Ms. Fitts, if you are reading this, I truly adore you. You are the epitome of 'cooler heads will prevail'. I can safely say this was my favorite testimony of the entire National Citizens Inquiry.
Ms. Fitts starts off by mentioning the 2019 plan by the G7 central banks, called Going Direct Rest, and states that, in her view, the pandemic was an implementation of that plan
Ms. Fitts stresses that the difference between this financial reset from the previous ones in history (ie. bank of England, and France before that) is the availability of digital technology which allows for unprecedented levels of control.
When asked to clarify what a 'digital currency' is, Ms. Fitts' response is priceless.
Fitts: "I believe everybody in Canada knows what happened to the truckers, so they know what can happen with a digital currency."
Ms. Fitts then touches on the issue of the erosion of the democratic process if taxation is no longer debated in the legislature but is rather settled by the central banks.
This is reminiscent of Mr. Cockle's comments about Bill 36:
Ms. Fitts points out that for the central banks' plan to work, they require the digital infrastructure in place, and she goes on to further suggest that they have been doing this all throughout the pandemic (ie. remote work).
Ms. Fitts describes the transfer of wealth during the pandemic
- In the 90's there were 60 billionaires
- 2019 there 600
- Within 12 months it grew by 56
- Their wealth grew by over 1T USD
This was facilitated by the central bank printing 5T USD.
Ms. Fitts is telling a funny story about how Rick @RickSantelli is pointing out how small stores had to close in a mall while Walmart stayed open, and his cohost says "Yeah, that's science".
The story reminded me of "mostly peaceful protests."
Ms. Fitts suggests that all previous pandemics have been about reengineering of the 'political & economic landscape'. Unfortunately, she fails to provide any examples of these previous pandemics.
Ms. Fitts then speaks to her time as Assistant Secretary of Housing where she found an enormous amount of money was being spent federally, but only a small portion of that made its way to the local communities.
I was not aware of this, but apparently, during the @SCOTUSBrettKav hearings in 2018, the Congress, the Senate and the White House met and, essentially, reached an agreement to abrogate the financial disclosure portions of the US Constitution to allow for secret spending.
Ms. Fitts selects the 80's as the decade where financial disclosures began to be ignored and when the citizens where no longer to understand where the money, borrowed in their name, was being spent. She then says that 1997 was the year corporations abandoned the US.
To those who are unfamiliar with Ms. Fitts' work, this next part may come as a surprise. She points out that in 2015, 21T USD was missing from the federal budget!
Mr. Buckley finally steps in to recap things for us lay people. The US constitution requires,
1. Congress (the legislature) to be informed of ALL expenses 2. The Executive (POTUS) to submit full accounting of expenses
But neither are being followed.
Ms. Fitts calls what's going on as a 'financial coup d'état'. What I really admire about her is how she puts a practical touch to this issue by stating that the federal government has financial obligations (health care & pensions) which it's abrogating.
The language is a little too esoteric for my taste, but essentially, you have a generation of Americans who have served in the army and paid taxes and they expect their pensions. But the feds have stolen the money and this will either end in revolution or in democide.
In furthering the argument that the government has been carrying out democide, Ms. Fitts gives examples of what she calls the 'great poisoning', including the deterioration of the quality of food & water.
Ms. Fitts then gives a very basic primer on how to reduce the population.
1. Increase the toxicity leves 2. Lower immune systems
The diabolical beauty of this is that people appear ot be dying of natural causes.
I don't fully follow this part, but apparently, in 1995, the Congress maybe shut down the government, and the financial sector soured and gave up on democracy, and then started siphoning the cash out of the US in an attempt to asphyxiate it.
Ms. Fitts is says that 1995 was a pivotal year because right after the budget deal crashed, predatory lending practices started taking off, and the #FDA approved oxycotin.
I see what she's implying, but I wish she had explained this in further detail.
Thank God @Shawnbuckleylaw steps in to dumb this down for us lowly mortals. Ms. Fitts' point is that what the government has been doing to the poor historically, it now began doing to the middle class.
Ms. Fitts then explicitly states her view of the pandemic.
Fitts: "I see the pandemic as an exercise in re-engineering the economy out of small of business and concentrated into large corporations."
Ms. Fitts is then asked why even have the vaccine mandates if they could have gotten away with the wealth transfer simply by instituting the lockdowns. She suggests that the pharmaceutical CEOs believe that they can use the mRNA technology like an operating system, of sorts.
Ms. Fitts then poses a rhetorical question to the @wef.
Fitts: "When the WEF says it's 2030 and you have no assets and you're happy. How are they going to make you feel happy when they've stripped you of your assets?"
Ms. Fitts claims that the problems that came with slavery (presumably having to force the African slaves to work) is no longer present thanks to the ability for technology to influence the people.
Richard Warner video:
Ms. Fitts mentions the President of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) bragging about having the power to control people's actions through CBDCs.
Augustine Carson video:
Ms. Fitts recommends a decentralized financial system, but says that that system should instead be governed by meritocracy. And to achieve this, therefore, citizens have to reject the current reset.
Ms. Fitts says that the tragedy is that we are the ones building our own 'digital concentration camps'. Her solution, therefore, is for people to simply walk away.
This is a sentiment I have heard echoed by many who stress the need to move out of the urban centers.
In the #NCI spirit of offering solutions, Ms. Fitts says that a very simple step to countering this lunacy (my words), is to switch to using cash.
Ms. Fitts then explicitly calls for a need for people to begin connecting and forming local solutions.
In my experience, what's really happening is that people have become too reliant on the urban centers and are now incapable of surviving on their own (ie. food, water).
Ms. Fitts appears to praise North Dakota for their administration of a sovereign state bank. She had, earlier on in her testimony, mentioned how a fiat currency *can* work if managed correctly, so I wonder if she is a supporter of them.
@Shawnbuckleylaw then gives a much needed shoutout to two developments
1. The heavy handed government response in Thornhild, AB 2. The sound money principles of Bow Valley Credit Union
Fitts: "The middle of the road is going away. People are busy raising kids and don't have time for politics. And now they realize the road is parting and they have got to go with freedom or with slavery."
Don't ask me why, but I just had to throw this in there. In Canada we have Conservatives, but you could literally replace 'Republican' with 'Conservative' and you'd get an equally accurate story.
Ms. Fitts then suggests a solution to ensuring fiscal responsibility that I've often thought of (great minds think alike). Demand financial statements from the government.
Ms. Fitts says that the #1 cause of our environmental problems is a debt based fiat currency. This is a hugely interesting claim, unfortunately, in her testimony she never went into detail as to why this is the case.
Commissioner Drysdale finally talks about the Canadian powder keg which is the absurd levels of immigration facing this country.
Drysdale: "Canada in immigrating about 1M people into a country of 38M. How does that square with the policy to reduce obligations?"
Ms. Fitts' response is brilliant.
1. The Canadian government doesn't have retirement obligations to those people 2. It didn't have to educate them 3. They don't vote
Mr. Drysdale, seemingly having had enough of watching @JustinTrudeau violate his country, asks Ms. Fitts a very direct question.
Drysdale: "Aren't we talking about fascism?"
Ms. Fitts says how when she hears the word 'fascism', she, essentially, thinks of WWII style black/brown shirts. She describes this new, more invasive system, as a 'technocracy'.
Fitts: "Where they're going is slavery."
Ms. Fitts then hints at her support for the 2nd amendment. She cites a chart from the organization Jews for the Preservation of the Ownership of Firearms. Apparently they designed a 'genocide chart' showing all the times guns for confiscated, and then genocide carried out.
The previously mentioned 'genocide chart'.
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership website:
Drysdale is rapidly turning into my favorite commissioner as he brings up the issue of state sponsored euthanasia.
Drysdale: "Is there any limit to the atrocities that a government with overarching power over a hypnotized mass will do?"
Ms. Fitts' response to people who ask her what are the chances of winning this battle.
Fitts: "If we go with the flow. It's zero. If we commit, the chances are 1% or 50%, but it's greater than zero."
FINALLY! Someone brings up #JFK. Commissioner Massie asks whether it is time to acknowledge that the assassination of Kennedy was because he was against the enlargement of the state (just like his father before him).
Ms. Fitts' opening statement is not one that one would hear often.
Fitts: "Words cannot express how expensive tyranny is. The wealth potential of freedom is extraordinary."
Ms. Fitts characterizes the adversary as having a 'psychopathic culture'.
Fitts: "The closer the people running the centralized systems get, the more and more they're going to risk...killing each other."
Commissioner Kaikkonen asks a question about how to reign in our tax collectors who are now beginning to go after citizens after their government crushed their businesses the last 3 years. Essentially, they are preying on the victims of their last assault.
Ms. Fitts concedes that dealing with the taxation system might be the toughest 'nut to crack'. Her best suggestion is to escrow the taxes until such time as the federal government can provide for a full accounting of its expenses.
Ms. Fitts compares the government's assault on Canadian tax payers to the IRS attack on American farmers in the 1980s.
Ms. Fitts' final remarks.
Thank you for reading this thread. Please go to the #NCI page and sign our petition and, if you can, donate as well.
There are so many theories flying around as to whether the tariffs are, or are not about securing the northern border that I wanted to create a thread on this. I will start by focusing on the border issue, then I'll move to the grand plan
I wanted to start by highlighting that the US/Canada border is NOT secure. It's not even just the border. It's the drugs, the ports, and the money laundering. @jasonjamesbnn
And this tactic Trudeau is using is to downplay Canada's culpability by saying that we are less than 1% of the migrant problem for the US, even those appear to be lies.
I'm fascinated with how we lost their mind with this Ukraine war and have fallen into this Russia Bad/America Good mindset. I see it as the US empire trying to take over the world and NATO being UN 2.0 but with an army.
This is an interesting theory from Mike Benz: the US wanted to strangle Russia's economy so it used the fear of climate change to get Europe off of cheap Russian gas. Being heavily reliant on the US for security, Europe went along. @MikeBenzCyber
The reason the CIA is obsessed with taking over Ukraine is that they want to move away from their current policy which is offending Europe, and instead use Ukraine's energy resources to pry Europe away from Russia, thus bankrupting Russia. @MikeBenzCyber
Mr. Kirk Riese has a very compelling story implicating the Canadian Armed Forces, and by extension the federal government, in a tax theft & money laundering scheme. I wish to help him out by capturing this story in an easy to follow thread.
- Part 1 of this 3 part thread will focus on the actual crime
- Part 2 will focus on Mr. Riese's attempts to blow the whistle
- Part 3 will focus on how they tried to destroy Mr. Riese
In 2010, Mr. Riese joined a sub-component of the Canadian Army Reserve called the Canadian Rangers. Rangers work in remote regions, carrying out search & rescue work, and sovereignty patrol.
@TheRealTedKuntz, President of @VaccineChoiceCA, drops its case against the government and they explain why in plain English (b/c our courts are broken).
What @TheRealTedKuntz is trying to say here is that the judges refused to listen to anything going against the main stream media narrative (ie. taking judicial notice of the mainstream story).
Here, @TheRealTedKuntz is saying that the judges believed whatever the government said, and refused to believe they could be wrong.
First off, during the protests in Ottawa, there was an attempt to get the protestors under charges blocking critical infrastructure, like highways, which was one step below terrorism.
After 4 years of covid where appointed judges stripped us of what we thought were God given rights, I don't want to give them any more power.
Let's go over the BC Supreme Court decision concerning the issue of the reasonableness of Bonnie Henry's October 5, 2023 health orders and whether it was reasonable for her to maintain that we are still in a state of emergency for covid 19 as of that date.
As per usual, the title page is completely incomprehensible.
Looks like the suit was brought by terminated healthcare workers, or what we generally just refer to as 'terminated nurses'.