joseph Marcello and Santo Trafficante, the Mafia boss of Florida, urging the two Mafia bosses to kill Kennedy. Image

Ragano later claimed that four days before Trafficante died, the mob boss described to Ragano how he and Marcello organized the murder of President Kennedy. Image
In his 1989 book, Mafia Kingfish: Carlos Marcello and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, author John H. Davis implicates Marcello in the assassination of Kennedy.
According to Davis, Oswald and Ruby had "strong ties" to Marcello.

In his 2013 book The Hidden History of the JFK Assassination, Lamar Waldron claimed that Marcello masterminded the assassination of Kennedy.
According to Waldron, Marcello admitted his involvement to two other inmates during a fit of rage in the prison yard at the Federal Correctional Institution in Texarkana, Texas.
In his book, Waldron also presented the account of Marcello's prison cellmate, Jack Van Laningham, who claimed in 1985 that Marcello bragged to him that he had masterminded the Kennedy assassination, while planting red herrings to confuse the press and embarrass the FBI and CIA
into suppressing evidence.

According to Waldron, Marcello arranged for two hit men to carry out the assassination after entering the United States from Canada and Europe, while setting up Oswald as the fall guy and ordering the subsequent murder of various conspirators and
witnesses who risked turning informants, including mobsters Johnny Roselli and Sam Giancana.

Let's pause.

Perhaps all that is BS?

What if HW Bush, LBJ, Nixon cohort planted all that info that author John H Davis and attorney Frank Ragano and author Lamar Waldron used to
assert that Marcello and Trafficante killed JFK?

The story that Marcello admitted his involvement to two other inmates during a fit of rage in the prison yard at the Federal Correctional Institution in Texarkana, Texas might be a fiction engineered by an HW Bush / Nixon Deep State contained to those two and maybe a few more?
I will have to analyze all the foreign policy decisions of JFK to determine what external threat actors might be suspects.

Domestically, HW Bush, Richard Nixon, Allen Dulles, Ed Lansdale are suspects.

LBJ in on it from start or looped in later, in this theory of the case?

Deep State asset and Manchurian Candidate Trump wants to brain wash children using Mike Flynn's weaponization of religion and have taxpayer's foot the bill.

Trump is aligned with Bush owned Texas politics.

Even the GOP politicians like Barr, Graham, Pompeo that maybe will point out how Trump tried to steal an election would vote for Trump in 2024 if it's Trump versus a Democrat because the GOP enjoys a status quo of the top 10% or fewer owning and controlling > 90% or more of all
wealth, mostly inherited.

This GOP is aligned with a deep state cabal, the vulcans, who are against a more fair tax system.

The Democrats are also manipulated by this GOP aligned Deep State cabal and any time a D is President, the Vulcans do all they can to assert control
and exercise leverage over the Democrat President, or they engineer a scenario to steal an election (e.g. HW Bush engineers Carter loss or W Bush installed by legislative coup in 2000 and by stealing votes in Ohio in 2004 or Trump installed in 2017).

This Deep State cabal will
try to run RFK as a Democrat in 2024.

Was the past generation of this cabal, including HW Bush and Nixon and Allen Dulles part of the conspiracy that was behind the murder of JFK?

Although Bill Clinton was a CIA asset before becoming president and the cabal had leverage
over him, he tried to buck the Vulcans on some domestic policies at least, as evidenced by this Deep State cabal trying to impeach Bill Clinton.

The Deep State cabal, mostly from inherited means, the Kochs, the Mercers, Trumps, Waltons, the people who attend the Bilderberg
meets since 1954 or the Le Cercle / Pinay Cirlce meets of people from an international coalition of right-wing intelligence veterans, propaganda assets and top politicians who would shape the 1970s and 1980s are usually from the top 10% or enter into the ranks of the top 10%.
And we can't forget how this Deep State cabal, aligned more with the GOP, had a plot to overthrow FDR, another Democrat President.

Hence, why one must consider JFK, another Democrat, might have been taken out by a cabal from the Deep State.

Prescott Bush was involved in the 1934 Business Plot.

HW Bush might have been involved in the Nov 1963 JFK plot.

HW Bush was involved in the sabotaging of Democrat President Jimmy Carter’s Re-election.

A prominent Texas politician said he unwittingly took part in a 1980 tour of the Middle East with a clandestine agenda.

George Herbert Walker Bush, son of Prescott Bush, was born on June 12, 1924.

HW Bush was 10 years old when the Business plot to overthrow FDR, of which his father Prescott was involved, was attempted.

In Nov 1963, when JFK was eliminated, HW Bush was 39 years young, full of
ambition like Richard M Nixon, who was born Jan 9, 1913 and 11 years older than HW Bush, so ~49 when JFK was eliminated.

Nixon was VP of Eisenhower in charge of Intel ops.

In 1980 when Jimmy Carter ran for re-election, HW Bush was ~56 years old.

By 1980, Nixon already had
the prize as Nixon was President 1969 to 1974.

Reagan was President 1981 to 1989 but HW Bush was his VP, granted extraordinary powers via an Executive Order, giving him de jure control of foreign policy and intel ops.

Recall, Nixon managed Intel ops under Eisenhower.

By 1980, HW Bush at 56 would be eager to see Reagan President to permit an opening for HW Bush to be made his VP, with the help of Rockefeller to coax Reagan, same Rockefeller who might have been privy to the 1934 business plot
to overthrow FDR, a plot that Prescott Bush was involved with.

I don't find the story that Prescott Bush adopted HW Bush from a German Nazi who was the accountant for Nikola Tesla to be credible, but I do ponder it sometimes.

The age and timing of the HW Bush adoption by Prescott Bush didn't line up for me when I looked briefly in Feb 2023.

It was Hitler's bodyguard, Otto Johann Anton Skorzeny, an Austrian-born German SS-Obersturmbannführer (lieutenant colonel) in the Waffen-SS during World War II, who allegedly claimed George HW Bush was adopted by Prescott Bush, and I've found the story to be false.

Did Otto Image
actually make that claim, or did I read a false story?

What incentive did Hitler's bodyguard have to make that assertion, to plant that idea?

What was he trying to achieve, if he made the assertion?
The Israeli security and intelligence magazine Matara published an article in 1989 claiming that Skorzeny had been recruited by Mossad in 1963 to obtain information on German scientists who were working on an Egyptian project to develop rockets to be used against Israel.
Reporting on the Matara story, the major Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronot said that it had confirmed the story from their own senior Mossad source.
Former Mossad head Isser Harel confirmed the story that former Nazis were recruited to provide intelligence on Arab countries.

Ian Black and Benny Morris wrote in 1991 that Skorzeny may not have known for whom he was working, but in 2010, Tom Segev published in his biography of
Simon Wiesenthal that Skorzeny had offered to help only if Wiesenthal removed him from his list of wanted war criminals.

Wiesenthal refused, but Skorzeny finally agreed to help anyway.
In the 1960s, Skorzeny set up the Paladin Group, which he envisioned as "an international directorship of strategic assault personnel [that would] straddle the watershed between paramilitary operations carried out by troops in uniform and the political warfare which is
conducted by civilian agents".

Paladin Group was a far-right organization founded in 1970 in Spain.

Backing up in the career of Otto Skorzeny, after the 1939 invasion of Poland, Skorzeny, then working as a civil engineer, volunteered for service in the German Air Force
(the Luftwaffe), but was turned down because he was considered too tall at 1.92 metres (6 ft 4 in) and too old (31 years in 1939) for aircrew training.

He then joined the Waffen-SS, training with Hitler's bodyguard regiment, the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (LSSAH).
Skorzeny took part in the invasion of the Soviet Union with the SS Division Das Reich and subsequently fought in several battles on the Eastern Front.

In October 1941, he was in charge of a "technical section" of German forces during the Battle of Moscow.
His mission was to seize important buildings of the Communist Party, including the NKVD headquarters at Lubyanka, and the central telegraph office and other high priority facilities, before they could be destroyed.
He was also ordered to capture the sluices of the Moscow-Volga Canal because Hitler wanted to turn Moscow into a huge artificial lake by opening them.

The missions were canceled as German forces failed to capture the Soviet capital. Image
"Operation Long Jump" was the alleged codename given to a plot to assassinate the "Big Three" (Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt) at the 1943 Tehran Conference.

Recall how a cabal of American men wanted to overthrow FDR about a decade earlier?
The Tehran Conference (codenamed Eureka) was a strategy meeting of Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill from 28 November to 1 December 1943, after the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran.
It was held at the Soviet Union's embassy at Tehran in Iran.

It was the first of the World War II conferences of the "Big Three" Allied leaders (the Soviet Union, the United States, and the United Kingdom) and closely followed the Cairo Conference, which had taken place on
22–26 November 1943, and preceded the 1945 Yalta and Potsdam conferences. Image
The case is built around a January 22 1944 executive order signed by President Franklin Roosevelt calling on the government to take all measures to rescue the European Jews. Image
The lawyers claim the order was ignored because of pressure brought by a group of big American companies, including BBH, where Prescott Bush was a director.
John Loftus, is a former US attorney who prosecuted Nazi war criminals in the 70s.

Now living in St Petersburg, Florida and earning his living as a security commentator for Fox News and ABC radio ---> I'd be suspicious whether Loftus works for the Bush family with an objective
to deceive us all. Image
The Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) story of Prescott would be expected to make him sound like a great man.

Let's see what they leave out.

bbh.com/us/en/bbh-who-… Image
With the money they made financing Soviet oil drilling in the Caucasus, Bert Walker and Averell Harriman bought a stable of racing horses.

Note: look for Koch, Walker, Bush family connections. Image
Skull & Bones = OSS / CIA recruiting ground? Image
Prescott had a nose for deals, including one to buy a quarter-interest in CBS for $2.5 million in 1932.

Precursor to controlling media to spread propaganda?

At one point, Prescott served on seventeen corporate boards, not counting the Yale Corporation. Image
Before World War II, intelligence activities in the United States were mostly carried out by the Department of State, the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), and the War Department's Military Intelligence Division (MID).

Did Prescott serve any of these three?
Hoping for greater coordination of intelligence activities, as well as a more strategic approach to intelligence gathering and operations; on July 11, 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt appointed William J. Donovan to head a new civilian office attached to the White House,
the Coordinator of Information (COI).

The COI was charged with collecting and analyzing information which may have had bearing upon national security, correlating such information and data, and making this information available to the President, authorized departments, and
authorized officials of the government.

The COI operations duplicated, but did not necessarily replace, functions carried out by the State Department, ONI, and MID.
After the start of World War II, William J. Donovan worked with the newly created Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) to place the COI under JCS control; while preserving COI autonomy, and gaining access to military support and resources.
On June 13, 1942, the COI became the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). 

The OSS gathered intelligence information about practically every country in existence, but was not allowed to conduct operations in the Pacific Theater, which General Douglas MacArthur
claimed as his own. 

J. Edgar Hoover of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Nelson Rockefeller, the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, insisted that the OSS should not operate in the Western hemisphere.
Note: Rockefeller and Prescott Bush were part of the 1933 Business Plot to overthrow FDR and Rockefeller pushed Reagan to accepting HW Bush to be his Vice President!
For these reasons, the records of OSS covert operations are almost entirely confined to Europe, Asia, and North Africa.

The OSS established more than 40 overseas offices during World War II, extending from Casablanca to Shanghai, and from Stockholm to Pretoria.
After the OSS was terminated on September 20, 1945, by Executive Order; most records were eventually transferred to two agencies of the Federal government. 

Approximately 1,700 cubic feet of Research and Analysis Branch records ended up at the Department of State,
while more than 6,000 cubic feet of operational records were transferred to what was to become the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). 

Note that the CIA was not created until July 26, 1947.
After World War II, a group of OSS veterans in the Strategic Services Unit (SSU) arranged most OSS operational records according to OSS locations, offices, and file categories.

For a list of these categories, see the Arrangement of OSS Records.
In 1946, the State Department, which had taken over the bulk of Research and Analysis Branch files after the war, began releasing records to the National Archives.
The largest series consists of intelligence reports relating to political, economic, military, and morale information about almost every nation on the earth. 

Each series is arranged by document number.
Reports and correspondence sent to the R&A Branch would be assigned the next consecutive number. 

The records are accessible only though a card index developed by the Central Information Division library.

The main point of detouring from the NY Times article was to make this point:

Back to the NY Times article.

nytimes.com/2008/02/01/boo… Image
Like the Trump's, the HW Bush and W Bush (and Jeb and the others) were Trust Funders from the top 1%. Image
Prescott created three myths for the Bush boys that also permeate the mind of Donald Trump.

Although Donald inherited at least half a billion, he hates for people to know it.

Was HW Bush same say? Image
Prescott thought only someone who was financially secure could resist the corrupting pressures of politics.

Hence, the Deep State from the Bush Dynasty was Manchurian Candidate Trump a tolerable useful idiot to install. Image
In Prescott's view, either an independent income or a monastic lifestyle was required for elected officials.

Catch that? Bush family believed you must be among the top 1% to be in American politics! Image
Prescott Bush never liked what he saw reflected in the Kennedy mirror. Part of this was old-fashioned social snobbery; Prescott was a member of all the clubs that wouldn’t let in Joe Kennedy because he was Irish and Catholic. Image
And part of the complaint was political. The Democratic Kennedys were on the other side of presidential campaigns in which Prescott and his sons supported Eisenhower and Nixon.
But the real reason Prescott Bush found the Kennedys so distasteful is that he identified them with the hubristic wealth and entitlement of his father-in-law, George Herbert Walker’s, large Catholic family.
Narrator's Note: Prescott sounds like a hypocrite here as he was all about money and entitlement.

Was Prescott jealous of Kennedy family and did HW Bush hold a grudge, one that would motive HW Bush to be part of the conspiracy to murder JFK?
George W. Bush perpetuated the Bush family prejudice held against the Kennedy family: “They never had to work,” he commented about the Kennedys in 1989, “They never had to have a job.”

See you Bush family was self-centered lying hypocrites, projecting and in self denial?
Like John F. Kennedy, George H. W. Bush received critical help from his father in establishing his financial base and his political career.

Unlike JFK, he needed the illusion that he had done it all on his own.

See you W Bush was and is just like Donald J Trump?

See why one Image
might assert the HW Bush / Reagan / W Bush Deep State cabal is aligned with Trump?

Winning at all cost = murder to get what you want? Image
The tensions were exacerbated after Prescott’s election to the Senate when Herbie, hoping to capitalize on his brother-in-law’s appointment to a congressional committee on nuclear energy, set up a partnership with other investors to get into the business.

Nuclear interests. Image
Do you get the sense W Bush was an entitle and jealous moron, full of self doubt, similar to Donald Trump and people around them see them as useful idiots? Image
Intermission that interrupts the flow but is timely.

“Purging the federal workforce” is code for “dismantling the administrative state” using the Schedule F provisions that have been enacted.

Remember the 1933 business plot to overthrow FDR?

Same cabal

and their kids and family that is now the cabal that was part of the 1933 plot that included Prescott Bush is probably the people that gave us Donald Trump and want him back.

Still think HW Bush wanted Trump.

Now Bush family, Jeb and others might see Trump as
Manchurian Candidate to carry out what Prescott wanted in 1933?

Dismantle the administrative state and invade Mexico to take oil fields Bush family always wanted.
Notice how 2016 Trump Campaign was funded in summer 2016 when in a cash crunch.

It's the HW Bush and Reagan cabal, the Vulcans, including William P Barr and others and much hinges upon the strict UN1737 sanctions & the way that they were engineered

from the onset to leverage Iran’s desperation to enable criminal activity used to fund CIA dark ops, controlled by a Deep State cabal of men with wealth.
Here is a mini-thread that is a bit off topic that goes into militaries competing for territories and highlights Russia's interests in south America and Ecuador as a narcotics trafficking hub.

If you read prior thread link, it prepares you for understanding context for event between Jan 6th and 7th, 2021, when somebody cut the world’s fastest internet cable in Svalbard.

Svalbard cable went down Jan 05, 2021, one day before Jan 06, 2021

(or at about same time due to time zone diffs).

It's almost like Russia cut cables, leaving only a redundancy backup.

Why did Russian Navy not cut the backup cable?

Could it be because Jan 6, 2021 over in America did not go as planned?

Was Turkey and Russia hoping for Manchurian Candidate Trump to be re-installed for a 2nd term?

By Turkey, I mean Erdogan, aligned with Trump.

Erdogan will play many sides, but at the time, he was on team Trump.

Twitter is NOT displaying my old threads properly, so let me screenshot them.

Svalbard cable went down Jan 05, 2021 to Jan 06, 2021.

See Tweets numbered 1898 to 1902 in the thread:

From DoD IG Report: "On Jan 8, 2021, an NSA employee tried to retrieve an NSA document from Mr. [Michael] Ellis that contained information of a classified, controlled compartmented NSA program 'of some of the most sensitive information that NSA possesses.' Image
Mr [George] Barnes [NSA Deputy Director] told us [DOD IG] that Mr Ellis refused to return the document, retained it for the White House archives, and, based on what the NSA employee saw placed the document in a container that did not meet the security storage requirements for
such a sensitive program.

[NSA Deputy Director] Mr Barnes told us [DOD IG] that he contacted Mr [John] Eisenberg on Jan 9 2021, for help obtaining the document & the document was returned to the NSA on Jan 14, 2021.
Trump Admin had a loose piece of intel from Jan 8 to Jan 14th, 2021 floating around not accounted for that may have been very valuable to foreign intel agencies.

Meanwhile, Russia was toying around with British subs and cutting undersea cables that say, NATO might use,
should the need arise, on Jan 5, 2021 or Jan 6, 2021.

Russia left the backup cable, but cut the primary, presumably so it could act fast to take out the backup had some plan moved forward should Manchurian Candidate Trump have stayed in power.
Sorry folks, Twitter is just not cooperating with me on old threads.

In Sept 2022, I was asking, could Erdogan and Putin have a keen shared interest to work together in the Arctic? Image
Did you catch Vladimir Putin's naval doctrine from early Aug 2022 where the doctrine assumes "diversification and intensification of maritime activities in the Svalbard archipelago, Franz Josef island, Novaya Zemlya and Wrangel Island?"

Israel had caught Putin's drift.

On January 28, 2018, China’s State Council Information Office released a white paper detailing the country’s official Arctic policy for the first time.

Purple areas represent U.S. Geological Survey oil and gas reserve estimates; Arctic Council member states are highlighted in green, and observer states are highlighted in blue. Image
On 9/28/2022, I had observed that Trump and Pompeo, ever useful idiots, were handing over potential Artic assets.

Why? Was I seeing the accurate picture in Sept 2022?

With rising temperatures, which nations will take assets in the arctic?

overthecircle.com/2019/05/07/the… Image
Let's remember that a Soviet-backed coup took over the entire country of Czechoslovakia in February 1948, which shocked Norway and the Norwegians.

thediplomat.com/2022/08/the-ri… Image
In 1949, Norway was the only NATO country to share a border with the Soviet Union.

In 2022, the Minister of Trade and Industry in Norway, Jan Christian Vestre, not only wants Norway to become a battery giant but also a sustainable mining nation.

His ministry is developing a new mineral strategy which promises both more mining as well as recycling of minerals and metals.

Turkey did NOT want Finland and Sweden in NATO but the Biden Admin coerced Turkey to relent.

Turkey then decided to pay for Russian gas with cash (sanctions workaround) and Turkish banks adopted the Russian payments system.
Russia has bases in Syria at Latakia and Tartus plus those at the Red Sea base in Sudan and bases in Egypt and Libya.

Meanwhile, NATO manages the Eastern Mediterranean, East of the Suez, and The Middle East from Cyprus.
Donald Trump handed Putin and Erodgan more power in Syria.

Will Turkey under Erdogan favor Putin or Xi going forward is what I was asking, 9/28/2022. Image
On 9/28/22, I mentioned Xi seems to be running the show with Erdogan and Putin at the moment.

Xi is still running the show with Putin by April 2023.

Let's get back to understanding how to think about Trump / Russia / Collusion narrative.

This is an interpretation.

Perhaps I will offer more than one interpretation.

For now, this is a prevailing understanding.
What if the Trump / Russia collusion narrative is best understood somewhat like this: The Vulcans, a cabal of Deep State operatives from Nixon to Reagan and HW Bush to W Bush were seeking to coerce Putin and the oligarchs into being a cooperative partner for extracting resources
from the Arctic shelf?

Recall, this Deep State engineered Manchurian Candidate Trump to appoint Rex Tillerson, CEO of Exxon, as Sec of State?

What if, among this cabal, some were even willing to grant Putin a piece of Ukraine?
What if we think of Trump as the Manchurian Candidate for which the HW Bush people sought to influence, manipulate, and control, while also the Russian intel services were also seeking to manipulate, influence, and control?
Recall in 2019 that seven people pleaded guilty or were convicted in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, with one other person pleading guilty to charges brought after a referral by Mr. Mueller’s office.
Another 27 individuals had been indicted, along with three Russian companies.

But what if we think about indictments as the American GOP Deep State telling Russia that Mr. Trump is our bitch; he’s our Manchurian Candidate, not yours?

And think of other indictments of Americans as this cabal telling members of itself or people used, at the edges of the
"family" to stay inline.

What I do not know is whether Mike Flynn is truly a traitor serving foreign powers, (in the eyes of this Deep State cabal & not in the eyes of American voters) angered by the Obama Admin, and willing to seek avengeance towards the Obama Intel folks,
and assuming a rift within the Intel community, or whether the GOP Deep State cabal reeled Flynn back into 'the Family', or whether Flynn never really left 'the Family?'

Why a pardon of Flynn and Trump talking about putting Flynn in his Cabinet should he be made President again?
Does the GOP Deep State cabal from HW Bush / Reagan era have control of their own, or is the cabal competing with foreign interests over effective control of Mike Flynn?

Former White House National Security Adviser and retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn pleaded guilty, Image
12/1/2017, to making false statements to FBI agents.

He admitted he lied about calls with Moscow’s ambassador a month before President Trump’s inauguration.

Former Trump campaign aide and Manafort business associate Richard Gates pleaded guilty to two criminal charges, Image
conspiracy against the U.S. and conspiracy to obstruct justice on 02/23/18.

Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwaan pleaded guilty, 2/16/2018, to making false statements to FBI agents.

He admitted he lied about his contact with Richard Gates in an interview about his work on a Image
project for the Ukrainian government.

He was sentenced in April 2018 to 30 days in prison and a $20,000 fine.

Manafort associate Konstantin Kilimnik was charged, 6/8/2018, with conspiracy to obstruct justice and obstruction of justice.

The FBI has linked Mr. Kilimnik to Image
Russian intelligence.

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort pleaded guilty on 9/14/2018 to two criminal charges, conspiracy against the U.S. and conspiracy to obstruct justice. Image
Trump adviser Roger Stone was arrested 1/25/2019 on charges of lying to Congress about his contacts with the website Wikileaks during the 2016 campaign.

Mr. Stone was also charged with obstructing an official proceeding and trying to persuade a witness to lie to investigators. Image
The indictment alleges that Mr. Stone exchanged emails and texts with people in the Trump campaign in which he discussed information possessed by Wikileaks, the website U.S. officials say was the primary conduit for publishing materials stolen by Russia. Image
Mr. Stone says never had advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’s plans.

What if Roger Stone had been a Deep State asset of the Nixon era?

And to whom was Mr. Stone most loyal in 2016?
Trump sides with Russia against FBI at Helsinki summit in July 2018.

US President Donald Trump had defended Russia over claims of interference in the 2016 presidential election.

At a news conference after the summit, President Trump was asked if he believed his own intelligence agencies or the Russian president when it came to the allegations of meddling in the elections.
"President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be," he replied.

US intelligence agencies concluded in 2016 that Russia was behind an effort to tip the scale of the US election against Hillary Clinton, with a state-authorised campaign of cyber attacks
and fake news stories planted on social media.

In a strongly-worded statement, US House Speaker Paul Ryan said Mr Trump "must appreciate that Russia is not our ally".

Paul Ryan is in "the Family."

Was this an example of the GOP Deep State cabal sending Putin as message that
Mr. Trump is our Manchurian Candidate and not yours?

"There is no moral equivalence between the United States and Russia, which remains hostile to our most basic values and ideals," Paul Ryan said, adding that there was "no question" Moscow had interfered in the 2016 election.
Senior Republican Senator John McCain, who Russia could not manipulate in the past, and sought to make Sarah Palin Russia's useful idiot in the McCain / Palin admin (that never came to fruition) said it was a "disgraceful performance" by a US president.

"No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant," Mr McCain said in a statement.
Another senior Republican, Senator Lindsey Graham, who is a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, tweeted that it was a "missed opportunity... to firmly hold Russia accountable for 2016 meddling".

But notice that even in 2023, Graham would vote for Trump over a
Democrat Presidential Candidate.

Graham as a member of 'the Family' of the GOP Deep State cabal.

These idiots think they are smarter than you, and they think they can manage the situation.

The reality, of course, is most of this cabal of Vulcans are born rich idiots and their
solve advantage is information asymmetry and free time from inherited wealth.

In a series of tweets, Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said Mr Trump's actions had "strengthened our adversaries while weakening our defences and those of our allies".
The US Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, also issued a statement saying that the intelligence community had been clear about Russia's "ongoing, pervasive attempts" to undermine US democracy.
Mr Trump responded by tweeting that he had "great confidence in my intelligence people", adding: "I also recognise that in order to build a brighter future, we cannot exclusively focus on the past - as the world's two largest nuclear powers, we must get along."

Mr. Trump was
perhaps being managed by this Deep State cabal to send that tweet?

Vice-President Mike Pence, in a speech at the US Department of Commerce, defended the summit and praised President Trump.
Mr Putin described the Helsinki meeting as "candid and useful" while Mr Trump said there had been "deeply productive dialogue".

Mr Trump said US-Russia relations had "never been worse" than before they met, but that had now changed.
Relations between Russia and the West were severely strained by Moscow's annexation of Crimea in 2014, which President Putin acknowledged in the news conference.
"President Trump's position on Crimea is well known," said Putin.

But was he referring to the GOP Deep State position, still vying for control of the Manchurian Candidate?

Putin: "He talks about the illegality of the Crimean reintegration to Russia." Image
Putin: "We have another point of view... that a referendum was held in accordance with international law.

For us, it's a closed question," he said.
Recall that 24 hours later, Trump claims he misspoke in Helsinki, meant to say Russia did have reason to meddle in election.

The GOP cabal, the Vulcans, the Deep State, had to reign in Mr. Trump, their Manchurian Candidate.

Watch the video of Trump

from 24 hours after the Helsinki summit.

The guy even fucked up reading from the script.

Did the Deep State cabal have control of their Manchurian Candidate?

Was Trump's performance a bluff?
President Donald Trump attempted on Tuesday to clarify his widely criticized comments in Helsinki, saying that he had misspoken when he said a day earlier that he did not see why Russia would have meddled in the election.
Trump said Tuesday he meant to say he did not see any reason why it wouldn't have been Russia that interfered.
"I thought that I made myself very clear, but having just reviewed the transcript...I realized that there is a need for some clarification," Trump said Tuesday at the White House. "The sentence should have been...'I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be Russia'."
At the Monday press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Trump said about election meddling in 2016: "(Putin) just said it's not Russia. I will say this: I don't see any reason why it would be."
Trump also said on Tuesday that he had "full faith and support" for the American intelligence community and supported their assessment that Russia meddled in the election, although the president claimed that others could also be responsible.

Trump had to throw in that last part,
presumably because his fragile ego cannot handle the info he learned upon becoming President - that his father Fred was a CIA partner and that the Trump Orgs books had been managed in part by CIA Deep State HW Bush cabal, although one would expect Trump to have know some of the
details prior to becoming President and gaining access to classified information.

Trump would have trouble accepting the fact that maybe a reason he won is because Russia tilted the scales.

You see the GOP Deep State cabal was competing for the same Manchurian Candidate once
Trump got the nomination over Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and Rick Perry.

Unless, this cabal was willing to accept Trump all along, happy to have him a GOP candidate among the illusion of choices in the GOP Primary?

I don't think that was the case, but a possibility.
Trump: "I have felt very strongly that while Russia's actions had no impact at all on the outcome of the election, let me be totally clear in saying...that I accept our American intelligence community's conclusion that Russia's meddling in the 2016 election took place."
But, Trump added, "Could be other people also, there’s a lot of people out there."

Trump could not keep to the script.

The GOP Cabal of Vulcans cannot complete keep their Manchurian Candidate, who the GOP Senate gave a pass on two impeachments, in line, unless, although not
probably, they do have the Manchurian Candidate under control, and Trump is deceiving Russia and its allies?
Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Michael Pompeo had a private conversation with Trump to urge him to make clarifications on his comments from the news conference in Helsinki, a source familiar with the conversation had told NBC News.
The president came under widespread, bipartisan condemnation on Monday for not backing his intelligence community's assessment that Moscow had interfered in the election.
The president made the comments in Helsinki just days after special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian intelligence officials for meddling in the election, providing a detailed account of their hacking and other activities in the indictment.
During his Tuesday remarks, Trump also said that his administration took the threat of continued Russian interference seriously and vowed to move aggressively to "repel" any efforts by Moscow to interfere in future U.S. elections.
"We’re doing everything in our power to prevent Russian interference in 2018," he said.

Again, the Deep State cabal feeding a Manchurian Candidate a script.

Are you old enough to remember when Donald Trump wanted to partner with Putin to form a cyber security unit?

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Twitter on a Sunday in July 2017 that he discussed forming a cyber security unit to guard against election hacking with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded and safe,” he said following their talks at the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

Boy, the GOP Deep State cabal had their work cut out for them.
Trump said he had raised allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election with Putin.

“I strongly pressed President Putin twice about Russian meddling in our election. He vehemently denied it. I’ve already given my opinion.....”
He added: “We negotiated a ceasefire in parts of Syria which will save lives. Now it is time to move forward in working constructively with Russia!”
Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida immediately criticized the move on Twitter, saying Putin was not a trusted partner.

Was Little Marco given his order to play deceit?
Partnering with Putin on a “Cyber Security Unit” is akin to partnering with (Syrian President Bashar al) Assad on a “Chemical Weapons Unit,” he wrote.

Or was Little Marco being serious, although he's not a serious guy?
sole advantage


Realize this section from 4/23/23 has typos.

I spit this stuff out while it's fresh in my head, rapid fire.

Call this thread Draft 1.

Maybe there will be a Draft 2 I put on Twitter.

This ceasefire in Syria at the time could use an explainer.

"nothing is as it seems" Mr. Trump once quipped, in relation to something else, but applies here too.

I have another thread that helps understand the Trump Admin policy in Syria, but it's

missing some pieces to any objective analysis.

Dropping this tweet as a note to self to revisit the Syria analysis.

4/22/23: "Moscow is for Muscovites, they said, but today tens of thousands of Muslims marched through the streets of the capital of the Russian Federation, shouting "Allahu Akbar."

Not same, but remember Ali Alexander is really Ali Akbar?

People in Kosino-Ukhtomsky ...

President of the predominantly Muslim Russian republic of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, fiercely loyal to Russian President Vladimir Putin, called on anti-mosque demonstrators to "show your patriotism"

by going to the trenches in Ukraine.

Prominent MMA fighters also weighed in opposing the mosque, while a video message by Chechens from the battlefield in Ukraine warned they could also wage war on the Orthodox protesters in Moscow.
Funny the Trump clan aligns with UFC / WWE.

Peter Thiel is GOP Cabal, Vulcans, Deep State

Does the "Family" trust him, 100%?

After weeks of demonstrations, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin announced on April 5 the mosque would be shifted to a much smaller site elsewhere.
The decision got the backing of Patriarch Kirill, who as head of the Russian Orthodox Church and another close Putin ally, has given a canonical justification for the war in Ukraine.
The spat over the mosque, "is a part of an ongoing surge in religious tensions, including those among Russian servicemen and mercenaries fighting in Ukraine," Denys Brylov, head of the Kyiv-based European Centre for Strategic Analytics, told Newsweek. Image
"This tension is largely caused by the influx of Muslim soldiers into the Russian army."

Muslims make up roughly a tenth of Russia's population and adherents of the faith fighting in Ukraine for Putin are dying in large numbers.
Kadyrov's forces, which are part of Russia's National Guard, Rosgvardia, but directed by the strongman ruler, have a prominent profile thanks to their videos from the battlefield.
"Non-Slavic and non-Orthodox citizens of the Russian Federation are only second-rank citizens and just cannon fodder for Putin's war on Ukraine," Willy Fautré, director of Human Rights Without Frontiers, told Newsweek.
"The question is how long the ethnic political leaders of the non-Orthodox and non-Slavic populations of the Russian Federation will go on tolerating the instrumentalization of their peoples in the never-ending carnage of the 'special military operation,'" Fautré added,
referring to the Kremlin's term for its invasion of Ukraine.

Muslims joining the Wagner Group of mercenaries headed by Yevgeny Prigozhin are on the increase, Brylov said.
There are Muslims fighting on both sides in the war, with adherents from Crimea and Azerbaijan among those who have joined the fight on the side of Ukraine.
Anti-Russian Chechens received support from the Ukrainian authorities, which have recognized the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria—the name of the de facto independent Chechen state that existed in the 1990s—as being temporarily occupied by Russia.
"Putin has been able to hold the different factions together through fear but over the past year, the Russian military continues to suffer these losses and humiliation on the front lines, and you are seeing more and more factions fighting," Lautman told Newsweek.
"And the fighting is spilling over publicly."

Trouble in Tinseltown?

Don't forget, the HW Bush people installed Vladimir Putin.

American and Russian Intel folks from the HW Bush era might agree on something as relates to these demonstrations.

From Brown Brothers Harriman to Nugan Hand to Continental Illinois to BCCI to Enron / Itera to Trump Org’s books, and a host of other’s not mentioned, a never-never-land of international banking is concealed from public view by the judicious use of two sets of books.
Jeffrey Epstein was a “money manager.”

Elon Black and Carl Icahn are “money managers,” right?

Operations are eclipsed from interested investigators by a never-ending series of real frauds that result in arrest and imprisonment of numerous scam artists.
The Deep State cabal partners with organized crime, so plenty of opportunities for real frauds to be uncovered by competing federal or state and local authorities.

This creates the clever illusion that the only thing going on are artful scams designed to fleece the unwary.
9/11 was partly about financial chicanery extending from HW Bush.

A key point to keep to the fore is that trading programs operate “off-ledger.”
That is to say the banks and central banks that operate them run two sets of books – one set for public scrutiny and another set for private viewing only.

Are you a member of the club?

Another fact to bear in mind is that authorized programs generate quite spectacular profits for very little, in fact, miniscule risk, and those that are invited to participate as funders, accumulate capital at a shockingly rapid rate.
Is Peter Thiel an example?

Bill Gates? Larry Ellison? Google’s Sergey Mikhailovich Brin? Larry Page? Elon Musk?

A reason for such programs is to create vast pools of ready money that are earmarked for use in sanctioned (authorized) operations and projects, authorized by the Deep State cabal, not by you, the voters.

Might it be that programs are also used to launder money by spinning it through a cycle until it is pristine clean?

Drugs, guns and the usual array of dirty money transactions are said to feature.
In pop culture:


"We Gon' Make It" (2006)
Diddy Featuring Jack Knight

“I spend absurd money, private bird money/That Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Bloomberg money.”
"Song for the Ville" (2010)
J. Cole

"Too much spinach to eat for niggas beefin', so I'm out here trick or treatin'/Can my niggas comprehend? Bill Gates, Donald Trump, motherfucker let me in."
"Country Grammar" (2000)

"Bill Gates, Donald Trump, let me in now/Spin now, I got money to lend my friends now."

Since US dollars are the cornerstone of all activity, Uncle Sam naturally gets a bite of the action, and Deep State adversaries naturally want to trade in something not US Dollars.

And not use SWIFT.

Because, who wants a swift kick in the ass from the Deep State?
A percentage of the Deep State cabal’s proceeds are collected via private tax treaties negotiated with offshore entities, one might surmise.

These treaties of the past also helped to shield the reality of these programs from public awareness.
Did some of the tax take occasionally get “diverted” for altogether private purposes?

Uncle Sam’s share of trading profits from prior decades of Deep State operations are at least in part credited to the Exchange Stabilization Fund.
"Money Is My Bitch" (1996)


"Niggas always expect to see us two together, stable/The best couple they seen since Trump and Marla Maple."

From Carter Paints's Paradise Island Casino, Hotel and Ocean Club to TRUMP OCEAN CLUB PANAMA


In 2005, Panamanian businessman Roger Khafif and his partners were pondering how to breathe life into their plans for a luxury condominium in Panama.
By early 2006 they had set up a company – Newland International Properties, Corp. (Newland) – to build it. Now Khafif needed a ‘name’ – someone to draw in the big spenders to buy up the unbuilt units and provide the funds to lift the project off the drawing board.
Struggling financially at this time, Donald Trump seized the chance to be that name, and to embark on his very first international licensing venture.
He struck a deal with Khafif, and the Trump Ocean Club (TOC) was announced in New York City on April 24, 2006. Image
The announcement was followed by a pre-construction sales period that ran to June 30, 2007.

This was the critical window during which the project developers needed to demonstrate sufficient funds to attract significant outside financing to build the TOC.
Trump, Newland, International Sales Group Latin America Ltd. – the master brokerage firm hired to represent the developers – as well as a number of real estate brokers, duly embarked on an energetic global marketing campaign to rustle up buyers.
This presented opportunities to legitimate investors. However, as we will see, it also opened the project up to the risk of money launderers using it to scrub clean their ill-gotten gains.
But what was in it for Trump?

There is little transparency around Trump’s financial agreement with Newland, a company that filed for bankruptcy in 2013.
In fact, according to Univision News’ reporting of a New York court’s hearing on the bankruptcy, Newland refused to turn over the agreement with Trump to license his name.
This prompted the judge to say to Newland’s attorney: “Go to Panama. If you want to do your deals in secret, go and do it in Panama. Don't do it in my court.”
What we do know is that the deal was very lucrative.

Trump was entitled to an upfront $1.2 million licensing fee and one percent of any financing he helped to secure.
Moreover, the Newland bonds sales prospectus shows that the Trump Organization was in line for a cut of every unit sold.

Overall, Trump stood to gain $75.4 million from the TOC by the end of 2010.
These earnings were heavily predicated on the success of the pre-construction sales period, which was the key to securing big ticket outside financing.
As of June 30, 2007, two-thirds of the TOC's 996 residential and commercial units had been sold for a combined total of $279 million.
Alexandre Henrique Ventura Nogueira, a key broker of TOC purchases, described in an interview with NBC and Reuters how he sold 100 units in just a week and how using the Trump name enabled him to sell for five or six times the price of comparable units in Panama.
It was thanks to these sales that Bear Stearns – the Wall Street giant whose collapse less than a year later triggered the global economic meltdown – underwrote a $220 million bond issue that would raise funds for the TOC’s construction.

Did I mention, Trump was a CIA money
mule, witting or unwitting?

A green light for construction also opened the door to a continued stream of profits for Trump over the long-run.
Ivanka's "baby", just like Trump International Hotel & Tower Baku in he Nasimi District in Baku, Azerbaijan, where construction on that one began in 2008. Image
After Trump was elected as U.S. president, The Trump Organization ended its affiliation with the un-opened project, the Trump Tower Baku, on November 30, 2016, more than a year after construction was delayed.
The decision was announced on December 15, 2016.

Alan Garten, chief legal officer for The Trump Organization, described the decision as "housecleaning" ahead of Trump's incoming presidential administration.

Garten loyal to organized crime? Deep State cabal?
Let's break the flow of this story with another from prior decades:

2016 GOP Primaries were illusion of choice

Jeb Bush
Ted Cruz
Rick Perry
Marco Rubio

Deep State cabal engineers an illusion of choice.
Hulk Hogan collides with Ultimate Warrior at SkyDome on April 1, 1990 in the first-ever match on The Grandest Stage of Them All between the reigning WWE and Intercontinental title holders.

GOP Deep State cabal, the Vulcans, the Family write a script not too different from how Image
the WWE writes the scripts for it's matches.

When one views primaries then general elections in terms of the match-up, one might understand how a cabal of the top 1% seeks to engineer the illusion of choice.
The brilliant George Carlin could see through the bull-shitting.

Did you read the hype for the WWE match-up?

Hype it. Make it believable. Make it sound sexy.

Dupe & deceive.

Denial = refusal to accept reality.

Watching a matchup in a debate is suspending perception of reality for a moment to play along

with a script.

Willful ignorance?

“Governments don't want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.”

In the American context, replace governments with Deep State Cabal that survives across US Administrations for continuity of control, or attempt to control and manage.
What Carlin does, making people laugh about they themselves being duped, fat, overweight, pathetic, is accepted by his audience and it's comical.

But, this Deep State cabal views most of America in this manner, most likely.

Admission to Mar-a-Lago or to the Bilderberg costs $$$
Deep State cabal - you think you have the Manchurian Candidate under control?

Well, this was not the answer.

And if Mike Flynn is running PsyOps for the "family," and if this Waco messaging is the plan, you folks need to think about your strategy.

We don't need Lauren Boebert and Mike Lee lecturing us that America is not a democracy, but a constitutional republic.

“We’re not a democracy, the word ‘democracy’ appears nowhere in the Constitution, perhaps because our form of government is not a democracy.

It’s a constitutional republic.

To me it matters."

- Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) in 2020.

The GOP Deep State cabal views Mike Lee as semi-intelligent and used him for one part of the plan to re-install Trump that failed.

This cabal views Boebert as a clown, a useful idiot, but are happy to make Lauren and the hubby millionaires in service to the cause.

Anna Paulina Luna
TPUS / Charlie Kirk

Flynn and friends push the messaging "we're not a democracy.. we're a constitutional republic"
If I could get Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Mike Turner, and a host of them in a room, I'd have to channel some Logan Roy: "Your are not serious fucking people."

"i love you but you're not serious people"

Like I said, the cabal views Laruen Boebert as an expendable, a useful idiot, they're wiling to make millionaires.

A segment of a thread that dips into the Explore Talent GOP Deep State talent pool. Melissa Carone from Explore Talent is the chick colludy tooty Rudy William Louis Giuliani brought as his star witness.

Roger Stone's honey pot against Ron DeSanctimonious, who also got a spot on Deep State TV was from Explore Talent.

Koch-funded Project Veritas and an ex-British spy hired by Erik Prince were engaged in a honey pot operation designed to entrap FBI officials, ex-NSA H.R. McMaster and other enemies of the segment of the cabal that brough us the Manchurian Candidate.

A network of conservative activists, aided by a British former spy, mounted a campaign during the Trump administration to discredit perceived enemies of President Trump inside the government, according to documents and people involved in the operations. Image

WWE Style Trump Marketing
Donald the confidence man understands scripts and deception.

Donald and Rudy go way back.

Footage from 23 years ago of Giuliani dressed in drag during his tenure as mayor of NYC.

He performed the skit with Donald Trump for a charity dinner where Donald called Giuliani's character "really beautiful."

If you are turned off by that segment of the thread above, understood.

It's trashy.

But, ironically, it is also Presidential.

Trump Pence can be summed up by a gif -

Jesus take the wheel

Just watch the coronavirus task force videos.
If you made it this far in the thread, give yourself a pat on the back & thanks for sticking with it through the typos.

Here is a pointer to the start of the thread that emanated by demonstrating Fox News began as a Reagan / HW Bush era propaganda


GOP Deep State cabal still laundering its messaging, April 23, 2023, with Maria Sara Bartiromo assisting.

Jonathan (Jono) Steinberg & Maria Sara Bartiromo:

The Deep State put the wisdom in Wisdom Tree, right?

Did the GOP cabal of HW Bush and Reagan era lose control of their Fox Propaganda Machine?

Or have they been steering the ship the whole time?

Ginni Thomas and friends are free birds.

Did the GOP cabal of Vulcans send their best and brightest?

"My uncle went to MIT"

Wait until this cabal markets to us an ecto-life facility for growing humans.

To be fair, such a facility might be welcomed by women who would like a child without the pregnancy, but the Deep State cult would use this for mass births / eugenics.

Is this Mike Lee Tweet more evidence the Deep State cabal, that tolerates Mike Lee and views him as moderately intelligent, plus useful, desires a partnership with Putin for American corporations (owned by top 1%) to pillage resources in the Arctic Shelf? Image
Don't be fooled.

This cabal is not anti-war.

They have always been pro-war.

It's just the wars they want to invest in by 2023 are with China and Mexico and others.
Did I mention Fox News was started as a Deep State GOP Propaganda machine by Nixon to Reagan and HW Bush folks during the Reagan and HW Bush admins?

More gaslighting from the propaganda machine.

A cabal of Vulcans is providing its passively accepting consumers of media the illusion of choice, no different from 2016 GOP Primaries that included Deep State tolerated candidates like

Rick Perry
Ted Cruz
Marco Rubio
Donald Trump
Jeb Bush

South Dakota, which is a global tax haven, and whose governor is Deep State managed Kristi Noem is a state the Deep State can use for laundering.

Florida, Texas, Arizona are managed by the Vulcans.
This cabal produces its Presidential Candidates by building up resumes with the governorship of Florida (Jeb Bush, Ron DeSantis) and from TX (W Bush, Rick Perry), among other strategies.
Tucker Carlson exits Fox Propaganda 4/24/2023 and Don Lemon leaves CNN same day.

Deep State engineering a show for us.

Elon Musk asked a D leaning account, are you ever critical of anyone on the left and this tells you Elon is perhaps a CIA asset or an asset of the
Deep State cabal that brought us Manchurian Candidate Trump.

Elon's just got to put on a show to fool everyone.

FAA grounded the SpaceX Starship program pending a mishap investigation.

You know the history of how America came to privatize space involves Russia’s then-favorite
Congressman Dana Tyrone Rohrabacher?

Or was Curt Weldon the favorite?

Wayne Curtis Weldon (born July 22, 1947) served as a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives from 1987 to 2007, representing the 7th district of PA.
Dana Tyrone Rohrabacher was in office Jan 3, 1989 to Jan 3, 2019.

Dana Rohrabacher’s intern got a secret CIA contract from Buzzy Krongard to boost Afghan opium output.

See how he's a Nixon / Reagan / HW Bush Deep State congressman?
Rohrabacher served as assistant press secretary to Ronald Reagan during his 1976 and 1980 presidential campaigns.

Rohrabacher then worked as a speechwriter and special assistant to President Reagan from 1981 to 1988.
During his tenure at the White House, Rohrabacher played a leading role in the formulation of the Reagan Doctrine.
The doctrine was a centerpiece of United States foreign policy from the early 1980s until the end of the Cold War in 1991, and this was the Vulcans at work, including HW Bush.

Under the Reagan Doctrine, the United States provided overt and covert aid to
anti-communist guerrillas and resistance movements in an effort to "roll back" Soviet-backed pro-communist governments in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Earlier in the thread, I showed how Bill Clinton was compromised by the Deep State cabal before becoming President.

Review the thread above and below this section.

Recall Ken Starr wanted to probe Clinton's finances re: Whitewater and cattle futures?

This GOP cabal had tried to compromise the Clinton's before Bill became President and were willing to use material

this cabal of Vulcan's placed over the Clinton's as leverage to try to keep the Clinton Admin under Deep State control.

Back to Dana Rohrabacher.

What does this May 30, 2020 tweet tell us?

Allegedly Elon Musk convinced Dana Rohrabacher, a libertarian with strong ties to Putin, to draft a bill that would enable Musk to ultimately privatize a large chunk of the US space program. Image
Russian Intel Services competing for control over Elon and by 2023, US Intel services have control, most likely.

faa.gov/about/office_o… Image
Dana Rohrabacher is pals with Deep State cabal member Charles Koch, and part of Robert LeFevre's "Freedom School" circle.

LeFevre was part of the "I AM" cult.

archive.org/details/pdfy-q… Image
Rohrabacher was instrumental in crafting the Commercial Space Act of 1998, also, which required NASA to "begin seeking private sector partnerships." Image
This is actually already covered here.

How did I miss this? Nice!

Let's pick back up at this Tweet from the thread above.

It's only a few tweets up in the thread.

The post–World War II tradition of Presidential doctrines started with the Truman Doctrine in 1947,

under which the US provided support to the governments of Greece and Turkey as part of a Cold War strategy to keep both nations out of the Soviet sphere of influence.
It was followed by the Eisenhower Doctrine, the Kennedy Doctrine, the Johnson Doctrine, the Nixon Doctrine, and the Carter Doctrine, all of which defined the foreign policy approaches of these respective U.S. presidents on some of the largest global challenges of their

These foreign policy doctrines coincide with Deep State operations.

At least one component of the Reagan Doctrine technically pre-dated the Reagan Presidency.

In Afghanistan, the Carter administration began providing limited covert military assistance to
Afghanistan's mujahideen in an effort to drive the Soviets out of the nation, or at least raise the military and political cost of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.
The policy of aiding the mujahideen in their war against the Soviet occupation was originally proposed by Carter's national security adviser Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzeziński and was implemented by U.S. intelligence services. Image
Brzeziński served as a counselor to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966 to 1968 (while LBJ was President Nov 1963 to 1969) and was President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor from 1977 to 1981 (because the Deep State cabal embedded him into the Carter Administration).
Major foreign policy events during his time in office included the normalization of relations with the People's Republic of China (and the severing of ties with the Republic of China on Taiwan);
the signing of the second Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT II) with the Soviet Union; the brokering of the Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel;
the overthrow of the US-friendly Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and the start of the Iranian Revolution; the United States' encouragement of dissidents in Eastern Europe and championing of human rights[ in order to undermine the influence of the Soviet Union;

supporting the Afghan mujahideen against the Soviet-backed Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and, ultimately, Soviet occupation troops during the Soviet–Afghan War;

and the signing of the Torrijos–Carter Treaties relinquishing U.S. control of the Panama Canal after 1999.

Keep in mind the other events of 1999.

The Afghan mujahideen were various armed Islamist rebel groups that fought against the government of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and the Soviet Union during the Soviet–Afghan War and the subsequent First Afghan Civil War.
The Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA), renamed the Republic of Afghanistan[b] in 1987, was the Afghan state during the one-party rule of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) from 1978 to 1992.
It relied heavily on assistance from the Soviet Union for most of its existence, especially during the Soviet–Afghan War.
The PDPA came to power through the Saur Revolution, which ousted the regime of the unelected autocrat Mohammed Daoud Khan; he was succeeded by Nur Muhammad Taraki as the head of state and government on 30 April 1978.
The Saur Revolution or Sowr Revolution is also known as the April Coup that was staged April 27 and 28 of 1978 during the second year of Jimmy Carter’s term in America, following Gerald Ford’s term from 1974 to 1977.
The Saur Revolution by the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) overthrew Afghan president Mohammed Daoud Khan, who had himself taken power in the 1973 Afghan coup d'état (which was during the next to last year of the Nixon Presidency) and established an
autocratic one-party system in the country.

Daoud and most of his family were executed at the Arg in the capital city of Kabul by PDPA-affiliated military officers, after which his supporters were also purged and killed.
The successful PDPA uprising resulted in the creation of a socialist Afghan government that was closely aligned with the Soviet Union, with Nur Muhammad Taraki serving as the PDPA's General Secretary of the Revolutionary Council.
Rather than continue to explain the history of Afghanistan from 1978 to 1992 at the moment, and there is much more to that story, let’s return to Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzeziński

who served as a counselor to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966 to 1968 and was President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor from 1977 to 1981, a Deep State carry-over into the Carter Admin.
In his 1970 piece Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era, Brzezinski argued that a coordinated policy among developed nations was necessary in order to counter global instability erupting from increasing economic inequality.
Out of this thesis, Brzezinski co-founded the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller, serving as director from 1973 to 1976.

I hope you caught the significance of David Rockefeller being co-founder with Brzezinksi.

Rockefeler of the Vulcans

later by 1981 that HW Bush would be useful idiot Reagan's Vice President.

Also, do not forget that Rockefeller and Prescott Bush were part of the 1933 Business Plot to overthrow FDR


Jimmy Carter in Feb 2016 said “I think I would choose Trump, which may surprise some of you, but the reason is Trump has proven already that he's completely malleable."

Nelson and David Rockefeller of the GOP Cabal - the Vulcans - were friends of Allen Dulles.

We'll have to come back to the Deep State use of Chase National Bank and Chase Manhattan Bank.

Let's not get too distracted. Image
Nelson Rockefeller (1908–1979) Image
Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller served as the 41st vice president of the United States from 1974 to 1977 under President Gerald Ford.

Nelson previously served as the 49th governor of New York from 1959 to 1973.
Nelson Rockefeller also served as assistant secretary of State for American Republic Affairs for Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman (1944–1945) as well as under secretary of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) under Dwight D. Eisenhower from 1953 to 1954.
Being born into wealth that is not taxed gives you the privilege to look smart and run America.

A son of John D. Rockefeller Jr. and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller as well as a grandson of Standard Oil co-founder John D. Rockefeller, there was a shit ton of family wealth.
David Rockefeller was the fifth son and youngest child of John D. Rockefeller Jr. and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, and a grandson of John D. Rockefeller and Laura Spelman Rockefeller.

David grew up in an eight-story house at 10 West 54th Street, the tallest private residence
ever built in the city.

David Rockefeller was the youngest of six children born to financier John Davison Rockefeller Jr. and socialite Abigail Greene "Abby" Aldrich.

His father John Jr. was the only son of Standard Oil co-founder John Davison Rockefeller Sr.
The Rockefeller's military service was not like that of poor boy from Michigan, WV, Mississippi, or Alabama.

He was groomed for an intel role and already filthy rich when he entered the service.

David Rockefeller enlisted in the U.S. Army and entered Officer Candidate School
in 1943.

He was promoted to Captain in 1945.

During World War II he served in North Africa and France (he spoke fluent French) for military intelligence, setting up political and economic intelligence units.
David Rockefeller served as a "Ritchie Boy" secret unit specially trained at Fort Ritchie, Maryland.
In 1946, David Rockefeller joined the staff of the longtime family-associated Chase National Bank.

The chairman at that time was Rockefeller's uncle Winthrop W. Aldrich.
The Chase Bank was primarily a wholesale bank, dealing with other prominent financial institutions and major corporate clients such as General Electric, which had, through its RCA affiliate, leased prominent space and become a crucial first tenant of Rockefeller Center in 1930.
The bank is closely associated with and has financed the oil industry, having longstanding connections with its board of directors to the successor companies of Standard Oil, especially Exxon Mobil.

Did I mention how the Deep State that brought America Manchurian Candidate Trump
placed Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson as his Sec of State?

Chase National became the Chase Manhattan Bank in 1955 and shifted significantly into consumer banking. It is now called JPMorgan Chase.
David Rockefeller started as an assistant manager in the foreign department.

There he financed international trade in a number of commodities, such as coffee, sugar and metals.

Paging Smedley Butler, who later realized what a pawn he was.
Didn't Trump call them "losers and suckers?"

So harsh, boys.

This position David had maintained relationships with more than 1,000 correspondent banks throughout the world.

Oh, the laundering opportunities.
David Rockefeller served in other positions and became president in 1960.

He was both the chairman and chief executive of Chase Manhattan from 1969 to 1980 and remained chairman until 1981.
He was also, as recently as 1980, the single largest individual shareholder of the bank, holding 1.7% of its shares.
During his term as CEO, Chase spread internationally and became a central component of the world's financial system due to its global network of correspondent banks, the largest in the world.
In 1973, Chase established the first branch of an American bank in Moscow, in the then Soviet Union.

That year Rockefeller traveled to China, resulting in his bank becoming the National Bank of China's first correspondent bank in the U.S.

During this period, Chase Manhattan expanded its influence over many non-financial corporations. A 1979 study titled "The Significance of Bank Control over Large Corporations" provided an estimate for which large U.S.-based financial institutions had the most control over
other corporations.

The study finds that:

"The Rockefeller-controlled Chase Manhattan Bank tops the list, controlling 16 companies."

David Rockefeller was faulted for spending excessive amounts of time abroad (all those pretty girls and all that inherited $$$), and during his tenure as CEO the bank had more troubled loans than any other major bank.
Chase owned more New York City securities in the mid-1970s, when the city was nearing bankruptcy.

A scandal erupted in 1974 when an audit found that losses from bond trading had been understated.

In 1975 the bank was branded a "problem bank" by the Federal Reserve.
From 1974 to 1976, Chase earnings fell 36 percent while those of its biggest rivals rose 12 to 31 percent.

The bank's earnings more than doubled between 1976 and 1980, far outpacing its rival Citibank in return on assets.
By 1981, as Jimmy Carter's term is ending and the HW Bush and Rockefeller and Koch Deep State is engineering an HW Bush installation into the White House, as useful idiot Reagan's VP, the bank's finances were restored to full health.

In November 1979, while chairman of the Chase Bank, David Rockefeller became embroiled in an international incident when he and Deep State Vulcan Henry Kissinger, along with John J. McCloy and Rockefeller aides, persuaded President Jimmy Carter through the
United States Department of State to admit the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, into the United States for hospital treatment for lymphoma.

John Jay McCloy (March 31, 1895 – March 11, 1989) was chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, a member of the Warren Commission,
which is an important detail once you recognize that HW Bush is a suspect for the murder of JFK (along with Nixon and Allen Dulles) (LBJ probably got looped into it later) and a prominent United States adviser to all presidents from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Ronald Reagan.
US Secretary of War Henry Stimson hired McCloy (who we just talked about in Nov 1979 as persuading Jimmy Carter for something) as a consultant in September 1940, even though McCloy was a Republican Party supporter and opposed Franklin Roosevelt for the upcoming November 1940
US Secretary of War Henry Stimson was particularly interested in McCloy due to McCloy's extensive experience with German sabotage in the Black Tom case.

Did you know Fred Trump, Donald Trump's dad, was used by Naval Intel?

Stimson knew that the Germans would once again try to sabotage American infrastructure if a war against the United States were to break out.

Working for Stimson, McCloy became immersed in war planning.
On April 22, 1941, John J McCloy was made Assistant Secretary of War but held only civilian responsibilities, especially the purchase of war materials for the Army, Lend Lease, the draft, and issues of intelligence and sabotage.
An indefatigable committee member, McCloy during the war served on the government task forces that built the Pentagon, created the Office of Strategic Services, which eventually became the Central Intelligence Agency, and he proposed both the United Nations and
the war crimes tribunals. He chaired the predecessor to the National Security Council.

Read that last tweet again.

This is the moment the Deep State cabal of GOP Vulcans gets formalized into what we in 2023 can relate to.
From March 1947 to June 1949, McCloy served as the second president of the World Bank.

We'll have to cover OSS/CIA use of World Bank later.

At the time of his appointment, the World Bank was a new entity, having only been manned by one previous president, Eugene Meyer,
who resigned six months into his tenure over disputes with the bank's executive directors.

Over this tenure, he would develop relationships with Wall Street to overcome their skepticism of these bonds from countries, selling over hundreds of millions of dollars in bonds.
Eventually, McCloy would leave the World Bank, as the Marshall Plan would start giving vast sums of economic support in 1948 for Allied countries that would swamp the investment the World Bank could provide.
On September 2, 1949, McCloy replaced the previous five successive military governors for the US Zone in Germany as the first US High Commissioner for Germany and held the position until August 1, 1952.
John J McCloy oversaw the further creation of the Federal Republic of Germany after May 23 of 1949.
At the strong urging of the West German government, and under massive pressure from the West German public, McCloy approved recommendations (including from the Peck Panel) for commuting of sentences of Nazi criminals including those of the prominent industrialist
Alfried Krupp and Einsatzgruppe commander Martin Sandberger.

Paging Prescott and HW Bush.

We have to move this thread on the Koch / Walker / Bush family forward later.

And come back to Commercial Solvents Corp.

John J McCloy (adjacent with David Rockefeller) granted the restitution of Alfried Krupp's entire property.

He also commuted the sentence of Ernst von Weizsäcker at the urging of Winston Churchill.
Another commutation handed down was for Edmund Veesenmayer, who played a role in mass deportations.

Nuremberg judge William J. Wilkins wrote,

Imagine my surprise one day in February 1951 to read in the newspaper that John J. McCloy, the high commissioner to Germany, Image
had restored all the Krupp properties that had been ordered confiscated.

McCloy did, however, reject requests for an amnesty.

He also refused to commute the death sentences of five men whom he called "the worst of the worst": Oswald Pohl, Otto Ohlendorf, Paul Blobel, Werner Braune, and Erich Naumann.
Nonetheless, one cannot ignore that John J. McCloy, the high commissioner to Germany, had restored all the Krupp properties that had been ordered confiscated.
Following his service in Germany, John J McCloy served as chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank from 1953 to 1960 (operating as "Chase National Bank" prior to 1955), and as chairman of the Ford Foundation from 1958 to 1965;
he was also a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1946 to 1949, and then again from 1953 to 1958, before he took up the position at Ford.
Following the 1953 death of Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson, President Eisenhower considered appointing McCloy in his place, but he was viewed as too favourable to big business.
From 1954 to 1970, he was chairman of the prestigious Council on Foreign Relations in New York, to be succeeded by David Rockefeller, who had worked closely with him at the Chase Bank.
McCloy had a long association with the Rockefeller family, going back to his early Harvard days when he taught the young Rockefeller brothers how to sail. He was also a member of the Draper Committee, formed in 1958 by Eisenhower.
The Presidents Committee to Study the United States Military Assistance Program ("Draper Committee.") was a bipartisan committee, created in November 1958 by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower to undertake a completely independent, objective, and non-partisan analysis of the
military assistance aspects of the 1949 Mutual Defense Assistance Act.

The Mutual Defense Assistance Act was a United States Act of Congress signed by President Harry S. Truman on 6 October 1949.
For U.S. foreign policy, it was the first U.S. military foreign aid legislation of the Cold War era, and initially to Europe.

The Act followed Truman's signing of the Economic Cooperation Act (the Marshall Plan), on April 3, 1948, which provided non-military,
economic reconstruction and development aid to Europe.

The 1949 Act was amended and reauthorized on July 26, 1950.

In 1951, the Economic Cooperation Act and Mutual Defense Assistance Act were succeeded by the Mutual Security Act, and its newly created independent agency,
the Mutual Security Administration, to supervise all foreign aid programs, including both military assistance programs and non-military, economic assistance programs that bolstered the defense capability of U.S. allies.
The Mutual Security Agency (1951–1953) was a US agency to strengthen European allies of World War II through military assistance and economic recovery.

Reorganization Plan No. 7 1953 (67 Stat. 641) abolished the Mutual Security Agency on August 1, 1953.
The federal organization functions were transferred to the new Foreign Operations Administration.

The Foreign Operations Administration was created in 1953 under the directorship of Harold Stassen, who was the 25th governor of Minnesota.
Harold Edward Stassen was a leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president of the United States in 1948, considered for a time to be the front-runner.

The 1948 United States presidential election was the 41st quadrennial presidential election. It was held on
Tuesday, November 2, 1948.

In one of the greatest election upsets in American history, incumbent President Harry S. Truman, the Democratic nominee, defeated heavily-favored Republican Governor of New York Thomas E. Dewey, winning election in a four-way contest.

Too much to
cover with regards to the shennanigans of the 1948 election at this moment of the thread.

Stassen sought the presidential nomination again at the 1952 Republican National Convention, and helped Dwight D. Eisenhower win the nomination by shifting his support to Eisenhower.
After serving in the Eisenhower administration, Stassen sought various offices.

Between 1958 and 1990, he campaigned unsuccessfully for the positions of Governor of Pennsylvania, Mayor of Philadelphia, United States Senator, Governor of Minnesota,
and United States Representative.

Harold Edward Stassen further sought the Republican nomination for president in 1964, 1968, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, and 1992.
The Foreign Operations Administration that was created in 1953 under the directorship of Harold Stassen was abolished by Executive Order 10610 on May 9, 1955 under Eisenhower, whose VP was Nixon.
Its functions were split and transferred to the United States Department of State and the United States Department of Defense.
John J. McCloy was selected by President Lyndon Johnson to serve on the Warren Commission in late November 1963.

If there was a JFK cover-up, by Nov 1963, LBJ was in on a cover-up, but was it witting or unwitting?

I'm not sure LBJ was in on any initial plot.
I'd look at HW Bush, Nixon, Allen Dulles, Lansdale, etc.

Notably, John J. McCloy was initially skeptical of the lone gunman theory, but a trip to Dallas with CIA veteran Allen Dulles, an old friend also serving on the commission, convinced him of the case against Oswald.

To avoid a minority dissenting report, McCloy brokered the final consensus and the crucial wording of the primary conclusion of the final report.
He stated that any possible evidence of a conspiracy was "beyond the reach" of all of America's investigatory agencies, principally the FBI and the CIA as well as the Commission itself.

Allen Dulles influenced John J. McCloy and I'd look at Allen Dulles as a suspect along with
HW Bush, Nixon, then Lansdale.

n a 1975 interview with Eric Sevareid of CBS, McCloy stated, "I never saw a case that I thought was more completely proven than... the assassination."

news.google.com/newspapers?id=… ImageImage
McCloy became a name partner in the Rockefeller-associated prominent New York law firm Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy.

He would serve here from 1945 to 1947, and then after serving on the Warren Commission, remained a general partner for 27 years, until he died in 1989.
In that capacity, John J. McCloy acted for the "Seven Sisters", the leading multinational oil companies, including Exxon, in their initial confrontations with the nationalization movement in Libya as well as negotiations with Saudi Arabia and OPEC.
Because of his stature in the legal world and his long association with the Rockefellers and as a presidential adviser, he was sometimes referred to as the "Chairman of the American Establishment".

This is the GOP cabal of the time, the Vulcans of the day.
The expression "Seven Sisters" was coined by the head of the Italian state oil company (Eni), Enrico Mattei, who sought membership for his company, but was rejected.
The history of the supermajors traces back to the seven oil companies which formed the "Consortium for Iran" cartel and dominated the global petroleum industry from the mid-1940s to the 1970s.
he Seven Sisters were:

Anglo-Iranian Oil Company
Standard Oil of California
Gulf Oil
Standard Oil of New Jersey (Esso)
Standard Oil of New York
With a pro-Western Shah and the new pro-Western Prime Minister, Fazlollah Zahedi, Iranian oil began flowing again and the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, which changed its name to British Petroleum (BP) in 1954, tried to return to its old position.
However, Iranian public opinion was so opposed that the new government could not permit it.

Under pressure from the United States, BP was forced to accept membership in a consortium of companies which would bring Iranian oil back on the international market.
BP was incorporated in London in 1954 as a holding company called Iranian Oil Participants Ltd (IOP).
The founding members of IOP included British Petroleum (40%), Gulf Oil (8%), Royal Dutch Shell (14%), and Compagnie Française des Pétroles (later Total S.A., 6%).
The four Aramco partners — Standard Oil of California (SoCal, later Chevron), Standard Oil of New Jersey (later Exxon), Standard Oil Co. of New York (later Mobil, then ExxonMobil), and Texaco – each held an 8% stake in the holding company.
In addition, these companies paid Anglo-Iranian about $90 million for their 60 percent share in the consortium, and a further $500 million, paid out of a ten cent per barrel royalty.
The Shah signed the agreement on 29 October 1954, and oil flowed from Abadan the next day.

Within a few months each of the American companies contributed 1 percent to Iricon, a consortium made up of nine independent American companies, which included
Phillips, Richfield, Standard of Ohio, and Ashland.

This group of companies at various stages came to be known as the Supermajors, the "Seven Sisters", or the "Consortium for Iran" cartel, and dominated the global petroleum industry from the mid-1940s to the 1970s.
Until the oil crisis of 1973, the members of the Seven Sisters controlled around 85% of the world's known oil reserves.

Did I mention the evolution of this Deep State cabal placed former Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson as Sec of State to Manchurian Candidate Trump?

Sullivan & Cromwell
still in the game, in "the family?"

All IOP members acknowledged that the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) owned the oil and facilities in Iran, and IOP's role was to operate and manage them on behalf of NIOC.
To facilitate that, IOP established two operating entities incorporated in the Netherlands, and both were delegated to NIOC.
Similar to the Saudi-Aramco "50/50" agreement of 1950, the consortium agreed to share profits on a 50–50 basis with Iran, "but not to open its books to Iranian auditors or to allow Iranians onto its board of directors."
The negotiations leading to the creation of the consortium, during 1954–55, was considered as a feat of skillful diplomacy for the "Seven Sisters".
Some viewed the move as one to quell the rising tensions of Iranians since it allowed IOP to divert and hide profits with ease—effectively controlling Iran's share of the profits.

Saudi Aramco's origins trace to the oil shortages of World War I and the exclusion of American companies from Mesopotamia by the United Kingdom and France under the San Remo Petroleum Agreement of 1920.

The US administration had popular support for an "Open Door policy", which Herbert Hoover, secretary of commerce, initiated in 1921.

Standard Oil of California (SoCal) was among those US companies seeking new sources of oil from abroad. Image
Yom Kippur War

Persian Gulf War

In context of Saudi Aramco Image
Should we believe Richard Clark pinning the cyber attacks on Iran?

Or was Iran a scape-goat?

Think about Jared Kushner here helping to install MBS. Image
Don't forget the acquisition of the largest refiner in America in Texas.

The Deep State at play ... Image
We were discussing David Rockefeller.

David Rockefeller traveled widely and met with both foreign rulers and U.S. presidents, beginning with Dwight D. Eisenhower.

At times he served as an unofficial emissary on high-level business.[18] Among the foreign leaders he met were Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro, Nikita Khrushchev, and Mikhail Gorbachev.
In 1968, he declined an offer from his brother Nelson Rockefeller, then governor of New York, to appoint him to Robert F. Kennedy's Senate seat after Kennedy was assassinated in June 1968, a post Nelson also offered to their nephew John Davison "Jay" Rockefeller IV.

Here, the
Deep State GOP cabal held the power to appoint a new NY governor, following the assassination of RFK!

Rockefeller's trying to keep the NY Gov spot "in the family."
President Jimmy Carter offered David Rockefeller the position of United States Secretary of the Treasury but he declined.

The Vulcan's playing around in the Carter Admin with Fed and Treasury.

google.com/books/edition/… Image
David Rockefeller was criticized for befriending foreign autocrats in order to expand Chase interests in their countries.

Sound like Donald Trump with his affinity for transactions with autocrats?
The New York Times columnist David Brooks wrote in 2002 that Rockefeller "spent his life in the club of the ruling class and was loyal to members of the club, no matter what they did."
He noted that Rockefeller had cut profitable deals with "oil-rich dictators", "Soviet party bosses" and "Chinese perpetrators of the Cultural Revolution".

nytimes.com/2017/03/20/bus… Image
The Rockefeller's moved into WV to exercise power and control, using inherited wealth.

Remember that when you think about Joe Manchin and Jim Justice, presented as "choices" in 2024.

It is the illusion of choice.

View Chase Manhattan's 1976 problems in context of Intel Agencies battling around this time period. Image
David Rockefeller did not like President Carter.

The Deep State engineered a win for useful idiot Ronald Reagan and made HW Bush his VP, with extraordinary power for a VP by Executive Order. Image
David Rockefeller was acquainted with Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director Allen Dulles and his brother, Eisenhower administration Secretary of State John Foster Dulles—who was an in-law of the family since his college years.
It was in Rockefeller Center that Allen Dulles had set up his WWII operational center after Pearl Harbor, liaising closely with MI6, which also had their principal U.S. operation in the center.
He also knew and associated with the former CIA director Richard Helms as well as Archibald Bulloch Roosevelt Jr., a Chase Bank employee and former CIA agent whose first cousin, CIA agent Kermit Roosevelt Jr., was involved in the Iran coup of 1953.

Richard McGarrah Helms served as Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) from 1966 to 1973.

Helms began intelligence work with the Office of Strategic Services during World War II. Following the 1947 creation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), he rose in its ranks
during the presidencies of Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy.

Helms then was DCI under Presidents Johnson and Nixon, yielding to James R. Schlesinger in early 1973, Nixon's next to last year in office.
It was in June 1966 that Richard Helms was appointed director of Central Intelligence.

At the White House later that month, Helm was sworn in during a ceremony arranged by President Lyndon Baines Johnson.
In April of the prior year, John McCone resigned as DCI.

Johnson then had appointed Admiral William Raborn, well regarded for his work on the submarine-launched Polaris missile, as the new DCI (1965–1966).
Johnson chose Helms to serve as Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (DDCI). Raborn and Helms soon journeyed to the LBJ Ranch in Texas. Raborn did not fit well into the institutional complexities at the CIA, with its specialized intellectual culture.

At least, that is the
official story.

Admiral William Raborn resigned in 1966.

As DCI, Helms served under President Johnson during the second half of his administration, then continued in this post until 1973, through President Nixon's first term.
Immediately after Nixon's re-election in 1972, he called for all appointed officials in his administration to resign;

Nixon here sought to gain more personal control over the federal government. Helms did not consider his position at CIA to be a political job, which was the
traditional view within the Agency, and so did not resign as DCI.

Previously, on election day Helms had lunch with General Alexander Haig, a top Nixon security advisor;

Haig didn't know Nixon's mind on the future at CIA.
Evidently neither did Henry Kissinger, Helms discovered later.

Recall that George H. W. Bush, with his new found ‘Emergency’ powers, would deny Al Haig’s formal request for an investigation into the assassination attempt against Ronald Reagan, who
the Deep State cabal viewed as a useful idiot and gave HW Bush powers over foreign policy and CIA via Executive Order.

Interesting Jan 21, 2023 tweet from Roger Stone Jr. regarding Alexander Haig and Bob Woodward, asserting that Haig was Woodward's source and not Mark Felt. Image
On November 20, Richard Helms came to Camp David to an interview with Nixon about what he thought was a "budgetary matter".

Nixon's chief of staff H.R. Haldeman also attended.

Helms was informed by Nixon that his services in the new administration would not be required.
On Helms' dismissal William Colby (DCI Sept. 1973 to Jan. 1976) later commented that "Dick Helms paid the price for that 'No' [to the White House over Watergate]."
In the course of this discussion, Nixon learned or was reminded that Helms was a career civil servant, not a political appointee.

Apparently spontaneously, Nixon then offered him the ambassadorship to the Soviet Union.
After shortly considering it, Helms declined, wary of the potential consequences of the offer, considering his career in intelligence.

"I'm not sure how the Russians might interpret my being sent across the lines as an ambassador," Helms remembers telling Nixon.
Instead Helms proposed being sent to Iran.

Nixon assented.

Among other things Nixon perhaps figured Helms, after managing CIA's long involvement in Iranian affairs, would be capable in addressing issues arising out of Nixon's recent policy decision conferring on the shah his
new role as "policeman of the Gulf".

Think about the seven sisters and oil discussion above.

Helms also suggested that since he could retire when he turned 60, he might voluntarily do so at the end of March. So it was agreed, apparently.

But instead the event came without warning as Helms was abruptly dismissed when James R. Schlesinger was named the new DCI on
Let's head back up to this point in the thread and continue with this narrative.

The Trilateral Commission is a group of prominent political and business leaders and academics primarily from the United States, Western Europe and Japan.

Its purpose was to strengthen relations among the three most industrially advanced regions of the capitalist world.

In 1974, Brzezinski selected Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter as a member.

The Deep State cabal had groomed Jimmy Carter.

Recall with Bill Clinton, the Vulcans
tried to have leverage from the start?

The GOP Cabal / Deep State is heavily investing in the WV Senate race and has been influencing useful idiot and corruptible Joe Manchin.

Jim Justice is another bad choice, and the Deep State GOP cabal will compete for influence over Jim Justice with Russian Intel services.

This last tweet ends a portion of the thread that started here.

And the whole thread you are reading started here.

Dismantling the administrative state. Image
Plus, in May 2022, the 5th Circuit dismantled the SEC's power to enforce securities law.

The Vulcan's, with their two sets of books for each operation, needed to smack the SEC down.

ca5.uscourts.gov/opinions/pub/2… Image

Mike Lee believes “the founders” would want us to dismantle “the administrative state,” almost the entirety of the existing federal government (except for the military parts).

To the GOP cabal from the Deep State that gave us Manchurian Candidate Trump and Mike Lee of Utah, Trump was just a useful vehicle for that radical project this cabal of Vulcans know that voters would never support.
When George W. Bush campaigned for the White House, he was such a novice in foreign policy that he couldn't name the president of Pakistan & momentarily suggested he thought the Taliban was a rock-and-roll band.

That's how the Vulcan's viewed Ronald Reagan and Donald J Trump. Image
Unlike other presidential administrations, the Reagan administration was uniquely characterized by having the Vice President - who at that time was George H. W. Bush – in control of Foreign Policy.

That control was established in an agreement between Bush and useful idiot Reagan prior to their election.

The agreement was later formalized with Executive Order 12333.

Like HW Bush was to Reagan, a cabal of Deep State players was to W Bush.

Even HW Bush viewed W Bush as an idiot.

W Bush (Dubya) relied upon a group called the Vulcans—an inner circle of advisers with a long, shared experience in government, dating back to the
Nixon, Ford, Reagan and first Bush administrations.

After returning to power in 2001, the Vulcans were widely expected to restore U.S. foreign policy to what it had been under George H. W. Bush and previous Republican administrations.
Instead, the Vulcans put America on an entirely new and different course, however, adopting a far-reaching set of ideas that changed the world and America's role in it.
Rise of the Vulcans is nothing less than a detailed, incisive thirty-five-year history of the top six members of the Vulcans—Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Armitage, and Condoleezza Rice—and the era of American dominance they represent. Image
It is the story of the lives, ideas and careers of Bush's war cabinet—the group of Washington insiders who took charge of America's response to September 11 and led the nation into its wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Taken together, the individuals know as the Vulcans represent a generation in American history—a generation that might be compared to the "wise men" who shaped American policy after World War II or the "best and brightest" who prosecuted the war in Vietnam.
Manchurian Candidate Trump liked to say "only the best and brightest."

Many people are saying.

Over three decades, since the time of Vietnam, the Vulcans gradually led the way in shaping a vision of an unchallengeable America seeking to dominate the globe
through its military power.

As early as April 2001 the United States Department of Defense defined "full-spectrum superiority" (FSS) as:
The cumulative effect of dominance in the air, land, maritime, and space domains and information environment, which includes cyberspace, that permits the conduct of joint operations without effective opposition or prohibitive interference.
The doctrine of Full Spectrum Operations replaced the prior one, which was known as AirLand Battle.

AirLand Battle had been taught in one form or another since 1982.

"Full spectrum dominance" means control of land, sea, air and space and all attendant resources.

1992 Defense Dept Planning Policy Guidelines

Situating Iraq within the larger context of post-9/11 foreign policy, we could analyze further the Bush National Security Strategy and the neoconservative vision of achieving increasing degrees of global domination and control, and explain how
Donald Trump, Rick Perry, and Rex Tillerson had fit into this thinking by the Deep State cabal, in 2016, as relates to the GOP disinfo on climate change, by recognizing that to tap into resources in the arctic shelf, it is cheaper when the ice is melting.
You know how Rex Tillerson was "friends" with Putin?

And former CEO of Exxon Mobil?

American oilman No 1 [Rex Tillerson] is ready to re-engage in Russia as soon as sanctions are lifted [2016 news].

That opportunity for re-engagement could come soon enough.

When installed as Secretary of State in January, the powerful ExxonMobil leader will have the Image
possibility to alter US-Russian relations and seek an end to the sanction regime which for the last two years has stalled international energy projects in the Russian Arctic.
ExxonMobil is among the foreign companies with the biggest stakes in the Russian North, and Tillerson is the man behind it all.
After having successfully developed the Sakhalin-1 project on Russia’s Pacific coast, the company in 2011 signed a comprehensive Arctic cooperation deal with Rosneft.
That includes three huge licenses in the Kara Sea, as well as stakes in Western Siberian fields and a project in the Black Sea.

In 2013, the cooperation was extended with another seven licenses in areas stretching from the Kara Sea to the Chukchi Sea.
The total area covered by the Arctic licenses increased to more than 725,000 square kilometers.

An important milestone for the Russian-US partnership came just weeks before American and European authorities extended their sanctions on Russia in 2014.

Oh. You see how the 2014
situation in Ukraine and the Obama / Biden sanctions might have pissed of the Vulcans, the GOP cabal of rich people from inherited means that America fails to properly tax?
From the 2016 article:

The American company got a 33,3 percent stake in the project operating companies, among them Karmorneftegaz, the joint venture established for the development of the Kara Sea licenses.

As part of the deals, Exxon took on costs for exploration. Image
That did not come cheap.

According to unofficial estimates, costs for the drilling of the Pobeda well alone amounted to about $600 million.

More drilling was supposed to follow.

But Obama / Biden and sanctions over Putin's invasion into Ukraine.

More from the article from 2016:

License obligations include another 14 wells and significant 2D and 3D seismic mapping.

That, however, was put on hold because of the sanctions.

However, contacts between the companies did not stop.
Over the last two years, significant parts of the companies’ joint license areas have been subjected to seismic mapping.
In addition, the two companies have together established the Arctic Research & Design Center, a St. Petersburg-based entity for research, development and technical services for Arctic oil and gas development.
ExxonMobil pledged $200 million in funding for the center’s initial research work.

Resources are abundant.
According to Igor Sechin, the oil resources of the Kara Sea alone exceed the ones of the Bay of Mexico, Brasilian shelf, Alaska and northern Canada and can be compared with the resources of Saudi Arabia.

The link provided to the Feb 21, 2022 thread in the last tweet ended at this tweet on Oct 14, 2022.

Just dropping the link to the end of that thread.

That thread may have had a break in it and split into two.

This entire thread started here.

Trying to drop a link to that start more frequently, within the thread, to make it easier to navigate back to the start of it.

This link is just a note to self to revisit.

You, the reader, can skip this link.

We were discussing tapping into resources in the Arctic shelf.

The Paris Agreement (French: Accord de Paris), often referred to as the Paris Accords or the Paris Climate Accords, is an international treaty on climate change.

Adopted in 2015, the agreement covers climate change mitigation, adaptation, and finance.
The Paris Agreement was negotiated by 196 parties at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference near Paris, France.

As of February 2023, 195 members of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are parties to the agreement.
Of the four UNFCCC member states which have not ratified the agreement, the only major emitter is Iran.

The United States withdrew from the agreement in 2020, just before Manchurian Candidate Trump left office, but America rejoined in 2021, just as Biden rolled into power.

Manchurian Candidate Trump, the useful idiot in this context, repeatedly questioned climate science, calling climate change a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese and vowing during his campaign to “cancel” the Paris agreement.

The GOP cabal, the Deep State, Image
Vulcans consisting of Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Armitage, and Condoleezza Rice, who undertook a gradual transition from the Nixon and Kissinger philosophies to the doctrine espoused by Rumsfeld, Cheney, had their Manchurian Candidate, Image
Donald Trump, saying about Climate Change what they desired.

No part of the world is warming faster than the Arctic. Image
Summer sea ice regularly shrinks to record lows, coastlines are eroding and wildfires are getting worse. Even the frozen tundra, a critical natural storage tank for carbon emissions, is no longer so frozen.

But the melting means accessing the oil, gas, and other resources in the
Arctic becomes cheaper.

You see why the GOP is against any flavor of the ideas espoused in the so-called Green New Deal, as flawed as it may be?
End of LA Times article.

Note I added commentary along the way.

latimes.com/nation/la-na-a… Image
Do you think Elon Musk is playing for Team America, or is he a traitor playing for hostile nation-states?

Is he a CIA asset deceiving the world? Image
Anna Paulina Luna - A GOP Deep State useful idiot or does Russia have influence over her more than the evolution of the Vulcans? Funny she comments on the exit of Tucker Carlson from a "news" org that started as a CIA op by Reagan and HW Bush Admins.

This entire thread started here. Trying to drop a link to that start more frequently, within the thread, to make it easier to navigate back to the start of it.

Reflection point in the thread from earlier.

Rockefeller's, Koch's, Bush's, Mercer's, Devos's

Inherited Wealth and multi-generational wealth runs America, and it gets passed untaxed, creating the dynasties the Founder's allegedly railed against.

Mentally connecting this link from this thread to another thread on Color Revolutions to the next tweet as note to self.

Putin answers to Xi and this next tweet about a secret China / Ukraine treaty is interesting to ponder.

This Disney mention as it relates to the info in the UK / Brexit might start to permit an understanding of US GOP Deep State 2024 Presidential Candidate Ron DeSantis fake war with Disney.

A PsyOps?

Seeming contradictions leading to Minsk III and Russia being given a third chance?

When you understand an American GOP cabal installed Putin and wants to partner with Putin today, who they believe they can manage,

to extract resources from the Arctic Shelf, you see why Minks III?


Is it that Putin hopes for another long, frozen conflict that doesn't put enough pressure on his domestic problems to crack his regime, that offers him hope of offramps and negotiations that only empower him?

Or, is it that is what the American GOP cabal is engineering?
And is the American GOP cabal of Deep State assets influencing the Biden Admin, managing DCI Burns, John Kerry, and Jake Sullivan, placing them in a cold war thinking game?

This Deep State cabal has not inflicted Sec of Defense Austin or Chairman Milley.
You know how GOP Deep State useful idiots like Matt Gaetz harass Mark Milley? And Lloyd Austin?

It's partly because this new cohort of Vulcans has a plan for "partnering" with Putin and Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley are just temporary roadblocks in their calculation.
Remember this Mark Milley to Matt Gaetz exchange?

This GOP Deep State cabal which installed useful idiot but millionaire (from inherited wealth) MT Greene has no problem telling you they want Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley gone (Sept 20, 20210.

Bob Woodward used to be a communications officer for naval intelligence. Image
Lloyed Austin to GOP Deep State cabal's useful idiot, Matt Gaetz, another born into riches stooge like M.T. Greene.

Gaetz again attacking Austin / DoD

Remember in March 2023 when Matt Gaetz showed Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley "proof of drag shows on military bases and ‘diversity’ books?"

The GOP cabal of Vulcans wants to eliminate Austin and Milley, the smarter ones, as this arm of the GOP Deep State cabal views Austin and Milley as temporary road blocks to their agendas.
This GOP Deep State cabal of mostly born into untaxed riches folks is partially enumerated in this thread.

One would need to go one-by-one through each person involved in the plot to re-install Manchurian Candidate Trump

to parse out the witting from the unwitting and the half-wits.

Recall this April 18, 2023 DOJ news that U.S. Citizens and Russian Intelligence Officers Charged with Conspiring to Use U.S. Citizens as Illegal Agents of the Russian Government?

This GOP cabal from the evolution of the Nixon to Reagan and HW Bush to W Bush Vulcans of born into untaxed riches are what Trump calls "only the best and brightest."

At the margins, Russia influences cohorts of MAGA voters, promoting California's secession like was previously
promoted in Texas.

Texas secession movements, also known as the Texas independence movement or Texit sound like Brexit?

Texit refers to both the secession of Texas during the American Civil War as well as activities of modern organizations supporting such efforts to secede from the United States and become an independent sovereign state.
The U.S. Constitution does not specifically address the secession of states, and the issue was a topic of debate after the American Revolutionary War until the Civil War, when the Supreme Court ruled in Texas v. White that states strictly cannot unilaterally secede except
through revolution or the expressed consent of the other states.

Texas was formerly called the Republic of Texas, a sovereign state for nine years prior to the Texas annexation with the United States. Accordingly, its sovereignty was not recognized by Mexico although Texas defeated the Mexican forces in the Texas Revolution, and authorities
in Texas did not actually control all of its claimed territory.

Modern secession efforts have existed in the state at least since the 1990s and focused first on the Republic of Texas organization as well as the Texas Nationalist Movement.

Recent discussions between Texas Republican Party representatives renewed talks of secession after the decision of the Supreme Court in Texas v. Pennsylvania, which declined to hear the case regarding attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election due to lack of standing. Image

Now might be a good time to remind ourselves that Manchurian Candidate Trump, managed by the Deep State GOP cabal of Vulcans, in competition with Russia, quipped, in Dec 2022:

“Hello everyone, this is Donald Trump, hopefully your favourite president of all time - better than Lincoln, better than Washington."

You see the battle of Intel agencies?

See how these born into untaxed riches GOP persons aligned with the Deep Stateis not as smart as they
think they are, and not as up to snuff as they want you to believe?

Tax policy is their Achilles' heel.

The irony of Make America Great again, same shtick the cabal used with useful idiot's Regan and Trump, is that the GOP tax policy does the opposite.
Remember how the thread pointed out that on 9/11/1991, HW Bush launched an assault on the Ruble?

And how the Deep State did something again to cause the 1997 asian crisis?

And how 9/11/2001 had to do with financial engineering by the Deep State cabal?
Might this connect with the 2023 GOP House Freedom Caucus threat to the US budget, designed to attack the USD?

Might GOP House Freedom Caucus have an historical parallel called America First?

Father Charles Coughlin reached tens of millions of listeners.

Is Mike Flynn and his right-wing radio dudes the new Father Coughlin?

Coughlin was a priest, and he got shut down when he turned against WWII (on the side of Germany).

You know how Tucker Carlson got released 4/24/23 from Fox?
FDR told CBS radio network to cancel him or lose their license.

Wartime Presidential powers are quite broad.

Dropping a pointer to the start of this thread that asserted Fox News began as a Reagan / HW Bush propaganda outlet.

Those screenshots - nice work!

How long before Trump promises to award Tucker Carlson Rush Limbaugh's Presidential Medal of Freedom if MAGAs reelect him?

Should I remind you Manchurian Candidate Donald Trump provided Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom at 2020 State of the Union Address?

Sen. Warren is grouping all of the nearly 200 senior-level military promotions blocked by Sen. Tuberville into one unanimous-consent motion.

Tommy Tuberville of the GOP Deep State cabal of useful idiots using "abortion" and anything else to dupe as reason for blocking Biden
military promotions.

Promoting a commander of the 7th Fleet (Indo-Pacific) might come into conflict with the Vulcan's plan for using Charles Flynn as United States Army's largest Service Component Command, U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC), top dog.

Is Biden sleeping?
The U.S. Army Pacific is headquartered at Fort Shafter, Hawaii, with portions of the command-forward deployed and based throughout the Indo-Pacific.
Rupert Murdoch was perhaps unnerved by Carlson’s messianism because it echoed the end-times worldview of Murdoch’s ex-fiancée Ann Lesley Smith;
in May 2023 it was reported that Murdoch and Smith called off their two-week engagement because Smith had told people Carlson was ‘a messenger from God.’”

The GOP Deep State cabal and America's adversaries both use churches and religion, using right-wing radio and local "preachers" to spread propaganda to a group who comes to hear a guy talk while suspending reality and turning off their bull shit gauges.

A church or sermon is a perfect place to execute a PsyOps.

Clarence Thomas’ billionaire benefactor Harlan Crow bought citizenship in a small Caribbean island tax haven, leaked documents reveal.

You know how Enron created more than 600 shell companies in the Cayman Islands?
You think Justices Roberts, Thomas, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh might be US GOP Deep State friendly tools on the SCOTUS where people get lifetime appointments?


They would never ....

Yea, right.
Let's not forget Alito too.

Amending the sentence:

You think Justices Alito, Roberts, Thomas, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh might be US GOP Deep State friendly tools on the SCOTUS where people get lifetime appointments?
Note to self: investigate Justin Wells.

Wait. Maria Sara Bartiromo having an affair with Kevin McCarthy?

That Maria?

UhOh Jono.


Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo hyped Dominion conspiracies far more than Carlson did, and yet she remains on the air.
Fox had access to Carlson’s texts and emails in the Dominion lawsuit for months, and didn’t punish him for it.

Fox hosts sued for sexual harassment in the past were fired publicly for cause, but Carlson wasn’t.
Vanity Fair: According to a source, Carlson wasn’t even fired and remains on the Fox News payroll.
According to a source, Carlson wasn’t even fired and remains on the Fox News payroll.

Gabriel Sherman has the scoop.
Dirty secret: The Vulcans, the cabal of America's top X% who own nearly everything and run the country, being born into wealth and inheriting tax free, who have what Paul Krugman rightly calls "real wealth" view all the blue collar people they talk about as fools. Image
Did I mention how the mostly GOP cabal of Vulcans owns SCOTUS Justices Gorsuch, Alito, Kavanaugh, and Roberts?

GOP Nazis = cabal of GOP born into riches = evolution of the Vulcans

The key features of the GOP’s populist radical right ideology - nativism, authoritarianism, and populism - are not unrelated to crafted mainstream ideologies and mass attitudes.
A pattern in the Republic Party of using PR to mask its entanglements over the decades.

The HW Bush GOP.

Prescott Bush, Allen Dulles and pals, profiting from the Hitler war machine.

huffpost.com/entry/trump-na… Image
Gorka isn’t unique: He “represents a long history, a century, of these types of personalities being given personal status that they never should have earned based on their ideology and their history and their affiliations,” said Russ Bellant, a former reporter who helped expose Image
a previous wave of fascist-aligned GOP officials.

In 1968, Richard Nixon, who hoped to get elected by riding the backlash against recent civil rights advances, rapidly changing cultural norms among the youth and anti-authority riots, began aggressively courting
recent immigrants who had fled Eastern Europe as the Soviet Union tightened its grip on the region in the 1940s and ‘50s.

The Cold War had led the U.S. government to overlook the fascist affiliations of some of these immigrants.
Do read this. Image
Alan Dershowitz alignment here, calling for eorge H.W. Bush, then the Republican presidential nominee, to dismiss people with pro-Nazi pasts from the RNC’s council, might surprise.

What did HW Bush people get as leverage over Alan Dershowitz? Image
Laszlo Pasztor and the others on the HW Bush campaign with similar past ties to Nazi Germany or fascist politics resigned their positions on the campaign.

Bush accepted the resignations, but blamed them on dirty politics practiced by his Democratic opponent, Michael Dukakis.

In 1984, Ronald Reagan (and hence HW Bush) wants to send the National Guard to Honduras to help in the war against the Contras.

Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis goes to the Supreme Court in a futile effort to stop it,

but, Deep State compromised Bill Clinton is happy to oblige. Image
And Gorka is not the only person in the White House with far-right connections. White House chief strategist Steve Bannon was intimately involved with far-right-wing parties in Europe when he led the far-right publication Breitbart. Image
Bannon boosted the new far right, including France’s Marine Le Pen of the Front National, which was founded by her father, the Holocaust-denying anti-Semite Jean-Marie Le Pen. Bannon also boosted the Austrian Freedom Party, which was founded by ex-Nazis.
Jewish groups and senators have either called for Gorka’s resignation or asked him to clarify his connections to anti-Semitic political parties and groups in Hungary.
But they shouldn’t get their hopes up. After all, it took 20 years for the GOP to oust the last group of party officials credibly accused of fascist ties.
And even then, these figures did not drift too far from power: When President George W. Bush hosted a 2006 White House screening of the film “Children of Glory,” which depicted events surrounding 1956 Hungarian revolt that was brutally crushed by the Soviet Union,
his guest list included one Laszlo Pasztor.

Steve Bannon = continuation of HW Bush (VP to useful idiot Reagan) then US President and David Rockefeller's ideologies + Prescott Bush + others
See 7 min 9 seconds into clip when Maddow brings on Jay Rosen.

Maddow and Rosen are on point.

Verification in reverse means introducing doubt = powering MAGA.

Watch to understand.

Was this real?

Ron DeSantis weird.

Anyhow, GOP policies are ass backwards because they do not have to play by the rules.

The GOP candidates are owned by the owner's of America, aligned with the GOP cabal of Vulcans.

Who among us does not see a main-stream American voting issue in forcing women who have been raped to bear the child of their rapist against their will?

GOP position on abortion is hypocrisy by the voter's because even the GOP voter's are duped by the owner's of America.
In multiple states, the GOP is changing the rules of how laws can be made in those states so the people who live in those states will not be able to vote for what they want (like right to abortion).

Ron DeSantis = another useful idiot to the Vulcan's.
Pointer to the start of this thread.

Conservative media and right-wing radio hosts tend to drag the GOP party around like a rag-doll missing limbs because the Vulcan's own the place.

> 90% of the wealth owned by < 9% of the people and it's recycled into the same families via non-taxed gifting, inheriting,
trust funds, off-shore accounts, and a host of legal structures that insulates and protects the American dynasties.

GOP has lost the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 Presidential elections.

Gaslit nation of GOP voter's who live in the right-wing bubble, the echo chambers.
Series of threads focused on Florida politics.

Lying Ted is in the same club as Donald J Trump.

Trump calls Ted's wife bad names and then thinks about appointing Ted to SCOTUS.

Don't be gaslit.

Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are in the same big club.

The petty public feuds are deception.

Retired Army Gen. Keith Alexander, who led the National Security Agency under Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush

--> these guys embedded in the executive branch span Ds and Rs

Retired Marine Gen. James L. Jones, who was a national security adviser to Obama, has a consulting firm, Jones Group International, which has expanded its work since 2017 for the Saudis and employs several other retired U.S. generals.
Records previously obtained by The Post show that Alexander’s consulting firm, IronNet Cybersecurity, signed a contract with the Saudis in July 2018 to develop the Prince Mohammed bin Salman College of Cyber Security.
Timing: The State Department approved Alexander’s request to serve on the college’s board of advisers in January 2019, three months after Khashoggi’s slaying.
The Japanese government has financed the $250,000 annual salary for retired Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster to work for the Hudson Institute.

Surprised Peter Thiel's name is not dropped in the WaPo article.
Rudy Giuliani and President Trump make remarks on Gen. (Ret.) Keith Alexander at a meeting of cybersecurity experts at the White House on January 31, 2017.

Manchurian Candidate Trump with useful idiot Jared Kushner and the curious case of Mike Flynn

c-span.org/video/?c465394… Image
alongside Keith Alexander.

Remember how earlier in the thread, I pointed out Netanyahu of Israel was tinkering in 2016 US Presidential election to get Trump elected?

Along with UAE and people tied to MBS of Saudi Arabia?

And start of that May 8, 2022 thread:

From Lying Ted Cruz to Little Marco Rubio to neo-Nazi Tom Cotton.

The rise of Tom Cotton.

Claremont Institute (think John Eastman)

Ask Tom Cotton, what have Maria Bartiromo and Ted Cruz been up to now that Lauren Boebert has become a millionaire?

It's like an alt version of the show - Who want's to be a millionaire? Image
Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, Mike Pompeo = GOP Deep State cabal members


The cabal attempt to elevate “They stole it” to a level of legend, perhaps seeding for the future social polarization and division on a scale America has never seen. Image
The Germans were so worn down by the lost war, unemployment and international humiliation that they fell prey to the promises of a “Führer” who cracked down hard on anyone perceived as “traitors,” leftists and Jews above all.

GOP House Freedom Caucus on a course in summer 2023 Image
to try to wear down American's with unemployment and inflation, permitting MAGA to fall pray to promises of a “Führer” Manchurian Candidate Trump who will allegedly crack down hard on anyone perceived as “traitors,” leftists and maybe Jews, but Jared Kushner is a Jew.
The stab-in-the-back myth was central to it all. When Hitler became chancellor on Jan. 30, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Völkischer Beobachter wrote that “irrepressible pride goes through the millions” who fought so long to “undo the shame of 9 November 1918.”
Germany’s first democracy fell.

It took another war and decades of reappraisal for the Dolchstosslegende to be exposed as a disastrous, fatal fallacy. If it has any worth today, it is in the lessons it can teach other nations. First among them: Beware the beginnings.
Ted Cruz Jan 2, 2021 - planner to keep the Manchurian Candidate in power, against the will of the people.

Florida may be reworking laws to allow DeSantis to run for president while maintaining position as governor.

Harlan Crow, another Donald Trump like Real Estate joker from inherited means, is a major donor to Republican organizations including the Club for Growth and the Federalist Society as well as a board member of the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution. Image
Koch Network


Bush family (Prescott, HW Bush, W Bush, Jeb Bush)


Rockefellers (David and Nelson)
Ron DeSantis = Club for Growth

Sound like one of those men's hair loss promos, or one of those penis enlargement commercials?

Same born into riches folks tied to it all.

The GOP Deep State cabal put Malpass at the World Bank.

Steve Mnuchin and Mike Pompeo are Koch Network pals.

GOP Deep State Chief Justice Roberts has declined to testify before a Senate Judiciary hearing on Supreme Court ethics on May 2., Sen Durbin tells reporters.

Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh are in the club of the wealthy Vulcans.
Are we trying to dismantle the propaganda machine of Fox News started by folks from the Reagan / HW Bush Admins, including by Theodore Shackley?

The J6 Thread

However, Twitter has broken the thread and I'll have to reconstruct it.

You can scroll in reverse from Tweet 37 back up to Tweet 1 in the thread that Twitter has broken.

Will have to reconstruct the J6 thread another day.

Twitter stinks sometimes.
Dropping links into the main thread since replies can get bogged down on Twitter.

Dropping links into the main thread since replies can get bogged down on Twitter.

Dropping links into the main thread since replies can get bogged down on Twitter.

Pointer to the start of this thread.

Fake it till you make it.

Is the American GOP Deep State's Reps in the House fooling America's adversaries?

Or is the Deep State mostly a group of born into riches morons who fuck up everything for the rest of America?

GOP Deep State Supreme Court doesn't want to play ball with the Legislative Branch out of "judicial independence" = load of gaslighting bullshit.
Executive Branch can then exercise its own independence amid the separation of powers by simply ignoring Supreme Court rulings?

See where that gets us?

The Vulcan's will use the cracks and flaws in the system.
Remember Alito writing to accuse Biden Admin of not following what SCOTUS would rule anyhow, in regards to aborting meds?

Alito is a GOP Deep State cabal member.

Alyssa is correct and willing to give people the unpopular truth (especially unpopular to the MAGA base).

Florida where GOP Deep State grooms resumes for Presidential Candidates, providing the illusion of choice in the Primaries.

Clarence Thomas may someday rule on rent controls.

There is always a so-called oppo file to keep your peep in check.

Back to Harlan Crow

Credit Suisse coming into play.

This GOP cabal does all it can to weaken IRS, SEC, CFTC, FBI relevant segments, etc.

Touched on this earlier in the thread.

Context, context, context.

Even the Vulcan's will tell you the Propaganda prime time show influenced US public policy choices. Image
When the GOP Deep State sends its best and brightest.

Alex Jones + Tucker Carlson

The $1B in lawsuit's is pocket change for the cabal that controls America's wealth. Image
It is fairly cheap for the GOP Deep State cabal to buy influence over crooked Joe Manchin of WV. Image
Maria Butina named one of her handlers as Dimitri Simes, who was literally co-writing Donald Trump's foreign policy, in what seems was a competition for the GOP Deep State cabal versus Russia, that took over one of two

major U.S. political parties' platform.

But the GOP cabal was trying to partner with Putin towards extracting resources from the Arctic Shelf.

Upon re-analyzing, have to question whether what was previously thought of to be competition between the GOP Deep State cabal and
Russia was really just friendly jockeying over a small battle but cooperation on a larger front?
(continued from last Tweet)

Guide us in understanding this Dan Crenshaw vs Eddie Gallagher thread?

Rashawn Russell, 27, of Brooklyn, New York

What Intel Service might Russell have been serving?

Is the GOP Deep State Cabal trying to rewrite the history of J6 coup planning and day of J6?


4/22/2023 Trump lackey Jeff Clark retweets Judge Luttig.

Sometimes, nothing is as it seems. Image
J.D. Vance of Ohio is a member of the GOP Deep State cabal in so far as Peter Thiel funded him. Image
Little Marco (Rubio) is supposed to be one of their best and brightest.

He's on Senate Intel. Image
In preparation for the next few tweets, let's review this section of the thread, where Bill Clinton of Arkansas propped up.

Continuing our preparation, let's review this section of the thread too.

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson Announces Bid for White House

Onetime congressman seeks to contrast his ‘consistent conservatism’ with that of former President Trump

WSJ, 4/2/2023

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, the 72-year-old former congressman and official in George W. Bush’s administration.

“There’s going to be some that say I should be tougher on the prosecutor, I should be tougher on the unfairness of this,” Mr. Hutchinson said, referring to
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

“I’ve expressed my view that I wouldn’t bring those charges if I was a prosecutor."

Ha Ha.

HW Bush to W Bush has Mark Pomerantz protecting Trump Org's books, despite having kept two sets of books to protect past HW Bush secrets.
Asa Hutchinson was governor of Arkansas until the GOP Deep State cabal had other plans for him and made Sarah Sanders their Arkansas asset.

William Asa Hutchinson II served as the U.S. attorney for the Fort Smith-based Western District of Arkansas from 1982 to 1985,
U.S. representative for Arkansas's 3rd congressional district from 1997 to 2001, administrator of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration from 2001 to 2003, undersecretary for border and transportation security at the United States Department of Homeland Security
from 2003 to 2005, and most recently as the 46th governor of Arkansas from 2015 to 2023.

Let's focus on this part: U.S. representative for Arkansas's 3rd congressional district from 1997 to 2001, administrator of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration from 2001 to 2003
You know how 9/11 was in 2001? Notice Asa Hutchinson moved from U.S. House of Rep's to administrator of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration from 2001 to 2003?
In 1982, President Ronald Reagan appointed Hutchinson to serve as the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Arkansas, which covers most of Fort Smith.

In 1986, Hutchinson unsuccessfully challenged Democratic U.S. Senator Dale Bumpers.
He later successfully ran for the House of Representatives in 1996, representing Arkansas's 3rd congressional district until August 2001, when president George W.

Bush nominated him as chair of the Drug Enforcement Administration.
In 2003, Bush appointed Hutchinson as the newly established Under Secretary at the Department of Homeland Security; Hutchinson retired from the Bush administration in 2005.
In 2006, Hutchinson was the Republican nominee for governor of Arkansas, but lost to Democratic nominee Mike Beebe, the outgoing state attorney general.
In 2014, Hutchinson was again the Republican nominee for governor, this time defeating the Democratic nominee, U.S. Representative Mike Ross.

He was reelected in 2018 with nearly two-thirds of the vote.
Due to term limits, he was barred from seeking reelection in 2022, and was succeeded by Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
In 1982, President Ronald Reagan appointed Hutchinson U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Arkansas.

At age 31, Hutchinson was the nation's youngest U.S. Attorney.
He made national headlines after successfully prosecuting The Covenant, The Sword, and The Arm of the Lord (CSA), a white supremacist organization founded by polygamist James Ellison.
The Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord (CSA) was a far-right survivalist anti-government militia which advocated Christian Identity and was active in the United States during the 1970s and early 1980s.
The CSA developed from a Baptist congregation, the Zarephath-Horeb Community Church, which was founded in 1971 in Pontiac, Missouri.

Aha. The operations from the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s in Arkansas, Missouri, and Louisiana are resurfacing in 2023.
Recall Bill Clinton's uncle, Raymond?

Recall the Genovese syndicate of Louisiana?

Can't help but notice that Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey’s office withdrew last week from a Cole County lawsuit accusing the Missouri State Highway Patrol of harassment and a “concerted campaign of threats”

against companies that profit from video games offering cash prizes.

Bailey, who is seeking a full term in office in 2024, has in recent months accepted large campaign contributions from political action committees linked to Steve Tilley, lobbyist for the two companies that
brought the lawsuit against the state — Torch Electronics and Warrenton Oil.

Since 2014, the attorney general’s office has had a policy that it will not accept contributions from any company targeted for investigation.
Schmitt returned contributions received in June 2021 from Torch owner Steven Miltenberger and his wife, Sondra Miltenberger, after criticism that, because of the ongoing litigation, they could be a conflict of interest.
In mid-April, Bailey reported raising $305,000 so far for his campaign committee, including $14,125 in contributions from five political action committees linked to Tilley.
Liberty and Justice PAC, which is supporting Bailey’s bid for a full term through independent spending, has raised $644,000, including $25,000 from those same Tilley-linked PACs and $1,000 directly from Warrenton Oil.
The five PACs – Mo Majority, Missouri Senior, Missouri AG, Missouri C and Missouri Growth – accepted $961,665 during the 2021-22 election cycle, with Torch providing $361,665 and Warrenton Oil pitching in $140,000, or a combined 56% of the total.
Torch Electronics, founded in 2015, has placed thousands of its video games in convenience stores, truck stops and other locations across the state.

Warrenton Oil, which operates more than 50 convenience stores, has Torch machines in many of its locations.
Starting in 2019, the patrol began a focused enforcement effort on the belief that the machines violate state gambling laws.

In 2019 and 2020, the patrol sent more than 200 cases to local prosecutors alleging violations of state gambling laws.
Few criminal cases have been filed, however, and the Cole County lawsuit seeks to quash any future investigations.

Torch argues through attorney Chuck Hatfield that its machines are legal.
Under current state law, a game is considered to be gambling if the player risks something of value on a contest of chance or event outside of their control with the expectation of receiving something of value “in the event of a certain outcome.”
Lawmakers have tried unsuccessfully for several years to revise the statute so there is no doubt the games are illegal.
The change has been blocked as the legislature has been unable to reach agreement on other gambling issues, including sports betting and authorizing video lottery terminals.

Is some nation-state trying to convince the Missouri GOP to permit gambling since some nation-state wants to launder in Missouri?

The case is Torch Electronics vs. MO Dept. of Public Safety.

Torch makes gambling machines whose legality is up for debate, and drug trafficker
Mohammad Almuttan is the first client of Torch.

Who is Mohammad Almuttan?

A Palestinian drug trafficker who bribed all those St. Louis politicians.

Almuttan was doing cigarette and drug trafficking in 2017 just as Manchurian Candidate Trump rolled

into the White House.

Curious that Mohammad Almuttan was packing an Israeli-made Tavor SAR .223, an IDF favorite, a Bushmaster XM-15, a Russian-made Mosin-Nagant rifle, and a bunch of Glock 9mms, as evidenced during an asset forefeiture.

Palestinian drug traffickers studied
the GOP Deep State cabal, Raymond Clinton, and the Genovese of Louisiana and the Ozarks.

The Missouri AG has recused himself only after a little heat.

The GOP AG had been taking campaign donations from Torch Electronics and Palestinian drug traffickers.

Will we find out
whether the GOP Deep State cabal was partnering with organized crime again and trying to launder in Missouri to fund some cover operations?
Apparently not too hard to bribe GOP dudes.

Do you remember Eric Robert Greitens who was the 56th governor of Missouri from January 2017 until his resignation in June 2018 amid allegations of sexual assault and campaign finance impropriety?

Did the Russian Intel services catch notice of all the activities in Missouri
by 2016 and want a piece of the action?

A Democrat during his early life, Greitens announced in 2015 that he had become a Republican.

What incentives for the about-face?
Eric Robert Greitens ran for governor of Missouri as a Republican in 2016, noticably the same year that Paul Manafort went to work "for free" for the Trump Campaign.

Greitens prevailed over three opponents in the Republican primary and then defeated
Democratic Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster in the general election. He was Missouri's first Jewish governor.

Side-Note: One of Greitens's signature accomplishments in office was signing Missouri's right-to-work law, which was later repealed by statewide referendum.
GOP hates labor unions.

In February 2018, Greitens was charged with felony invasion of privacy and later with campaign-related offenses. He was indicted on felony charges of computer tampering in April 2018; all charges were dropped in May 2018. Greitens resigned from office
on June 1, 2018 after the Missouri General Assembly commenced a special session to consider impeachment.

In early 2018, Greitens's former hairdresser accused him of sexual assault. A bipartisan Special Investigative Committee in the Missouri state legislature found the woman
"overall credible" and issued a report on the incident.

Don't let that distract you from some overall laundering operations running through Missouri, tied to Intelligence activities.
Greitens matriculated at the United States Navy's Officer Candidate School in Pensacola, Florida, in January 2001, graduating in May of that year as an ensign in the United States Navy Reserve.
Greitens rose to be a lieutenant commander in the United States Navy Reserve.

During his active duty career, he was deployed four times, to Iraq, Afghanistan, the Horn of Africa, and Southeast Asia.

He was the commander of a joint special operations task unit,
a Mark V Special Operations Craft detachment, and an al-Qaeda targeting cell.

Did the Vulcans of W Bush Admin read him in on some things?

In 2005, Greitens left full-time active duty to take a one-year White House fellowship.

Oh, how nice.
Appointed by President George W. Bush, Greitens developed a program to get architecture and engineering students involved in rebuilding efforts after Hurricane Katrina.
Greitens remained a Navy reservist and led a program that recruited advisers for special military operations around the world.

Advisers for special military operations around the world?

Didn't Putin call the invasion into Ukraine a "special military operation?"
As a White House fellow, Greitens also worked in the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), where Ben Carson found himself during the Trump years.
After his fellowship, Greitens volunteered for a six-month tour in Iraq that began in October 2006.

During a deployment in Thailand, Greitens learned of drug use by Navy personnel and initiated an investigation that led to their removal.
In the Philippines, his crew effectively shut down a transit site for a terrorist organization, according to an evaluation report.

HW Bush to W Bush - Greitens was an asset for the Vulcans.
In January 2019, Greitens (then in the Individual Ready Reserve) sought to be reinstated to the Navy's Selected Reserve. Navy officials, including Vice Admiral Robert P. Burke (then the Chief of Naval Personnel) and Brendan McLane (then the head of the Navy Recruiting Command)
did not want to give Greitens a "major misconduct waiver" that would allow him to return, due to the allegations of sexual assault against him.
The SEALs told Navy leadership that "he would not meet criteria for re-entry to the SEAL community given his age and unfavorable promotion likelihood."
But under pressure from Vice President Mike Pence, the Navy allowed Greitens to return, granting him a "red carpet" medical clearance.

You seeing the similarities between Eric Greitens and Eddie Gallagher and how Trump / Pence, an installation by the GOP Deep State cabal, fucked
with Navy operations?

Upon his return, however, the Special Warfare Command denied Greitens reentry into the SEALs.

He was instead a general unrestricted line officer, a classification for reservists tasked with office duties.
After spending two years as an active member of the Navy Reserve, Greitens resigned his commission in the Navy Reserve on May 1, 2021, two months after he launched his U.S. Senate campaign.
In 2020, Greitens announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination in the 2022 United States Senate election in Missouri to succeed the retiring Roy Blunt.

The HW Bush to W Bush to Trump criminal enterprises wanted another compromised useful idiot in the Senate.
Greitens was endorsed by former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, former U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, and Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle, the latter joining his campaign as a national chair.
Notable Republican opponents of Greitens's candidacy included Karl Rove, Johnny DeStefano, and Senator Rick Scott, the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

Trouble in tinsletown and GOP in-fighting?
After Greitens's wife filed an affidavit against him in March 2022 accusing him of physical abuse, Senator Josh Hawley (who endorsed another candidate, Vicky Hartzler, the previous month) called upon Greitens to drop out.
Republican megadonor Richard Uihlein funded a pro-Greitens super PAC ("Team PAC"), contributing $2.5 million to it.
Other Republican megadonors, including Rex Sinquefield and August Busch, aligned against Greitens.

A Republican-funded anti-Greitens super PAC ("Show Me Values PAC") was created in June 2022[242] and ran $6.2 million in ads through late July 2022.

Intel operations moving money
through a GOP Senate campaign!

Like other Republican Senate candidates in 2022, Greitens promoted the "Great Replacement" conspiracy theory, a far-right notion that gained currency within the Republican Party; he also accused Joe Biden of adopting policies that
"are an assault on the entire idea of America."

In June 2022, Greitens released a campaign advertisement showing him bursting into a house, wielding a shotgun and flanked by men dressed in full military gear carrying assault rifles.

The May 2018 resignation.

Before the 2022 US Senate run.

Another clip of the RINO hunting video.

How many millions in untraceable money did Eric Greitens campaign have?

In the ad, Greitens declared: "Join the MAGA crew. Get a RINO hunting permit.

There's no bagging limit, no tagging limit, and it doesn't expire until we save our country."

("RINO" stands for "Republican in name only", a favorite of Manchurian Candidate Trump).
As a candidate, Greitens sought the endorsement of Donald Trump.

Trump initially made no endorsement, instead praising Billy Long.

Republican officials, including Scott, waged a campaign to persuade Trump not to endorse Greitens.
On the eve of the primary election, Trump issued a statement endorsing "ERIC" in the primary, leaving it unclear whether he was endorsing Eric Greitens and Eric Schmitt, both of whom laid claim to the endorsement.
Transactional Trump = everyone's favorite useful idiot.
In the primary election, Greitens was defeated, coming in third place; Schmitt won with 45.7% of the vote; Hartzler received 22.1%, Greitens 18.9%, and Long 5%. Greitens carried a few Bootheel counties, but no other region of the state.
Keep all that context in mind when you read about Asa Hutchinson being among the GOP candidates for President in 2024, among the illusion of choice that the Deep State cabal presents.

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, entrepreneur and “Woke, Inc.” author Vivek Ramaswamy and radio host Larry Elder are also in the Republican illusion of choice magic show.
They, along with expected and potential candidates like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence and U.S. Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, have largely avoided criticizing Trump and have at times defended him.
The CSA developed from a Baptist congregation, the Zarephath-Horeb Community Church, which was founded in 1971 in Pontiac, Missouri.

Over time, Zarephath-Horeb evolved into an extremist militant group and it was rechristened the CSA.
The group operated a large compound in northern Arkansas which was known as "the Farm".

In April 1985, federal and state law enforcement officials who had been investigating the CSA for weapons violations and terrorist acts carried out a three-day siege of their compound.
Following a peaceful resolution, officers arrested and later convicted the CSA's top leaders, eventually causing the organization to dissolve.
The founder of the CSA was James Ellison.

He was jailed in federal prison along with Kerry Noble. Robert G. Millar became one of Ellison's spiritual advisers, and he also founded Elohim City.
Where have you heard the term "spiritual advisor?"

Another copy of the video of the "spiritual advisor" to Trump.

James Ellison was mentored by Richard Girnt Butler, founder of Aryan Nations, and Robert E. Miles, founder of the Mountain Church of Jesus Christ the Savior in Cohoctah, Michigan.
Both extreme right-wing leaders taught and practiced the theology of Christian Identity, a belief system which is included on the FBI's watch list of extremist religions.

Is Mike Flynn resurrecting a spin-off of Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord?
Ellison had close ties to the Ku Klux Klan and Aryan Nations, based in Hayden Lake, Idaho, and led by Butler, who was described as "the glue of the Aryan Nations movement in the Northwest, if not the country" by the supervisor of the Inland Northwest Joint Terrorism Task Force.

Butler lost his prized racist landmark after he was hit with a $6.3 million civil judgment in 2000 — two members of a family who had been attacked by Aryan Nations’ members in 1998 sued and won.

Context: Bush v Gore was in 2000. Image
Robert E. "Pastor Bob" Miles operated a prison ministry and he also published a newsletter.

After James Ellison was released from prison, he moved to Elohim City, where he married Millar's granddaughter.

The CSA community's Council of Elders was influenced and mentored by many outside sources.

The nine-man council deliberated on the spiritual meaning and the direction of CSA activities. Jim Ellison, Kerry Noble, and William Wade were the only known members of the council.
The CSA believed that doomsday was imminent, and a 224-acre compound in Elijah that it acquired from Campus Crusade became a community for its members.

There it trained its members in paramilitary operations.

The group believed in white supremacy and it was also anti-Semitic.

Like other prominent anti-Semitic groups that believed in antisemitic tropes, it called the United States government ZOG, short for Zionist Occupied Government.
In 1982, the military leader of the group, who ran its "End Time Overcomer Survival" training camps and used the name Randall Rader during his stay at the CSA's compound, left the group along with 30 of his followers in a rift with Ellison, following the latter's attempt to take
a second wife, and he joined the newly forming group The Order in Idaho.

The CSA initially professed that the United States government would dissolve due to its corruption, whereas The Order advocated revolution.
Does that revolution talk remind you of Elizabeth from Knoxville, TN on J6?

However, in July 1983, The CSA published a manifesto called A.T.T.A.C.K. (Aryan Tactical Treaty for the Advancement of Christ's Kingdom), which declared war on the government.
Elizabeth from Knoxville, TN on J6.

(In case video two tweets above is no good)
CSA Operations

CSA assassins monitored the homes of their targets, practiced mock assassinations of these targets with scoped rifles, and practiced attacks in a mock residential training facility which was known as Silhouette City.
The 224-acre property on Bull Shoals Lake in Marion County, Arkansas, that the CSA operated from until its collapse in 1985 was purchased by Ellison from the Campus Crusade for Christ in 1976.
In 1983, financially suffering, especially after Randall Rader's defection to the Order, the CSA stopped making payments on the mortgage, and on December 20, the bank foreclosed, selling the property back to the Campus Crusade.
However, the group squatted on the land, mounting regular armed patrols in an attempt to intimidate the local sheriff, who continuously delayed their eviction.

Read more about CSA operations here:

There are several claims which state that the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was tied to the "New Day" teachings of Elohim City.

However, no proof of such a connection has been established.
Elohim City was assembled to gather "prophets of the New Day".

Elohim City's Leader Robert G. Millar envisioned himself to be the "Shepherd of Shepherds" who was traveling to numerous alternative societies, many of which were and are still communes.
His ambition was to unite these underground organizations.

He appeared at the Padanaram Settlement, in southern Indiana (hey Mike Pence) on several occasions, but contrary to reports, the members of the Padanaram Settlement did not concur with the radical callings of either
Millar or Ellison, who made two appearances there.

"The Valley" was and still is more known for being a cultural hub for artists and philosophers, and until roughly 2003, it operated a sawmill.
Timothy McVeigh, who was convicted and executed for perpetrating the Oklahoma City bombing, had no association with the CSA and he had just enlisted in the U.S Army when the CSA's compound was besieged and the CSA was broken up.
The Oklahoma City bombing occurred exactly on the 10th anniversary of the start of the siege of the CSA's compound in 1985.

Was that just a coincidence?
The most plausible link is the fact that Richard Wayne Snell, who was executed on the day of the Oklahoma City bombing, had planned to perpetrate a similar attack on the Murrah building in 1983 after he became upset with the Internal Revenue Service.
Is the IRS story cover for an Intel op that wanted to prevent IRS from seeing some stuff?

Additionally, Snell was heard taunting jailers when he stated that something drastic would happen on the day of his execution.
However, McVeigh stated that he chose the date of 19 April because he wanted to perpetrate the Oklahoma City bombing on the second anniversary of the violent end of the Waco siege.

Side-Note: Trump launched his 2024 campaign in Waco, TX.

McVeigh had traveled to Waco during the 51-day siege and he cited it and the siege at Ruby Ridge in 1992 as the events which primarily motivated him to perpetrate the bombing.
In fact, the single incident in which the CSA was involved, the robbery of a pawn shop in Springfield, Missouri, was foiled by a CSA member on the orders of Jim Ellison, unknown to Wayne Snell, who headed up the plan.
During this event, Ellison saw a "sign from God", an event which he interpreted to mean that they should not carry out the attempt; he was referring to this attack, rather than his plan to attack the Oklahoma City Federal Building.
The death knell of the CSA was its attempt to kill FBI special agent Jack Knox, the lead agent who was assigned to investigate the group; Asa Hutchinson, the federal prosecutor; and the federal judge who presided over the affair that brought about the eventual action against
Gordon Kahl, a tax protester and a member of the Posse Comitatus, by federal agents at CSA member Leonard Ginter's home (called 'The Bunker', due to the fact that it was constructed with concrete which was covered with earth).
Ellison revered Kahl as a hero.

Like McVeigh, Kahl was a decorated American soldier; Kahl earned a Silver Star in the Korean War, and McVeigh earned a Bronze Star in the first Gulf War – Desert Storm.
This Asa Hutchinson who the GOP Deep State cabal is running in 2024.

Michael Cohen: "Mr. Trump speaks in code."


However, Trump is part of the Deep State.


Merrick Garland - myth around Oklahoma City Bombing


Both Ruby Ridge and Waco happened when William Sessions was FBI Director.

The big questions around William Sessions

But, were William P Barr and William Sessions actually working in cohort, using deception?

Was Bill Clinton read-in on the GOP Deep State cabal's operations or fooled?

Ivanka Trump's adjacency to Jeffrey Epstein via attorney Bennet Moskowitz.

How GOP House Freedom Caucus debt ceiling show down relates to narcotics trafficking.

Keep in mind DEA Intel guy recently had home raided by FBI.

This link does not really belong in this part of the story but I don't want to forget it.


Reminder from Feb 14, 2023 and from 2022 DOJ updates on Brian Kolfage
Bannon ally handed four-year prison term over Trump border-wall fraud

Curious alignment of Fox Propaganda of recent years with Russia.

MT Greene has something to add?

Who is influencing Ron DeSantis the loudest?

DeSantis does NOT want America supporting Ukraine, and he wants to tell Ukrainians to stop shooting back.

Real or deception?

Deception, meaning, say one thing in public yet do another in private?

Or real?


What Deep State probably meant to Trump and handlers in 2016.

Reminder one tweet up from link at last Tweet.

When you read Marilyn Marks thread, keep in mind that multiple electronic voting machine vendors are suing Fox Propaganda.

The situation leads one to conclude that, yes, GOP cheated in 2014 in Ohio, and yes, they cheat in Tx counties, etc.

Would the HW Bush folks use CIA to tinker with electronic vote tallying in America?

Would they put in a buffer and use "campaign strategists?

Did Russian Intel study the HW Bush CIA?

The backup server in Ohio 2004, re-routed Ohio's results to a company called Smartech in TN.

Smartech had also hosted the Bush White House's emails, including Karl Rove's emails.

Russia reportedly hacked Smartech in 2015.
It's not like the Nixon to Reagan to HW Bush Intel ops / corrupt campaign dealings had not used plane or helicopter crashes in the past.

Reminder - look what org introduced the then novel phrase "conspiracy theorist" to be used for ad hominem attacks on anyone who dissented from the official narrative.

Similar phrase in 2016 to present is Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Correction: DHS Intel guy (NOT DEA)

Referring to Brian Sulc, executive director of the Transnational Organized Crime Mission Center at DHS’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis in Washington.

"Leonnig writes that Secret Service agents reported Vanessa Trump, wife of Donald Trump Jr, 'started dating an agent assigned to her family'

"Tiffany Trump broke up w/boyfriend and 'began spending unusual amount of time alone w/an agent on her detail' "
Vanessa Trump's boyfriend, reminder.

W Bush whisked the Saudi royal family and the Carlyle Group out on planes - also Vanessa Trump’s Saudi boyfriend, Prince Khalid bin Bandar whose father had ties to Al Qaeda.

Donald probably knew why Vanessa was boinking Don Jr, and Jr thought it was because Vanessa liked him.

A newly declassified FBI report from 2017 reveals that Omar al-Bayoumi was a "cooptee" of Saudi intelligence and was paid monthly by then Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar.

Al-Bayoumi spied on persons of interest in the Saudi community in LA and SD.
Vanessa Trump moved on to a Saudi prince — whose father [Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud] was once suspected of indirect ties to the 9/11 attackers — after her romances with Latin King Valentin Rivera and Leo DiCaprio.

Sources told Page Six that Vanessa and Prince Khalid bin Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud were even planning to marry until the Sept. 11 attacks.
“They dated from 1998 to 2001 and lived together. He ditched her on 9/11; days after, he flew back to Saudi Arabia. They were planning to marry [at the time]. They were inseparable,” a source told Page Six.
His father, Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud, was Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the US from 1983 to 2005, with ties so close to the Bush family he was known as “Bandar Bush.”
Vanessa’s relationship with the younger Bandar was a stark contrast to her marriage to Donald Jr., who, sources told Page Six, treated her like a “second-class citizen.”
The wealthy Saudi prince was also a big upgrade from Rivera, who recently shared love letters she wrote to him in prison. “Bandar treated her as if she was his queen. It was the complete opposite from Don Jr. They were together 24/7. They were a real couple,” the source said.
A second source close to Trump, however, down played their relationship.

“They dated in her early 20s. They never lived together and were not planning to get married.”
Oxford graduate Khalid married British aristocrat Lucy Caroline Cuthbert, the Duke of Northumberland’s niece, in 2011.

He became Saudi ambassador to Germany in 2017.

Meanwhile, Don Jr. has moved on from Vanessa to Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle.
And Vanessa’s sitting pretty on millions, thanks to her family’s investment in Italian eatery Rao’s red sauce business, which was sold for around $415 million last year [in 2017].
Donald Trump reportedly introduced Vanessa & Don Jr twice in the course of about five minutes in 2003, and when they ran into each other at a birthday party six weeks later, Vanessa told the International Herald Tribune she blurted out, that Donnie was

"the one with the retarded dad!"

As a newly minted Trump, Vanessa Haydon Trump seems born for the role.

She grew up in a town house on the Upper East Side, has been modeling since childhood and is signed to Wilhelmina.

Her mother, Bonnie Haydon,
ran the Kay Models agency.

As a student and tennis star at the Dwight School on the Upper West Side, Vanessa - who has an athletic build, buttery tan, blond hair and sunny smile - joked a lot and usually wore jeans, said Shawn Modell, a lifelong friend.
"I'm at this fashion show," Vanessa Trump said, recalling their meeting in 2003.

"Donald Trump comes up to me with his son: 'Hi, I'm Donald Trump. I wanted to introduce you to my son Donald Trump Jr.'"
The three engaged in a brief, awkward conversation.

At intermission, the elder Trump again noticed a gorgeous girl nearby.
"Donald comes back up to me again, 'I don't think you've met my son Donald Trump Jr.,'"

Vanessa Trump recalled. She remembers responding, "Yeah, we just met, five minutes ago."
Six weeks later, at a birthday party at a New York restaurant, they were introduced a third time, this time by a mutual friend.

Neither remembered the other.

"We talked for an hour," she recalled.
Then suddenly, something clicked: Wait, you were at that fashion show.

Wait, you're "the one with the retarded dad!" Vanessa blurted out.
On Nov. 12, 2005, they married at Mar- a-Lago, the family's club in Florida.

(Donald Trump Sr. had taken his son to task on "Larry King Live" for accepting a free engagement ring from a jeweler at a mall in New Jersey in exchange for publicly announcing his engagement there.
"You have a name that is hot as a pistol, you have to be very careful with things like this," the elder Trump told King.)

Don Jr and Vanessa, introduced by CIA asset Don Sr. actually had five kids together.

Vanessa's mother, Bonnie Haydon, ran the Kay Models agency, and her late father, Charles Haydon, was a lawyer.
Don Jr and Vanessa file for divorce in March 2018.

One detail that has been closely scrutinized is Ms. Trump’s selection of a lawyer, David Feureisen, who has a background in civil, criminal and divorce cases but is not a boldface name.

He works in Westchester County, N.Y., and has a low profile in the media.

(He did not respond to telephone and email requests for comment.)
In addition to handling Ms. Trump’s divorce, Mr. Feureisen also represented Ms. Trump’s mother, Bonnie Kay Haydon, in a recent real estate transaction.

You don't say?

In September, Ms. Haydon {Vanessa's mom], who is living in a rental apartment, paid $6.4 million in a
cash deal for a three-bedroom condominium on Fifth Avenue and 86th Street with two terraces and a library.
The apartment, which is undergoing a renovation, was purchased from Elizabeth Ailes, the widow of the former Fox News executive Roger Ailes, said Carol Staab, Ms. Ailes’s real estate broker.

Did you catch that? Purchased from Nixon / HW Bush asset, Roger Ailes.
Vanessa's dad, Charles Haydon (born Charles Hochman), was a lawyer.

His clients included Solomon Schwartz, who in the 1980s was charged with trying to smuggle 500 rifles and ammunition into Poland, and Abe Hirschfeld, the eccentric real estate mogul who was tried for
tax fraud but not convicted.

Her mother, around 30 years his junior, ran Kay Models, a small modeling agency.
After high school, Ms. Trump was a model with Wilhelmina Models, the agency once known for representing supermodels including Iman.
In the late 1990s, Ms. Trump and her younger sister, Veronika, became fixtures of the Manhattan party scene, hanging out at bottle service clubs during the era of Moomba and Veruka.
Donald Trump Jr. entered Vanessa’s life at a 2003 fashion show for a Kmart brand at Capitale, a nightclub on the Lower East Side; the brand was fronted by the musician Thalía.
Ms. Grubman was representing the brand and sitting near the elder Mr. Trump, who introduced Vanessa to his son twice that evening.
The couple made headlines with their engagement in 2004.

The younger Mr. Trump proposed with a $100,000 ring that he got for free by agreeing to stage his proposal before paparazzi at the Short Hills Mall where the jeweler of the ring, Bailey Banks & Biddle, was located. Image
The move frustrated his father, who complained about it on “Larry King Live.”

(The publicity ploy ultimately didn’t work. By 2009, Bailey Banks & Biddle was in bankruptcy and the Short Hills location was closed.)
In Sept 2017 Bonnie Kay Haydon purchased from Elizabeth Ailes, the widow of the former Fox News executive Roger Ailes, an apartment on Fifth Avenue and 86th Street, said Carol Staab, Ms. Ailes’s real estate broker.

David Feureisen represented Bonnie Kay Haydon in the transaction.

Was an Intel Service transferring an real estate asset to unwitting parties?

In 2016, the founder of Fox News, Roger Ailes, faced numerous accusations of sexual misconduct including a lawsuit from Gretchen Carlson.

After a review process, Ailes was eventually forced out of the company.

Kimberly Guilfoyle remained a staunch supporter of Ailes, despite the fact that he allegedly made sexist and offensive comments about Guilfoyle herself

She called Ailes a "champion of women" and skeptically questioned why Carlson hadn't made her accusations public sooner.
Before Carlson's lawsuit was made public, Ailes' wife, Beth, reportedly asked Guilfoyle to rally support for her husband.

Ailes passed away in 2017.
The next year, reports leaked that Guilfoyle herself has been investigated for alleged sexual misconduct.

In 2017, Kimberly Guilfoyl was rumored to be dating former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci.

Kimberly Guilfoyle began her career as a prosecutor before joining Fox News, where she worked as a host of The Lineup and The Five.
Guilfoyle's Republican roots run deep — she was a member of the Young Republicans Club while attending U.C. Davis.

Yet, she married Democrat Gavin Newsom in 2001, just two years before he was elected Mayor of San Francisco.
Intermission: Did these three really have the same mother? Image
Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle studied at University of California, Davis, and the University of San Francisco School of Law, where she earned a J.D. degree.

She became a prosecuting attorney in San Francisco and Los Angeles, California.
She was an assistant district attorney in San Francisco from 2000 to 2004.

Bush v Gore was in 2000.

Guilfoyle was First Lady of San Francisco during Newsom's first two years as mayor of San Francisco, where the GOP might have an interest due to Nancy Pelosi.
Guilfoyle worked at GOP Deep State Propaganda outlet Fox News from 2006 to 2018.

Guilfoyle later joined America First Policies, a pro-Trump super PAC, to campaign for Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections.
Did you read earlier in the thread how America First has an historical parallel?

Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle's father, Anthony "Tony" Guilfoyle, was born in Ennis, County Clare, Ireland, and immigrated to the United States in 1957 at the age of 20.

In 1958, while still an Irish citizen, he [Anthony "Tony" Guilfoyle] was drafted and spent four years in the U.S. Army.

He was drafted into the US Army and stationed in West Germany, Kimberly Guilfoyle said. Image
Guilfoyle was a public prosecutor in San Francisco, worked as Deputy District Attorney in Los Angeles, and then returned to San Francisco as Assistant D.A. until 2004.

In 2004, she decided to embark on a television career, moving to New York. Image
Guilfoyle started out on Court TV and as a legal analyst for Anderson Cooper 360, and then moved to Fox in 2006 where she appeared regularly on shows such as The Lineup, The Five, and as a guest host on a number of other regular programs, until 2018.
Guilfoyle and Newsom wed in 2001, just after Bush v Gore installed W Bush by legislative coup, when Newsom was a city supervisor.

Newsom was elected mayor in 2003, shortly before Guilfoyle left for her new job in New York, and following the events of 9/11/2001.
They divorced in February 2006, citing the pressures of a bi-coastal relationship, but she was San Fran's first lady for two years.

Guilfoyle and Eric Villency wed in May 2006, and their son, Ronan Anthony - very Irish names for her father - was born in October 2006.
Villency and Guilfoyle announced that they were separating in 2009 and then legally divorced.

Guilfoyle has been linked to Don Jr. since shortly after the eldest first son’s official split from his wife in March 2018.
Trump Jr and Guilfoyle went public with their relationship in late June 2018 when they appeared in Montana together as Trump was to speak at the state's Republican convention in support of Senate candidate Matt Rosendale. Image
On the first night of Donald's Trump's 2020 Republican National Convention on August 24, Guilfoyle addressed the nation.

The conventions own line up described her as leading
"the fundraising powerhouse between the campaign and the Republican National Committee as the National Chair of Trump Victory Finance Committee. She also serves as one of the campaign’s senior advisors."
After being discharged from the army, Tony Guilfoyle took up work in the construction trades.

He later became a real estate investor.

Huh. Real estate - money laundering opportunities?

Until his death in 2008, Anthony "Tony" Guilfoyle was a close advisor to his son-in-law, then-San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom.
Michael Lynch, uncle to Anthony "Tony" Guilfoyle that was in "construction."

legacy.com/us/obituaries/… Image
In 2020, Kimberly Guilfoyle was reported to be the chair of the finance committee of the Trump Victory Committee.

As of early 2020, the Trump campaign was secretly paying Guilfoyle $15,000 per month through the campaign manager's private company, Parscale Strategy.
Kimberly Guilfoyle served as a surrogate on the stump and took on broad advisory roles.

nytimes.com/2020/03/09/us/… Image
What’s more, the move to consolidate voter data [by Parscale Strategy] came at the expense of a competing data vehicle developed by the conservative activist Koch brothers, provoking resentment from Koch allies, especially in the Senate. Image
And a fierce pressure campaign to centralize fund-raising on the new platform, a for-profit company that Mr. Trump branded WinRed, brought dissent from candidates initially reluctant to sign on, as well as competitors who believed they were being pushed aside without a
fair hearing.

“It is completely, thoroughly ironic that Trump, who ran against anything to do with the R.N.C. and the establishment, is the guy who is breathing new life into the party,” said WinRed’s chairman, Henry Barbour. Image
Perhaps no one better represents the new outside-in reality than Mr. Barbour — nephew of the former Republican Party chairman Haley Barbour — who once said it would be “very hard” to vote for Mr. Trump.
Catch that? Henry Barbour, nephew of Haley Barbour was WinRed's chairman!!!

Didn't I mention that the Nixon to Reagan to HW Bush Deep State cabal of Vulcan's were competing over Manchurian Candidate Trump and were happy to see him installed?

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R.N.C. moved to rebuild around Data Trust, which it had recently helped establish. Image
If state and national party committees and campaigns fed information into one place, it could create a deeper understanding of voters.

If that place were outside the party, fund-raising limits would not apply. Image
Contractors were fired, and much of the R.N.C.’s data staff was moved into Data Trust, which effectively became an off-campus arm of the party.
“Naturally we faced opposition from a lot of the entrenched interests who had business models that benefited from the old way of doing things,” said Mr. Shields, the R.N.C. chief of staff in 2013 and 2014.
That included the Koch brothers and their data vehicle, i360, which built personality profiles of millions of voters and was used by a number of campaigns.

They weren’t the only skeptics who worried that the committee was steering business to its pet company.
Aides to the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, believed that Data Trust was inferior to its competitor, and Mr. McConnell gave senators the option of using either.
As this shift within the RNC and GOP fundraising was happening, Mitch McConnell believed that Data Trust was inferior to its competitor, and Mr. McConnell gave senators the option of using either.

Mitch was Koch aligned and there was competition for fucking with US elections
using data.

Later, we might bring into the story Steve Bannon and Cambridge Analytica.

The battle came to a head in mid-2016, when Mr. Priebus and Ms. Walsh-Shields, who had become R.N.C. chief of staff the previous year, visited the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
She accused the committee of working against the interests of the party and its presumptive presidential nominee, Mr. Trump.

From there, the meeting devolved into shouting, several Republicans with direct knowledge of the clash said.

• • •

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Feb 11
Cabal asset Musk speaking to China and Russia who believe they have a Manchurian Candidate in the White House and a side-kick, Elon.

Trump, however, is the cabal's Manchurian Candidate Dangle, and Elon is a disposable cabal asset.
Above White House event coincided on same day with GOP Rep Anna Paulina Luna (who Russia thinks is an asset for Russia) and GOP Rep James Comer announcing that Luna will lead a Task Force on Declassification and Transparency which will be the cabal selectively releasing
true and accurate information combined with deceptive information to appease the public who does not know any better and to keep China and Russia confused.

The Comer and Luna announcement follows President Trump’s executive order entitled
Read 47 tweets
Dec 7, 2024
David Sacks will be the “White House A.I. and Crypto Czar," Tweets the cabal's laundering partner and Manchurian Candidate Dangle, Donald Trump.

Is Sacks job to run up bitcoin and then, through a controlled demolition, bring it back down, to flush out some % of holders of
bitcoin, before the cabal introduces a USD-backed stable-coin, perhaps led by Howard Lutnick?
No, "King Dollar," is not dead.

Cabal to run up bitcoin then have a controlled demolition and have Howard Lutnick or another cabal officer introduce a USD backed stable coin. Image
Read 6 tweets
Oct 7, 2024
There is an uptick of information about the Nov 22, 1963 Big Lie with Israel / Mossad being the target for who was behind the assassination of JFK.

I'm still convinced by the evidence leading up to Nov 22nd, the evidence from Nov 22nd, and importantly, from the coverup that a
cabal of wealthy men from America were the higher power who greenlit the assassination of JFK.

This cabal of men did have friendly relations with Israel.

Later under Nixon, this American cabal shipped nuclear materials like Plutonium to Israel from Oklahoma and PA with some of
the materials going to Iran.

Israel / Mossad alone would not have pulled off what was required on Nov 22, 1963, but a cabal of Americans could.

I have a thread that names about 30 men most responsible for giving the greenlight to eliminate JFK.
Read 54 tweets
Oct 2, 2024
As Tim and JD talk about the immigration bill that Trump killed, a reminder, the American cabal requires and demands cheap labor and will play tough on immigration but welcomes cheap labor.
Undocumented immigrants paid $97B in taxes in 2022.

They paid a higher state and local tax rate than the top 1% in a majority of states.

They contributed $26B to Social Security which helps the top X% avoid paying into SS.
Republicans who get into office to serve the cabal worship cheap labor.

The strategy drives up profits for the families who own American businesses, usual via multi-gen wealth transfers or by luck.

Having a steady and reliable supply of cheap labor to maintain high profits
Read 17 tweets
Aug 10, 2024
Typical rich white boy who avoided Vietnam = Bones Spurs Trump

Draft boards were pumping the poor whites into Vietnam.

It was class warfare.

The Yale Ivy Skull and Bones had leverage over LBJ once they got rid of JFK and eventually the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
passed August 7, 1964, on a foundation of lies and deceit.
Ventura, born James George Janos, has an older brother who served in the Vietnam War.

Ventura has described himself as Slovak since his father's parents were from Slovakia; his mother was of German descent.
Read 380 tweets
Aug 10, 2024
A group of men tried to use the American Legion with Smedley Butler as an orator to retired Vets of the Legion to gin up support for the Gold Standard and to paint FDR as a POTUS against Vets in the early 1930s.
Nine wealthy men went on to Fund the Business Plot, also called the Wall Street Putsch of 1933 to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Robert Sterling Clark, heir to the Singer Sewing Machine fortune, and Grayson Mallet-Prevost Murphy Sr. were two of the nine men that tried to fund an overthrow of FDR in 1933. Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini of Italy was aligned with Grayson Mallet-Prevost Murphy Sr.
Read 150 tweets

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