This man is an entitled asshole, and male bodies should NEVER colonize female sport.
Sports have rules and categories for sound reasons of equity, dignity and safety, with DECADES of data across every sport showing clear and persistent advantage across events.
Categories and rules are not created capriciously, but methodically refined.
Physical categories such as age, sex and weight class are based in consistently observable realities, which sport science can quantify across (tens of) THOUSANDS of cases. has many examples of teenage males outperforming female Olympians, and not because Olympians are lazy or untrained or unmotivated.
If I could reduce my hormone levels to those of a ten-year-old, should I be allowed to race against grade-schoolers?
Never use the phrase "trans woman" or "trans athletes" when the category is MALE and the appropriate noun is MAN.
Males who colonize female sport are opportunistic cheats, and each person of either sex who supports them is foul, shitting on ideals of equity, access and fairness.
“Queer theory” is shallow and facile, coming entirely out of language and literature departments, half-clever pseudo-intellectuals in love with their own vagueries and pretensions.
HUGE congrats @RevFemStBeat and the other women of #GetMenOut New Jersey for their protest against male felons in female prisons, and solid coverage in the New York Post,…!
This is the best I've seen yet in the United States.
Brilliantly done!
@RevFemStBeat The UN "Mandela Rules" or "Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners" state that male and female prisoners should never be housed together.
Eukaryotic organisms mostly reproduce sexually, alternating between two generations: haploid gamete and diploid zygote.
Sexual reproduction may not technically involve "sex" as most people understand the term, but always involves gametes.…
"On Transgender Day of Visibility, we want you to know that we see you just as you are," indeed!
See things as they are, this #TransDayOfVisibility, including predatory males and brave trans-identified people who choose not to be part of the "affirmation-only" #gendergrift.
They are among the most reasonable voices I know on Twitter, consistently rational and kind.
Buck Angel @BuckAngel is brave here on Twitter, and also on their YouTube where they address real issues such as inappropriate targeting of youth for lifelong medical treatment and longterm effects of T such as vaginal atrophy, .
It is important to distinguish zero-cost "liberty rights" (such as free speech) from zero-sum "claim rights" (such as private property or participation in a restricted sport category).
As a general rule, men pretend to be women for access to private spaces, while women have pretended to be men for access to public spaces and opportunity.
If one accepts public spaces are the divine right of men, as is the case in Afghanistan or many other parts of the world, Bragg is right. Male entitlement is under direct attack, and compromised.
But why were female-only spaces created?
What public policy do they serve?