• Geen werkzame indamstrategie en en monitoring:
• SARS 2-infecties wereldwijd/NL ernstig ondergerapporteerd
• Testen is op dieptepunt
• SARS 2-sterfgevallen worden wereldwijd/NL extreem ondergerapporteerd
• Desondanks doen kabinet Rutte/Kuipers en media alsof de pandemie vrijwel achter de rug is
• Grote uitbraken (China)/hoge transmissie en talrijke wereldwijd circulerende immuunontwijkende varianten (bijv XBB.1.15 snel dominant VS)
We Are #AlleBurgers, representing the Silent Majority (cf Global Citizins).
Be silent untill you can ask questions (Wittgenstein). Now we can, strongly!
We wander around in opaqueness. In awe we see realities emerging, with shocks.
We have to live today by what truth we have today and be ready tomorrow to call it falsehood (James, 2000).
There is no equilibrium and everyone is exposed and fragile.
We trust eachother, address the tensions, and speak truth to power and truth to the people.
We see the higher-order effects in the context and measures. That produces our methods for change and continuous improvement.
[Climate, Finance; same kind of system's dynamics]