And while you deployed the 99k vaccines to provinces and territories...and wanted to test Wastewater...did you never think to add the #mpox Vaccine to the Vaccine Passports?
Were you playing loose and reckless with Canadian Lives?
Or did you learn from your abysmal failure with COVID, not recognizing that only sick people die from the sniffles?
The economy of Canada was SHATTERED.
You put us into a 2 Tiered Society, based on Vaccines...when the only people at risk...
Could have been identified by their existing Medical Conditions.
You knew their names, addresses and phone numbers and now 52k of them are DEAD:
You pushed the vaccines in ALL AGES, despite knowing that it was never needed and while you watched it completely fail to stop transmission and infection. You watched and verified that it caused Heart Damage:
You watched as the vaccines injured 54,569 people, 10,685 with life altering adverse reactions:
You failed to protect those at HIGH RISK by Age Stratification who made up 92% of the COVID Mortality:
While watching the majority of Vaccine Injuries harm people that were at NO RISK:
We were in a Global Pandemic at this time last year...according to you, Dr. Tam. You failed to protect Canadians from COVID and you allowed Monkeypox into our Country.
Here is why you ought not trust legal professors, when comes to your medical health...
A report, commissioned by Premier Smith and the Province, ie - taxpayers of Alberta has recently dropped...the Dr. Gary Report, as I call it. Some refer to it as the official title...
You see...when the lights came on, all of the cockroaches began to scurry...
And by cockroaches, I mean...all of those who perpetrated crimes against humanity - specifically those inside of Alberta...none so gross as Timothy (not a doctor) Caulfield.
He went so far as to write a letter and had, apparently, 65 of his co-conspirators attach their names to it.
Dangerous and misleading messages, he screeches...where 65 people who should be smarter, seemingly agreed with him.
But here's the fatal flaw in his logic...the fly in the ointment...the chink in his armor.
The Internet is Forever...and so is his history of misinformation.
You see...when us data dorks were following CONVID, before the first cases hit Canada...we were able to suss out the fact that nobody under the age of 65+, without a plethora of pre-existing health conditions would ever be at risk.
Where...conveniently, they'd never ruled out mortality caused by putting people on ventilators, causing death by way of pneumonia.
About a week ago, I said that if you aren't following @NChartierET, you're going to want to and today, he finally got his piece out, and from this, I am going to lend a little context.
But first...give him a follow and also subscribe to @EpochTimes.
Because, while @NChartierET is bound by what he can say...his information is solid and he's been busting ass to bring this to you, True Canadian Journalism!
Noé dropped his findings in my lap a week ago and I promised to not post on this prior to him, and now...
@NChartierET Cat is out of the Bag!
Yes, it's publicly posted information, but still his find. All Credit to Noé.
What you read, if only by headline is the underreporting factor of the Adverse Reactions to the COVID JABS...and even in his piece, he covers this from a pretty high level.
When the actual number of people who have died, specifically, WITH COVID are closer to ZERO than anybody would like to actually admit...if that number isn't actually absolute ZERO.
Now...I use the statistics specifically from Canada to show how bad this last 3 years has been...
You either didn't actually read this study or you don't understand what it says...fortunately, I can help you out with this.
To start off with, the period of study was:
Which is odd for a vaccination study to begin at the start of the pandemic and before Vaccines were see, in Canada, Vaccinations didn't start until December 14th, 2020 and on this day, only 5 people were vaccinated:
While I personally wish no violence towards others, I can honestly say that I would proudly stand in a Canadian Court of Law to serve out a term on conviction of homicide if anybody intentionally harmed any member of my family.