Meanwhile, the perm budget alone for this episode must have wiped them out. #TNGSunNight
Anyone who commits a crime in the punishment zone dies! How many shoes do these people have left to drop? #TNGSunNight
Meanwhile, Shenanigans #1 - I'm going to call out the boy that threw the ball toward the flower garden. He basically set Wesley up. Get two needles. #TNGSunNight
Gosh, you almost wish Beverly had mercy-killed him during that whole Ferengi thing a few weeks back, huh? #TNGSunNight
"It was announced you came as friends!" Yeah, and then you made with the murder needles! So never mind #TNGSunNight
Meanwhile, back on the ranch, let's go out of our way not to let the boy's mother know that he's been condemned to death on an alien planet, k? She's busy. #TNGSunNight
Their Supreme Court appears to have convened. #TNGSunNight
Crap, they've got a machine god. Why do the folks who started worshipping a machine end up with some kind of death cult ritual? I'm blaming AI for this. #TNGSunNight
Chief Justice Curlicue makes a stand for her people. #TNGSunNight
Hot tip, Picard, don't accuse autistic people of babbling. We don't like it. What do you mean he's an android? ...the whole time? #TNGSunNight#ActuallyAutistic
I guess the moral of the story is, if you find yourself beaming down to a power perm sex planet, just don't touch anything or move at all until someone tells you *all* the laws, k? Great watch, everyone! 🖖#TNGSunNight
Next week: "The Three *cough* Amigos!" #TNGSunNight