First, "the law of God" is much more than what ANY bible says or could say with a trillion words. The law of God makes babies smile, brings the rain in dry seasons, and turns our hearts toward mercy when we survey our friend impaled by hateful nails on the cross
of mankind's self-interest and demand for power over others.
The fundamental "constitutional law of society" is NOT the Constitution of the United States or of any of our several states; it is the law that knows love conquers all,
that peace and prosperity are the principle goals that we could be working together to provide for every living soul on this planet.
God will NOT be bound by any book, dear friend.
When this becomes better known by everyone,
then the dawn of decency begins to dispel the darkness that has too long hidden the heart of Christ and bemused us into thinking God is not real or that God is what WE say God is.
God is what God is ... bibles or no bibles.
My prayer for you and all the world this beautiful Sunday morning is that we might hold hands in fellowship and wonder at the love of our friend who let the priests and judges of his day inveigle Pilate to nail him to that bloody cross so we could see what in-justice is
'The Burden'
The burden of proof lies on him who asserts the fact, not on him who denies it, because from the very nature of things a negative cannot be proof.
This is the law in every court of our land.
It is also a key to winning in a court of law, for decisions courts are called upon to make are always subject to this maxim. The burden of proof is a critical issue in every dispute.
The burden is always on the person who seeks to prove his point.
The other party does not have a burden to disprove his opponent’s point.
It is remarkable how few people are aware of this simple truth, yet every victory in court depends on it.
1) Let me pose a simple question, if I may.
Why do you stop at a stop sign?
Is it because you know what the stop sign implies?
Or is it because you know that if you do not stop, you may encounter some infraction for violating a rule?
Would you stop if no one is present?
2) Imagine our roads and the conditions, if there were no stop signs (traffic code) or if the drivers refused to stop or yield to other drivers.
Would you feel safe with your family on the road?
What are they?
Are they necessary?
Imagine a world with no rules.
3) What would that look like?
Rules are necessary for a society to function in an orderly, secure, and predictable way. They help create boundaries that protect individuals from one another and provide a sense of structure and certainty in people’s lives.
0) Justice informs Good Government, and we are called to inform our children as well as the adult population of this nation under attack by liars and fools.
Justice obeys Rules.
1) know and use to make life safe and secure from legal abuse, rules amazingly easy to teach using the tools that cyber-science provides,
2) Only YOU can prevent tyranny ... but YOU NEED a central organization to provide Justice Education for you and your children.
We are currently assembling our team of leaders and volunteers in many areas.
If you interested in contributing to help build our foundation,we are currently seeking a webmaster,a tax consultant,writers,artists,IT personnel,managers to lead committees,bookkeepers,
secretarial staff,and lawyers.
Please contact us at americanjusticefoundation@protonmail (dot) com
or phone Toll Free: 866-LAW-EASY (866-529-3279)
The simple gesture of sharing our mission with others will help us attain the resources we need to fund the instructional material we need for home,private and public schools.
Please take a moment to share our donation link to help us get started now!
was nominated by President Biden to serve on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Washington. During her confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee,
#Bjelkengren could not answer #Kennedy's questions about what different parts of the U.S. #Constitution do and how courts might interpret laws.
"Tell me what Article V of the Constitution does," Kennedy instructed Bjelkengren at the beginning of his question time.
'God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
forever in the next.'
The #world and every person in it deserves #peace and a reasonable amount of prosperity
It starts with the #Children
We MUST instill #LOVE and the knowledge of the Rules of Law in our children, if future generations are to have any hope of existing.