COVID-19 is no longer a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
Does this mean the pandemic is over? 🧵
The WHO has lifted “PHEIC” status for COVID-19, but insists the disease continues to pose a global threat. What is PHEIC?
What is a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)? It is a declaration made by @WHO under the International Health Regulations (IHR) to address an extraordinary event that poses a significant risk to public health across multiple countries. #PHEIC 3/
It serves as a signal for increased global attention and resources to address the specific health emergency. The declaration provides a framework for international cooperation, information sharing, and support to affected countries
It is time-limited and can be extended or lifted based on evolving circumstances and assessments made by the WHO
So, Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC):
* Declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) under the International Health Regulations (IHR)
* Signifies an extraordinary event that poses a public health risk to multiple countries and requires a coordinated international response
* Typically declared for outbreaks or incidents of diseases or health conditions with the potential to spread internationally and impact public health 8/
* Provides a framework for global cooperation, coordination, and support to affected countries
* Can be declared for a specific period and may be extended or lifted based on evolving circumstances
Now, what is pandemic?
A pandemic refers to the global spread of a infectious disease, affecting a large number of people across multiple countries or continents.
It signifies sustained human-to-human transmission of the disease on a worldwide scale. The declaration of a pandemic does not have a direct relationship with the PHEIC declaration.
It is typically made by the WHO when a disease is spreading widely and causing significant illness and societal impact
The key distinction is that a PANDEMIC represents the geographic spread and impact of a disease, while a PHEIC declaration focuses on the international response and coordination efforts to address a specific health emergency
It is possible for a disease to be declared a PHEIC without meeting the criteria for a pandemic, and vice versa
* Refers to the global spread of a new or novel infectious disease affecting a large number of people across multiple countries or continents.
* Indicates sustained human-to-human transmission of the disease on a worldwide scale
* Characterized by a significant impact on public health, healthcare systems, and societal functioning 17/
* Involves widespread efforts to control and mitigate the disease's spread, including measures such as travel restrictions, social distancing, and mass vaccinations
* May result in significant morbidity, mortality, and socioeconomic disruptions 19/
It's important to note that a PHEIC declaration can be made during a pandemic if the specific criteria outlined by the WHO are met
Pandemics and PHEICs are distinct but interconnected concepts related to global health emergencies
The end of a PHEIC declaration does not automatically indicate the end of a pandemic. Pandemics can have long-lasting effects and continue to impact populations even after the initial outbreak phase
The decision to declare the end of a pandemic is based on multiple factors, including the reduction in transmission rates, widespread availability of effective treatments and vaccines, and assessment of the overall global situation by health authorities and organisations
So the pandemic is not over yet.
I strongly urge both scientists and medics and journalists to get the message right. This will help everyone to build a sustainable response to SARS-CoV2
COVID-19 nie jest już stanem zagrożenia zdrowia publicznego o zasięgu międzynarodowym.
Czy to oznacza, że pandemia się skończyła?🧵
WHO zniosła status "PHEIC" dla COVID-19, ale podkreśla, że choroba nadal stanowi globalne zagrożenie. Czym jest PHEIC?
Co to jest Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)? Jest to stan ogłoszony przez @WHO w ramach Międzynarodowych Przepisów Zdrowotnych w celu zajęcia się nadzwyczajnym wydarzeniem, które stanowi znaczące ryzyko dla zdrowia publicznego w wielu krajach. #PHEIC
Why good information matters?
- helps in taking correct decisions
- helps spreading good information and not panic or coloured narratives
- can be source-checked/verified
- helps tackle misinformation
Misinformation - it is false information that a person spreads because they believe it to be true and have no intention to harm
Disinformation - is a false information that a person spreads knowing it is false, with an intention to deceive people
Infodemic - it is too much information, good, false, in digital and/or physical form spread during an outbreak
It causes confusion and risk-taking behaviours that can harm health
It also leads to mistrust in health authorities and undermines the public health response
Wróćmy do tej pracy badawczej, bo zdaje się, część z Czytelników nie zdecydowała się przeczytać:
Badanie dotyczy przenoszenia, zakażania przez najmłodszych. Bo wiecie, na początku pandemii jakiś oszołom orzekł, że dzieci nie mogą nikogo zarazić bo są ... zbyt małe
Serio! Ponoć jak kaszlą to zbyt nisko no i dorosłego nie zarażą.
No dobra ale dość bredni.
Jakie mamy fakty:
15 stycznia 2022 roku, 10-letnie dziecko z jednodniową gorączką i bólem gardła zostało potwierdzone jako pozytywne z SARS-CoV-2.
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Rzecz o statynach, infodemii i SARS-CoV2: #infodemic#CovidIsNotOver#VaccinesWork
Joe Rogan jest znany z tego, że jest znany. Prowadzi swoje "show". Czy wierzy w to co tam opowiada? Mam wrażenie, że nie 🤣😈
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Jak długo trwa odporność populacyjna wywołana zakażeniem SARS-CoV2, szczepieniem serii podstawowej i boosterami?
Nowe badanie z Kataru daje kilka wskazówek i odpowiedzi 🧵
Przy zastosowaniu modelu badań,
przebadano na skalę ogólnokrajową miesiąc po miesiącu przez 2 lata kalendarzowe odporność populacyjną przeciwko zakażeniu w wyniku wcześniejszego zakażenia, szczepienia serii podstawowej i szczepienia uzupełniającego
Wszystkie 3 formy odporności populacyjnej szybko traciły swoją skuteczność w miarę upływu czasu. Odporność populacyjna po szczepieniu spadała o 1% co 5 dni