Instead he hired NJ federal judge Fred Lacey, described as "Attorney General Barr's patsy," by then-House Banking Comm Chmn Henry Gonzalez (D-TX).……
In his early 40s, Drougal was faced with a 347-count indictment, stripped of all his assets, confined to a prison cell, forcing his wife & 4 children to live on welfare.
I am certainly disappointed, but not surprised that Mr. Pedde, & the others at BNL who encouraged and endorsed my actions at the Atlanta agency, have taken a position...
He served 33 months in federal prison.
He died at age 50 from cancer, many newspapers reported.
A friend told Mantius that Drogoul had held jobs at a hotel and as a magazine salesman since being released from prison. The same friend said he died from cancer, but “declined to provide specifics.”………
Safire died at age 79 in 2009.…
Photo: Shealah Craigshead