The most amazing thing about this is not the fact that the largest percentage of excess pandemic deaths is in the 35-44 and 25-34 year age groups
But how much the wrong "COVID is mild in children" narrative was driven by successes in mitigating COVID in the first year
Notice how there were actually NEGATIVE excess deaths in the < 1 year & 1-4 year age demographics in 2020?
Because in the first year remote schooling, mask wearing, working from home, etc. all absolutely tanked deaths in the very young from things like influenza, RSV, etc.
Indeed, in the first year deaths from COVID in children were very low
But not because, as we were told, COVID is not a risk for children
But because of the same reasons that in 2020 deaths in children from RSV, influenza, etc. were very low
Remote schooling, masks, etc.
Fast-forward to 2022, just after the Great Infection when we used contaminated school classrooms to force-infect over fifty million children with a deadly BSL-3 superpathogen
In 2022 pediatric excess death rates more than made up for the 2020 deficit
And together with the wholesale dropping of any forms of protection for the children (masks, vaccinations, ventilation, etc.) guess what?
Influenza and RSV came roaring back as well
Another amazing thing is just how much the death rates among the unvaccinated grew in 2021.
While highly vaccinated demographics like those aged 65 and older hardly moved the needle in 2021, under-vaccinated demographics from 15-44 years old saw staggering death rate increases
In sum:
* The narrative that COVID didn't affect children was driven by a false sense of its mildness due to mitigations such as online school, masking, etc. In reality there was no reason to expect COVID to be milder in children than it was (relatively) in adults
And it's not
* Once mitigations and protections were taken away from children, disease ripped through their population using schools as the primary vector of transmission.
From schools children brought the disease home to their parents, younger siblings, etc.
* The rise of excess deaths over the pandemic is concentrated not among the older population but squarely in the 25-45 year old demographic.
This demographic does not as a rule die but when they do die, now they die of COVID
* The lack of vaccination among younger demographics, particularly that crucial 25-45 year old demographic, is the primary driver of mortality
In short, it's the virus, not the vaccine, that is killing young people
The best-kept secret of the pandemic is that in 2020 those under the age of five (5), children, actually had >NEGATIVE< excess deaths
In other words, fewer children under the age of five died in 2020 than normally die in any given year
This became the foundation of a deadly lie
That children seemed to thrive in 2020 was used to weaponize the notion that "children are uniquely immune to COVID"
Which justified doing nothing to protect children against SARS-CoV-2 infections in the subsequent years
The reality is that emergency pandemic measures, such as
moving schools to online, restricting social interactions of adults (takeout only in restaurants, gyms closed, etc.) & other forms of NPIs like widespread mask use
DRAMATICALLY reduced not only SARS-CoV-2 infections, but infections from other airborne pathogens, like flu & RSV
CDC just updated state pediatric death certificate counts
Great Infection is the period where over fifty million children were infected against their will with a BSL-3 vascular superpathogen -- so that their parents got back to work
Now that virtually every child has been infected at least once -- and many are now going on their second, third and fourth infections -- the endemic COVID death rate is 1.4 dead children a day, every day
Over 500 dead children a year
Unfortunately, unlike influenza, COVID is not seasonal in children. While we have seen influenza deaths drop markedly this spring (as they always do), COVID deaths continue at a steady rate of over 40 deaths a month
COVID deaths in children have historically peaked in both late
Minorities are at a far higher risk of adverse outcomes from a SARS-CoV-2 infection than whites
When whites are aware of this discrepancy they are far less likely to support COVID mitigations and far less likely to be concerned about COVID in general
Raising the awareness of racial disparities in COVID outcomes therefore runs the risk of counter-intuitively reducing protections against infection & disease in minority populations
When whites learn they are at less risk than minorities, whites don't act
They just stop caring
Death rates from COVID are more than 2.5x higher in minorities than whites in the under 1 year old, 5-9year old, and 20-44 year old demographics
When organizations like #UrgencyOfNormal push to remove SARS2 transmission mitigations by insisting on in-person schooling and
I'm seeing a lot of immunologists confuse the terms "learning" and "memory" here on twitter
They are not the same thing. Learning implies understanding. Memory does not
Your immune system does not learn to understand SARS-CoV-2. It just has memory of it.
There is a picture of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on my iPhone
My iPhone has a memory of the SARS-CoV-2 virus
It does not understand the SARS-CoV-2 virus any more than my immune system can understand the virus
Just as my iPhone can use its memory to do pattern matching (facial recognition), my immune system can use its memory to do pattern matching on viral proteins
In computer science we have something called "regular expressions." Regular expressions are expressions created to
How right-wing ideologues have used the pandemic to exploit, sicken and kill children to advance a radical reactionary agenda of institutional destruction and extreme deregulation -- including the elimination of child labor laws.
"At least three of the paper’s authors (Prasad, Krohnert, Hoeg) have long histories of being vehemently opposed to any form of protection against infection by the SARS2 pathogen in children."
"Instead advocating that the vascular BSL-3 pathogen should be allowed to rip freely through children as a way to create a prophylactic 'Focused Infection' barrier of so-called “herd immunity,” using children as a permanent viral reservoir."