San Francisco International Airport has just become the first in the U.S. to continuously monitor airplane waste for COVID-19, specifically focused on new viral variants.
In December 2020, Congress gave the NIH $1.2 billion to study #LongCovid. Years later, not a single clinical trial has started and there's very little to show for that funding. @rachelcohrs and I dug into this for @statnews and @MuckRock: (1/11)…
The article goes into the NIH RECOVER initiative's biggest problems right now, focusing on its failure to start clinical trials that would deliver treatment to people with #LongCovid. Here are a few highlights: (2/11)…
Rather than focusing on clinical trials at first, RECOVER put most of its $$ into observational research. But enrollment has been slow there, and no studies have actually been published from the research cohort. (3/11)
I'm at the American Museum of Natural History, where Jonathan Hoffman from NYC DEP is about to give a talk on the city's wastewater surveillance program. will share anything interesting in the 🧵!
interesting slides so far: wastewater testing process, results since August 2020. Hoffman mentioned that the CDC is working on correlating wastewater data to infections.
shout-out to the NY state dashboard! Hoffman says they & the CDC dashboard share week over week trends. (I will retroactively add image alt text in the thread after the talk btw)
I analyzed data from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare on transfers throughout 2021, focusing on a 4-month period in which Idaho went into crisis standards of care to allow hospitals to conserve their limited resources. (2/11)
We also obtained data from the Washington health department on Idaho patients in Washington hospitals; together, the two datasets show that about 1 in 3 Idaho transfers during the crisis period went to neighboring states. (3/11)
are you a journalist covering #LongCovid? then I have a resource for you! @fi_lowenstein and I worked on this database of Long COVID patients and experts who are interested in talking to reporters about their experiences: (1/5)
the database includes over 300 Long COVID sources from the U.S. and other countries. you can find experts on Long COVID research, patient care, policy, mental health, and related conditions (like ME/CFS), among other topics. (2/5)…
the source list is hosted in @NotionHQ, which allows users to search and filter for their specific source needs. look at the color-coded categories to get a sense of your options: (3/5)…