Here’s the highlight reel:
Dr. Talukder & Grivas talk about:
🔹new approaches for cis ineligible disease
🔹variant histology
🙌 what to look forward to at #ASCO2023.
Check out the next tweet for the Director’s 🎬 cut!
👉 What defines variant histology?
👉 What practical steps drive mgmt?
📚 What trials coming for variant disease?
☑️ What criteria define cis eligibility?
🌅 What's on the horizon?
Take🏠 messages:
✅ Hypermut(TMB>10) RARE in NET
✅ Post-tx w alkylator (CAPE/TEM)
✅Mixed results w IO monotx; studying dual IO, combos
✅ Repeat NGS if NET becomes more aggressive; ID new targets, hypermut
🎥 TBT in a video @RachelRiechelm2 shared key points:
✅NGS critical in NETs–change substantially over time!
✅Hypermut after CAPE/TEM more common than we think
✅Strategies that use dual IO are under active investigation- may be more effective!