This is a quick thread about scammers/scumbags who should be banished from our industry.
In other words, spineless opportunists who mislead people and represent the worst of Wall Street.
We're looking directly at you Brad Thomas @rbradthomas! 😉
Let's start with this horse shit from Brad.
"Medical Properties Trust has been beaten down by short sellers, which has caused shares to massively underperform"
$MPW has been "beaten down" b/c it's finally being exposed by analysts like @HedgeyeREITs for being a scam
For the record, Rob Simone @HedgeyeREITs added $MPW to his Best Idea short list on 4/11/22
$MPW is down -50% since
Brad Thomas @rbradthomas MOCKED Simone at the time. Brad Thomas said he thoroughly debunked the bear thesis. He made fun of Simone saying he only had 10K followers
The visionary behind the bestselling phenomenon The Fourth Turning looks once again to 🇺🇸’s past to predict our future in this startling and hopeful prophecy for how our present era of civil unrest will resolve over the next 10 years—and what our lives will look like once it has.
25 years ago, Neil Howe @HoweGeneration and the late William Strauss dazzled the world with a provocative new theory of American history. Looking back at the last 500 years, they’d uncovered a distinct pattern: modern history moves in cycles.
Each cycle lasts roughly 80 to 100 years, the length of a long human life, with each cycle composed of four eras—or “turnings”—that always arrive in the same order and each last about twenty years. The last of these eras—the fourth turning—is always the most perilous.
In honor of Bob's 69th trip around the son, we're celebrating some of his best work.
“I’ll never forget the first time I met with Bob. As we talked about his career, it became obvious to me why every major newspaper in America used to pay up for an in-house editorial cartoonist. They illustrate the point.”