In other words, State Senator @JudySeeberger holds the entire balance of power for the Democrats in Minnesota.
Just like you two among @SenateDems in the previous Congress.
So why is she concerned about nothing moderate?
She has them by the political you-know-what.
This includes some extremely horrific legislation making Minnesota a refuge for “gender-affirming care.”
I think Independent Expenditures will be organizing Drag Queens and Transgender / Non-Binary persons, in full regalia, to knock doors in her district to thank her.
Seriously, for the future of America, please reach out.
Because progressive activists organized a strong effort in the @FlaDems 2018 closed primary for Governor; registered Democrats chose @AndrewGillum over the moderate - but more electable - @GwenGraham.
@Politidope I strongly believe that @Trump company funds actually reimbursed Michael Cohen and that this is key to the falsification of business records charges.
Donald Trump never pays his own money for anything, as @nytimes David @Fahrenthold has reported.
@darkbranstan@GayToad_3@Kaepernick7 However, I understand that the murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, September 2014, prompted Mr. Kaepernick to take a knee.
The incumbent local prosecutor, to whom Michael Brown did not matter, was running unopposed, too late for a challenge.
@MaxHailperin As you know, each state does it differently.
Florida requires pre-registration, but is otherwise quite flexible.
A registered voter who moves within the state can go to early voting - which is real voting in Florida, not absentee as in Minnesota - or
@MaxHailperin or, on Election Day, to the assigned precinct for the voter’s new residence.
Show photo ID and tell election officials the voter’s new address - no documentation required, though junk mail can help re the address - to report a change of address.
Then vote as usual.
@MaxHailperin In Minnesota, this only works within the same precinct.
Otherwise, it’s an Election Day Registration and requires specific documents including Photo ID.
Both states had bad experiences with close elections, FL US President in 2000 and MN US Senator 2008; they learned.