On debt ceiling deal, @GovChristie said @RonDeSantis is a critic “because he never had to compromise. He was in the Freedom Caucus in House and just said ‘Hell, yes!’ or ‘Hell, no!’ And as governor he had a GOP legislature that did what he told them to.” #FITN@NHGOP
Asked what he’s learned since the last time he ran, @GovChristie says “motion isn’t progress. Not everything you do is helping make you more electable.”
Says that he needs to do even more town halls. Adds that in 2016 “I played a conventional game, just talked about myself….
“Last time, I made a mistake taking on Trump earlier. I knew what he was saying was baloney. I didn’t think anyone would believe it.” - @GovChristie
“Joe Biden was in politics for 45 years and never beat anyone outside of Delaware. He ran for POTUS three times and never beat anyone —ANYONE!— until he ran against Donald J. Trump.” - @GovChristie at @nhiop
“I don’t understand the press coverage of my campaign: ‘Does he want to just beat Trump, or does he want to be president. Folks, how are these mutually exclusive? Yes! I want to take out Trump. Why? Because he deserves it…and BECAUSE I WANT TO BE PRESIDENT!” - @GovChristie
In a rare sight in @NHGOP politics, @GovChristie just embraced a question on abortion from someone who clearly opposed his pro-life stance. He didn’t stutter or blame others for the GOP’s pro-life politics. He explained why he thought Dobbs was right and why abortion is a… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
“This is the beginning of a hot, proxy war between US and China. China is backing Russia. China is buying Russian oil.” — @GovChristie on why US should back Ukraine. #FITN@NHGOP
And @GovChristie goes after the Trump family “grift” from his days in White House. Says Ivanka and Jared got $2 billion from the Saudis. @nhiop@NHGOP#FITN
One of @GovChristie first 100 days as POTUS would be a federally supported school choice program.
Also says a “conversation” about entitlement reform is necessary, says Social Security goes broke in seven years.
“I feel like our nation is getting smaller. Barack Obama made us smaller by dividing us into smaller groups. Donald Trump made us even smaller by dividing us even more. And now @JoeBiden is doing the same thing.”
— @GovChristie at @nhiop #FITN@NHGOP
An interesting theme for @GovChristie (for obvious reasons): “America is getting small. It’s time to go big.”
On Jack Heath's radio show this AM, @GovChrisSununu repeats his belief that Trump will lose again to @JoeBiden, says he has a "responsibility" to help GOP avoid "a repeat of '16." @NHGOP@thepulseofnh#FITN
"Trump has to do well in Iowa and New Hampshire or the whole thing comes crashing down. If he doesn't do well, it's done."
Says in the GOP POTUS primary "one-on-one, he loses." @NHGOP#NHPolitics#FITN
On @thepulseofnh this AM, @GovChrisSununu recounts how Donald Trump bailed on an endorsement of @ChuckMorseForNH for 2022 US Senate race.
"We was all set to endorse Morse, we talked about it, but at the last second, he chickened out."
Now that @NikkiHaley speech is over at Exeter, NH town hall, she's throwing Exeter town hall to questions. "There's no question I won't answer." First question, from Zach, is on Iran.
Q2: "Please address the Second Amendment."
A: "I'm a concealed carry permit holder myself." -@NikkiHaley
Says there is a gun crime problem, blames prosecutors who won't prosecute gun crimes. Supports tight school security and mental health pros on k-12 campus
"We don't take away guns from good people because bad people have guns." -- @NikkiHaley
Why @NikkiHaley is kicking things off in Exeter, NH —>
“The fact that she’s kicking things off with a town hall, that’s the way it should be in New Hampshire. Getting ‘coffee-breath’ close with the voters.” —@GenDonBolduc on @NikkiHaley @nhgop#fitn