To get a basic understanding of excel formulas and funtion( SUM,COUNT,MIN, MAX etc) as a beginner in data analysis learning excel, the use of the Fucntion argument window is relevant and will also be a guide to gain understanding.
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-The Function Argument Window or Dialog box is helpful when building a formula. It helps to list the argument required for the function, identify which arguments are required or optional, show the result of a calculation or initial result of the function. #data#excel
-It also help with understanding and using Nested functions-for example, when you want to put a MATCH function inside of a VLOOKUP function. It isn't easily understood for the first time trying it out, but you can use the function argument dialog for each function in the formula.
The function Argument dialog box would open by clicking on the 'fx-insert icon" in the Formulas tab of the ribbon and is also at the left of the Formula Bar.
-Keyboard Shortcut: Insert the Function name you want to use in a cell, then Click Ctrl + A.
How to use without keyboard shortcut:
Click on the cell you are working on, then the "Fx" icon that is beside the Formula Bar on your excel work sheet.
I hope you find this helpful in trying to understand excel Formulas and Functions📊.
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As a newbie in Data Analysis📊 that is starting out with Excel, it's is important to not just know Excel Functions but understand the building blocks of an Excel Function.
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What is a Function?
A function is a predefined formula that performs calculations using specific values in a particular order.
There are 3 parts of an Excel Function
1. "=" : Equals sign
Every Excel formula from basic to complex must start with the "Equals" system. It simply tells Excel that this is a formula, and it should evaluate it.
As a Data Analyst it is very easy to forget some easy and simple EXCEL Shortcut keys📊
Yes! It's Monday and a reminder of these shortcut keys will make your work easy and less stressful😊
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•Ctrl + W: Close a Spreadsheet
•Ctrl + O: Open a Spreadsheet
•Alt +H: Go to HOME tab
•Alt + N: Go to INSERT tab
•Alt + P: Go to PAGE LAYOUT tab
•Alt + A: Go to DATA tab
•Alt + W: Go to VIEW tab
•Alt + M: Go to Formula tab
•Alt + H, A, then C: Centre align cell content.
•Alt + H, H: Choose a fill color.
•Alt + H, D, then C: Delete column.
•Ctrl + Shift + End: Extend the selection of cells to the last cell on the worksheet (Lower- right corner).