Anna⁷🖊️ (thv's) D-10 Profile picture
Looking for a love like Taekook • AU Writer • 10.01.22 • Work in 📎 • Slow update • Fan Account • 7 = 1
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May 16, 2023 117 tweets 22 min read
#taejoonau where after a silent breakup, models Kim Namjoon and Kim Taehyung decide to part their ways for good. But maturity is something Taehyung refuses to adopt so he goes on a mission to bag every single one of brands Namjoon endorses solely for the older's attention. A soft little au where Namjoon knows that the firm, confident nod Taehyung gives after their decision to end things is nothing but a facade to keep his tears at bay. He notices the way Taehyung prolongs his stay at Namjoon's apartment just to not let the reality settle on him.
Feb 27, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
—• evanescent •—

"I came..." Jungkook whispers, lips trailing over Taehyung's collar bones. "I left it all and came for you, my King."

Taehyung closes his eyes, relishing the feeling of Jungkook's warmth against him. "I didn't ask you to, I never did."

#taekookau #taekook

Jungkook simply shakes his head. "Can't. 'M sorry."

Even though partially awake, Jungkook wishes he could convey all things he wants to apologise for, he wishes to etch each of his confessions on the King's arm for the whole world to see.
Feb 26, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
T/w death? (Please don't proceed it may get dark 🥲)

Okay so imagine if I actually dîe someday but y'all keep thinking its me being ia without having any idea that my precious, adorable and sexy existence has been wiped off this planet? Like its actually scary cause this place has been a literal escape for me from my real life and it'd suck to know that no one here would ever get to know if I leave one day.

(Moreover who'll tell the world that I was a whore for Taehyung after my déath if not y'all)
Feb 9, 2023 86 tweets 16 min read

"Did you ever wonder how it'll feel like to be all alone?" Taehyung asks, fingers pricking the loose thread of his sweater.

'With you, I never had to.' Jungkook wants to say.

"I wish I did." He whispers instead, smiling at his best friend. ImageImage "Yeah?" When Taehyung looks up at him, there's sadness swimming in those eyes where once used to reside nothing but pool full of love for the world. "Me too."

Heart sinking with each breath, Jungkook somehow manages to wrap his arms around the older, his lips itching to press a
Feb 3, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Jan 10, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
•••• Jimin walked down the street, hands securely tucked in the pockets of his jacket. Despite it being just the onset of winters, the nights were still freezing cold.

He watched how the smoke like vapours escaped his mouth and then disappeared in the fog.

Disappear like Yoongi.
Dec 24, 2022 81 tweets 16 min read
#taekookau •Never Away•

A college au where Taehyung is stuck in Japan for basketball training camp.

And his boyfriend?

Well let's just say Jungkook is dwelling into self misery for not even being able to buy a flight ticket this Christmas.

( Or a 'Never Enough' Drabble) ImageImage Tags-
•College Au
•Taekook established relationship
•Hurt/Comfort with less hurt and more comfort
•Loads of fluff (i say that but i don't know how to write it so please bear with me)
•Slow dance in Christmas chills
•Inspired from Taehyung's cover
•Please interact alot
Dec 13, 2022 164 tweets 30 min read
•••The adoption & foster process described in the au will be totally different from the one existing in South Korea. I spent alot of time studying the adoption in various countries and created a suitable draft for this story which will be shared shortly in the au itself••• #taekookau #taekook Image
Dec 9, 2022 20 tweets 5 min read
•Please Don't Love Me•

#taekookau where whenever he saw Jungkook looking at him with those defeated eyes, Taehyung prayed he would never have met the younger.

Unrequited love was painful. Yes.
But not as much as being at the recieving end of a love you could never pay back. ImageImage It started with subtle gestures.

Small talks and healthy discussions, childish banters and friendly flirting.

It was normal.

For Taehyung, it was all too normal to be someone's comfort person. He was used to being the person one could completely rely on, open their heart to.
Dec 7, 2022 100 tweets 19 min read
Thanks to @armyarmyyeah22 for recommending this song for this au. Ot actually fits so well. I have a full playlist dedicated to Kalank so please lemme know if I should link it too or not… • Before the update starts please note that love exists in many more forms that just romantically •
Nov 27, 2022 41 tweets 8 min read

"He didn't put me in." Jungkook slumped down on the couch, a cute pout adoring his lips. "Mine was okay too!"

And oh Taehyung was just a weak man. Especially when it came to this particular man who held the idol's heard in the clutches of his muscular tattooed hands *idol's heart

(Leave it on me to make typos in the first tweet itself 🧍)
Nov 21, 2022 217 tweets >60 min read
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Jungkook, almost all his life, had been the pampered youngest child of the family. He couldn't remember the last time he had to explain his problems and struggles because everyone around him just /understood/ him.

His parents, his friends and mostly Taehyung.
Nov 18, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Wanna thank @CourtJester_TK @the_sanctuaryX @Aamyungv @jkthverse once again for always comforting me with their aus. My nights pass away better thanks to y'all's writings and I always find myself peacefully falling asleep after a good read with a relaxed mind. More than often I end up staying late to finish the aus cause y'all just write so intriguingly that's its hard to stop reading. Thank you for making me forget the day's struggles and tiredness through your writings and I really hope I had better words to express my gratitude.
Oct 2, 2022 113 tweets 21 min read
"You neee to calm yourself down first, Tae. He's fin—"

"He's lying on that sick hospital bed after a panic attack, hyung! Don't fuc—" Taehyung took a deep breath, reminding himself to not spew out curses at Yoongi. "Just tell me, please..." "The company," The older started. "It's facing losses. To put it more simply, the investors are withdrawing back the deals because of the changes that Jungkook has been making recently. The stocks are falling, board members are losing their trust. And all of it has just taken