Anna⁷🖊️ (thv's) D-10 Profile picture
May 16, 2023 117 tweets 22 min read Read on X
#taejoonau where after a silent breakup, models Kim Namjoon and Kim Taehyung decide to part their ways for good. But maturity is something Taehyung refuses to adopt so he goes on a mission to bag every single one of brands Namjoon endorses solely for the older's attention.
A soft little au where Namjoon knows that the firm, confident nod Taehyung gives after their decision to end things is nothing but a facade to keep his tears at bay. He notices the way Taehyung prolongs his stay at Namjoon's apartment just to not let the reality settle on him.
The shortage of boxes on day one, being too tired to pack things yet on day two and the hastily tied bandage around his wrist for a sprain they both know doesn't exist on day three — Namjoon notices the excuses.

So, finally taking things in his own hands, he packs up the boxes.
The colour from Taehyung's face drains when he gets back to his— not really but who fucking cares if he had unofficially started calling Namjoon's apartment his own for past one year now— apartment after a shoot to find all his clothes and stuff neatly packed and set.

Taehyung could see both the boxes and Namjoon waiting at the living room, the elder tying up the last stack on book stacks just as Taehyung calls for him.

"Oh, you're here!" The grin on Namjoon's face irks the younger. "I considered you must be tired to pack the stuff yourself
so I helped. Also, I set aside some of my books for you that you really liked."

Taehyung actually didn't. The only reason he read them was to see that smile on the elder's face whenever Taehyung would quote a reference from one of those.

The memory stings Taehyung's eyes.
--- I have exam tomorrow what am I even doing writing this! I'll be back tomorrow I'm so sorry it completely skipped my mind 😭 ---
"Thanks..." Was all Taehyung could manage to mumble as he eyes the apartment.

It was finally the time, wasn't it? He takes in a deep breath before passing a wide grin to Namjoon and it would be foolish to say the older didn't notice the hidden pain behind it.
But it was necessarily. Much more for Taehyung than for Namjoon himself. Their schedules weren't working alongside each other & Namjoon could count on fingers the number of times they both had a proper meal together in past one month.

He won't even have to lift a single finger.
The 'trying for each other' and 'trying to talk to each other' part failed to such extent in their relationship that words were exchanged which should never have in the first place.

The kind of words that engrave your insecurities with a garnish you could never forget despite
knowing not one of them was true.

Or maybe they actually were and they are both just fooling themselves into believing a truth that didn't exist.
Breaking up a relationship that was on the verge of turning into fumes was the only was to save years worth of friendship and Taehyung agreed to it readily.

It is only now, standing at Namjoon's door with a bag slinging on his shoulder and suitcase beside him, that he realises
what was actually happening.

He was breaking up with Namjoon, the man who taught him to survive in this world. That man who not only simply brought happiness into Taehyung's life but held the younger's hands to help him knit those tiny instances of happiness on his own.
Be sighs when Namjoon's comes to hug him, his body shrinking on its own accord to fit into the elder's.

"I'm sorry it's happening this way, baby. But it's best for both of us, yeah?"

Taehyung does not pull back to answer.
He just stays there, face hidden in Namjoon's shoulders, and nods. If his eyes were moist then he was sure Namjoon was no different.

"I will miss you."

Taehyung frowns at that. His fingers unconsciously clutch onto the elder's flimsy shirt.
"I will be here, though? We're only breaking our relationship, hyung, not the friendship."

The statement lingers like a question between them.

Like a fear Taehyung refuses to face.

"I know. Still," Namjoon retreats from the hug and Taehyung lets him. "it's better if we take a
break for a while. Only until the news of the breakup dies. My company thinks it's better."

Taehyung, against all the will of his heart, nods.

He nods because the words he wishes to speak would serve as nothing but another reason in Namjoon's 'reason it's better to end' list.
The words still wander around randomly in his mind during days and come back as overthinking before bed.

They disappear or stay hidden among the never ending shoots on some days but then suddenly jump out while doing the most trivial things.
Namjoon has no literal right to jump in his train on thoughts while he's bathing, and neither when he's doing grocer shopping.

Those stupid trees that give out that stupid oxygen should not make him stop on his tracks during his morning jogs.
And, honestly, it's high time he continues watching that series they both started together months ago but never got to end.

"It's hard to forget him." Taehyung finally admits after two horrendously lonely months. "He's literally everywhere!"
Jimin snickers from beside him, their drinks untouched on the bar counter.

"It's not funny!" Taehyung glares at his best friend. "I can't even take shit while peacefully reading a magazine. His face is staring back at me even then!"

"You can't lie that you don't like it."
"That's literally not the point right now."

The conversation ends when a fellow model at their company approaches Jimin and drags him away for a dance. Once again the thought of Namjoon pops up but this time Taehyung drowns it away with whiskey.
Taehyung wakes up with a headache the next day and stirs uncomfortably in his bed until he finds Jimin's sleeping figure. Ignoring any sleepy protests that the man offers, Taehyung wraps his legs around it and nuzzles himself closer.

"You smell. Get off!" Jimin groans.
Taehyung smiles before huffing out his breath right on Jimin's face and the loud smack he recieves on his ass after it echoes around the room.

"You're disgusting, my god."

The smirk on Taehyung's lips was enough for Jimin to push the model away and get up. "Give me water."
"The kitchen is that way, sir." Taehyung lets out a kiss sound before disappearing into the bathroom. When he comes out after freshening, it's with Jimin laughing while looking at his phone.

"What?" Taehyung peeks over Jimin's shoulder and disbelief hits him like never before.
"When the fuck did he sign with Louis Vuitton?"

"Good time seeing his face every morning from your studio, I guess?"

Taehyung ignores Jimin's remarks, knowing very well how amusing the whole situation was to the man, and instead goes into the kitchen.

Louis Vuitton.

Out of four hundred thousand eight hundred & fifty six brands that exist in the world, ofcourse Namjoon would sign with the one brand that has it's huge ass promotional poster hanging right in front of Taehyung's company building.

Something he can oh so easily ignore every day.
But it was fine. Taehyung reminds himself repeatedly. He was mature enough to not let a simple poster. Not like it was Namjoon himself appearing in front of him after two magical months.

How difficult could it get afterall, right?

The very morning the previously existing full size banner gets replaced with Namjoon's face on it, Taehyung finds himself in his manager's office, eyes firm and words sharp.

Maturity? Taehyung couldn't give two fucks about it.
"What do you mean you want to sign with LV?"

"Exactly what it sounds like. I don't care what they offer, I want to endorse for it." Taehyung states and leaves the office, calling up his friend at Vogue Korea next to propose a deal for photoshoot.

Maturity? Huh, sure.
It's a week or maybe two later, Taehyung doesn't really know thanks to him being caught with signing up contracts with different brands, when the news of LV finally comes out with a worked up Jimin showing up at his door.
01. Image
Taehyung's smile widens when he reads the article shoved in front of him by Jimin.

"What happened to original 'I will stay away if that's what he wants?' debate?" Jimin sounds exasperated for reasons Taehyung could not tell.
"I didn't even contact him? I was offered a pretty decent deal so I took it." Taehyung shurgs and locks the door behind them before going over to have his breakfast.

"You don't even like the brand!"

"Well, I do now." Taehyung takes a mouth full of his salad.
"You're so petty, my god." Jimin sighs and takes a seat opposite to Taehyung, his eyes lingering at the singer's movements.

The breakup, to say the least, was tough for Taehyung. It was visible at the lack of bed lines on his face, a sign of Taehyung twisting and turning all
night long because no matter how much he tries, it was hard to forget the comfort that came while sleeping Namjoon's arms.

The after-effects of their breakup were visible on the fidge magnets, each of it still having a little grocery note by the rapper that was written long ago.
Jimin glanced around the apartment and he could pick up a memory of Namjoon at every corner. In the bookshelf that Taehyung stacked with all of the older's favou books, the ridiculously expensive wooden table that sits in the living room and even by the window sill where
the windchime Namjoon customised for Taehyung still hangs in all it's glory.

A promise of forever was etched on it and the look of it made Jimin's throat close up.

He takes a deep breath and looks at Taehyung again — the nonchalant man who was trying everything in his hands to
get the feeling of being close to Namjoon, the man who was ready to walk to ends of earth in order to keep in touch with the rapper even if it meant by showing the world how immature he was.

"I really thought you two would last longer than me, Hoba and Jungkook."
Taehyung stills at that and Jimin watches as a small smile takes up his lips before he says, "I really thought you were never getting past your coping with humour phase."

Jimin chukles at that. "It was to keep your mood light hearted."
Taehyung shurgs and picks up the plates before walking to the sink, hands working in quick motions to wash the dishes.

Jimin notices the signs of nervousness, observes the way Taehyung tries to blink back his tears.
And this was the exact reason he was so reluctant to talk about the break-up. Taehyung was still in the denial and Jimin addressing the issue would set the first brick of reality within Taehyung.

Jimin walks upto Taehyung and takes the dishes from his hands, keeping them aside.
Taehyung frowns at him and before the man could protest, Jimin wraps his arms around Taehyung to hug him. He tightens his hold and burries his face in the singer's nape.

"You have me, TaeTae. You will always have your Chim with you." He gulps when pain stars accompanying every
word that he utters, his eyes glossing up. "You don't need to hide it anymore. I'm here to hold you, always."

A low, choked whimper is heard in the kitchen before Taehyung hugs him back and even though none of them know who it belonged to, they both knew the pain was real.
"I miss him, Jimin. I really need to be close to him." Taehyung whispers these words, as if afraid of a secret being spilled. "I'm immature, yes. I know I should act like an adult and deal with it, that I shouldn't rely on Joonie for my happiness but I can't. I just can't ,"
Taehyung pulls back and feverously wipes his tears to clearly say whatever he's been feeling for so long, whatever he's been /burrying/ for too long.

It was Jimin. Jimin would understand. Jimin always understands.

Just like Namjoon did.

Until suddenly one day he didn't.
"I don't wanna be the greater person who's only focus is trying to be happy on their own. I can't do that, I'm not made that way. I'm don't know why, I'm just not"

Jimin nods when Taehyung fumbles with his words, leading the man to the couch.
They both sit there in the comfort of each other's company and at some point Taehyung goes ahead to lay his head on Jimin's lap, letting his body go loose as Jimin's fingers thread through his hair.
"I can't find happiness on my own. I don't feel happy unless I have someone to share that happiness with. I know I have you, I have Yoongi hyung and Jin hyung. I know they'll leave everything just to be there for their younger brother but I need someone who's just mine. Someone
with whome I won't feel like I'm intruding their time because I truly believe that not a single moment they spend with me is a time wasted. Even if it's just randomly lying in the backyard."

"And Namjoon was that person to you."
Taehyung closes his eyes at that, feels them sting again before he breathes out. "Namjoon /is/ that person to me. I know that even if today I go to him at crack of dawn & just talk about a dream I had, he'll indulge in it with me, maybe counter it with an even silly dream of his"
Jimin leans down and plants a kiss. Taehyung shivers under him.

"Exactly how many brands did you sign up with?"

Taehyung smiles at that, more like smirks, and even with the tear flushed face, Jimin finds him just as cute.

"Five brands and three magazines."
Jimin chukles with a shake of his head. "The gossip magazines will turn crazy."

"I'm giving them all this content that will last almost a week for them to start spicy rumours." Taehyung shrugs.

"Might as well ask your commission from them, then."
They both laugh at that and Taehyung, for the first time in two months, feels relieved from the weight of the burdening emotions.
The following days unviel themselves with a new photoshoot of Taehyung with one brand or the other. Some of them irk him, calling him desperate for copying his ex, while some simply call the whole fiasco a promotional tactic.

It doesn't faze Taehyung much.
He knew how those news sites functioned, was well versed with their schemes after being in the industry for over 10 years.

His parents call him up at one point and that's when Taehyung stars to regret it all. The worry behind their words was something Taehyung forgot to consider
before starting to act on his wants and it pushes the singer in a hollow pit of guilt.

Hollow. Just like him.
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Taehyung closes his phone as another article pops up on his insta feed. This wasn't good.

His immaturity has once again landed him in a place he didn't want. He just wanted to be a bit bratty, maybe act a little kiddish around Namjoon. Just enough for the man to notice him.
But this. This wasn't in the plan. This wasn't fun anymore and definitely not good for his public image.

Maybe that's why he was sitting infront of his and Namjoon's manager right now, their scrutinizing gazes set oh him and he took a sheild behind Namjoon's figure.
"We need to issue a statement saying Namjoon has no connection with it and it was just a little fun play by Taehyung."

"No we don't." Namjoon interjects. "There must be some other way that will get both of us out of it safely."
Taehyung's heart swells when Namjoon's hand unconsciously come to find his and if Namjoon notices the action later, he does nothing to take his hand back.

"He's ruining your reputation along with his own because of these immature actions!"
"He's not immature." Namjoon grits through his teeth and it was enough for his manager to shut his mouth, huffing out a breath.

"Then find a way before your album release because I don't want him to ruin your comeback."
Taehyung rolls his eyes at that. "None of this would have happened if you wouldn't have forced him to break up with me."

Though said nonchalantly, Namjoon picked up the hurt underlying these words by Taehyung. It surges through his viens and clenches his own heart.
"I did not force him for anything. The relationship was falling since forever to begin with because you refuse to behave like a responsible adult and rationalise the consequences of your actions!"

"He did no such thing for you to say that!" Namjoon's voice booms through the room
The manager laughs at that. "Well, the three controversies that he spiked with his Instagram posts must be my dream then, no? His childish actions are ruining your career and I don't understand why you can't see them Namjoon."
"I can't see them because there's nothing childish in him posting a picture while kissing me!"

"The picture was taken in the damn White house!"

Namjoon shrugs, "I saw such sign prohibiting kissing hanging anywhere outside the building."
Taehyung giggles from beside him and the sound makes Namjoon pause. He missed it so much, to have Taehyung around him.

To have a man in his life who never allowed the kid inside him dîe despite the boulders of responsibility being shoved on his shoulders.
He missed having Taehyung around him because Taehyung didnot just come with a feeling of love rather a dictionary of all the emotions Namjoon didn't even know existed to begin with.

He didn't know he could laugh on a kinky dad joke right before delivering his speech at the UN,
had no idea that he could cry just from recieving a hug after a tiring day at work. Namjoon would never have realised that making paper cranes with cryptic messages written in them and flying them to the balconies of random strangers could be an activity he'll even do.
Taehyung taught him much more than just love. To the world the younger might seem immature at time but to Namjoon, Taehyung was exactly what he aimed to become as a human.

A man with his inner child still alive.

Taehyung was the anchor to Namjoon's inner child.
Taehyung notices Namjoon's silence and takes no time to drag the man out of the room, ignoring his manager's protests because who even cares what he's about to say (or maybe he does care but only an Idiot would prioritise any other human over Namjoon).
It's when they reach a particularly secluded area that Taehyung stops and faces Namjoon, his senses heightened because Namjoon was looking so frail standing here.

Shoulders sagged and eyes looking at Taehyung with utmost delicacy, the younger barely held himself back from
going ahead and wrapping his arms around Namjoon, allowing the rapper's to fall like a puty in his arms.

"Took you long enough to come and see me." He chooses to say instead, taking a bold step ahead to get closer to Namjoon.
Namjoon simply nods and clasps Taehyung's hands in his own, holding it for something he didn't know. "Your mess was scattered all around the apartment. Took me time to carefully pick everything up and put it where it belongs."

Taehyung feels it difficult to breath.
"And?" He leans a bit closer to Namjoon and breathes the man in, allows himself to take in the scent of home. "Did you figure it out? Where the stuff belongs?"

Namjoon nods and joins their foreheads, eyes focused on Taehyung's face despite the sting from tears.
"Yeah," He takes in a shaky breath. "Yeah I did. It belongs with me, in that apartment, always besides me."

Taehyung tastes Namjoon on his tongue even before he feels those lips against it. The coil in his heart unfolds itself in the form of a choked whimper.
Namjoon's hands conviniently find their place at the dip of Taehyung's waist and the younger returns the gesture by wrapping his own around Namjoon's nape.

He grips the mullet there and pushes his body onto the older, desperate for the assurance that it was real.
Namjoon was here.

Namjoon was holding him like always and he could taste the older male in his senses. It was finally happening and it was annoying how Taehyung's body had no reaction to it all except for crying.

So he did just that.
He held onto Namjoon and cried.

Taehyung does not force his tears to stop even when Namjoon pulls back from the kiss. He simply hugs the older, cursing out incoherent words that the older recieved without any protest.
Somewhere amongst it all, Taehyung murmurs a silent 'I love you' and that's when Namjoon forces the younger to face him.

"I love you too," Namjoon says back. "I never stopped loving you even though I may have suggested the idea of breaking up."

"I know. I still don't forgi—"
"You don't need to." Namjoon smiles. "You don't ever have to forgive me for this. I knew you'd go forward with whatever I say and I selfishly took benefit of that even though I knew it will hurt you." Namjoon feels the words he wants to say disappearing from his mouth.
"You don't have to forgive me but I'll never stop apologising for it. I'm sorry I took an easy way out of it. I didn't want to hurt you or your career because of what my company thinks about you so I decided to leave instead of fighting alongside you."
"I tried to stay!" Taehyung punches Taehyung's chest. "I tried to stay as long as I can but you pushed me out!"

Namjoon didn't. He just tried to safely pick the person who did not anymore belong to it and delivery it to the security of a place that could be called his.
But he failed and Namjoon never felt this happy at a failure.

"I'll bring you back now. I promise I will, baby. Because you belong to me. Forever and always."

"I signed those contracts at such low deals because of you!"
Namjoon quirks his brows at that. "Did you really expect to get paid more than me? Aren't you flying a bit too high?"

"I can make any of those brands drop you the moment I want, Kim Namjoon. Don't underestimate my value." Taehyung huffs and wipes his face using his shirt.
If the display of Taehyung's well built abs make Namjoon's stomach coil, he does not let it show up on his face.

"Too bad then," Namjoon shrugs before turning around and walking towards the meeting room, a smirk outlining his lips.
"My plans to fúck you right before our shoot would only stay as plans."

Taehyung follows Namjoon with a scowl. "I can't believe they all call /me/ immature when you're the one who's clearly the petty one here."
"Atleast I don't go around signing contracts with brands at lower rates just to annoy my boyfriend's company."

And oh.

Maybe, just maybe, Taehyung does hate Namjoon a little bit.

0.00001%. Just a little bit.
Life, Namjoon believes isn't merely about living for good 80 years or more. It isn't about collecting penny over penny until the net worth becomes enough to flaunt in front of people who never really care.

Life, Namjoon believes, isn't about living.
For him, life is mere a thread handed over to us. It's about finding the right knitting needle that completes you like a pair and then weaving the thread together, one round after another.

It's about working together and living a life that, even if short, serves a purpose.
And here, simply lying on his bed, his arm starting to ache from the weight of Taehyung's head resting on it, Namjoon finds himself fulfilling the purpose of his life.

Sighing, the older gently puts Taehyung's head on the pillow and stretches his own arms to relieve the strain.
Taehyung was no doubt beautiful and Namjoon, if given a chance, could write poetries to describe each astounding feature decorating the flawlessly sculpted phase.

He could. Describing nature's beauty or the aspects of it was not new to Namjoon, poetry rushed through his blood.
But for some reason, words refuse to get imprinted on the blank sheet infront of him whenever he sits for the task, the ink lodges it's dark, bold mark on the unstained page yet his brain stays empty to form words of appreciation.

He could do it but only if it wasn't Taehyung.
Taehyung who came into his life with a knock of tease and settled for a lifetime of friendship, respect and, most importantly, love. Taehyung who despite being tested at every step of his life still holds Namjoon in his strongest grip, never once waivered.
"You're staring," Taehyung stirs and the younger's hoarse mumbles become the anchor for Namjoon to stay in touch with the reality.

He brings his hand to brush Taehyung's hair back leans down to plant a small peck.
"You're the most beautifuly crafted piece of the museum who's ticket I bought. Ofcourse I'd stare. Are you trying to turn away a potential consumer now, hmm?"

Taehyung raises a brow at that. "So I'm not the most expensive one in this so called museum?" He sits up and buttons up
his shirt. "You're getting more miser with compliments as the days pass by, Mr Kim."

The younger's gasp echoes in Namjoon's ears when he pulls Taehyung by his waist to make him sit on his lap, caressing the smooth skin under his touch.
"Expensive things please everyone, babe." Taehyung shivers when Namjoon's hands slip under his shirt to trace the lower length of his spine. "You, however, are an art only true artist can recognise. You aren't made to please others, you're made to leave a mark in the eyes of
viewers who, despite not understanding the hidden strokes underneath the bold paints, couldn't forget you."

Taehyung scoffs. "You're so sappy. Carry on for a bit more and I might puke."
And Namjoon would have believed it if not the way Taehyung's fingers came to clutch his sleeves. He would have remarked back with an equally playful comment if not for the vibrant reflection of his face in Taehyung eyes.

Instead, Namjoon leans in.
He goes ahead to capture the younger's lips in his own to give Taehyung the space to let the tears fall without Namjoon being there to see them. He kisses Taehyung to let him know he's always there, to assure him he's never leaving this museum again.
He seals, with this kiss, a promise to continue weaving their lives together until the thread falls short to make any more rounds. He conveys how no matter how small or big their lives, their woven sweater is, Namjoon is here to stay until the end.
No matter how many unwanted knots mark their way, this time Namjoon won't leave Taehyung tangled in them. He'll stay.

He'll stay and he'll help to weave their way through them.

When Taehyung pulls back and rests his forehead against the older's, Namjoon encompasses all his
feelings in three words. "I love you."

Taehyung nods, whispering back his own confession and Namjoon feels like he's hearing these words again for the first time.

He just hopes he never hears the last of them.

Taehyung swears to never let Namjoon hear the last of them.
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••• THE END to a part of their story but not their love •••

• • •

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Feb 27, 2023
—• evanescent •—

"I came..." Jungkook whispers, lips trailing over Taehyung's collar bones. "I left it all and came for you, my King."

Taehyung closes his eyes, relishing the feeling of Jungkook's warmth against him. "I didn't ask you to, I never did."

#taekookau #taekook

Jungkook simply shakes his head. "Can't. 'M sorry."

Even though partially awake, Jungkook wishes he could convey all things he wants to apologise for, he wishes to etch each of his confessions on the King's arm for the whole world to see.
For a brief moment he pulls back to look at Taehyung and his heart crushes at the look of worry in Taehyung's eyes.

"I can't stop having visions of them."

He closes his eyes when Taehyung's hands briskly push back the strands of hair covering the vampire's temple.
Read 25 tweets
Feb 26, 2023
T/w death? (Please don't proceed it may get dark 🥲)

Okay so imagine if I actually dîe someday but y'all keep thinking its me being ia without having any idea that my precious, adorable and sexy existence has been wiped off this planet? Like its actually scary cause this place
has been a literal escape for me from my real life and it'd suck to know that no one here would ever get to know if I leave one day.

(Moreover who'll tell the world that I was a whore for Taehyung after my déath if not y'all)
I'm not someone who's actually as afraid of deàth or that's what I like to make myself believe but what scares me the most is the thought of people who're close to me dealing with my déàth? Like I'll be gone and that's end of it for me but what about the pain people related to me
Read 5 tweets
Feb 9, 2023

"Did you ever wonder how it'll feel like to be all alone?" Taehyung asks, fingers pricking the loose thread of his sweater.

'With you, I never had to.' Jungkook wants to say.

"I wish I did." He whispers instead, smiling at his best friend. ImageImage
"Yeah?" When Taehyung looks up at him, there's sadness swimming in those eyes where once used to reside nothing but pool full of love for the world. "Me too."

Heart sinking with each breath, Jungkook somehow manages to wrap his arms around the older, his lips itching to press a
kiss at those cheeks that had rivers of tears flowing down them.

But he couldn't. Not anymore.

"I'm so-sorry." Taehyung croaks out and Jungkook prays the universe to somehow make his listen to that warm timbre of his best friend one last time. "They made me do it. They forc—"
Read 86 tweets
Jan 10, 2023
Jimin walked down the street, hands securely tucked in the pockets of his jacket. Despite it being just the onset of winters, the nights were still freezing cold.

He watched how the smoke like vapours escaped his mouth and then disappeared in the fog.

Disappear like Yoongi.
A shiver ran down his spine at the thought. He couldn't believe how easy it was for Yoongi to live without him

Jimin was a fool to fall so easily for man he barely knew but it couldn't have been possible for Yoongi to not have even an ounce of feelings towads the younger, right?
Read 9 tweets
Dec 24, 2022
#taekookau •Never Away•

A college au where Taehyung is stuck in Japan for basketball training camp.

And his boyfriend?

Well let's just say Jungkook is dwelling into self misery for not even being able to buy a flight ticket this Christmas.

( Or a 'Never Enough' Drabble) ImageImage
•College Au
•Taekook established relationship
•Hurt/Comfort with less hurt and more comfort
•Loads of fluff (i say that but i don't know how to write it so please bear with me)
•Slow dance in Christmas chills
•Inspired from Taehyung's cover
•Please interact alot
Read 81 tweets

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