Michael Kobs Profile picture
Apr 28, 2023 24 tweets 9 min read Read on X
#Nordstream Nothing like a good conspiracy theory in the morning, especially as a gift. Image
The Danish authorities have apparently confirmed that 26 photos of the Nymfen show the submarine rescue ship SS-750. A good reason to rehash old nonsense once again, as long as it makes Russia seem more likely to be the culprit.
information.dk/indland/2023/0… Image
It starts with the observation that the SS-750 had a Priz-class mini-sub on board. Of course, that sounds highly suspicious. Image
Let's note that the Pize class has a cruising speed of 4.3km/h and a range of 39km. It would take her 22 hours to reach the explosion site south of Bornholm, but she would run out of fuel after a third of the way. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_d… Image
That is, the SS-750 would have to lower the mini-submarine, install the charges, pick up the submarine again, and proceed to the next blast site. Obviously, that wasn't the case, but hey, the story is gift-wrapped! Image
Next, "Information" reminds us that SS-750 belonged to a group of 6 missing Russian ships. However, it forgets that by means of SAR only two ships were found without AIS and SAR does not overlook a huge ship made of metal, not even in a cloudy night. ImageImage
"Missing" are the 6 Russian ships mainly because they sailed through the Baltic Sea without AIS, like pretty much every warship these days. So just one day before a US aircraft carrier popped up only 10km from the later explosion site and nobody "missed" it, right? ImageImage
So how and when did they get there? Oh, this question is irrelevant since we talk about Russians. Image
"Information" also reminds us that the "missing" Russian ships left shortly after 00:00 that previous day. "Information" does not tell us that they left 17 hours earlier, when these 3 huge US dark ships cleared the destination. Image
(Apparently they were not even included in the SAR search for dark ships because they turned on their AIS on the way home. Nevertheless, it is impossible to tell from the AIS data how long they had been there).
All this happened 13 days after Biden read the end of the pipeline from his note in the presence of Scholz. Shouldn't the Russians be interested in what US ghost ships are doing over the pipelines? And shouldn't they take a submarine with them? Image
Next, "Information" tells us how exceptionally unusual this morning was. Danes, Swedes, Germans, Poles and Americans rushed in by sea and air to watch the Russians. 🔕🔕🔕 Image
But it doesn't ring a bell to "Information". The Russians go towards US ghost ships, well observed by satellites and 5 hostile nations, to fill their pipeline with bombs. They forget about a submarine that could somehow reach the other explosion site, got pictured...
But what makes these experts think that this action was in any way exceptional? Well, that is the conclusion of OSINT Alexander. He has established that the Nymfen left in the evening to drive in a straight line to the crime scene. Image
Well, there is actually no question of a straight line, otherwise the Nymfen (dark blue) would probably have sailed north of Bornholm on a straight line (light blue). Image
The second point Alexander mentions is that the Danes actually never come into this area and he gets his knowledge from the AIS data of Marine Traffic.
Note the dotted line! Has the Nymfen switched off its AIS? Image
No, according to another package of AIS data, the Nymfen's course looked more like this: Image
The conclusion must be that the data from Marine Traffic is at best incomplete and the graphical representation not really accurate.
So if we are missing as much data from other patrols, then the impression could quickly arise that the Danish Navy was never actually there. Image
Interestingly, "Information" uses more complete AIS data, but still believes that the course of the Nymfen was somehow "unusual" (as another word for Russian). Image
That the course was routine, the thought does not even occur to "information" and Russia-fixated experts - not even when commanders say so. They insist that this incomplete, crudely carved consumer-oriented pattern is "far from normal". Image
And with this fervor they step in front of the camera, tell their viewers in heaven is fair and earn money with active stultification. ImageImage
And of course, the German press has nothing better to do than to spread this shot from the hip under the headline "There were a lot of strange things going on". Indeed, they still do.
ndr.de/nachrichten/me… Image
And that implies another question: what intelligence prompted the CIA in the summer to warn its brother agencies of an attack? ...long before Biden's announcement, Oste, Minerva Julie, Andromeda, SS-750 ... just after Baltops? Image

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@ronzheimer Richtig, er hätte die Rolle der einst stolzen Demokraten stärker betonen sollen, wie auch die Rolle von Merkel, Hollande... bis Boris Johnson, welcher ohne Zweifel von stolzen Demokraten geschickt war.
@ronzheimer Kirby beschreibt die Friedensbemühungen folgendermaßen 👇. Wohlgemerkt Minsk war geltendes Völkerrecht und wenn ich mich recht entsinne, haben Sie diese Politik der einst stolzen Demokraten stets wortreich mitgetragen.
@ronzheimer Es waren aber nicht nur die einst stolzen Demokraten + Poroschenko + Hollande + Merkel, es war auch deren verbündeter Rechter Sektor in der Ukraine, welcher Zelenskjy sofort mit Mord drohte, als er einen Minsk-Versuch unternahm. Und Zelenskjy hat sich unterworfen. Image
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