A little late to the party, but catching up on this webinar to read the runes of the recent local elections & see what the results mean for urban Britain #LocalElections
Jennings also highlights that this was Labour's best electoral performance for some time, even compared to the 2013 peak. However, Jennings notes that our Parliamentary geography has changed since 1990s, so harder for Labour to get a majority in Westminster now #LocalElections
Jennings also highlights that this was Labour's best electoral performance for some time, even compared to the 2013 peak. However, Jennings notes that our Parliamentary geography has changed since 1990s, so harder for Labour to get a majority in Westminster now #LocalElections
On political analysis, Jennings observes that "political commentators have short memories", noting that in the post-Covid bounce, commentators were predicting the death of Labour for a generation, whereas now seen as a Govt in waiting #LocalElections
Jennings now turns to #Brexit, and whether it is still a major force in British politics. He notes that, in areas with high Leave votes, Labour has seen an increase in these areas compared to 2019, with Conservatives & Lib Dem losing votes in these areas #LocalElections
This, Jennings argues can see the "Brexit unwinding" in British politics. He concludes that, while Brexit did cause a political realignment in UK politics, it is less of a dividing issue for voters #LocalElections
Broadly, Jennings says there has generally been a swing from Conservatives towards Labour. Regionally, Labour saw the biggest gains in the North and Midlands, with the Lib Dems in the South #LocalElections
Jennings closes looking at three Councils that were particularly interesting, all of which showing how the political tides are turning for the major parties and, in particular, areas where we are seeing Labour making gains #LocalElections
Next speaker @HeaterAtTheMJ notes that, while many local Conservative candidates blame their poor performance on national issues, there was some "cognitive dissonance" with those same candidates criticising the media for "making local elections a poll on Sunak" #LocalElections
Looking to the future, Jameson also notes that this "isn't the end to the swing to Labour" as there will be further elections between now and the next general elections which may see further losses for Conservative candidates #LocalElections
Turning to other reasons for losses, Jameson notes that a common comment was the failure of the #LevellingUp agenda to translate into tangible improvements & benefits for local communities #LocalElections
Jameson says candidates also blamed the rain - both in preventing candidates to campaign as much as they'd like, but also for "making potholes worse" and preventing councils from repairing them #LocalElections
Finally, Jameson also notes that many local candidates were "frustrated" about what they saw as an unwillingness from some of the "big hitter national politicians" to lend their endorsement to local election campaigns #LocalElections
Now @GideonSkinner looks at the issues that affected local elections - echoes Jameson in saying that potholes featured heavily amongst concerns of voters - particularly amongst older voters #LocalElections
Turning to the national polls, Skinner notes that the public mood is generally pessimistic - especially around inflation, economic performance, public services and immigration #LocalElections
On inflation, Skinner notes that inflation is now at a level we have not seen since the early 1980s, so it is not an issue many voters are familiar with, and one most of our politicians have not yet had to respond to #LocalElections
However, Skinner also notes there are small signs of optimism increasing as certain economic indicators suggest, for example, that inflation and food prices will start to come down in the coming months #LocalElections
Turning to party "brands", Skinner notes that the Tory "brand" is "rather damaged" at the moment - especially since the downfalls of Johnson & Truss in quick succession. This has had a significant impact on local election results #LocalElections
Jennings notes that Sunak has stabilised, but not improved, the party's standing. This is also coupled with a general sense amongst voters that "it is time for a change" #LocalElections
By contrast, Skinner notes that Labour are "in their strongest position for years". He notes that the general "fear" of a Corbyn government has now gone, with Starmer having more voter confidence than Corbyn or Miliband #LocalElections
That said, Skinner says that Labour are not experiencing the highs of the Blair years. Rather, Starmer is more comparable to David Cameron's popularity ratings pre-2010 #LocalElections
Skinner also notes that this is more due to collapsing faith in Conservatives, rather than increased faith in Labour - with Starmer's own popularity at the same level vs Sunak as he was vs Johnson #LocalElections
On what the Green Party's performance at local elections could mean for their chances of a future MP, Jennings says this raises "interesting questions" to local elections #LocalElections
Jennings notes that, while they are showing their credibility as a local choice, the FPTP of national politics is a bigger hurdle for smaller parties. However, this does suggest there is growing support for left-leaning parties vs Conservatives #LocalElections
Jennings says this is particularly concerning for the Conservatives as it shows a shift to the Left - although he notes that Reform UK "have not yet got themselves established" as a right-wing alternative #LocalElections
However, Jennings is not sure if this will yet result in another Green MP. Says much of this may depend on how they perform in local government #LocalElections
Jameson says local elections have seen an increase of Councils with "No Overall Control", which may see "rainbow coalitions" led predominantly by Lib Dems but with "smatterings" of Green Party support #LocalElections
Jameson also observes that Net Zero and Climate Change are significant policy issues at the moment, which may be why we've seen increase in Green support. If this continues, we may see increased support at next general election #LocalElections
On function of LGA, Jameson repeats a rumour that Greens may be challenging for Chair of Independent LGA Group, which may see a louder Green voice. Labour now also expected to become Chair of LGA, which will give Labour more channels to criticise national Govt #LocalElections
Skinner is asked on what national issues are making the biggest impact on local election results - he highlights Levelling Up, housing and crime, but stresses there are regional differences between local priorities & across cities & rural wards #LocalElections
Jennings reflects on Levelling Up and Govt's success (or lack thereof) in implementing its agenda post-2019. Jennings notes Levelling Up was a "powerful rhetorical tool" for Johnson's government to show they cared about certain regions #LocalElections
Jennings observes that, while it promised a lot, the Levelling Up funding pots were "significantly smaller than EU Structural Funds". However, this has been "washed away" by the departure of Johnson, Covid & the cost of living crisis #LocalElections
Jameson agrees that Levelling Up "was more of a political slogan than a political reality". She notes that, even without Covid, Johnson was never going to fully level up the country in a single four-year term #LocalElections
Jameson also notes the mismanagement of the Levelling Up Funds, and the perception in the Home Counties that funding is being diverted to the Red Wall to shore up Conservative's electoral base #LocalElections
On whether future Govt's will "pivot away" from Levelling Up, Jameson says Govt currently lacks a plan and Labour have yet to put forward a credible alternative - irrespective of whether they keep the Levelling Up rhetoric #LocalElections
Turning to housing, Skinner notes that, while it is an important issue nationally with voters, it is still a "second tier" issue for many voters #LocalElections
While there is a growing sense that the government "needs to do something" to solve the Housing crisis, Skinner notes that some areas want the Govt to build more homes, whereas other regions want the Govt to stop building homes in their area #LocalElections
Jennings agrees - says that while there is growing concern over the housing crisis, this has not led to a "serious conversation" or "rush to build homes at any cost" at the national level #LocalElections
On relationships between Local and Central governments, Jameson says there is a current attitude in Westminster to view local government as a "homogenous lump" rather than "400 tiny little lumps" #LocalElections
The final Q is on what impact these local election results will have on the date of the next General Election. Jennings predicts that the GE will be "pushed to the back end" of the year to give them the chance to "repair the damage" #LocalElections
By this, Jennings predicts October - November as moving it in to Winter 24 or Early 25 would be "unpopular with both the general public and local activists" #LocalElections
Skinner agrees. Says local election results suggest that they may lose an earlier election, so they will give themselves as much time as possible to give themselves the best chance of delivering on some of their policy commitments #LocalElections
Looking forward to what should be an interesting @CIPR_PA event on the role of #MetroMayors and how public affairs practitioners should seek to best work with them to deliver on their agendas #CIPRPA
First, @gerisilverstone notes that PM Starmer's first meeting was with Metro Mayors & the Devolution White Paper & forthcoming Bill as well as "hotly contested" Mayoral Elections in May shows that Metro Mayors are becoming increasingly influential in English politics #CIPRPA
@gerisilverstone First speaker @LabourTogether's Eleri Kirkpatrick-Lorente says she believes power has been "overly centralised for too long" which has resulted in places being underinvested & left behind. Notes Labour are "cognoscente" of the problem which is why we are seeing more MMs #CIPRPA
Looking forward to what should be a fascinating day looking at Labour’s Growth Mission and how we can ensure this is done in a sustainable & inclusive way #IGConf24
The conference is opened by Baroness @ayeshahazarika. She notes that, while “Growth” is the “political buzzword of the day” for politicians, many ordinary voters are still unaware of what growth “looks and feels like” #IGConf24
@ayeshahazarika Hazarika argues that it is “essential” that regions and local authorities help to deliver on Growth. Argues that Labour is the “party of devolution & place” & highlights the importance of Metro Mayors to Labour achieving its goals #IGConf24
First session of the day @jonathancgrant, @mollymjones & @rachel_persad address the “sacred cows” of research culture and asks if there is a better way of doing it #HEFest24
@jonathancgrant @mollymjones @rachel_persad First, Persard argues that any culture, including research culture “needs to evolve to reflect the needs & values of its time”, noting that if the gap between funders’ & researchers’ needs “grows too big” we will see diminished ROI & undermine value of R&D #HEFest24
First panel looking at the decade ahead, and how the new Labour Government could reshape Higher Education #HEFest24
First Sally Mapstone discusses @UniversitiesUK’s Blueprint For Higher Education, giving a potted overview of its formation & its policy objectives. She welcomes it seems to be “gaining traction” with policymakers #HEFest24
Looking forward to what should be an informative day’s conference on #HigherEducation policy debates during the ongoing election period and beyond #UUKPolAffairs
First @UniversitiesUK CEO @viviennestern notes this Conference is happening at a fortuitous time, with new leadership in 🏴 & 🏴, Stormont back up & running, and “the mother of all battles” as we go into a general election #UUKPolAffairs
@UniversitiesUK @viviennestern @UUKevents Reflecting on how quickly time has moved in politics recently, Stern advises delegates to “focus on the unimportant people” who are on their way up - “making friends before you need them” rather than seeking to purely influence those already in power #UUKPolAffairs
Looking forward to attending this important hustings event in person & find out more about the different parties’ positions on R&I, higher education & other important topics #SIThustings24
First speaker Viscount Camrose (Jonathan Berry) sets out the @Conservatives agenda for SIT. He argues that SIT “often doesn’t get enough attention” in a GE campaign so welcomes the opportunity to “rectify” this tonight #SITHustings24
Berry says he believes that this next Parliament will be required to engage on SIT issues “more than any other Parliament before it” & therefore it needs to be “more important to the next Govt than ever before” #SITHustings24