Hi it's the crazy old guy with the hobby horse.
Just this weekend I've seen several tweets which take a stance like mine, that we can't build our way out. #degrowth is dragging a chair up to the table and demanding to be heard.
Good. I approve. Thank you.
What I am giving you is the specific action which leads to, forces, degrowth.
We live in a growth economy paradigm. Joe Biden is the President we need if we want to continue the growth economy paradigm. He's great at buying concrete and steel, diesel fuel and electricity. More.
3. Economic growth and Quadrillion BTU units - Quads, one solid measure of energy throughput - go hand in hand.
Economic growth means that more materials get moved, processed, manufactured, packaged, shipped, bought, opened, used, thrown away.
Each step takes energy.
4. The more economic growth, the more energy. The more energy, the more emissions. The more material, the more mining.
As we saw during the early days of the pandemic, if the global transportation system goes down it takes about three days for all the stores to get empty.
5. Transportation - movement of materials and goods - is not the whole thing, but the whole thing relies on transportation, at certain speeds, where we understand speed as tons per mile per day. A two mile long train going 60 mph is twice as much speed - twice as much energy -
6. If society slowed surface speeds by 5%, and air ton/miles by 5%, the entire economy would slow. It's a constant flow, a constant global flow, ships going back and forth, trucks, trains, jet planes - to slow its motion would force choices - what should we ship, which way?
7. Every year the United States sells soybeans to China, and China sells soybeans to the United States, and diesel shiploads of the same thing go both ways and rich people make money on it both ways.
Make it harder to ship them. Not, make a new law against blah blah - slow down.
8. Continue to slow as in my pinned tweet, and the movement of materials will become steadily more costly and slower. The system will reward short distances, and penalize waste motion.
It is not possible to operate a society which works in the way ours does today, at 12 mph.
9. But it is possible, over a decade, to build a new system while the old one gets more fragile and continues to fall apart.
And the first benefits would accrue immediately. With little up front energy expenditure. Enforcement costs.
I know we're not going to, but we could. It's possible with existing technology and would return immediate reductions in emissions. Modest, yes, but - real. Not accounting tricks. Less gasoline and diesel.
And for gods sake quit building highways.
• • •
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What is it to be a doomer?
I believe that society - global developed societies in the aggregate - are going to push the global ecosystem into a state which is not hospitable to standard model H. Sap. I think we're going to break some combination of natural systems to the point
2. Where neither the manner nor the quantity of participants in human society worldwide can continue as we have known it this past hundred years.
That's really all we're talking about, is the last hundred, hundred and twenty years.
You could go back over 200 to get the roots. But
3. that's less than one year, for each hundred thousand years, that we've been here as Homo Sap.
For the most recent .00001% of our time here we've used high energy, concentrated energy, to accelerate the rate of our work.
Fucked things up to a fare thee well in the process. Fast
My old friend @citynightcap tweeted this article. It's about breadlines in America now.
The high energy high speed capitalism system is not successful. It cannot provide for its people. Much of the continent is ablaze, much of the rest, flooded. jacobin.com/2023/05/americ…
2. He, like me, blocks liberally, so I'm not RT'ing. And the article only talks about the bread lines, of the things I mentioned above.
But the whole thing is obviously failing.
It's not just the climate.
The high energy concrete and steel jobs program still isn't alleviating it
3. This matters because whenever anyone - me, in particular - talks about a different way to live, everybody wants to talk about all we'd lose.
Everybody is pissed off. We can afford to lose that.
People are shooting each other all over the place. I don't need it. Do you?
This is a screenshot of the leading tweet from a powerful thread.
This person is a globally recognized public intellectual. He is right about climate change. It's out of hand and is getting worse at an increasing rate.
He doesn't mention, but may well know, that even that fact
2. I'll be using screenshots because I recognize a possibility that the author may block me, and any linked tweets would become unavailable.
Look at these two tweets. They are statements of fact. They he's pointing out that phrase like "1.2 degrees" don't begin to express
3. The awesome magnitude of energy that we have added to the global ecosystem to be measurable on the temperature scale. Six billion Hiroshima bomb equivalents in energy.
We're continuing to add to that, at an accelerating rate, today.
So far he and I agree totally.
I often find myself expending my energy, and the energy of this Internet connection with all of you, to make the case that so-called renewables cannot be made to give us a significantly lower emissions level than we have today.
That's the wrong point.
I fall for it all the time.
2. If, tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM GMT the entire global energy system miraculously became zero emissions, it would not significantly improve or slow the ongoing ecosystem collapse.
Carbon is a big deal, but it's not the deal breaker.
Temperature isn't either.
3. The deal breaker is the destruction of the biosphere.
Topsoil is living. Topsoil loss is one item in the destruction of the biosphere.
We can't live without it.
The water system is not itself alive, but it is mostly managed by life forms.
A living topsoil manages hydrology.
I'm going to tell you all a highly personal story tonight.
Older friends know it. This is both a true story and something of a parable, an origin myth, how the Jeff you know here came to exist.
First a deeply sincere request:
Please do not thank me for my service.
I was anti-war before I was drafted, while in combat, and was active with the Vietnam Veterans Against The War until it finally dragged down to nothing and we left with our tails between our legs.
The only reason I went to war was because I didn't want to break up with my girlfriend.
If I'd gone to jail or gone to
Canada, that would have been it. If I went into the Army there was a chance. As it played out we were married for 27 years, but that's a different tale.
Y'all know about me and #slowdown. If you're new here - which, by the way, welcome aboard, I've acquired some new readers lately and thanks for coming. But - if you haven't, please read my pinned tweet. It is a serious proposition to combat climate change and ecosystem collapse.
2. I don't think many people see the speed component of our culture the same way I do. I think most people see speed and think, miles per gallon, how big a difference can that make, and - it can make a big difference.
3. I wrote a thread a little while back where I googled a bunch of relevant facts and demonstrated with real numbers how we could reduce our fossil fuel use by literally millions of gallons of gasoline a year, just by slowing modestly.