Climate change is scary, but we can’t afford to succumb to defeatism.
If politicians invest just an extra 2% of Global GDP in developing eco-friendly technologies, like solar & wind power, we could shield the world’s developing nations from worsening storms, floods & droughts.
Currently, governments are failing to collect huge sums of money that are hidden away in tax havens by corporations and wealthy individuals. Every 4 years, the equivalent of 2% of annual Global GDP is lost through tax evasion.
So even if we need to impose some new taxes in the future – why not start with collecting the old ones?
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Shifting 2% of the budget from here to there is what politicians do all the time. So we should pressure them to just do their job.
In 2020, 2% of Global GDP was US$1.7 Trillion. That sounds like a lot of money, but it’s a small slice of the pie.
If politicians invest an additional 2% of Global GDP in clean energy, this would be enough to prevent the most catastrophic climate change scenarios.
Here’s another example to show why there’s room for optimism about our future:
Based on the current price of rainforest land in South America, a one-time donation of 1% of annual Global GDP would let local conservationists turn the entire Amazon into a protected nature reserve.
To put that price in context: 1% of Global GDP is what governments currently spend in under 2 years on direct subsidies for fossil fuels.
Yep – every 3.5 years governments write a cheque for 2% of Global GDP & gift it to the fossil fuel industry, in the form of direct subsidies.
It’s easy to get pessimistic about ecological collapse and its complex challenges. But when you dig into the numbers, a different story emerges. It turns out that if humanity invests an extra 2% of Global GDP in developing eco-friendly technologies and infrastructure every year…
…this would be enough to prevent catastrophic climate change. That’s less than what politicians spent on the military in 2020. And it’s the annual investment that can get us to a carbon-neutral economy by 2050.
This week, I’ll be sharing additional examples of what we could achieve with an extra 2% of Global GDP, versus where the money is currently going.
Shifting 2% of the budget from here to there is what politicians do all the time. So we should pressure them to just do their job.