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Feb 9 18 tweets 7 min read
Here is why you ought not trust legal professors, when comes to your medical health...
A report, commissioned by Premier Smith and the Province, ie - taxpayers of Alberta has recently dropped...the Dr. Gary Report, as I call it. Some refer to it as the official title... Image You see...when the lights came on, all of the cockroaches began to scurry...

And by cockroaches, I mean...all of those who perpetrated crimes against humanity - specifically those inside of Alberta...none so gross as Timothy (not a doctor) Caulfield.

He went so far as to write a letter and had, apparently, 65 of his co-conspirators attach their names to it.Image
Jul 25, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
About a week ago, I said that if you aren't following @NChartierET, you're going to want to and today, he finally got his piece out, and from this, I am going to lend a little context.
But first...give him a follow and also subscribe to @EpochTimes.

Because, while @NChartierET is bound by what he can say...his information is solid and he's been busting ass to bring this to you, True Canadian Journalism!

Noé dropped his findings in my lap a week ago and I promised to not post on this prior to him, and now...
May 16, 2023 21 tweets 7 min read
It's hard to believe...but there are still people out there as confused as @xeal_.

He is still of the mind that if you didn't get the vaccine, his didn't work as well and if you didn't wear a mask, his mask was a failure.

Gunna take a moment and walk him through this. You see...@xeal_ claims...
May 13, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
You either didn't actually read this study or you don't understand what it says...fortunately, I can help you out with this.
To start off with, the period of study was: Image Which is odd for a vaccination study to begin at the start of the pandemic and before Vaccines were see, in Canada, Vaccinations didn't start until December 14th, 2020 and on this day, only 5 people were vaccinated: Image
May 13, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
HOW, Dr. this possible?

Canada detected it's first case of #mpox almost one year ago to the date: Image And while you deployed the 99k vaccines to provinces and territories...and wanted to test Wastewater...did you never think to add the #mpox Vaccine to the Vaccine Passports?

Were you playing loose and reckless with Canadian Lives?
May 11, 2023 18 tweets 6 min read
By now...a lot of you are aware that the Liberals still have Vaccine Mandates on their agenda...

And if can watch the following, please like and subscribe to @OdessaOrlewicz...

The problem is...this is actually the least of what you should be worried about.

The #Lib2023 policies pave a path to Socialism inside of Canada...spelling out the complete destruction of Canada as you knew it.

You can view the entire document here:
May 6, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
While I personally wish no violence towards others, I can honestly say that I would proudly stand in a Canadian Court of Law to serve out a term on conviction of homicide if anybody intentionally harmed any member of my family.

I'd really only come to warn him...

Tim can…… ImageImage Do your Due Diligence on @CaulfieldTim.

He's not a doctor...not able to prescribe treatments nor medications to patients...but...

He applied for a Grant that gave him money to try and nullify actual information on COVID and paid him greatly.
May 6, 2023 24 tweets 6 min read
Let's begin...Bone to pick Numero Uno!

Can you believe these motherfuckers?
🧵🔥… The World Health Organization, called off the Pandemic.

Because...of course, "REASONS".

Which, if you did a little due diligence means that they were lying before the pandemic was a pandemic, or they are lying NOW.

Either way, I am not letting these motherfuckers off the hook.
May 5, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
"The Jabs are Safe and Effective", claims @AHS_media, and "Boosters are most important for those at high risk outcomes"...
🔥🧵 Image Yet, over the last 6 Months (recommended between jabs), only 11.4% of the population has taken a jab: Image
May 5, 2023 28 tweets 7 min read
Aight...let's do this thing!

To start off...I want you to kindle a little inside of you for what you've been forced to live through for the last 3 years.

And by the end of this...I promise you an inferno!

Going to start off with this... Image Over the last 3 years, you've watched as loved ones have died, locked away...alone, afraid and sick.

You were prohibited from visiting and even celebrating their life when they passed.

You were shamed into becoming a lab rat to get a vaccine for a virus that posed you no risk.
May 4, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Notley and the NDP Party have been setting huge piles of money on fire with their rage campaigns against the UCP...they are on every radio station, in the news, on youtube, spotify, the weather app...
And by now, there should be no question that this money comes from the…… And...if anything we've seen over the last couple of weeks is that Unions are Beaking over wages...what we've seen is strikes with PSAC and the Ontario Nurses Unions...

For this...they do require some support from the fees that they've paid into the unions...but guess what?
May 3, 2023 21 tweets 6 min read

If you haven't already found the doc drop from the previous thread, I'll dump it onto my google drive and provide a link following the thread...

If you have, maybe you've read it...maybe you haven't...but if you did, did you see what I seen? Image For my own personal convenience, I've converted the PDF to a workable word file, will provide the original for your confirmation. What I have highlighted here is a VERY important consideration put out in August of 2021, prior to lockdowns in that...WHY THE F
May 1, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
YakkStack - Breaking News.
Health Canada - PHAC - Justin Trudeau - Held unvaccinated Canadians Hostage for 11 months, despite hitting their vaccination targets.

You're gunna be don't want to miss this thread.

Let's begin!
@NChartierET Last week, brother Noé Chartier from Epoch times brought out this hard hitting nugget:
Apr 24, 2023 23 tweets 8 min read
Why would you do this?
The consent form from Alberta doesn't suggest this.

This seems like you are setting policy...of which you claim not to. ImageImage In seems like the Transplant institute has a really bad habit of ignoring information and data.

When the provincial data was posted, what it showed was completely opposite of what you are saying here.

Apr 17, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Holy fuck....Just received some information that...if is true...will turn this entire ship around on the COVID thing.
Not what you might's how many doctors will no longer support the narrative because of a paycheck and fear of being fired... They actually need to be afraid for their personal safety.

And this isn't a personal 'Jab Related' situation.

Actions have they've told us...and here is where the proverbial shit is hitting the fan.
Apr 17, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
I'd like to request that you surrender your MD status and stop treating patients. You've completely lost the plot of healthcare and are now not only a harm to those you treat, but to the entire medical community. Furthermore, you should also close down your twitter account or at very least, stop posting any advice under this.

You are a threat to the safety of the general public and are...quite frankly, coming off as a complete fucking lunatic.

Let me drill this down for you, nutbar.
Apr 16, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
Steve...are you seriously going to try and walk into a conversation with a statement this incredibly stupid?
There are a couple of things that we can address here as to why you are a complete moron...let's start off with, "serious adverse events: 0.011% of all dose…… Image Perhaps you are do daft to realize what this metric actually is...or perhaps you aren't swift enough to figure out why it's stupid.

97.6 Million Doses/10.7 AE's = .011%

But how many people were jabbed, Steve?
Apr 15, 2023 17 tweets 6 min read
What do you say to all of the Canadians who were harmed by a jab that offered absolutely no protection and no benefit, Dr. Lynora?
PHAC currently reports 54.6K people injured, 10.7K with life altering injuries. Image You see, Doc...

Of these injuries, PHAC indicates that the majority of these injuries happened in the population of people who would never have benefited from the jabs, even if they worked: Image
Apr 13, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
Did I Hear that you are looking for some data, Mr. Anderson?

I believe I can help.

🧵 Image While you'd prefer images and context fed inside of the matrix...the one thing that I can assure you that what you are consuming is Not Steak. Image
Apr 4, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
Hey Alberta...

Thought I'd try something fresh for the evening...I'm going a little Scorched Earth...

You're not going to be happy with me...but by the end of this mini 🧵, I hope you are a lot more concerned with how much power the Union has in our Province.

Let's do this! I'm going to start off with, how did the absolute worst candidate get elected as the Mayor of Calgary, in our previous municipal elections...…
Apr 4, 2023 19 tweets 6 min read
Scorched Earth Time!
When you and others, like one of my newest Twitter friends were standing out in the subzero temps of Canada, in February of 2022...

Our Health Minister - @jyduclos, was busy lying to Canadians about C-19 Vaccines..."to protect himself and his family" - he…… this time, only the Liberals were privy to the contracts signed with the vaccine manufacturers...

And if you'd watched the video, where was our multiply jabbed Prime Minister, @JustinTrudeau?

That's right...

He was a villain...why?

Because he had……