@massgop plans to grill hapless failed candidate @RepGeoffDiehl about 2022 "campaign finance irregularities" now being probed by state regulators at its upcoming June 8 meeting.
Party will also try to question other principals in the catastrophic Diehl campaign, which ran up hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid bills which were then apparently improperly charged to @massgop, per statements of new chair Amy Carnevale.
DoorDash Diehl et al. could refuse to answer questions about the six-figure disputed $$$$ expenses, or they could just not show up.
Diehl and his campaign manager, Amanda Orlando, are both on state committee and leaders of the party's Kool-Aid Kult. DoorDash's wife MaryJo Boss is party secretary. Will she show up if DoorDash takes it on the lam?
Committee may also vote June 8 to remove assistant treasurer Anthony "Meat Raffle" Ventresca, shown here with other leaders of the Kool-Aid Kult that destroyed the 2-party system in MA. As the resolutions say, post-Kool-Aid Kult the party is "insolvent."
Tubby Tony signed off on many of the disputed campaign finance documents which are now being scrutinized by both state (OCPF) and federal (FEC) authorities.
Below are @massgop agenda items re: "campaign finance irregularities" DoorDash Diehl & minions in his pathetic campaign are to be questioned about. Below that, the resolution to remove Meat Raffle Ventresca, with highlights.
In light of shocking allegations in Durham report against UMass graduate Charles Dolan '74—he apparently concocted false "pee tape" story in Hillary Clinton's dirty-trick dossier—I have requested an official statement from school.
I'd like to know whether such an insurrectionist/election denier continues to serve on the "advisory board" of the UMass political science department.
Will keep you informed, but don't hold your breath. ZooMass will probably put up a plaque for the hack Dem in the lobby of their W.E.B. DuBois library (named after a Communist).
Kool Aid Kult gets Konfused... promotes fundraiser with "Cong. Jim Jones."
Hunnnh?!?! Jim JONES?
Surely some mistake here? Do the illiterate losers mean "Jim Jones Lyons," the leader of their political suicide cult? He couldn't get elected dogcatcher... as a Democrat or a Republican. (Lyons has run as both -- and lost as both.)
Cong. Jim Jones — if he does show, that will be quite an appearance. He's been dead since 1979.
Here's letter @massgop chair Amy Carnevale just sent to Bruce Mittman, Jim Jones Lyons' ad guy, pointing out that the party is not responsible for at least $262,000 he billed party for spending on hapless guv campaign of @RepGeoffDiehl, who couldn't even manage 35%…
of vote last fall.
According to Amy, Mittman has not responded to inquiries about the $400K+ bills in more than 7 weeks. Mittman is a donor to the shady sheriff of Suffolk County, Steve Tompkins, who has been fined a total of $14,800 (once for nepotism) by the State Ethics..
Commission. Mittman has given his dodgy Democrat crony $1250. Tompkins isn't Mittman's only Democrat pal.
Here are more unprinted letters to the editor of the Globe from Methuen city councilors about firing of paper's last real reporter, Andrea Estes.
Andrea busted the lid off the entrenched corruption at Methuen City Hall, just another reporting coup of hers. But the Globe doesn't want to rock the boat. It's part of the rancid woke establishment.
Question: what other "journalist" at Globe could garner this kind of support (and gratitude) from people they have covered? Who can even name any Globe reporters anymore, let alone care about them?
Andrea Estes, last real reporter at Boston Globe, has been fired after some minor errors in a recent story. She's fired while proven fake-news liars like Kevin Cullen remain on payroll.
Andrea has taken down, among many other corrupt hacks, Sal DiMasi, Mike McLaughlin, Brian "Multiple Choice" Joyce, Ricardo Arroyo and the slimy ex-police chief of Methuen, Joe Solomon.
Methuen City Councilor D.J. Beauregard wrote a letter to the editor in support of Andrea. The powers that be, the publisher, trophy wife Linda P. Henry and the drifter editor Nancy Barnes, are refusing to print this letter so we'll do it for them.
Tonight @massgop will elect a new state committeeman in Sen. Pat O’Connor’s South Shore district, filling a vacant seat.
The pathetic losers in @JimLyonsMA’s political death cult are still scheming to regain control of GOP to finish off MA as a two-party state once and for all.
Meet Kool-Aid Kult’s candidate, Joe Bronske of Weymouth. He lives at home with his mom & this photo sums up what he’d do to @massgop – the same thing his hero Jim Jones Lyons & his clown posse did during their four catastrophic years in control.