In case you've forgotten what MAGA 3x was. Some famous arguably alt right personalities decided to run a volunteer "army"
This army knowingly or unknowingly aided and amplified hostile foreign governments in gaining their objectives with overlap in many areas
(Screenshot 2016)
The mod of another obscure website, early on, published a plan which alleges to show the entire plan by Gisea, Cernovich, Poso, and other "pizzagaters" to run the far right wing campaign known as "Maga3x". An organization that would hold events such as the "deploraball"
The first page of the early missing website for the *airquotes* "movement" boasted of "reward points".
If anyone received any of so called points and would like to tell your story please... the world must know wtf that means
It had an Email that they were happy to field questions from
(I'd like to see the names of the other inboxes)
The second page, (reached by clicking "find out more") boasts a Flash mob meme generator
There are buttons to resources so that you can go outside looking *like that*
The third page, reached by clicking this massive stupid button on the left, is excluded from the normal archive
Or because of "prostitution charges against New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft. A business consulting firm offering foreign companies access to President Donald Trump. "
One person helped found both: Li Yang, better known as Cindy Yang.
This account was created just after Louise Mensch, formerly of Rupert Murdochs newscorp where she worked with Ian miles cheong, was offered pay to play subpoenas to try and dox people
These are who followed it immediately (and prior to it locking up)
In November 2021... just before she had a falling out with the datacollector/hackers and (case-for-use shill professor that listed those hackers on her non-peer reviewed work) she seemed to employ months before.
Stillgray is cheong
Louise frequently crosses over with maga narratives and is known for meddling in American Politics after voting to let Murdoch off the hook being an asset to Brexit ops
There was evidence of venmo transactions and an unprecedented level of witness cooperation by Greenberg
Also they had other problems like possible identity theft and ghost candidate capers. 30+ charges before plea
Grok should remember well how upset Greenberg was on the call with law enforcement when he knew he was in trouble, threatening to harm himself and others, according to the case